Did You Listen? I thought Jim Ireton truly tore Gary Comegys up. There's no question any more that Jim Ireton is in the drivers seat. Comegys stated that we needed to POOL together our Police Forces throughout the County to fight crime. Hey, Gary, WHY DO YOU THINK CRIME IS DOWN? I'm serious Gary, I truly want you to think about this for a minute. EVERY single citizen can tell you it's because they constantly see the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office patrolling the City. Crime is DOWN because Sheriff Mike Lewis CARES! Why isn't anyone talking about this? The one and ONLY reason crime is down is because the Sheriff's Department has been proactive in the City of Salisbury.
Let's see what people thought of the Interview.
Would someone ask each of them if they become mayor, will they get a finance director that can get the right codes on the employees w-2 so the IRS will get off of the city employees back?
Bubba has lots of issues, one or two even concern the city.
Is Mike Dunn's friend Don Rush doing the interview??
Gary's famous words......Uh Uh Uh!!!!
Ireton by a mile -- Bubba was Bubba as usual (not even Mike Dunn's buddy Don Rush could help him).
Comegys really tried to bury Ireton with the same old stuff, going back ten years, but the last six say that he's hands down the lesser candidate.
His "look at my record" mantra is really getting old. We have looked at your record, but the problem is we've looked at it a little harder than you'd have liked. Too bad for you.
They should ask Comegys why he supported having a city "food tax" -- he voted for it before there was a public outcry and he voted against it.
Listening to the same old Bubba-babble we have heard from Comegys for years, I'm even more thankful that "Help IS on the Way".
This is scary:
Gary = Barrie!
Joe, I assume that you read the bashing that the Daily Times put on Ireton today? Based on the article, Webster has no idea what is going on in the City. I do not care what the statistics say-CRIME IS UP!!! I have lived here every day of my life and I have never seen it this bad, EVER! I've never feared for my safty like I do now.
Crime is not just about numbers, it is qualitative just as much as it is quantitative. Just because the numbers might be down according Webster (if they even are) doesn't mean that crime is decreasing. Sure there may be less incidents, but those incidents are becoming more severe...which would you rather have: 5 purse snatchings, 10 vandalisms, 15 shopliftings or 1 murder? The crimes are graduating in the City-they are going from small misdemeanors to capital crime.
According to the numbers on this site:
Go Here
Our violent crime rate is more than 3 times the national average and considerably higher than the State average! According to this site BALTIMORE HAS A LOWER CRIME RATE THAN SALISBURY!!!
Go Here Too
Look at that! Salisbury is ranked as the WORST City in MD in regards to voilent crime!!! LA, Detroit, Miami, Compton and Philadephia all have lower violent crime rates than Salisbury!!! I'm sorry to disappoint you folks, but Chicago still has a higher voilent crime rate than us...maybe Gary Comegys can help us acheive that one...
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside huh?
It's obsurd to say that Salisbury does not have a crime problem. It doesn't need to be lowered-it needs to be drastically lowered!!! So now I say to you, Mr. Comegys and Mr. Webster. "Take your blinders off and tell us exactly what your take on crime in Salisbury and how are you going to drastically lower it?"
Careful there, Dave C., you might confuse the baboons from the Daily Times when they read your post. You're pointing out FACTS...something they too seldom deal in. It's much easier to print innuendo, twisted "facts", outright LIES, and things bordering on smears against candidates you don't like. It's not only easy..it's the way business is done at the DT.
Hey, they're only a newspaper...why on EARTH would they want to print unbiased fact???
Remember, folks, you read it in the DT first...crime is down, Comegys walks on water...and I'm gonna wake up in the morning to find the Playmate of the Month lying next to me. Hey, it MUST be true, right? Someone from the Times told me so.
Crime is DOWN If Chief Webster would be around more he would know that is not true. But I think he is only here in the daytime so it might not show as much
Comegys by far, the momentum is really turning from Ireton.
Dream On, Mr. Dunn!
My hats off to Mike Lewis !!!! and Sheriff's Dept. and State Police i have seen them every where around salisbury and in it. Last night on Rt13 by break time State Poilce had a car pulled , For what I dont know. Little way up the road by the sharp bend near PRMC.County had a car stopped. And would you know it Webster's guys just ridding by looking at them lol it was so funny !!!!!!! but so sad what is are city comming to most of the police officer's from the city look like high school kids really, while the other depts have people who look like they can take care of them self's. Just calling it as i see it from my point of view.Why dont we just do away with the city police dept. save taxes payers some money and let state and county handle the issues because it seems that they already are thanks agian for work well done folks.
The city police have gym equiptment, if they didn't I'm sure they could use the gym at station #16.
I like the fact that Salisbury has a young police staff, keeping them is the issue. The WCSO guys do look more pumped up, the city's problem is the older portly officers that don't stay in shape.
Mike Dunn has a friend? I seriously doubt that. I remember when Scott broke Dunn's face.
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