My friend's dog disappeared yesterday afternoon after being let outside to relieve herself. He lives about 1/4 mile off the road and usually she just goes out and comes right back in. We have looked everywhere and are worried sick about her. She is a small Pit Bull with very short hair and she is very friendly. There is no way she could survive this cold weather and we just know she would come home if she could. I think someone must have picked her up. I contacted the Wicomico County Animal Shelter and they haven't seen any dog fitting her description. I am sending you the best shot I have of her but there is another dog in the picture. It is my Choc Lab and she is not missing.
The missing dog's name is Princess. She is a solid tan color with a little bit of white speckled on her chest and she is wearing a purple collar but there is no tag on it. If you can, please ask your readers if they have seen her. Contact David at 410-603-6597 or Susan 443-880-6349. I am so worried for this little dog.
She went missing from the 9300 block of Guy Ward Rd in Parsonsburg.
Dogs should not be let out of a house without being on a leash.
10:56, get a life.
10:56 you should not be allowed to breath this person is missing a member of their family and you make an ignorant @$$ comment like that. and your right dogs should be on leashes what size would you like? on a more serious note i live in parsonsburg joe i will keep an eye out for the pup and contact you or the owners with any information i hear or find myself
Hey Joe, what's your record for reuniting dogs with their families? It seems that it happens quite often. You should keep track of it. You're like the America's Most Wanted for bringing home pets.
10:56, let me guess, you work at the Humane Society.
I was missing my dog about a month ago. At the suggestion of someone who tracks missing pets across the bay, I had a dog amber alert issued from findtoto.com. She had been missing 4 days already. To my surprise, within minutes after it was issued, someone called and said they had seen her. She was scared and would not come to them, but they saw her again that evening and called me again. We were reunited within 6 hrs of the alert. It cost me $125, but it was more than worth it to get my dog back. I live in a rural area and the poeple that called we actually about 2 miles away (as the crow flies). It is worth checking into if you have lost a pet.
Anon 11:41 Chriso 12385 anon 7:43
What have you A&&wipes got against leashes for your pets? It can keep them from running off, getting lost, etc. You make it sound like a horrible thing and no I do not work at humane society AND in case you did not know, there is a leash ordinance in Wicomico County.
there is no need to be hostile to these nice neighbors in their time of need. why not send our good friends a nice gift of some flowers or liquor to help them in this trying time. peace to all.
Well said Fred Rogers.
I love dogs also, but you can't just trust them not to run off. I don't care if they've never left the yard--once they see a rabbit or pick up a scent they like, they can wander off so easily. Before my dog died of old age, I never took her out without a leash because I didn't want her hit by a car. Speed limit on my road is 25mph and the cars fly by and don't care. If I could afford a fenced in yard, I would get another dog.
Fred Rogers, you are an idiot. No one said anything about not liking leashes, but why kick a man when they're down. Sure the dog should have been leashed or contained in a fenced in yard. That isn't rocket science. Why state the obvious?
Thank you all for your comments. I understand the criticism. I myself keep my dogs in a fenced in yard but my friend lives on a large parcel of land (80 acres)and his house is 1/4 mile off the nearest road. He thought his dog always stayed near the house, unfortunately he was wrong and now he is experiencing terrible heartache. I think this is a hard lesson learned.
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