"How Did Bill Ennis Become A Millionaire In Prison."
Let me tell you an unbelievable story of how I lost everything, to being built back up stronger physically and mentally than I ever have been in my life.
My story starts in July, 1997. Three weeks before I got locked up, I was feeling a little down and without energy. I decided to use for the first time my HMO health insurance through my job at the time (Montgomery Wards). I went to see the doctor, and the doctor said, "they have this new prescription drug on the market, take it and you will feel like a new man." I filled the prescription on my insurance card. The pill gave me energy. After taking it daily for 2 weeks, I committed a murder and also tried to commit suicide.
When they took my blood at the hospital, the only thing they found was this prescription drug. I told my attorney for my criminal trial, "I think this drug made me do this terrible thing!" He said, "this drug is new to the market and there is nothing to prove this drug was the cause that made you do this murder/attempted suicide." Anyone who knows me knows that I was never a violent person and that this was totally out of character for me. I took a plea bargain so I didn't have to spend the rest of my life in prison.
In 2000, I'm sitting in my cell watching television and I see this commercial that says, "Have you been hurt by this Prescription Drug?" I wrote the number down and called my mom. In 2004, after 4 years of fighting instead of going to court and maybe getting nothing, I took an out of court settlement of $400,000. This is not much, considering some people that took this drug and their families got millions. After my television attorneys took their cut, it only left me with $260,000. These are the only details that I can give because of the terms of my settlement.
At the time I thought if I just put this money in the bank, at least there would be enough to buy myself a house when released from prison. A release date was still quite a few years away. I have no bills in prison and no debts outside of prison. A civil suit by my victim's family was out of the question because of a three-year statue of limitation. This money was burning a hole in pocket. I said to myself, "why not invest half of it into some kind of business, stock, real estate, or something?"
I put half ($130,000) into a sure thing; the bank (Certificate of Deposit). I then proceeded to contact a financial advisor, right out of the phone book (Yellow Pages). This was someone who I would trust to invest the other half ($130,000) because my knowledge was limited in the investment world.
Through my mom who was handling phone calls, I was told to put my money into a stock that was getting ready to go public (Google). Of course, everybody had heard of Google. It was suppose to be short term. I got in at $89/share, and it would go up to $110/share.
I bought 1460 shares. Get in get out, right? Wrong? I didn't get out. It got all the way up to $693/share. I sold the stock at $552/share in 2007. What a ride watching it everyday. Now I am one of Maryland's newest millionaires. I found out that it is easy to make money, especially when you have money. But the best thing is, I don't have any bills or expenses (mortgage, car payment, insurance, food, utilities, etc.) in prison. The question now is, how much money will I make before I get released from prison?
The hard thing is seeing a house or car on television and knowing that I can buy it. Some days my mind just spins thinking how I want to spend the money. Drop me a few lines if you would like to hear what my plans are with my newfound wealth and what I am currently working on and also my future plans. I would like to hear from you and some of the things that are going on out there.
What Bill doesn't tell you is how he shot his 19 year old girlfriend and then turned her over and shot her again three more times. He got 40 years and wasn't supposed to be up for parole for 20 years, yet after only 11 years he has been in front of the Parole Board already but because he showed no sign of remorse they denied him. Can you believe this murderer has a Website from Jail?
I remember him and his girlfriend.She was breaking up with him and he wouldn't leave her alone. He like stalked her.He followed her that day when she went on her lunch break, that is when he killed her.He was always obsessed with "having it all" back when they were together. He seemed to obsess over material things...very cocky.So when he couldn't have her any longer, he couldn't handle it. He always had to have what he wanted, and if he couldn't nobody could. Sick bastard.
Can he be sued for violating her civil rights? Reese your the law expert whats up, is there a way to get this guy? I have a feeling he will regret ever writing this.
He will lose it all, just watch. He was lucky with Google, wonder what stock he has now. Besides, there is "a God", he will get his. Maybe he will be part of the "stimulas package"
Murder is wrong and all, but this story is just plain awesome. The fact that someone can do that proves how amazing a country America is.
This guy was a dirt bag from the start.We all tried telling Shanna that, but she thought with her heart. He KILLED my friend in cold blood. When you shoot someone multiple times and then shoot them between the eyes to make sure they are dead, thats cold blooded. I only wish this creep had not chickened out when he pulled the trigger on himself and only shot his jaw. He is a waste of taxpayers dollars and the air we breathe ,he could care less what he did to a wonderful person. RIP Shanna, we all love and miss you.
Go to he** Bill...
Classmate/Friend MMHS 95'
It doesn't surprise me that he would make a bunch of money in prison, he was always looking for a quick get rich scheme...looks like he was even able to find one if jail. The money should be turned over to her parents, they are the one's who suffered because of Bill's actions. IF and that is a BIG if..that drug had any part in "making him murder" her parents should be the ones to get the money, not his sorry pathetic a$$
That is precisely what is wrong with prison today. It's a vacation for this fool. They need to take away all the conveniences (i.e. tv's, computers, books,) and send them out to plow up land, by hand, grow their own vegetables and fruits, milk the cows if they want milk, etc.
to anyone who ever had the misfortune of being almost accosted by Ennis when he was working at Montgomery Ward - you know how nutty he was. His job was to stand at the entrance to Mont. Ward and "solicite credit card accounts". He was obnoxious, demanding, confrontational, and - if you refused - nasty in his responses. He had many complaints made against him while he was there. I personally told him I was going to kick his a** if he ever approached me again. What a loser geeky piece of human excretement. He is nothing but a psycho and should be kept in jail to protect the rest of us. Anyone who knew Ennis knows I am telling the truth.
anyone in reach of this nutbag should be VERY afraid... he believes he is the count of monte cristo, and you all should be VERY afraid. read up about the count of monte cristo, read up about bill on his site... www.montcrist.com and then put two and two together... you will start to shiver in your timbers. he believes he was wronged, and will exact revenge on those that wronged him...
then ask the 100's of people who received letters from him asking if they wanted his advice from jail on how to make millions.
CRAZY. he is a nutjob and always was. he is delusional, evil, calculating and no part of that had anything to do with the medicine he was on, it had all to do with his upbringing, and other issues inside his little freaky head.
he also had a hand in and didnt give two sh!ts about his buddy dying on a motorcycle behind him one day on college avenue... yeah... the dude is crazy. CRAZY!
There are no words for this story... the creepy guy from Montgomery Wards sits in prison after he lost his temper and all his morals in '97. He becomes a millionaire and creates a website advertising his financial status, yet our tax dollars continue to provide him with three hots and a cot. A bullet would have been cheaper.
He should go out the same way she did.
Why on earth did he get a plea deal to begin with? This was handled by Davis I take it. Why the plea when they had him cold?
even more of a boneheaded move... the moron tried to kill himself (what kinda loser doesnt pull that off successfully) and shot out his side of his face/mouth.
oh if there is any bit of good karma in this world, it will come and swoop him up and hang him by his little balls.
does ANYONE know if we can petition to keep him in longer???
Anon 9:55,
I agree 100%
This really sent my blood pressure up today. I've known him and his mother since he was about 9. He put his mother thru he[[ many times. I also knew Shanna and her family. My son was a good friend of her brother. When my son dated Shanna for a short time, his truck and motocycle were vandalized several times. We knew he did it but could not prove it, even though he would call my son and make threats or leave notes on the vehicles. When Shanna went back with Bill the trouble stopped. He does not deserve this "patting myself on my back - see what I've done" notariaty. I hope her parents can sue and I hope he never gets out of jail.
Yeah this stuff makes me mad. I am her brother and I think he should have gotten the death penalty. Jill (can't remember last name) had the case. They took plea because he had seen a shrink earlier in his life. We just had his parole hearing in Jan. He still had no remorse. Then tried to appeal it and got rejected. Which I am happy about
Actually it was Liz Ireland now that I remember, she handled the case.
I am so sorry for your loss! I hope everyone realized the purpose behind exposing this a_ _hole. Far too often stories about these pinheads drift away but this one really got under my skin. I needed to be known and perhaps now the rest of the MSM will follow and expose this with the hopes that the STATE will award ANY money they make in Jail to be rewarded to the victims family to do whatever they so choose.
Trust me, Senator Andy Harris is seeing this Post and I'm confident he will do what he can to bring this to light and express it with all of the other Senators. Who knows, maybe the laws will change in the future.
Liz Ireland, now theres another name I know. She did suck as a assisted states attorney, Davis had the ultimate call, did he not?
billy... when is his scheduled release date barring any parole releases?? just wondering. and man, i cannot express how sorry i am for you to have this now come back into public spotlight, i know its hard to deal with anyway, but to have it come back up like this has to hurt even more.
I went to school with Shanna. A sweeter, kinder, Gentler person you would never want to know. I was shocked that she could get involved with a man who could hurt her in any way. she deserved much better. I, along with many, of my classmates had put this pain out of mind and moved on... but we've never forgotten our lost friend. We had a mini reunion recently and her name came up a few times, I'm sure. then I see this post about this creep's web site. headers such as "prison keeping bill young", "bill having his cake and eating it too". He has no remorse. he looks at being in prison as a great thing. he brags about no rent, utilities, etc. It makes me wonder if and when he ever gets out and suffers a financial setback- will he murder again so go back into the financial situation he seems to find so comfortable?
Bryan Fykes
Classmate/Friend MMHS 95'
And Joe, you do realize that this murder occurred less than 3 miles from where you currently live?
I was the investigator who worked this case, (my first Homicide). I still think about it today. Shanna Webb was a beautiful young women, who had the world in front of her. Bill stole that from her, and continues to victimize her family to this day. Bill was, and continues to be a POS. The victim's family continues to grieve and suffer, 12 years after the fact. Shanna's mother will never truly be over this. Bill never showed any remorse, and this shows he never will. He's a true narcissist who's God is money and power. Even when he gets out of prison, I'm sure "justice" will eventually be served.
I went to school with Shanna too. I knew her, and most of her family. I couldn't believe my ears when they told me what had happened in Hebron. Now, I understand that prison must be a terrible hole to live in. And I understand due to the way the justice system is, he has already been up for parole. But I agree with him. Let him out. I'm sure I can find a more appropriate hole to put him in. And there is not one person that reads this that knows where the money SHOULD go.
MHS Class of 1996.
Why does he have access to the interenet, he is in prison right. Does everyone in the FREE world have interent? This country sucks when it comes to prisioners having all these "rights"
I am not sure when his release date will be. My parents keep better track of those dates than I do.
Wow, what a piece of work(i am restraining myself). I noticed in the very beginning of his "article" he makes it sound like a "feel good" story, even when he mentions his incarceration, it's sounds so innocuous, ..."before I got locked up.." as if this was due to happenstance, as if he hadnt murdered a human being and ruined several lives. This is outrageous and unbelievable. He seems to be a little disappointed in his settlement also, he notes that others got more. Did the family of his victim receive any of this money for counselling or charity, I am sure not. It is a shame that the law that bars crimials from making money from their crimes can't be applied here, albeit indirectly, he has abused that rule and is counting the ways, literally he can spend his time and cash when he is released. I hope that never happens but he made a million dollars in prison so I shouldn't be shocked about anything.
I didnt know convicted felons could trade stocks.
How about paying for all of the expenses the state has incurred for keeping him in prison?
That should be a nice tidy sum after 40 years.
11:08 - what a douche bag you are. Ms. Ireland is STILL an assistant state's attorney and has sentenced more perverts and sex offenders to prison than an ignorant person like you can count. She has done more than her fair share in keeping this county safe from criminals. What have you done to help make Wicomico County a better place lately? Hummmm? I didn't think so. Jerk.
Is there any way to know what drug he was taking and whether or not this allegation of investing in Google is real???
Concerned friend of the Webb family.
12:17, Your opinion, Your entitled to it, so am I. I would say that I have successfully got numerous friends off the hard dope, I have played designated driver to many times to count, I have managed to talk two friend into saving their marriages and supporting their children. I have raised my family and extended family to the best of my abilities, I have built a business and tryed to give people the best I could and I have lead several people into the Mirror of Life. Just little things but I think they count. I will give you this, what I said earlier is most likely left over hostility on my part from days gone by. Thanks for calling me on it, I apologize to Mrs Ireland. Sometimes I put my foot in my mouth and this seems to be one of those times. Sorry.
Why would this man feel any remorse? He sounds like a sociopath--they are incapable of any feelings or a sense of right and wrong. Send him to the governor's mansion (Pansy O'Malley) and have him work as his butler. That might help ole Martin change his mind about repealing the death penalty!
he is a sociopath, 100% has been since he was a child. never have i ever wished death upon anyone, but i swear, this is the one person in this world who truly deserves it. he will NEVER be a productive part of society, and just like jermaine wright, he will do things again that will make us all say, WTF!?!?!?!?!
please anyone who is reading this or can read this, please do us all a favor and bar him from EVER getting out.
also, joe, please put this post up at the top of this blog EVERY day until someone in annapolis does something about his sentence, the people of this area do not need him back on the streets EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!!
im truly afraid for someone who will bear the brunt of his wrath when he does it again.
because he will not doubt, do it again.
oh, and i believe it was either Paxil or Prozac that did him in.
SPOILED RICH KID -- WAS THEN. IS NOW. Rumor on the street is that prison is actually saving his life right now. There's noise of plans for him when he does get released. He probably won't ever get to spend the money anyway.
May peace fall upon Shanna's family. I know this has got to be the most terrible kind of slap in the face from Bill Ennis. Our continued thoughts and prayers are for them, the real victims, the ones left behind to deal with the loss of a child/sibling.
Another classmate -- MHS '95
12:34 perhaps it was I who over-reacted and I also apologize for an emotionally-enduced comment. I shouldn't have used those words to get my point across.
None of us are perfect, Im still trying to perfect the thinking before you speak aspect of life. I got a ways to go on that, but Im working on it. Once again to Mrs Ireland, I am sorry for what I said about you on this blogg. I was wrong.
his parents had SOME money. he was definitely not spoiled, he worked for his money... i know that for a fact. his life was actually dark, cold and lonely... ride by his parents house, see how many window curtains are up. EVER. they arent. they are/were always closed. again, dark, cold and lonely. hopefully just like the dungeon in hell he will reside in.
instead of being sentenced his punishiment should have been what he did in his crime.. but instead us ta payers pay to feed and take care of him and he gets rich. hard to say anything but...WHAT THE HELL?
joe, please keep this post going, there has to be something we can do to make this fncker stay in jail forever...
Bill was a creep always bragging about how much money he made at Montgomery Wards hawking credit car applications. I remember his Honda Prelude and Acura Integra he bragged about them and his motorcycle. I hope he is getting violated in prison. What a waste of skin.
I sat and guarded his room him to keep him safe after his failed attempt at suicide when he murdered the young lady. I was assigned to that duty. He didn't try to kill himself, he had the wherewithall to know what he had to do to try to keep himself out of jail. It didn't work. The bullet went through his bottom jaw at an angle forward and came out forward near his cheek. He is a cold, calculating individual. He knew exactly what he was doing. I told him as he laid there in that hospital bed that the next time he tries to shoot himself in the face he needs to tilt that gun WAY back and take out that brain stem.
I know this can't be easy for you. I mean reading about something you wish would just go away and end, something that just brings up issues that you have worked so hard to deal with can't be easy. I think this kind of activity is exactly what is needed to keep that POS where he belongs. While I agree with many that somebody should just put a bullet in him, we all know that is not going to happen. We also know that the judicial system has it's own agenda and is not always there to help when needed. In addition, we all know Bill Ennis WILL come back up for parole. With this, I think it is admirable that Joe is willing to reach out to his contacts in order to keep Ennis in jail and make a difference. I think this is something that the entire RATIONAL community can rally around, and that can make a difference as well. It won't be easy, but ask yourself this... what would be worse, Bill Ennis being freed from prison or a community rallying around a just cause in order to see that justice is served to it's fullest extent? His next parole hearing is probably going to be more difficult than the first simply because there is a better chance of him getting approved. However, would it make it easier going into that parole hearing knowing that a thousand people wrote to the parole board on your family's behalf? Would it be a little easier going in there with the confidence of knowing that when you leave he will be on his way back to his cell? I honestly believe that if no noise is made, if nothing further is done, Bill Ennis WILL get what he wants adn will be released. His family is one of the older family's on Delmarva and they have enough money to dodge the judicial system to an extent. They have the clout, but we could have the numbers, and if the numbers yel loud enough, he will serve the full 40 years.
One question for any lawyers...
One of the primary reasons that Bill Ennis was denied parole was his website. With this in mind, can public opinion forums such as this have the opposite effect and give him a crutch to stand on at his next parole hearing. I guess what I'm asking is are we helping or hindering?
I am sure other inmates are reading this post and may have
their own ideas for Ennis. Get
the word out!
E-mail this guy & jam up his e-mail account letting him know how you feel. You can do it anonymously at www.sendanonymousemail.net. That way that scum bag can't trace it back to you.
I honestly hope the victim's family hires someone to pay him in kind when or if he ever gets out of prison.
This is what's so wrong with our country. These people go on vacation (prison) and get to become venture capitalists in the process, while our tax dollars pay for their waste of space selves. Screw human rights for these people. If they MUST remain alive, they should be doing something constructive for the rest of society. If we are going to pay them they should be working on something at least. Our whole country is going to Socialist hell if we do not put a stop to such wasteful spending.
I don't believe this story. I assume the guy is a compulsive liar. You would have to believe:
1. That a drug company would give a 400K settlement to an incarcerated felon - very unlikely;
2. That the anonymous financial advisor told him to put all of his stock investment in a single, risky (it was risky at the time even though picking out the winners is easy in hindsight) stock - very unlikely;
3. That he timed both the buy and sale of his shares at the perfect time - also very unlikely.
Usually when someone brags of this sort of perfect investment calls, it is complete BS.
anonymous 4:13, what qualifies an "anonymous" commenter to believe we should be convinced you know more than anyone else. Have you looked it up. It is for real.
Everyone should know this. This young lady responded to the Sheriff's office and met with a certain Sergeant who is now a Captain. She reported to him that this anus was stalking her. To his credit he did all he could do under the law and assisted her in getting a protective order. This didn't help her one bit. That boy shot that young lady while she was under the protection of a protective order. It just goes to show that as hard as they try, law enforcement can't be everywhere all the time. A prime example of why this bill 470 which is before the Senate Judiciary Committee should be approved and moved out onto the floor post haste. Let's get this passed so that innocent people won't continue to become victims.
what a waste of tax payer money--next time i hope he gets his suicide right--coward.
I was there at start. the middle and the end of this investigation. I am sure this dude is someones girlfriend in jail. He is no alpha dog. This guy was obsessed with money from day one. It was apparent early in the investgation. The piece of dung was running insurance scams and a whole multitude of slimey hussles.
He was such a wuss in the hospital I know he has gotten just what he deserves in jail.
As for the idiot that blasted Liz Irleand. The forty year deal was guaranteed. With the liberal jury pools and the CSI syndrome. It was a done deal. The fear of this piece of crap walking was a reallity. A plea menas you have a solid case or the defense will fight the case.
While on that note if you make it on a jury keep in mind those programs are just total B/S. It is not real. Crime Scene Techs dont make the arrest. They dont wear open collar shirts and eight pounds of make up. They never apply for arrest warrants. Enough said about that.
The murder was one of those that you do not forget. Like all murders it was just so senseless.
I dont know what civil remedies are out there, but i hope someone burns him. This should get the victims family involved. All this little weasel wanted in life was to be rich. Spend it wisely at the jail you are currently in. I bet you pay for protection daily and that makes my heart smile.
Next time put the gun in your mouth and do it right. Who knows maybe there is some justice in this world and you wont make it out alive. One can only wish.
I wonedr if any of this is true. I cant help but think the pharacutical company had good attorneys they did some digging this guy was a oser from way before he got caught up in this crime. I am not sure when he started taking whatever drug he is to have taken to make him such a coward, but maybe just maybe an inmate he is housed with will read this story and use the same civil defense when they end this losers run of apparent luck.
To the Webbs God Bless and be strong.
one can only hope that bubba has made his stay in the big house a most unpleasant period in his life,if my choices are being rich in prison or poor on the outside but free...living under a bridge would still be my choice.
if there were real justice in this country, the only thing this p.o.s.is good for, would be pushing up some pretty daffadils every spring
Bill Webb, I only hope after you read this you know who I am. I havent seen you in quite some time, but when I heard what had happened, my heart sank. Ennis should not see daylight outside of bars ever again. For all of the pain and suffering that that piece of shit has caused you and your folks, he should rot in jail. I have thought of Shanna from time to time and wonder how your family gets along. His day will come, His day will come. I can only say that while on the dirt road with M, M, S,you and I, we shared some of the best times. Don't forget the best times you shared with Shanna. I will see you again.RIP Shanna.
I'm Shanna's cousin. We hung out alot and were very close. Bill had threatened her many times and one night when I tried to intervene he treatened me as well. He is unstable and always will be. Bill planned her murder, he even rented a car outside of salisbury so he couldn't be recognized. This had nothing to do with medication. Bill wanted it "ALL" including Shanna. Shanna was liked by everyone-she was an angel. Bill will get what he deserves in the end. WE LOVE & MISS YOU SHANNA!
Complete fiction - Google never traded at $89/share. It IPO'd at $95 and never went below that. You can look it at yahoo finance under historical prices.
Gun to head, leave the money to the victims family. Then open the cell door and the outside gates and then shoot him for escape.
I worked with him at Wards and he was disliked by MANY of the employees that worked there. He was VERY money hungry and very cocky! I hope that he gets what he deserves in the end.
The willfull taking of innocent life requires the death penalty. I am sure some of you are tired of hearing me say this, but this story brings it all home. I remember that day, and I remember other women taken by their sick, desperate men. As I father of a young girl, knowing what I do about those cowardly men, I will do whatever I must to protct my child BEFORE there is a threat. My wife, daughter, son know, and the young men who date my daughter know I will kill first to save my loved ones. Any father would.
12:17, come on be real, everyoen in the system knows that Liz Ireland waits until the last minute to do anything and is usually unprepared for trial. She can do a good job, but normally vcould do much better. If you know her or have worked around her, you know that is the truth...ask any lawyer in town.
But this should about ways that this cold killer should lose his money, while the state was paying for his housing, meals, cable, health care, internet, he should not be entitled to to make money..period...unless it goes back to the state. If elected officials are really monitoring, please change the sytem before it is too late for us all. Prison should be hard, harder than real life, a place that will make you think working at McDonald's is a vacation. Please
Nice try, you may want to check your years, this happened before CSI even came out. So no CSI syndrome, which does exist now, but not then.
I believe Google IPO'd at $85.
Dont you love how murderers always shift the blame for their actions-"I was drunk,I was insane,I was on pills,etc,etc".BS! Lets keep this post "hot" and contact the parole board and let them know we do not want this trash released!
If the victims family cannot seek civil damages,I would hope the state would attempt to collect something considering we are in a recession and it is costing taxpayers a fortune to feed and house this feeb-not to mention provide him with internet service!
No wonder prisons are overcrowded.This Ennis dude is the poster child for the death penalty if anyone or anything ever was!
here here joe, keep this up, keep the support going, lets get this fncker fried!
This is appauling that someone of his back ground can publicize his crime as if it were a movie. We as tax payers need to shut his websites down and not make him feel like a superstar. All of his money needs to be taken away to pay the bills that we have covered for all these years. It burns my skin to to see that americans are worring about where their next meal is comming from and peices of shit like him are sitting in jail on a million bucks.
Did you notice he has made no attempt to appeal his conviction. I mean if a drug made me kill someone and the company came out with that info I would do 2 things. 1) Sue the drug maker, 2) Use said money from drug settlement, hire great lawyers and appeal my conviction, because no money is worth being innocent in jail.
Bill Ennis has done nothing about getting out of jail and I believe I know why, and it involves The Son of Sam law. She convicted criminals can't profit from their own crimes. Let's see he sues drug maker of drug that caused him to murder and wins a settlement (profit). Then he doesn't appeal his sentence. He has evidence that raises enough doubt he was sane while committing murder. No Ennis sits in jail. See if he appeals his sentence based on the drug causing him to do it, he might be forced to forfeit his lawsuit winning. Instead this punk is gonna wait out the justice system and keep his cash. I believe he knows this does the term "Bill eating his cake" come to mind. Hopefully this waste of daddy's sperm has been affected by the recent stock market and lost it all.
To 10:50p - you must be a defense attorney she has whooped or a defendant.
Before you criticize ASA Ireland's approach to her cases you might want to be aware that her conviction rate on child abuse cases is four times the national average. She must be doing something right!
She always puts victims first and I bet you didn't know that she fought Ennis's request for a sentence modification and his release on parole - both were denied. Check the Court file for details. She goes much farther than most to do justice and tries one hell of a case.
This is not really about Liz, she could only do what our criminal justice system would allow her to do.
As much as I would like to see him really pay for my cousins death, we should focus on the memories we have of her and not giving Bill what he wants ATTENTION! We are the fuel feeding his fire, he's getting everything he wants as usual, money and fame.
He brags about the money the family can't get, but what he doesn't realize is that our family is not about money we are about family.
He may be high on the hog right now but I believe with all my heart that what comes around goes around and he will get his.
Please don't get me wrong, you all have the right to speak your mind, this is just how I feel. I'm sure that my uncle and the rest of our family appriecate the support that everyone has shown.
I can not believe a justice system continues to allow socialpaths access to violate victim's families. I grew up with both Shanna and her brother Billy. Two of the nicest kids I have ever known. We go back to elementary school. It breaks my heart many yrs later hear of Shanna's horrific murder. My heart breaks most for Billy. My brother Matthew was murdered in 2001. Something will always be missing in my life with out him. The only closure I have is that my brother's murderer was given 3 consecutive life sentence without the possibility of parole. Basically until he dies he will never effect another family the way he effected ours cause he will remain locked up till he exits south. So sad for the Webbs to live with the constant thought of this piece of garbage not having remorse and that he potentially can do this again if paroled. It is so plain to see the pattern of behavior still exist. Honestly something must be done to cut access for CONVICTED socialpaths to terrorize there victims families via internet, letters ect.. someone should be on this in our state and local government and you should be ashamed if your not! It is a sad day when freedom of speech is given to muderers to torment victims and their families. For the Webb family there will never be the right words to mke this right but know there are many who remember Shanna and pray for your family. Billy Webb god bless you friend! When all fails I tell myself God don't like ugly and in time this pile of garbage will be delt with and delt with well.
-Mary-Margaret (Kenny) Marshall
San Diego CA
i am shannas cousin and at the time her murder happened i was locked up on a 9 year sentence.imagine getting called in from the yard and bieng told to go to the the chapel they need to see you and for them to tell me my 19 year old cousin had been murdered.we were very close,if i could've got my hands on him they wouldn't have spent money on a trial.i went to school with bill from 6 grade on and he was always a little punk.keep blogging going for shanna and she will always stay in our hearts.
Joe, Thank you for posting this, I hope that all the wonderful connections that you have will help Shanna and her family, It is hard to believe that you can kill someone and make the kind of money he has, This story is very hard to think about again, I just ask everyone to pray for Shanna's family and friends
Bill was violent long before 1997or because of a drug. I witnessed him choking another female in a rage.
any idea when his next parole hearing is? Maybe it's getting close to time to report this
I am this girls mother, he will not get another hearing, i contacted the manufactor of this precription and they have denied that he got a settlement
I was thinking of her tonight and came across this site
if any doubt i am her mother
I would like to have the person that put this up to leave me an email
kathie used to be webb
I am shanna's mother and just happened to come across this post. Bill ennis will not go up for parole again he will stay until his sentence has been finished, if i remember correctly he will not get out until 2029.
Liz ireland did a remarkable job, we are the ones that asked her to do the plea deal, the reason was if it went to a jury they cold decide because he was young and had mental issues he could go to a state mental hospital and walk in three years, with no conviction, we didnt want to take that chance.
as far as him getting a settlement it is all crap, just him being his self centered person. I call the maunfactor of that drug they got back with me and said there was no such claim or settlement.
To the officer that answered on here, if u are who i think u are, u are right i have never been myself since this happened and you and i have talked several times.
he was told at the parole hearing he is still all about him and no remorse what so ever, like always he had that cocky attitude just knowing he would be granted, and watching his bubble being busted was great, he was almost in tears
I am William Ennis' uncle. I know his family history. If you look at his grandmother and his father, you will see a history of mental problems in that family. His grandmother had a terrible anger problem during her life. His father, my cousin, came back from Vietnam a completely changed man. I am not defending what he did, but there are always causes for such behavior. Look deeper and you will find it.
Also, I remember his mother was under the care of a doctor for depression. So, his family had a history of problems long before he came along.
To William Ennis' uncle. How dare you speak about my grandmother that way! Did you know her???? I did, and she was a wonderful grandmother! So you can just leave her out of it!!!!
Shanna is my cousin. I am named after her, though I never met her. I still cry when I read this article. That sick man took her away from us, I never want him released from jail. I wish I could have met Shanna, I have been told I look like her, and act like her.
sorry you look nothing like my daughter, it is nice gary wanted u to name u after her, but there is no resembles, u are adorable but sorry u no way look like her, some of the picture i have seen and the things u do, yes she would do that
Incredible quest there. What occurred after? Good luck!
She does very much look like your late daughter. They are both very beautiful young women and I see the resemblance clearly. Again very sorry for your loss
I knew this pissant punk from Wards. Loud mouth, obnoxious constantly yelling free free free! He even pimped his mother and grandmother out at flea markets to get credit apps for a whopping 2 bucks each.
Not long before he murdered this girl he darted across the road on his bike, his friend unfortunately followed suit and got wasted.
I heard while at Wicomico detention center he was passed around by the Mexicans. For his efforts hopefully he made a ton in nickles.
BFD his father went to Nam, so did I and 2 million other guys and we never raised murderers.
As far as I know he's still at Western Correctional Institute, hopefully he'll never leave and he dies of loneliness.
Billy Ennis has always been a sadistic little prick. Years ago I remember when he rented the movie "I spit on your grave" from the country store near his house, and he would jerk off to the rape scene and replay it over and over.
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