Thanks to an article that you published a few weeks ago, I looked at the Salisbury map on the website
I signed up for the free once a day e-mail alert (they do cell phones too) about crime within 2 miles of my house. Here’s what I got sent just today - other days in the few weeks since I've had this have been even worse.
I hope that all of your readers will take a look, too. It's a free and unbiased crime listing and mapping service. I have even recommended it to friends in other communities.
I know that you printed this information once, but with some trying to sell the “crime is down” mantra in this election season it is especially important for people to l ook at this map and this list. And then they can decide if they want to keep or elect local officials who think that it’s perfectly fine to have a crime rate that’s nearly four times the national average, or if they want leaders who are ready to fight crime in a meaningful way.
…a thankful reader

Gary is on the radio right now saying crime is down.
Bubba's on WSDL 90.7FM right now. "We don't need to overstate the problem to get action on the problem."
"We need to celebrate the small successes."
"We can't continue to throw mud on the wall of our city..."
Just threw up on my keyboard, Joe. Should have heard him talking about making government welcoming to citizens. Would this be the CAVE people you named, Bubba?
Between 1999 and 2007, Salisbury violent crime increased by 25%, according to FBI crime reports.
The 8% the chief mentions are the period comparision stats, meaning that crime is down 8% in the months of January and February 2009 as compared to January and February 2008.
Stats are stats, and the numbers can be cherry-picked to tell whatever the user wants. For example, Comegys not long ago said that that this 8% decrease, and a 7% decrease during a period last year adds up to a 15% decrease in crime over the year's time.
Readers should be aware that two months of crime stats mean nothing in this city, or at least nothing to get excited about. Some of the worst crime years in the city's history have had a couple of months of low crime to compare to previous years. Looking at the larger picture, that is, the yearly stats, things are not all that peachy.
Somebody needs to ask the good Chief if he tinkers with his UCR reporting, so as to keep crime stats low.
But Chief Webster, who should not be getting involved during a political campaign, by the way, claims everything is super in the city! Here's a nutty idea: rather than calling the Daily Times to do interviews, perhaps Chief Webster should get out and try to stop crime! But then he might have to wear a uniform. These guys are unbelievable. They will say and do anything to get Comegys elected.
Wow! Look at the crime chart on
Dear Daily Times,
Please read the comment at 9:18 here today, get off your lazy butts, and call Webster out on it! You seem to take whatever Mr Comegys says at face value with NO follow-up, but challenge everything Mr Ireton says (using the Comegys' team talking points). When Comegys says it is impossible to work two part time jobs at a time, CALL HIM ON IT! When he claims that crime is not that big of a problem CALL HIM ON IT! When he claims to be a "uniter," CALL HIM ON IT! When he claims to be an environmentalist, CALL HIM ON IT! When he claims to be for neighborhoods, CALL HIM ON IT!!!!!!!! Who are his biggest financial supporters? Big-time landlords. Ask Comegys about that, ask him about Richard Insley's letter, ask him about SAPOA, ask him about the 2 houses that were just snapped up in Camden by a rental company. In short, DO YOUR JOB!!!!!!!!!
I think it is far outside good ethical behavior that the current mayor should allow (or encourage, or direct) her department heads to be involved in city politics.
No complaints from Comegys on this one, as with every bit of dirty dealing done in his favor over the past six years. This puts him as being one of the guilty parties - if you remain silent when you witness a crime, and particularly when you benefit from the crime, you are one of the criminals.
What you say now chiefy/comegys????
Come on guy and gal's! Chief is fighting for his job.
If Comegys does not win Webster loses his job.If Webster loses his job he loses his Crown Vic and his plush,little used, office.
In addition, and no less important, all of his out of town trips to every and all police related junkets. All of which are paid for by the Salisbury tax payers.
How about it Chief why don't you publish your expense reimbursements for all of us to see.
give the officers better pay...more officers..and better equipment before the city gets any worse
Here's something frightening..Went on the website and compared Anne Arundel County to the City of Salisbury and guess who has more crime? You guessed it...Salisbury. It's crazy.
I used to work in a local incarceration facility and was given gang awareness training by an FBI consultant, as well as access to state-wide statistics. Salisbury and Fruitand are two of the highest areas int eh state for violent ncrime and gang activity. Yep, over BALTIMORE.
I also subscribed to spotcrime after reading about it here and then ncalling some old friends and asking about the accuracy of it. After three days of reports from a 1 mile radius of our very quiet, professional, family-oriented neighborhood, my husband said, "gun or dog." We left the pound in Georgetown with a Shephard mix yesterday afternoon.
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