Brooke’s Update
You just can not guess what I just did or where I am right now? Give up? I went for a ride in an ambulance and I am back at CHOP! This was not super serious so you can relax, my team of doctors just wanted me up here to monitor things better and get my fluids straight. I have had a rough time keeping anything down since I got home.
Now let fill you in on what has been going on since Monday. The snow is not the only thing that is crazy. Monday morning came and my blood counts were low so I got a blood transfusion and I was vomiting a lot so the hospital decided to keep us an extra day. With the weather it was a good thing anyway, and besides by the time I would have been done with the transfusion it would have been 9PM by the time I was discharged. This Chemo round was brutal. I did get down to the playroom today and got some more Beads of Courage, I needed them after yesterday. I also had to start a new necklace of beads, I have just had so many things done in two months, my original necklace was just to big. Daddy, Mommy and me just stayed around the room today for the most part and watched what I wanted too. I was very tired and did not have much energy. I am so looking forward to going home. Tuesday was a typical crazy day trying to get discharged. Get everything in order and make sure all prescriptions, discharge instructions, appointments and everything else is all set up. Not to mention pack everything up and get it thru the hospital to the car. Oh yea, those ouchies started again! My poor little legs. We got all this done and we were on the road well ahead of rush hour traffic. I was a lot better on this ride home then in the past. We arrived home around 5PM and guess what? Miss Liz was actually walking Bailey bye our house and I got to see Bailey before I even got in the house. We came inside thru our newly insulated garage so my playroom will be nice and warm for me now. The new paint looked so pretty. I was inside and had found all this energy and I said to Miss Liz, “ Look I can walk now and it doesn’t hurt as I was actually running around.” (Tears in Mommy and Daddy’s eyes and I’m sure in Miss Liz’s too) This was short lived though, I was spinning around and fell and hit my head hard on the end of a corner on some shelf’s in the living room. I instantly got sick and lots of worries started for everyone. I did eventually get settled and I played Wii Mario Cart with Miss Liz and Mommy. I still did not feel too well and did not eat or drink much today. Daddy went to the store to get the basics and I called him on the phone to inform him he was sleeping downstairs, because I was sleeping in his bed with Mommy so I would not be scared tonight. I went to bed and slept really good.
Morning came, and today was no fun for anybody. I started getting sick right off the bat. I could not even keep the anti vomiting medicines down. As soon as I drank just a little bit of water up it came. Around 11AM, this is where I think Mommy spent the rest of the day on the phone with CHOP, Dr. Alverado’s office and PRMC. It was just very difficult trying to get me to a place down here where their would not be any sick people around me. Daddy stayed home and Nana came over to help out with me and Bailey. Aunt Kellie came over around 1PM also to give me my ouchie. Boy did she let Daddy have it for saying in a journal entry, YEA Miss Liz is back! I was so tired today and not feeling well that I did nothing and slept on the couch, I was actually asleep when they gave me my ouchie. You know I did not feel good, not to let them give me that needle so easily. Finally around 3PM we got the word we were going over to the ER at PRMC. They said it would only be about an hour of getting some fluids in me. We should all know by now that nothing is short. Daddy called Mommy at 7PM and said, “What is going on?” Daddy came to the ER to relieve Aunt Kellie who came with Mommy and stayed the whole time. Things were looking like they were starting to come around and then I got sick again. At least my stay so far was comforted by the fact that Dr. Dave tracked us down and told Mommy we could not hide from him and our good friends the Mull’s were both working tonight. Dr. Don was working the ER and Miss Karen was also working. They helped make me feel as comfortable as possible and were a HUGE help to Mommy! Miss Karen got Mommy dinner, thank goodness for that. Around 10PM things were not getting any better with my counts and that’s when the decision was made to send me in an ambulance to CHOP. Daddy quickly ran home to get some things to make Mommy and me as comfortable as possible when we got there. In the meantime I got an ouchie like I never had before. My sugar was off and they had to prick my finger, I lost it and Mommy was already frazzled. Daddy got back in time and they loaded me up, of all things Daddy had to take my car seat out of the car and they strapped that onto the bed in the ambulance. Daddy got some pictures and we all said goodbye and off we went to CHOP. Going with Mulford luck, Daddy sent us with a portable DVD player and after the first movie it broke! Poor Mommy. I arrived at CHOP around 1:30AM. Well I will fill you all in tomorrow as to what is going on. This time Daddy is not to blame for being behind, he has not had a chance to catch his breath this week, let alone type an entry. Pray for Brookie!
I do not know what to say after what Brooke told you all! Since Sunday night we do not know what day it is or where we are. Amy really does not know where she is. I am going to go home after this and get a little sleep and then head to CHOP. We were so looking forward to spending a little time at home.Well you have to say this is something different. You just never know day to day! Again we still just have to thank our support network so much. From friends and family coming over to helping out, friends in the hospital and the Early’s dinner that is now back in the fridge. At least the Bound’s dinner got put in the freezer. This is all crazy! We believe it was more a precautionary measure on CHOP’s part to monitor her and get her rehydrated. Hey, just got a text from Amy. It is 2:30AM and they are settled in and Brooke is asleep and Amy says Goodnight! That sounds like good news! I will fill everyone in more tomorrow!
PS. To Grandpa Greg and Grandma Millie, Brooke’s eye appointment last week went ok it was just a super long wait to get seen.
1 comment:
You and your family are still in my prayers Miss Brooke.
You are so BRAVE!
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