The Delaware State Police have arrested four persons in relation to the threatening text messages that generated significant police presence in local schools in the Seaford and Woodbridge School Districts. Moreover, DSP learned the incident was conspired amongst three persons after they learned of the Wal-Mart urban myth that circulated the area on Wednesday afternoon. This message was done with an attempt to create a similar reaction within the community - with the ultimate goal to alarm people a shooting was going to occur in the schools.
Detectives successfully retraced the message through cellular telephones obtained from students and were able to link it to a cellular telephone owned to Charia S. West, 19 of Seaford. As investigators continued the investigation they learned that she and two relatives, who reside with her, had constructed the idea to send the alarming message to various people within the Seaford District. The original message was sent to persons shortly after 12:00 am this morning.
These two relatives, a niece and nephew of West’s, are a 14 year old female and a 15 year old male. Investigators were able to locate all subjects earlier today and through interviews obtained additional knowledge they were involved in the crime.
These three subjects have been linked and are responsible for Seaford School District incident. Detectives have identified a fourth person responsible for generating and disseminating the threatening text message throughout the Woodbridge School district. A 16 year old Bridgeville woman had received the original text message from the aforementioned persons and altered the text to reflect Woodbridge instead of Seaford and then sent it to persons within the Woodbridge District.
As a result of the investigation, Charia West has been charged with felony Terroristic Threatening and Conspiracy 2nd degree. The two juveniles related to West, who were involved with the Seaford incident, were charged with misdemeanor Terroristic Threatening and Conspiracy 3rd degree. The fourth juvenile was arrested for misdemeanor Terroristic Threatening. All juveniles were released to their parents pending court proceedings in Family Court.
Arraignment information on West is currently not available. It will be released once it becomes known. All persons were taken into custody at their homes with the exception of the male juvenile who was detained at school.

UPDATE: Ms. West received a $5000.00 secured bond and was committed to the Delores J. Baylor Woman's Correctional Center in New Castle.
They got him at Delamr High, crazy. Stupid kids.
What a sorry excuse of a human being. Just because she obviously chose to learn nothing is school doesn't mean everyone wants to follow her career path of a criminal. In addition to criminal charges, she should be given of bill for the time spend by law enforcement on this case.
Why does this picture not surprise me?
7:15 WTF is that supposed to mean?
Its a racist comment that he cant defend, move on.
the look on this young womans face really pisses me off. she seems proud of herself...very smug...what is wrong with people today?
No worries.
Obama will make sure WE make her house payments.
No it wasnt a racist comment i think what was meant was the kid is smilling about it she thinks its funny dont be so quick to jump to conclusions a racist comment would be " another black girl commits a crime theres a real suprise" come on people jeez lighten up.
obama needs to make sure we can whip that @$$ when called for, and this calls for c couple of belts to be wore out on her @$$
7:15 It does not surprise me either...the world is full of them...take it however you wanna take it.
Send her butt to Gitmo with the rest of the Terrorists. I bet that would wipe that smile off of her face!
were they just looking for ways to get out of school? Many people especially kids dont realize that anything you do on a computer and through text can be traced. Im not saying what they did is right. Kids today think they can do anything they want and get away with it. They are not taught that there are consequences that go along with bad choices made. We had the fear of our parents beating our tails. We got the woodshed. Kids are not taught right from wrong and respect for the rights of others. The parents that do care and try cannot punish or correct their children today without the fear of child abuse charges. Many that do not pay attention to their children have alot of issues themselves that the children see and have to deal drugs and alcohol. they are to drugged up and drunk to know what the children are doing. I shudder to think that this is the next generation to run this country.
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