From: Richard Culver, Media Relations Director
Cleanup efforts on an estimated 3,000 gallons of diesel oil which leaked from a
fuel line at Henson Science Hall will continue tonight and through the weekend.
According to a representative from Miller Environmental Group, the private
contractor hired for the cleanup, an estimated 2,200-2,300 gallons have been
retrieved so far.
A major portion of diesel oil was trapped on campus in a large sediment holding
tank and in storm water drainage pipes leading into the tank. According to
Miller representatives, it now appears an estimated 300-400 gallons of diesel
fuel actually dispersed into Tony Tank Pond where the storm water outflow is
At a Friday afternoon meeting, Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE)
representatives praised the University's response effort for its speed and
thoroughness. The U.S. Coast Guard, which was on the scene Thursday, has also
complimented the University for its work and cooperation..
Cleanup and recovery began late Wednesday in a partnership with the Coast Guard
and SU, MDE, the Salisbury Fire Department, Wicomico County Emergency Management
and Miller Environmental Group.
MDE and Health Department officials said drinking water and wells in the Tony
Tank neighborhood were not threatened.
That's one of the best bass ponds on the east coast.
I hope it stays that way.
It took a good hit, but thank God for the holding tank and the alerted response that minimized the damage. It's good to know that in place procedures worked so well here.
Ref: 8:12 Posting
I'm so local that I even know who caught the largest big mouth bass in that creek. It was the largest bass ever reported and verified.
Do you know who caught it?
I'll tell you . . . it was Joe Dashield.
Id hate to see the bill SU recieves from this.
That is one of the best bass ponds?
I actually believe that the other side (not effected) is a pond and non-tidal while the effected side is tidal.
The effected side was alway so dirty. Trash all on the shoreline. Yuck
The Tony Tank system has produced bass of gigantic proportions.
I wouldn't be surprised to one day find the Maryland State record was caught there.
I personally pulled out an 8 lb. 22 1/4 inch behemoth three years ago.
You really expect anyone to believe that the setiment tank holds 2000 gallons? How can fuel just sit in a pipe that is slopped for gravity drainage? Sugar coat that fuel if you want, liar,liar pants on fire.
hey all you bass-holes.. the best pond is morris mill pond. try it youll see
Read it again 8:38. The setiment tank and the pipe leading to the setiment tank held the fuel oil. Do not know the requirments of Maryland, but most require an area around the storage to retain just such an occurrence. It did just what it was built for.
You all forget that years ago when Green Giant was in operation. The lake was a sewage run off from the plant. So who knows what is living in the mud there.
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