My recent posting, re: Memories of Salisbury was not meant to stir up bad memories and I apologize to anyone if I, did in fact, cause some mental grief. Just seems a shame that what ever the topic of conversation, the subject of race, racial indiscretion, etc seems to surface. Having numerous friends in Salisbury who are of "African American" heritage ( I place that in quotes because that term is so ambiguous by nature. They are Americans as I am an American, not a German American. All people of color did not come from Africa and the vast majority never have and never will set foot in Africa. At least I have been to Germany lol) and I feel confident that these friends also have their memories from the Blue Moon, the Rex Theatre, etc where I was not necessarily welcome. With my good friend, Freddie Mitchell, I frequented the Blue Moon and was the target of racial remarks also.
As Americans who are going thru a great deal of turmoil at this time, with job losses, dreams of retirement being shattered by today's economy, monies lost, etc. it is time that we discontinue looking at color and pulling together to make a better America.
Again, I apologize to anyone that my post offended. Apparently there is going to be some new blood running the great city of Salisbury, so I hope that there will be a unification of thoughts and deeds to try to create new Memories Of Salisbury for our children and grandchildren.
Jack K Richards
There will be "new blood" only if Comegys does not become the nezt mayor -
Gary = Barrie = scary
Amen, Jack!
Didn't hurt my feelings Jack! Thanks for the memories. Always going to be some butthead trying to pee in the Wheaties. Take care and stay in touch here. If I moved away I know I would still be frequenting this blog.
I am an American, and I am not from Salisbury, but live here now and have been here on the shore 20 years.
I thought it was a wonderful piece.
Mr. Richards,
You should not apologize for your comments; people need to be educated. If you were a born citizen of the United States, you are an American, if you were born in another country, but later naturalized in the USA, you are an American. I was born abroad and later naturalized to this great nation and today, I identify myself as an American. If some people got offended with your words yesterday, that's too bad. Please enjoy life in Florida.
It's a shame when someone who was remembering the good times of a Salisbury of ole has to then apologize for doing so. I enjoy hearing of a town that my parents and grandparents refer to as a small town where you didn't even lock your doors. When neighbors were friends and it was a good place to live....
Great followup Mr. Richards. There were alot of good times. I think it's just hard for those 25% of the population of Salisbury that was black at the time. Salisbury is better for having gotten through it. It's ashame that poverty/crime still persist, maybe in another 35 years things will be even better. (especially if we get a new mayor)
dont apologize...thats just the way it was...people need to get over it and move on into the current world instead of harboring ill feelings from the past..they were wrongs that have been righted because they were wrongs...i sense a bit of reverse racism that continues to smolder in the comments
ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Bad memories, they were GREAT memories. I remember all of that and you are right that is the Salisbury I fell in Love with and miss. I to have moved away because of high housing and CRIME every where. I have worked at the SPD and WCSD. I was a volunteer at SFD and I have never seen so much chaos.
What a shame, I have family that live in Salisbury and that is the only reason I read or keep up with whats going on there.
Tilghman ruined that city, and Comegy's will do more of the same.
It is an absolute crime that our politicians only become politicians to help themselves or friends become rich off of other peoples money and circumstances. Mayor Martin lived in a modest house and never seemed to worry about becoming rich. Only about the City and how to make it better.
The schools are war zones, the streets are scary. Go to the mall at your own risk. Wow, what a shame.
Mr. Richards. You need to issue NO apology. I think my suspicions were confirmed yesterday that the person trying to create the racial friction was in fact WHITE themself-other commenters challenged their "facts" as well. Weren't you, troublemaker??
Mr. Jack,
I don't think that an apology needed to be made, however, you were man enough to make one and I respect you for that. Your memories made my day this morning when I read them. I have such fond memories of Salisbury. You did forget one place though...Dairy Queen where Taco Bell is now! We went to Dairy Queen every Saturday Night. Here's one more...remember "The Hut"?! They had the best pizza and subs! Thanks again for stirring up the old memories!
I very much enjoyed your post. But the "good old days" are always a problem because they were not good for everyone. Some people suffered under a system that does not exist today. If you were a white man it was the best possible world. Just not real.
My wife just said I wonder if they remember Oaks Drive-In?
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