In 2007, the City of Salisbury had the 9th highest rate of violent crime when compared to all 746 cities with populations between 25,000 and 50,000 people in the United States. This is an indisputable fact.
While residents are getting murdered, assaulted and robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight, Chief Webster and Mayor Candidate Gary Comegys would like you to believe we live in a safe city because crime has dropped from its historical high level in 2006.
We need new leadership. I believe that crime is the single biggest issue facing our community today. I support Jim Ireton and Debbie Campbell because I believe they will make reducing crime a top priority in the new city administration.
Thanks to you and Elizabeth Harrington from WBOC for bringing this very important issue to light.
Mark McIver
There are quite a few other Cities totalling 746 to view so we've provided the following link to CONFIRM the information provided by Mr. McIver. To view report in its entirety click here: Crime Report
What Say You NOW Tilghman Administration!
"Facts are a stubborn thing."
John Adams
Well I'll be damned. Thank you Mr. Mciver. Gary and Barrie were full of crap the whole time. The Chief should stay out of politics as well because this slams him pretty good.
Wait, wait, there's good news:
In property crime, overall, Salisbury is only the 49th highest of the 700 or so places.
I feel much better -- not!
This is unbeleivable. I can see that our murder rate isn't as bad as others, but armed robbery and assult are pretty damned high. Those two SU students from 2 days ago can certainly vouch for that.
Webster should be fired immediately. Tilghman should be stoned and Comegys should hang it up now and concede to Ireton right now.
This is outrageous. It's bad enough they lied about the WWTP and tried to cover it up. They almost got away with it. I can't thank you enough Joe for bring this to our attention before the election. These people live in a world without reality.
Where's Chiefy ("no per capita") Webster when Bubba Comegys really needs his BS?
Was there ever any doubt those two were full of it? They're two of the worst things that ever befell Salisbury. MD.
As far as Chiefy goes, I say he should stay out of politics and everything else - including the department. We need to get someone in his place with some vinegar in his veins, a little bit of gumption in his gut, and the grit to face reality, call it like it is, and do something about it.
Until we have a Chief who fits that description, it's hard to see things improving but so much. It's like being an alcoholic - you have to be willing to admit there's a problem before you can start to fix it. Chiefy ain't willing.
Shainie says ain't no crime in Salisbury and she doesn't want to hear about any either!
How much do you want to bet they won't be holding any press conferences now?
Bubba Comeghys: ask Ted Shea if crime is down!
As a citizen, I demand an apology from Webster & Tilghman for letting this city become this. Also make that apology their last and final act in office.
Enough is Enough! I have been lied to for too many years. Barrie, you're a disgrace to this city. Mr. Webster, you need to step your butt down and get the heck out of our way. We're about to make some new changes in our City and you're no longer welcome here. You lied about not seeing anything when the Mayor's daughter was hitting Rachel Polk and now you're lying about crime. I've seen enough and I'm voting for Jim Ireton. Help is on the way but not for you.
Clue phone for Chief Webster..how much longer can you pull the wool over peoples eyes before they realize "hmm this isn't right?" and uncover the facts for themselves like Mr. McIver has done. I have the answer..not anymore!
Data comparing Salisbury to other cities in Maryland and Delaware is just as damning and may be more significant because they are closer than most of those on that list of 746.
The local data are posted at
11:56, well said. That turkey is beyond help!
I just called my broker and bought a thousand shares of Jack Danniel's. I'M RICH!!!!!
It's a shame you don't allow cursing any more Joe because I have a few choice words for this Mayor and Police Chief.
It is important that you all tell your neighbors to get out the vote for Ireton and Campbell, the two candidates who have had the courage to tell the truth throughout this campaign. The Comegys team is running around trying to scare your neighbors into voting for Comegys/Boda based on a lot of nonsense. Talk to your neighbors and friends, get them to see the facts, and we can take the city back.
12:01 Barrie the drunken sot and Chiefy are already cursed. Too bad we've had to suffer because of it.
Joe, I really don't think this information - presented for the 8th or 9th time in the last several months - is going to affect Chiefy or the Mare's thinking one iota. Too late in the game for them to put their worthless spin on it. The election is too close. They haven't changed their stance on this from day one.
This chief has NO - and I repeat, NO credibility or support within SPD. The only ones who support him are the dingleberries that have always kissed up to him in hopes of job promotions. All the best have left. We need change and we need change badly.
Mayor Tilghman,
You've done nothing but run this city into the ground. Saying that you are not running for re-election is the first good decision you've made as Mayor ever!
Thanks for crime and poo!
My husband and I have been waiting for this information. We have known Barrie and Gary for quite some years now and have always supported them in the past. Today is a different day. Mr. Ireton will get our votes this year as we have seen a decline in our city for many years and we don't like being lied to. Our taxes have gone up. Our water and sewer rates have gone up and clearly crime is up as well. We will share this information with our friends and neighbors and encourage them to do the same.
Those darned facts are pesky things!
Not a peep coming from the Mare concerning a press conference to blame the blogs for this new mess. Chiefy is probably hiding in his office trying to decide what career path to take next. Bubba...well, he sure hasa been keeping quiet ever since the WWTP was uncovered. Dunn...don't bother feeding anyone any of your s*** because everyone knows if your lips are moving it's only for exercise since thats all they are good for.
Anyone who owns a bar, lookout...I bet the above faces will be seen sometime today. Or they'll all gather at the Mare's office to share the stash she's got in her desk.
Can someone safely say that the votes will be counted by those we trust...anyone not associated with any of the above people? I'm sure the Mare and Bubba are trying to find a way to have the counts misread.
It says a lot when a honorable man like Mark McIver puts his name to something like this. Mark is a very trustworthy man and there isn't a single person out there that can say a bad thing about him. I'd trust him before I'd ever trust the Mayor or Chief. I wouldn't trust Gary Comegys and word has it he was told to either retire or get fired from SHA. His boss Donny just got fired too. That's pretty bad when you can get fired from a state job.
anon 11:26==not much longer==21 days to go.Hope she stays longer at her last council meeting.
Joe called the mayor out years ago by calling her a waste of good sperm. Looks like he was dead on with that one.
Easy now!
Don't forget that crime went down nationally in from 2006 to 2007, so that fact that it went down here as well is normal and expected. With real management it should have decreased a lot more.
Please get everyone out to vote to make the change.
12:20 LMAO! I remember that.
It's going to be those votes that count--and I'm still worried the voters aren't going to get that information. The sad part is so many only know what they see on local news media -- tv and it's not fully coming out yet.
BOC and MDT have gotta get it out there too.
I agree with 12:14. We were on the fence too but we have to live here and I don't believe we're going to get honesty and change with Comegys. We need a new police chief, that's very clear now.
Drugs are the problem.
When it comes to crime, it completely baffles my mind why SAPOA memebrs are supporting a weakling like Comegys. Don't they know their tenants are getting mugged at gunpoint while they are going to school in the morning? Do they even care about their tenants? how about their investments, their property values??
I wonder how many people know that there are multiple private juvenile rehab/detention facilities on the shore (Cambridge, Salisbury, Sussex County) that house offenders from Baltimore. When they get out, many see Salisbury as a place to start over. Certainly not the main problem with our crime rates, but we're adding to it.
When you talk to students who have gotten into trouble because of drugs, they will tell you that they know they won't get any real sentence in Wicomico County. That IS definately adding to the problem.
And yes, there ARE cover-ups going on - the call to BackStreet this past weekend, the kids getting jumped, the University students being attacked - none of it ever really makes any news, if it even makes the police blotter.
I was talking to someone the other day who is hiring at her workplace - she told me that they get hundreds of calls when they put an ad out - but when they let people know that they will need to pass a pretty basic background check, they end up with less than a dozen candidates. That's pretty sad.
Crime is rampant in Salisbury, and it doesn't really matter who says what. Talk isn't really helping.
I don't generally advocate militia-style governance, but I lived in NYC back int he days when the Guardian Angels took it upon themselves to clean up certain neighborhoods. Maybe something similar in Salisbury would clean up the city and offer the public something, and someone, to be proud of.
I don't know how you can spin this travesty. i feel for my elderly parents inthe city. i am moving them out.
12:14 and 12:33,
Thank you for being thoughtful and making the right decision! Let's hope others do the same. Jim Ireton has a lot of integrity, he has put up with a lot of behind the scenes crap from the powers that be, and he has done his best to stay above the fray. He is not perfect (none of us are), but he is in this for the right reasons, and the fact that a guy like Mark McIver supports him is really important. Mr Ireton will solicit help from the best and the brightest of Salisbury and the surrounding region, rich, poor, black, white, liberal, conservative, "Dirty Dozen," or whatever? You have a good idea to make Salisbury a better place? He will listen to your ideas with the respect they deserve.
This is too depressing, we're in the top 2% in our category?
Anon 12:44
This is a perfect example of honest individuals, regardless of general political liniancies, can work together for the betterment of thier community.
Citizens could hold a press conference. WHo's willing to organize it? You could pull together some money and put McIver's letter on a billboard. I thas to happen before the election. The landlords who are determined to continue to control Slaisbury are out working overtime. Absent accurate information like this in the hands of every citizen renter or owner, the election could go very wrong.
Why are a lot of Salisbury businesses supporting Bubba? Did Bubba promised them some type of tax brake?
Any store with a Bubba Comegy sign in front, I will refuse to shop there.
I guess these stores like being robbed!
What about the call last night to the part for a large group of girls fighting. SPD and Ems were called to the scene for possibly 4 girls being injured. Notice how that hasn't been reported to the public? More than one 911 call was made concerning it.
Yep it aint the ABM or other wanna be thugs Salisbury needs to protect themselves against,its the blogs.The blogs are mugging and shooting people all over town every day.....Yep.
Me thinks the Mayor needs to go dry out somewhere until she can stop putting her foot in her mouth.
If Comegys wins this election I will sell my home and relocate somewhere else where the chief of police isn't so crooked.
My goodness mayor , you can run ,
but it's too late to hide. You
lied to us and now I'm mad at you and that Comegy guy! Shame on both of you , you need to be spanked .
Maybe not spanked , you may like that. I'll think of something.
How can anyone in their right mind think we live in a safe community, what did we forget so quickly just a month ago an aspiring young lady was stabbed to death by three city juveniles, an elderly man shot 8 times just for going to the ATM machine, students getting robbed at gun point, and now at nine in the morning, and these are jsut a few of the cases that make headlines.
Wake up poeple, we live in a dangerous place, safe guard yourselves and your families.
The SPD need more officers and resources, but most of all a new Chief.
This news has to reach those that do not read this blog. Agree with others that the challenge has to be made for other sources---tv stations, and the "Daily Crime" have to report on this. It should go in Sunday's paper. The billboard is good too. Have to move fast. And yes, a press conference held by concerned citizens for a safer Salisbury.
Come on--let's get it done.
Anon 11:56 said: "We're about to make some new changes in our City." Are you sure? The landlords are buying votes and they just registered a lot of new voters. They could buy enough votes to swing this election and how would you prove it? We have to get every last voter out to vote and make sure those being bribed that not only are the landlords lying about every dire thing they say Ireton will do to the rental industry, but also, the landlords have no intention of giving anyone free or discounted rent. They'll trick any poor tenant they can convince to vote for Comegys and then laugh at you when they don't follow through on their promise.
A new Chief is coming. The way Webster has been running good people out of the department for the past 10 years is disgraceful. Both Debbie and Jim remember the PD under Dykes' leadership and the better community Salisbury was back then. The problem with Webster is that he always knew he had a hard act to follow so he tried to overcompensate. Unfortunately for Chiefy he failed to understand that the good officers he crucified were the same ones doing a good job. No one respects him (unless you call sucking up respect), he has no credibility in the city (except from slumlords and Tilghman's like) and worse of all, he could give crap less about Salisbury.
SAPOA slumlords don't give a rats patoot about the tenants or the property. They don't comply with the housing codes because Barrie makes sure they are not bothered with such trivial things. They also don't care how much crime is in the city because they don't live in the run down tenements they rent to others nor do they live in the city. Having the prince of all slumlords on the housing board is also to their advantage. The king of slumlords has a son that is the county council president.
Wouldnt it be nice if Joe had a paper to reach ALL the older citizens??? The blogg and the paper could mesh toghter great. A true inter-active honest news source.
Okay, let me throw something out here: Based on arrests and convictions made in the past for the violent crimes that occur in Salisbury, what segment of the population in Salisbury would you say is responsible for most of the violent crime in Salisbury? Now the unsavory part. What do you think would happen if enforcement efforts started targeting (some call this profiling) the segment of the population that both history and statistics show are most responsible for violent crime? There are individuals just as dangerous as the criminals living and doing their business in Baltimore City living here in Salisbury. However, this ain't Baltimore City. The politicians and the community at large, unlike those in Baltimore City, don't have the stomach for focusing enforcement in specific neighborhoods where the criminals live and prey. Folks down here just can't wrap their minds around the fact there are some pretty bad hombres living among us and they really don't care if your family or you lives to see another day. And as the economic times grow worse, those numbers are, unfortunately, growing.
To be honest, Salisbury and Wicomico County just don't have the number of law enforcement personnel needed to become proactive in stemming the rising tide of violent crime in the area. A reactive and traditional approach (crime committed = investigate + a possible arrest) isn't and won't get the job of preventing crime before it occurs done. Even after the jet bombings of 9/11 the federal government realized they had to stop “crime” before it ever happened again. What was their approach? They started the TSA program so now everyone gets screened and/or searched before the can get on a plane. I know, I know, the keyword there was "everyone," but everyone wasn't blowing up planes. So for the sake of political correctness, everyone has to pay (and I say pay meaning both literally and figuratively) for the sins of a few. Plus the federal government can simply print money in order to create a force large enough to accommodate the screening of the millions that fly each year. I don't know if any jurisdictions that have that kind of luxury when it comes to staffing their police departments.
There are just too many "citizens" among us that have shunned their chance to take advantage of their educational opportunities and see it much easier and more profitable to rob a business or citizen then improve themselves. Bill Cosby and now President Obama preach personal responsibility and are mocked for saying and suggesting such a thing.
So the question is: Do the politicians, community leaders, and citizens really have the commitment to reduce crime, or is every one simply going to post reports filled with numbers and say, "I told you so?" What are you going to do about crime, simply talk about it?
anonymous 2:58, How about this angle. Do we allow the Chief and Politicians to oh, let's say, not exactly tell us the whole truth about crime and perhaps mislead the citizens instead?
The first part you need to do is INFORM the public about the TRUTH in crime. 4 times higher than the National average speaks volumes. The Mayor and Chief as well as Mr. Comegys now say crime is not as bad as it used to be. While that may be true, now we're 3.8 times higher than the national average. I loved what Mark McIver said about that. He said, isn't that like going from a "F-" to an "F"?
The Chief can't say he inherited these crime numbers. They are making excuses left and right. The Tilghman Administration need to go through the 12 step program because they are in very serious denial. I personally think is a massive embarassment to walk around sticking out your chest thinking things are better. A LOSER is a LOSER, period. Your WIFE and CHILDREN are at steak here!!!!! Enough is Enough of this BS! Jim Ireton needs to get elected and Change will be on the way! Don't PISS on my head and tell me it's raining.
Teach the children young.
3:10 More ranting and talking about crime. As a citizen, what are you prepared to do about it? Do you think if the mayor and chief of police came out with these numbers the criminals in the area would hold a meeting, with all voting on a motion to reduce crime by 10% across the board until everyone cools down a bit? Criminals don't give a s-it about crime statistics or you. Now if you're saying knowing these crimes numbers would persuade you to pay even more in taxes to go towards the problem of fighting crime, then that's something. But to simply suggest if you knew these numbers some how everything would be a lot better and the pill a bit easier to swallow, I can't find the consolation in that.
Anon 2:58
You can't just run around stating your opinion on crime without examining the facts first. As a citizen I sure am grateful someone actually took the time and effort to do just that. It's a pretty bleak picture, but finally we have something all of us can understand.
anonymous 3:20, START by telling the TRUTH about crime. That's #1. They say admitting we have Gangs is the first step towards fixing the problem. Well, what's so different about crime?
Secondly, find a new Police Chief that won't allow the numbers to keep going higher and higher. Admit that the Sheriffs Department has helped curb crime. Find a Police Chief that will work with other agencies.
Staying in denial and lying to the public isn't helping matters. If it weren't for the Sheriff's Department we might just be #1 in the nation. I also do not believe SPD Officers are reporting crime in the catagories they belong and from what I read the other day I also do not believe Officers are doing their job. They seem to be encouraged to not report crime and they love it because they don't have to be in court all the time on their off time. The Chief has let this go on for far too long. It's time for him to go.
3:28 Those are effective tools in reducing crime: supposition, innuendo, and rumor. If I were a cop in this town and read your post, I'd have to wonder exactly who had my back if not the citizens I protect?
3:22: All these nice crime statistics aside, perception is reality. So if the citizens' of Salisbury perception is their town is not safe or is less safe, that is their reality and it is a reality the powers-to-be must address. I think everyone in power, from the mayor to the police chief have done a poor job in that regard.
Anon 3:10 It's certainly your prerogative to remain uninformed. You don't need to trouble yourself.
3:39 Facts don't lie, but people do. If I were a cop in this town, I'd demand a heck of lot more back up, support and a new Chief that knows what the heck he's doing.
anonymous 3:20,
Here's what I'm prepared to do about it. I offer a service where tens of thousands of people visit here each and every day. I am providing FACTUAL information to educate the public about this situation. Granted, I cannot personally vote in the City but I am a taxpayer there. Once I educate the public about the truth, I'll tell you what they're going to do about it. They're going to get out there and VOTE! That's how you win the war against crime. It has clearly been proven that this administration has failed the citizens. It's time for a serious change. Just ask the Officers in the SPD.
Try this one out for size. Imagine a professional football team. Imagine almost every player can't stand the coach. Do YOU believe they're going to play at their very best then they haven't won a game in almost 10 years? Do YOU think other top players from around the league are going to want to come play for that team?
some poeple will always be cynical and doubters, but god forbids tragedy comes knocking on their families doorsteps, they won't dismiss the truth so offhandidly then.
Here are two ways to help: vote on Tuesday April 7, and consider volunteering this weekend--11:30 on Saturday. You can send an email to jimiretonformayor@gmail.com
Let's be honest--there is no way Jim Ireton or any other mayor will be able to turn this around overnight, but if we all work together, it can be done. It begins by acknowledging there is a problem.
3:10 & 3:22
Trying to imply that the Citizens and Taxpayers of this town don't need to bother with the details about what shape their city is in, is disingenious at best.
first...SPD needs to be eliminated
It is time for a Wicomico County Police Department that handles all with disregard civil process (WCSO will do this), and to the location within Wicomico County.
2. Have it headed by no other than Mike Lewis, assuming he isn't named the next Superintendent of MSP when Ehrlich is sworn in.
This is the only way to address crime in WiCo, because criminals know no jurisdictional boundaries.
Albero, if you're going to be honest about it, you providing "factual" information is often a product of accident, not design. I personally think much of you what you do and post is a disservice to your readers, not a service. You're a certifiable muckracker. You have a real problem with authority figures. The only people in a position of authority you don't trash are the people that agree with you, or with whom you agree. It makes you feel special cozying up to people you think have some notoriety. You even like to weeve a web suggesting you had a hand in making them who they are. I don't think you're using the people to advance any future personal plans, you simply need to feel important and special. That's part of the reason you wrote tens of thousands of people a day read your blog. Sure, and the tooth fairy has blonde hair and blue eyes.
anonymous 4:43, aka, Jonathan Taylor,
Yes, you're correct, I am a muckraker, just like Barrie Tilghman's son Andrew. However, it's spelled muckraker, that's how I knew the comment came from you.
However, you're right. I'm proud to have exposed the WWTP, the Zoo, the Fire Boat and most recently Poogate. Come on Jonathan, do tell everyone what YOU have done for the community.
Nalagirl -
Are you willing to organize something? I'll come to a press conference.
Jonathan Taylor is one of the worst sleaze balls and slime merchants in local politics. But you know what's even more telling? The fact that Stacy Adams, the SLUMLORD, runs to his blog in order to get her message out. That should tell you everything you need to know about the integrity of Johnathan Taylor, panty snatcher.
Your blog is great, but we still need to get the word out, to reach farther. How willing are the local tv broadcasters to get that information up front and center?
How best to energize those voters to turn out who otherwise will not? Apathy is also poisoning the town, likely many who can vote either don't care or don't feel it will do any good.
We need so much in these last few days before election to WAKE UP the town and its citizens.
Any other suggestions out there?
I would love to organize something if I had more than a week to get it done; but I am in college 2days a week, working 3-4 days a week, and trying to get my home ready for open house to hopefully sell so I can get out of the city limits. I don't know if the press would show for my press conference since I am but a peon. (SP?)
If I can come up with something, though I will forge ahead.
To Jonathan Taylor I think that Joe has done wonderfully well about notify people of things that people in this city need to know. Don't hold it against him that he speaks the truth. Crime in this city is extremely important for people to know. Don't blame Joe for the fact that Barrie is not telling the truth about the crime in Salisbury.
Like I said last night the slumlandlords are not making it an easier for nice neighborhoods to remain crime free. And as long as I can speak I will fight crime in my neighborhood from this day forward. Don't think that I am going to sell my house and move to the country. I will stand up and fight this crap.
My vote will definately be for Ireton on April 7th.
I will show up. Advertise and ask people who are concerned about crime or have been victims to come. I will bring people. If citizens fed up with lies about crime from a city administration and police chief isn't enough to ge the media out, I don't know what is!
I am just wondering if Gary Comegys has announced that he is retiring tomorrow. He must think he has this election in the bag. Or, he figures he will get fired when they find out all of the unethical dirty deeds he as done over the years at the State Highway Administration, so he is retiring before he gets caught. I don't believe I got my retirement party invitation in the mail yet. Did you?
hey mayor and chiefy,
all your problems with the blogs would go away if you do 1 simple thing............................
DO YOUR FREAKIN JOB and do it well.
If crime is down 15% then we should be cutting Chiefy's budget 15%. The man is an idiot, I used to think he was at least smarter than Bubba, now I'm convinced they both rode on the "Special" bus!
Come to Ireton's press conference today to show your support! You cannot believe the lies that are being told about him. They will do anything to get Comegys elected.
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