It looks like Comegys got that wake-up call sent in the primary, when he nearly lost to both Jim Ireton and another quality candidate whose campaign was greatly impaired by an accident that confined him for a couple weeks and low funding. Even so, Bob Caldwell came within a few votes of sparing us the scary specter of "Mayor Bubba." It was probably that shenanigan by Barrie Tilghman a day or two before the primary – abusing the air-time afforded to her for "public affairs" programs on WICO – that pulled Comegys’ chestnuts from the fire on March 3.
But Bubba now knows better than to have Barrie and Richard Insley continue as his point persons in the upcoming general election like they did when Comegys was reelected (by a narrow margin) to City Council in 2007. That’s why you no longer see or hear Barrie shilling for him. And both Insley and SAPOA’s special Bubba-booster, T. J. Maloney, seem to have left the arena.
The most significant post-primary change in Bubba’s campaign is the presence of Mike Dunn, who now seems to be the point man after a hiatus of silence following his departure from both the Council and the City itself two years ago. Dunn attended the candidate forum on March 18 and another the following day, when he provided fodder for the Daily Times.
It looks like the only ones who are still playing a public role in the campaign are Lynn and Don (“More Taxes, Please”) Cathcart.
Comegys may come to regret having Howdy-Doody as his booster. There’s Mikey’s abyssmal record and asinine conduct as the leader of the "Dream Team" majority on the Council that was foisted on Salisbury residents by the Chamber of Commerce/Greater Salisbury Committee elitists, almost entirely non-residents, who deem it to be their inalienable right to control the City in order to use it as their cash cow. Recall the active involvement of Ron Alessi, Phil Tilghman and Brad Bellaciccio in the care and feeding of the Dream Team. Bubba’s campaign treasurer, Gamee Elliott, is a past president of the Chamber of Commerce. Then there’s Wm. Gordy – "Mr. Ubiquitous."
And recall that when Dunn left town in 2007, Barrie Tilghman said that there would be future work for him. Now we know what she did not disclose at that time.
Comegys is a pawn for the same business and commercial interests that both propagated and perpetuated Barrie Tilghman’s tenure as mayor to do their bidding. The reality that Jim Ireton could become mayor has them in frenzy. They were able to place an imposter, Louise Smith, on the Council in the last election, but that scam has been exposed. That they have recruited Dunn into the election process is proof that they are desperate.
So, look for Comegys’ campaign to become increasingly strident and negative in nature as his handlers, lead by Dunn, throw their malicious mud and manure at Jim Ireton. No doubt the Daily Times will play its usual role as handmaiden for the business and commercial elite. Salisbury voters ain’t seen nothin yet!
With all of the Skeletons in Dunn's closet he better watch his step or he'll step in Barry doo doo, ah he might actually like it.
This is scary:
Gary = Barrie!
Maybe Dunn can teach Comegys how to throw paper in elderly ladies faces.
Im calling "Scotty-B", he knows how to handle Mikey. Go away little boy.
Monkey see monkey do
This group is a bunch of baboons
Are they fair? Are they nice?
The voting record will show you the light.
Ugh a bad poem couldn't even lighten this pile of stuff.
Oh, puhleeze, do we have to put up with this arrogant,egotistical, anal retentive and sleazy creature again?
He doesn't live in the city. He doesn't work in the city. He doesn't vote in the city. Wish he'd just stay out of the city.
Mike Dunn, Louise Smith, Shanie Shields, Bubba Comegys, der Fuhrer Tilghman - 5 cancers on the city of Salisbury. One of these cancers is gone, another is leaving soon. By my math, that leaves three.
If we'll turn out in record numbers at the polls on April 7th, - and use good common sense when we do - we can at least replace der Fuhrer with Ireton, keep Debbie whom we desperately need, give Shanie her retirement from city politics (which would help promote literacy),send Bubba the message that it's over for him in 2011, and Mike Dunn....well, he's an irrelevant, powerless nobody now and will remain so.
Once we do the above, Louise Smith and Bubba will be the minority for a change and Salisbury will start to move ahead - way ahead - of where it's been for years now. And it will do so for fewer tax dollars than it's been spending to stay in its current rut.
That's a LOT to accomplish in only the time it takes to cast 3 votes. Let's line up at the polls and show we care about our city!!
It's funny how Jim Ireton has the trolls running scared.
Mikey, you left town with your tail between your legs. You didn't have anything nice to say during that final interview with WBOC. NOW you want to help get Bubba elected? Your the last man on earth I'd ask if it were my decision but then again Bubba doesn't have many people he can turn to. Seems everyone he knows is dishonest and out for their own interest...just like you were and probably still are.
Let's volunteer to help the candidates with door-to-door campaigning, too.
I don't see this turning out well for Salisbury either way. Those of you who swoon over Ireton when he lists things (his major rhetorical tool) would do well to take a step back from the brink and realize that with a whining Ireton mayor and a same old Comegys council- the city will be no nearer to civil discourse than it was 4 years ago.
Better a "whining Ireton" as Mayor than the drunken lush we've had the past 12 years. Maybe you like a Fascist as Mayor; I don't. I've experienced firsthand what happens when you get on Barrie's s**t list and you have no idea how scary and vengeful she can be. Yeah, Ireton anyday.
As far as council, if the voters retain Campbell and get rid of Shields, then Smith and Comegys have no majority anymore and would be little more than lame ducks under Ireton, even if they were to be reelected.
Let's agree to respect each others views, no matter how wrong yours may be.
Mike, who? the same Mike that took from the commintiy and then left? Mike give what you stole back and then reappear.
Anon 11:14 that is exactly why we need to replace Shanie with Cynthia Polk. If we change the mayor and the 3-2 vote Salisbury will be on it's way to reviving. Vote Ireton, Campbell and Polk.
Not a matter of "views" friend..I've BEEN on the wrong end of Barrie's vengeance. And Gary=Barrie. Facts are facts.
Tilghman will not be the mayor, period. (I'll leave your ridiculous fascist statement alone)My point was that things will not be peaches and cream with Ireton. If Polk wins, great. That's still no guarantee that the council will change for the better. Maybe Smith and Comegys will relish the role of investigative obstrutors with the purpose of payback against Campbell and Cohen. The danger here is that we end up with the 'we won, get over it' attitude that has characterized the last decade, just this time in reverse. That serves no one.
You still don't get it, do you 1:03? If Comegys wins, for all practical purposes we'll still HAVE Barrie. The man is her puppet and always has been. He'll continue in her footsteps to the point there'll be no real change. She may as well stay in there as for him to get in. There isn't a matchstick worth of difference between them.
Mighty generous of you to leave my Fascist statement alone. Just maybe you wouldn't find it so ridiculous if you'd ever been on the Mayor's wrong side. She has the power to destroy the lives of those who oppose her in ways you can't even begin to imagine. She has connections you would never dream of. Call my remarks ridiculous or any other derogatory terms you wish. It's obvious you haven't been close enough "behind the scenes" to know. Walk a mile in the shoes of those she hates, then possibly you'll have a different opinion.
As to your statement that "Maybe Smith & Comegys will relish the role of investigative obstructors w/ the purpose of payback against Cohen and Campbell"...yeah, maybe they will. So what do we do? Put Shanie back in there, say "Things will never change, why bother to try?" and go on our way? I say if there's even 1 chance in 10,000 for change from the staus quo, take it. Sure, it may fail. Is that an excuse not to try?
But I'm a complete idiot who doesn't know his behind from his elbow; I'll be the first to say it. No one should pay any attention to me. Put Shanie back in and, while we're at it, let's put Comegy's in the Mayor's seat too, since things won't be peaches and cream with Ireton. Hey, why even bother to vote?
The last word on this is yours I'm sure, 1:03. You wouldn't have it any other way. Nor would I.
1:03, Smith and Comegys are already "obstructors" to Campbell and Cohen. They may well be handed their talking points by the remaining loyalist department heads of the current mayor, but that's what's happening now, so big deal.
Campbell and Cohen do their homework and are mostly unflustered by the battering they've always received.
We saw some progress when Campbell came on council and for once, we heard some of "the rest of the story." Then Cohen came on, and now we do hear the rest. It has been eye-opening.
We'll get the same old same old for another 4 years with Comegys. With Ireton and Campbell and Polk, we'll have a chance at something better.
I'll vote for that chance.
Hey, what happened to the positive letter to the editor about Debbie Campbell from David Massie? It was online this morning. I looked for comments around 2:45 and the letter is gone.
Mike Dunn? That guy is an angry, hate-filled person. I finally had to stop watching PAC14 until he left. It's hard to watch with Louise Smith, but Dunn was abusive.
2:40...well said. Best comment on this topic!
You are giving to much credit to Smith and Comegys. There is no way in hell they would spend all the time Campbell and Cohen spend on research just to pay them back. Louise can't even keep a calendar without Brenda Colegrove. Gary can't cut into beerthirty with things like research. Oh and while I'm at it, Barrie is a lush, Gary is a drunk. I've seen him in public drunk and reeking of stale beer. I will give it to him though, he didn't fall on his ass as Barrie so often does.
Jim Ireton needs to canvas door to door the older apartments and condos where the majority of elderly in Salisbury live.....like Canal Woods where Louise Smith lives. These people usually vote.
Thursday's Daily Times reported criticism of Debbie Campbell's record of "no" votes, made by her opponent, Muir Boda, during Wednesday night's forum.
He seems to be under the impression such votes indicate an inability on Campbell's part to work with her colleagues.
I don't see voting "no" as an indicator that she can't work with others. I believe it's an indicator of her willingness to do her homework, listen to the input of constituents, ask as many questions as necessary, weigh the pros and cons for both short- and long-term ramifications and only then cast a truly informed vote.
That is what good government is about. It's not about seeing how many times per meeting a council member can slam that "yes" rubber stamp down and move along to the next agenda item.
Nor is it about kowtowing to special interests, or even a council majority who often delights in throwing taxpayer money around like confetti.
If you follow Salisbury politics, you know how many times the council majority has advanced legislation without answers to critical questions or full discussion at a work session.
How many of those "no" votes would Boda vote "yes" on -- the water and sewer increase, tax hikes, a $10 million fire station that is leased?
Gandhi once said, "A no uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a yes merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble."
I appreciate Campbell's willingness to say "no." Salisbury could use a few more just like her.
David Massie
Found Massie's letter. Had to do a search under "Massie" on Delmarvanow's website. It's not visible like it was this morning. More Tilghman shenanigans?
And at least one of the comments is missing after Massies' letter.
Way to go, Times! Expected nothing less than less from you!
It won't take long for princess Louweasal to retire once the tide has shifted and she's a nobody. Bye Bye Weasie you POS!
You just think Insley is out. I saw Dumb Dunn going into his office last week. Don't think the slumlord is backing down just hiding.
6:54, My thoughts exactly.
How can we know if Cynthia is another Louise, for sure?
Thought Dunn Four was done for?
Face it -- Ms. Polk can't be any worse than Shameless.
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