These 2 EMACIATED dogs were found abandoned in the woods near a deer carcass. Sid, the blue & white male could barely walk. He had a huge abscess on his cheek which burst and is now being treated. He lets the staff clean it and put ointment on it. He is happy for any tenderness and takes his treats very gently even from a child's hand. Nancy, tan & white, has some marks on her and her front left leg is swollen.
They are probably less than 2 years old and both are good with kids and don't seem interested in other dogs. Their ears have been cropped, but that's probably all the vetting they've had.
They are presently at Somerset County Animal Control and need a rescue ASAP. They have not been to a vet because the county doesn't have the money for that. If anyone would like to sponsor them, I would gladly take them and get their injuries treated.
Can anyone help these poor dogs? They look worse in person than the pictures show. They are both very sweet and just want some human kindness. I can't begin to imagine what they have been through.
Please contact me at bbeepsue@aol.com
Contact Pat Long, she rescues, &
could possibly give you the name of
a vet that would help out at a
discounted price. She has
"Adopt a Pet for Lift"
Sorry, with this breed and no background on their socialization it would IMO be best to put them down. An accident waiting to happen.
"They have not been to a vet because the county doesn't have the money for that."
Thats strange. I was in the vets office a few weeks ago and the same county employee brought a dog in that was just hit by a car. I could tell that she brought dogs there on a regular basis by the way she interacted with the staff.
So who is not telling the truth on this one?
Anoynous 10:42
Maybe we should kill you just because "I dont like what you wrote" These dogs are the kindest sweetest dogs....people make them the way they are.....How do you know that these dogs are aggressive....Have you been there and seen these pups???? I believe maybe we should carry you and these dogs in a pressure sittuation and if you blink before them I should be able to "put you down"
10:42- just because it is a pit bull doesn't mean that it is a killer. I happen to know a family that has had 5 or 6 pit bulls since I have known them (all my life) and all of their dogs have been very affectionate and they never had a problem with them. It is so frustrating when people give pit bulls a bad rap for the minority that are trained to be vicious.
Just about a month ago, our homeowners insurance was due and the agent called with a few questions. One of the questions was if we have or plan on getting a dog classified "as a dangerous" breed." Has anyone heard of this? Evidently alot of companies aren't renewing if you own a certain breed of dog. Even "dangerous breed mixes" are not allowed.
11;56 list your dogs as american terriers and they cant do jack. Been thru this myself.
and 10:42 walk infront of a truck will ya.
That's correct ll:46, why would an insurance company want to insure someone with this type dog. It's just an accident waiting to happen. With all the known good breeds of dogs, why does anyone want to take the risk of owning one of these dangerous breeds anyway?
If the county doesn't have any money, maybe they should just eliminate animal control. I resent my tax money being spent on this type of foolishment.
Yep and the number one dog bitter is the Lab.
I wish I could take them-but thanks to all the people who exploit this breed they are deemed dangerous and my lease prohibits me having one.....
Oh and 10:42,I would trust a Staffy (pit bull) quicker than I would one of those tiny dogs that people put clothes on.
I'm confused! In the past, on this blog, all that has been said is what an awful place the Som. Co. Dog Control was, and how the animals are immediately euthanized. Now, with two dogs that are beyond the limits allowed financially, or in the absence of a vet willing to treat them with what the county allows, people say put the dogs down and we've seen the animals taken to the vet by animal control... Wow this site is loaded with a bunch of hypocrites.Do you want them to treat them and place them or just kill them. Make up your minds.
i agree with 1042 the best thing would be to put them down. with any breed of dog but especially more with this breed the animal will be unpredictable around people due the the mistreatment and possible abuse.when i was a kid i was bit by one of these pitbulls that had been supposedly rescued.we were playing with the dog and petting it i touched hid neck and it bit me. the dogs previous owner had abused the dog and choked it before so that triggered the dog to bite. the dog was later put down because it was unpredictable. i sure wouldnt have these dogs around small children.
There will always be differences of opinion on how to handle situations like this. That is why we need leadership that we can trust at animal control. I don't think James Henderson has a clue about right and wrong and following policy. This should be a crystal clear policy issue. What is the policy in this case, does Henderson even know the answer, if he does, maybe he could enlighten us. If he cannot, maybe it's time for change that we can believe in at animal control.
Hi Everyone,
10:42 is back online. I do have experience with aggressive breed dogs, and have trained for over four years with one of the most respected animal bahavior people on the East Coast. This is a time for calm consideration and judgement, and don't let your compassion cloud your thinking. As 4:12 shared many abused dogs are passive/agressive, and you will not know what stimuli will be the trigger until it is too late. It is a shame, but I think any normal person with average experience with dogs will be in over their head with these two. In addition, my comment about the breed, was made not to imply that there are not good terriers (I own 2), but more that because of their physical size, their potential for serious injury is there. Finally, I really wonder why they were dumped, very unresponsible, and makes me wonder even more if the dogs come with issues.
12:09 FYI I have been hit by a Trailways bus and I am still here.
I must say I have a 4 year old pit bull and he is the most calmest dog ever. He wears clothes and all its all in the way you train them. People judge these dogs because of how others have treated them its WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a 2 yr old pit & he is one of the smartest, sweetest animals I have ever owned. He is great with kids, & just loves to be around people. Don't classify them all as killers, only sickos train them to be mean.
10:57 am FYI any dogs taken to a vet to be looked at and /or treated is not paid for by the county it is usualy taken care of through the kindness others...mostly the person who finds an injured animal along the highway, back road, or whereever will offer any help they can to ensure the animal is take care of....do yo really find it odd for animal control to have a standing relationship in a vet clinic? I don't!
As for the breed specific comments, all breeds are treated equally here in this county, there is no breed specific legislation. Try looking at the big picture and put some faith the staff there...you know at least three of them have been there awhile and i am sure they would not endanger the public if hey felt these animals were a threat.
By the way through donations these two sweethearts have been seen by a vet and are on the right path to recovery
I find it extreamly odd that the county would have a standing relationship with a vet if they don't have the money to pay the vet. I also find it odd that the people who find an animal and bring it to animal control also offer to pay fot it's care. If that were true they could simply take it to the vet themselfs. Maybe the reason for no breed specific policy is that James Henderson is not capably of writting the policy or just doesn't see the need for such a policy. Staff is not the problem, leadership or should I say no leadership by Henderson is the problem now and always will be as long as he his there.
1:45 sounds like to me you just have a problem with henderson so why aim your sights at animal control....they do the best they can with limited resources and staff. Do you have any animals? Do you think the staff might have animals? Do you think that Could possibly be the persons vet where the animal was taken you saw? Do you have a good relationship with your vet? Why don't you get out of your tunnel and look at the big picture...these people do their job day in and day out i am sure they all have seen how cruel people can be the last thing they need is someone like you scruntizing their every move....why don't you try to imagine the things they deal with on an everyday basis and then tell me if you think you could handle it,.... figure this they see everything from straight up neglect and cruelty to hoarders...so when an animal comes along that someone wants to help why is that so hard to believe...people make donations to shelters, humane societys, etc.. evry day. what planet do you live on? Do you have an ounce of compassion in you what so ever?
As for breed specific policies have you ever researched them.... they are a hot topic and places that do have them for some odd reason are having problems with lawsuits...did you ever stop to think this may be the reson for not implementing a breed specific policy here. obviously you did not!!
Pitbulls and other potentially dangerous breeds are not a threat if they are properly trained and treated well.I know someone with one of those huge Canario dogs and he is a gentle giant because he was trained as a pup and is treated like another child by his owner.
I agree that we need a breed specific policy, I believe it was someone from animal control that said the county did not have one. My comment was that Henderson probably did not see the need for one, therefore that is why we don't have one. And yes I do have a problem with Henderson being employed as head of animal control. He makes the job very difficult for the good employees that do work there. He has a well documented violent past and should not be employed by the county in any capacity. If the county administrator would terminate Henderson, animal control would be much better off. For your information 2:35, I do not own any animals but do love most dogs.
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