Name of Fighter.
Amateur losses first.
Pro losses second.
Don't forget to use your full name WITHOUT a telephone number. Since this is such a tough question, we'll leave this Post up for a while before we reveal the answers and or winner. If you have already won you do not qualify.
Good Luck Everyone!
ROCKY BALBOA yo Adrianne I DID IT!!!
Ingemar Johansson
11 amateur loses
2 pro loses
Spring Campbell
Delmar, MD
Muhammad Ali
5 losses amateur
5 losses pro
Paul Thomas
Joe Calzaghe
amateur losses to michael smyth and adrian opreda
0 pro losses
Will Webster
MAYWEATHER WAS 84-6 as a amateur and 39-0 AS A PRO.
Eric Thompson
Pohanka probbaly has your sight bloked not becasue of your politics but because it's addicting and it takes up to much of the employees time. lol
Ingemar Johansson
Am. 5
Pro 2
Jenn Coady
Floyd Mayweather Jr
Amateur Record: 84 Wins, 6 Losses
Pro Record: 37 Wins, 0 Losses, 24 KOs
Rocky Marciano
amateur losses- 4
pro losses - 0
Jen Kolendowicz
Rocky Marciano
4 amateur losses
0 professional losses
Paul Thomas
Rocky Marciano
4 amateur losses
0 professional losses
Paul Thomas
Ingemar Johansson
8 losses amatuer
2 losses pro
Rick Prouse
Died jan 31 2008
Muhammad Ali had 5 losses as an amatuer and a pro thats a close one.. thoguht i had it...
librado andrade
dwayne pellegrin
Evander Holyfield
14 Losses as amatuer
10 as pro
at first I thought Ali but that was 5 losses for each then kept counting Man I hope I'm right
Lennox Lewis
7 amateuer losses
2 pro losses
roy suokas
might not be a fight tomorrow night.
librado andrade
am. 13 loss pro 2 loss
dwayne pellegrin
joe luis lost 4 as a amatuer and loss 3 as a pro.
ron humphress
berlin md
mahhamad ali
ferrill wilson
mahammad ali
8 amature losses
5 pro losses
ferrill wilson
Rocky Marciano lost 4 amateur fights prior to becoming a Pro for good. Those loses were to:
Henry Lester (loss via DQ because of using his knee)
Coley Wallace
Bob Girard (won by decision despite the fact that Marciano fought with a broken hand)
Joe DeAngelis
After he became a full time Pro, he went on to go undefeated with a record of 49-0.
Rocky Marcino 2 amature losses and zero pro losses -- cathy jo williams
Cassius Clay (before he changed his name)
5 amateur losses
0 pro losses
Anthony Pasquariello is my name.
Rocky Marciano
FOUR amateur losses
ZERO pro losses
Bill Duck
Salisbury, MD
Rocky Marciano
4 losses as an amateur boxer
0 losses as a professional
Lennox Lewis, lost 7 fights as a Canadian amateur before turning pro after winning gold in 88 Olympics... Lost 2 fights as a pro (and 1 draw)
Rob Sykes
Why not Ingemar Johansson???
Ingemar Johansson
Amateur 61-10
Pro 26-2
Evander Holyfield
Amateur 160-14
Pro 42-10- 2
The question was MORE LOSSES
There is no trick question. It says, What Heavyweight boxer had more losses as an amateur than as a pro?
Holyfield has the highest number of losses in his amatuer career than he does his pro career.
Johansson was close but Holyfield had more losses as an amateur.
The question says Heavyweight, Johansson had more loses then Holyfield and but there are several that were right.
EarlsSister, What sense are you trying to make? Several boxers had more losses in their amateur career than pro career.
"Holyfield has the highest number of losses in his amatuer career than he does his pro career"
That statement does not even make grammatical sense.
Yes he had 14 amateur losses compared to 10 pro losses. Lewis had 7 amateur losses and 2 pro losses. Johansson 10 and 2, respectively. All had more losses as amateurs than pros, which as I recall is what the question asked (What Heavyweight boxer had more losses as an amateur than as a pro?).
"The question was MORE LOSSES"
No. If you could read you would know that wasn't the question. The question simply asked who had more losses as an amateur than pro. There were no other terms to the question. Not who had the most losses, or any other leap of logic you are attempting to make.
If the question had read "Among heavyweight boxers who suffered more losses as amateurs than professionals, who suffered the most losses as an amateur?", then yes Holyfield could be a viable answer. However, the question did not go into specifics anywhere near that level, it simply asked which boxer(s) had more losses as an amateur, which we have shown to include multiple boxers.
If you wanna rip at people, at least be right. You only make yourself look bad.
Rob S
Gotta agree with Rob the way the questioned was asked everyone had it right.
reality check- holyfield was cruiserweight, not heavyweight
Holyfield started as a crusier weight. He was a heavyweight when he fought Tyson!
I always thought Evander bulked up aweful quick and I always had suspicions of steriods.
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