Have you given thought to the fact that Bubba just might have a lot of support. Hence the signs. I know I am voting for him.
Yes, anonymous one, Gary does have a lot of supporters. Look who they are, landlords, the mayor, the Cathcarts and many others with special interests. Everyone of them had something to gain by keeping Gary on the council.

I noticed a bankers name, a Real Estate agent, ex Pepsi onwer/owners daughter, I agree with the special interest part..few Slum Lords GNI, etc...
I seriously doubt anyone on Poplar street can afford to give $100 to anyone unless they are selling crack.
landlords, developers, greater salisbury committee, bill mccain the county councilman who does appraisals...
hoo doggie, a real who's who of the rental and development industries that brought us the great "improvements" we now enjoy.
salisbury, this is your future if you elect this guy mayor.
Not that I support the man, but I do have this to say about the following statement...
"Look who they are, landlords, the mayor, the Cathcarts and many others with special interests. Everyone of them had something to gain by keeping Gary on the council."
This is a loaded statement...why would you vote for Ireton, Comegys, Caldwell or Della Penna? Why vote for McCain or Obama? People vote in their own best interest and/or by political party (which isn't always the right thing to do, but we do). So to say that these folks are supporting him because they have special interests well then you, my friend, are a hypocrit...Of course they are looking out for number 1, but so are is everyone. We are looking out for ourselves when we don't support them. We vote for the person(s) with better spending habits that will make OUR tax dollars go farther. The folks that don't support Comegys have special interests too-they are just not the same as those who support the guy. To say that you don't have your own agenda when you go to you polling place is obsurd...
This list contains the Who's Who of Slum Lords. The bad for Salisbury far outweighs the few good families on this list.
They are slumlords, business owners and tycoons. Gordy hits all his influential buddies to get an idiot elected. Money talks in an election and he is the master of that. A vote for Comegys secures his spot as Fire Chief.
This is the way things are done in elections.Its not about the good of the people. Its about scratching your buddies back and taking care of him. There are striking similarities to the mofia here. The Teflon Don of the SFD is running things here. He's securing his spot as Fire Chief.
And this proves what? Let's see Mr. Caldwell's donors as well as Iretons.
Just more Bubba Bashing. Why not be an equal opportunity basher?
The big question I have is on the first page. King Burnett, who just happens to be a partner and founder of Webb Burnett the same law firm that represents the city, that has billed the city hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sounds like a conflict of interest to me.
Good question Ms. Anonymous. I'll tell you why. This information is from the last election cycle when Gary ran for reelection. As you well know the time for filing of financial information has not come yet therefore, Ireton and Caldwell would not have anything on file. Somehow I think you already knew that.
This is not bashing, this is providing information. Another anonymous poster (possibly you) stated Gary has a lot of supporters, all I did was show who supported him in a previous campaign so everyone could see just how much support he had and can be expected during this election.
Another tidbit for you...Ireton made it quite clear he did not represent the special interests groups in this city.
An interesting cast of characters, to say the least. Wonder how many of them are eligible to vote in the city? Also interesting is that the record of Mr. Comegys as outlined in a comment last week responding to Gary's letter to the editor doesn't seem to bother his contributors. The comment follows, but it is lengthy and Joe might want to create a link to the original post.
"Gary's "accomplishments" also include so, so many things that the list is long, long, long. Too bad (for the taxpayers) that most of them were accomplishments that benefited few and lined the pockets of even fewer.
Pushed to purchase the land the new firehouse sits on for over $600,000 when it was sold by longtime owners a month before to FOBs protected under an LLC for $175,000, for a net FOB profit of $425,000 (get a kickback for that one, Gary, or will that come later?).
Voted (and continues to vote) to spend, spend, spend on unnecessary fire equipment and fire equipment accessories (the most expensive light bars available, no more safe than ones half or less the cost, just "cooler and shinier", a shiny new ladder truck in black paint, costing $1.2 million dollars, when an identical model with less than 1000 miles on it, still at the factory, would have cost $800,000.
Voted to spend over $10 million borrowed dollars (eventually costing over $30 million after the interest is paid) on a firehouse the likes of which are not seen in an affluent city of five times the population of Salisbury, when a very accommodating, attractive and completely safe structure, according to reputable professional firehouse design sources, could have been built for far less than $5 million.
Voted for the Old Mall TIF, costing the citizens over $52 million in principal and interest and over $22 million in lost tax revenue over the next thirty years. (That's over $74 million, folks). Yes, Gary, the Old Mall is gone, but if the owners had been held to the condemnation order from the City (which you could have supported), so too would it have been, but at no cost to the taxpayers. Voted for the TIF even after dozens testified in council, some of them city planning professionals, that the TIF for this project was a bad fit and an even worse investment. Both have proved to be true and the taxpayers run the risk of losing millions.
Voted to substantially increase the hourly rate of the city attorney, who last year billed the City for more than $350,000, a great deal of which was to write legislation as dictated by the mayor, defend in court that legislation when it was contested and found faulty by the courts, then rewrite the legislation to actually make it comply with the law. And remember, that every Xerox copy made by a secretary, every fax sent by an office boy, every two minute phone call billed at the "hour or part thereof", every moment the city attorney sits at a council meeting or work session is billed at the attorney's hourly rate, which is now close to what many people in the City make in a week. And this doesn't count the time the city attorney bills for when he's just thinking about a city issue.
Responsible for pushing the opening the Main Street drawbridge after its return from repair in Baltimore, but BEFORE all the safety mechanisms were installed, against the advice of contractors and bridge maintenance officials (for weeks on end, the drawbridge could have failed, been irreparably damaged, and lives and property put in jeopardy, but Comegys weighed putting the public at risk against pleasing the mayor and the mayor won out.)
Voted again and again to create the ridiculous mess on Isabella Street to please a few of Barrie's close personal friends, one of which was her campaign manager.
Vigorously supported and voted to allow the building of the "luxury" condominiums on the banks of the Wicomico River, despite great public outcry and sage advice based on traffic, environmental, zoning and other issues not to proceed. The only completed building (forty units) has a bare handful of occupants, although, through refundable deposits of perhaps $1000 from friends of the owner of the building let him say that over fifty percent of the building is sold. The other three buildings are either barely begun and have gone into receivership or have been cancelled.
Voted each and every time with Mike Dunn when he was president of the Council, NEVER ONCE even questioning what the vote was about.
Voted for each and every time for each and every issue put forth by the mayor, regardless of cost, public comment, public outcry. The one time in memory that he didn't was to make a big to-do and propose to drop the mayor's request from a 17% tax increase to a 13% increase. This without actually reading the budget request from cover to cover, as some responsible Council members did.
Voted for a double digit tax increase just after being reelected, despite his promises of better fiscal responsibility.
Supported the suppression of public information access to select members of Council. This after campaigning with the promise of government transparency.
Voted to destroy historical records and documents dating back to the beginning of the Tilghman administration. This after campaigning with the promise of government transparency.
Voted for a pension for fire volunteers, he being one of the first to reap the rewards, despite the fact that his "28 years of firefighting service" amounted to scarcely ever actually participating in a fire call or putting on turnout gear.
Defied a court order to pay child support of $120 per week for his one child after divorce from his first wife, while working at a job paying well over $50,000 per year. Found guilty of contempt of court and forced to pay arrears.
Filed for bankruptcy while a sitting member of the Council. Bought a new house in an upscale neighborhood, and a shiny new big pickup truck.
Continues to brag in public that he "attended" Salisbury State College, which, strictly speaking, is true, but neglects to mention that he dropped out after the first semester, never to return.
These are just the obvious ones. Can you think of more?"
Just a look at who is writing the big checks here tells you who Gary is going to support--the slumlords. They are writing $250 checks, and also having their businesses write $250 checks. I wonder why Richard Insley is on the board that decides whether a landlord is guilty of a violation? Is it because he is an unbiased arbiter of disputes between landlords, tenants, and neighborhoods, or might there be another reason? If you ask me, that alone is reason enough not to vote for Comegys, and to either write a check for one (or both) of the opponents or to at least rally your neighbors to vote Comegys out of the primary.
Dave C, the difference between those "special interests" and my "special interests" is that mine don't have any direct profit to me. No decision of the council is going to specifically benefit me.
That's what makes them "special interests" and why I'm just a poor Joe Shmoe who gets to foot the bill for some great program to increase the profits of one or two developers.
Well Earlssister. I only posted once, so you can't give me any credit for the second one.
Not bashing? Maybe not, but please show where it's relavant. If you want to be a responsible "reporter" then why not ask these two stand up guys, Caldwell and Ireton for their donors? I'm sure Mr. Caldwell wouldn't mind.
Ireton might be another story,I don't know. Just because he says one thing doesn't mean he's going to do it. This is politics you know....just a tidbit for you.
Why not challenge all of the candidates to post who their donors/supporters are? If they've got nothing to hide, then they'll oomply. Right.
Just for your info, I'm not a Bubba supporter. I just think fair is fair and in my honest opinion, this post isn't fair.
Be responsible if you have a clue what that means.
Anon 11:37 I am quite sure as soon as Bob Caldwell and Jim Iretons treasurers file their financial statements they would provide them. Until then, the point is moot.
If supporters from 2007 are news, let's see the rest of the Councils donators. Campbell? Cohen? Smith? Shields?
Come on. If you got access to Gary's, you can get the rest. Post em!
Scrutinize one. Scrutinize them all. I agree with anonymous ms. Let's see who the special interest people are in all camps, not just one.
The people that are listed: Control Salisbury.
Salisbury has become a dump; so the people listed are supporting the downturn of Salisbury.
Seems pretty clear to me.
You Comegys supporters can cry all you want, I guarantee that you will not find such a clear association of a special interest (SAPOA and the rest of the landlords) and either Ireton or Caldwell's campaign. I also guarantee that you will find the same cast of characters writing $250 checks for the mayoral run. So as soon as Comegys releases this campaign's info, so will Caldwell and Ireton. Want to bet that Tilghman and Insley wrote $250 for Comegys this time around, too?
Sinple Question Joe,
Are you going to post the same lists for Ireton, Campbell, Caldwell, Chaney?
In all fairness that is.
I donated to the Ireton campaign. I have zero connections with the power elite in Salisbury, and I will not have any personal benefit if he gets elected (other than seeing a more sane city). So there's one bit of disclosure for you. Anyone else?
Disclosure? From an anonymous post? LOL!
Yea. And I donated 10K to Obama's campaign.
Disclosure my hind end. Nice try Idiot!
I think some fair questons have been raised here. How about Earls Sis? You gonna post the rest of the folks that have been named?
I think you're sorta getting called out.
Whatcha gonna do?
It's all public information and the 2007 donors were already in the Daily Times back then.
The point here (for those going nuts about it) is this is an opinion piece by EarlsSister, not a report by Joe Albero.
Comegys doesn't have a current donor list published yet, neither do Ireton and Caldwell. Ireton and Caldwell haven't run for office recently, so anything they'd provide would be pretty old.
I'm sure when the current financial reports are due, Joe won't mind posting all of them. He'll probably be the first to get them and post them, even before the Daily Times does. And long before you Gary supporters would get off your lazy behinds to go get them.
Ah, but you digress. EarlsSister is pointing out that Gary Comegys is the landlord/developer candidate.
I realize that the financial information was posted in the DT. However, I think it to be the reasonable thing to do to post the rest as well.
I'm also aware that this isn't Joe's work. The onus has been put back on Earls Sis to re-publish the rest.
Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?
If you had read all of the comments Rob you would not have to ask your question. I will say it once again.
WHEN the financial reports are filed I will post them as soon as I get my hands on them.
I do not see any purpose in posting the financial statements for Cohen and Smith they are not up for reelection. Besides, most of us would hang our heads in shame seeing our names on Smiths financial statement. I can guarantee her one thing, she won't get the same support next time around if she dares to run.
Its amazing that a few upstanding Christian folks would be on the same list as these deceitful, misleading, cronnies...
...and what do you gain or lose by him not being the Mayor, little man?
You Comegys supporters are really upset about this, aren't you? I wonder why? Aren't you super proud to have the support of Richard Insley and the rest of the merry gang? Practice your reading skills: the reason Ireton and Caldwell's statements aren't published here is (hang on, stay with me now . . .) THAT THEY ARE NOT DUE YET!!!!!!! Neither are Gary's from 2008-9. These are reports from the 2007 campaign (you know, the one where Insley sent the letter to all the landlords telling them to tell their tenants to vote for Comegys or their rent would undoubtedly go up). It seems to really bug you that there is such a clear theme in the Comegys financial support! Do you think the same names will show up again? Who do you think is the secret cabal supporting Ireton and Caldwell--teachers and cancer survivors?
Its crystal clear who supports him.And furthermore....most of the landlords do not live in the city,so its even more obvious that they support GC for what he can do for them PROFESSIONALLY,in that most of them own property and run business in the city.
This type of crap makes me not want to donate to any of them.
Anon 11:37 I am quite sure as soon as Bob Caldwell and Jim Iretons treasurers file their financial statements they would provide them. Until then, the point is moot.
If you had read all of the comments Rob you would not have to ask your question. I will say it once again.
WHEN the financial reports are filed I will post them as soon as I get my hands on them.
I read all the comments and this is NOT what you said. make up your mind SISTER.
Can W E Gordy be Fire Chief if he is treasurer for Comegys?
I think Dave C either works for GNI or his father does.
Sonya's Flowers
917-C Snow Hill Rd
Salisbury, MD 21804
(410) 548-1900
(800) 535-1213
Mr. Curley's
652 S Salisbury Blvd
Salisbury, MD 21801
Paper People
529 Snow Hill Road
Salisbury, MD 21804-6030
Phillips Laundry and Dry Cleaners (2 locations)
937 South Salisbury Blvd
Salisbury, MD 21801
Rental Equipment Center
1315 South Salisbury Blvd
Salisbury, MD 21801
Harold R. White Accounting
720 East Main Street
Salisbury, MD 21804
Pat's Pizzeria of Salisbury Inc
1151 South Salisbury Boulevard
Salisbury, MD 21801-6836
(410) 677-0877
Whitey's Barbeque
1137 South Division Street
Salisbury, MD 21804
Burnett White Tire
412 East Main Street
Salisbury, MD 21804
I was very disappointed to see the Hazels names on this list. I have always had a lot of respect for the Hazel family and this takes a little of that away. I always thought they had the best interest of the community in their hearts.
Some of the names on these lists will appear on the lists of other candidates as well. These people are not stupid - they will support all possible mayoral front runners to cover their bases. It should grow more interesting as we get closer.
I have a feeling some of these companies are sending off checks today . . .
Let's hope they do! Listen, I don't think that everyone who supports Comegys is a bad person--let's not jump to that conclusion. I personally think they are supporting the wrong candidate, and I think that many of them certainly are anticipating a financial benefit if he gets elected, but surely some of the people who gave him money are good people. There is no mystery as to why the landlords support him--they see a clear economic benefit in an administration that always takes the side of SAPOA in any dispute. Other people might just like the guy!
Anonymous said...
Phillips Laundry and Dry Cleaners (2 locations)
937 South Salisbury Blvd
Salisbury, MD 21801
4:17 PM
You might be right, but I thought the one sign by the Main Street location was actually on the property of the Country House. That dead beat owner supported Bubba 2 years ago.
Anonymous said...
Can W E Gordy be Fire Chief if he is treasurer for Comegys?
3:53 PM
He is not the treasurer for Bubba Comegys but he was for the first two elections. Someone should have cried out yesterday during the work session when Gordo was trying to sucker us for more money to build a new station.
The plan is to drop his name as Treasurer and the people wouldn't notice an unethical conflict of interest when Gordo is appointed Fire Chief.
By authority Gamee Elliott, Treasurer. Friends of Gary Comegys
From Bubba's website that Dougy Boy Church did for him. Is there anything that you find interesting?
Make Government More Efficient!
• Rapid response to needs of city’s residents and our business partners
I support many of the businesses listed and will continue to do so. In this country we are allowed to vote for and support who we want. To not support a business because they vote for and support someone else is elementary school stuff. It's like "I can't be your friend because you are their friend". Grow up people, allow businesses to support their candidate. Besides, did you ever think that Gary may be friends with some of the families listed? Maybe?
Did anyone notice the contribution from the Mare's wife? Interesting how Gordo wrote it down so it wouldn't be very noticeable. Obviously no one noticed since they didn't mention it.
4-02-2007 MWTILGHMANJR 1009 Monitor Court, Salisbury, MD 21801 $250
I hope you take the time to post all the monies donated to all people running for Mayor. The Daily Times did this a few years ago and it was amazing how many donated to multiple candidates.
Aaaaa, pound on EarlsSister all you want, Bubba lovers. Man takes money from landlords and developers and he votes for landlords and developers.
Hey, taxpayers. Can ya say, "Developer Reimbursements"?
How about "TIFS"?
Yeah. Yeah. Thought ya could.
Gary = Barrie. Rest of the discussion is just details.
Don Bradley, Town of Hurlock Mare.
Don Bradley = FOB
Joe, remember that picture you posted of Don Bradley's vehicle with the illegal badge or something on his license plate.
It's much too bad that you can't tar and feather people anymore.
There are many on that list that deserve to be and put on the first bus out of this state.
Dru Bragg for Fire Chief
Gordo is not his treasurer this year. Gamee Elliott/State Farm Insurance and member of the Chamber of Commerce is his treasurer.
Look where these signs are located. Everyone of these people are chamber members. Another group that likes to wheel and deal with the Barrie political machine.
8:26 PM, Its people like you that destroy our city with your ignorance. A terrorist couldn't have done as much damage as Comegy has done to our city. Why would you want someone who only looks out for a few special interest groups {unless your one of those} instead of someone that will do whats best for the city as a WHOLE???? Why would you support businesses that fund this terrorist?
Elementary schools antics? Pull your head out of your arse and quit funding the destruction of our city!!!
Anonymous said...
Gordo is not his treasurer this year. Gamee Elliott/State Farm Insurance and member of the Chamber of Commerce is his treasurer.
11:21 PM
Gamee Elliott used to be my Insurance Agent, but she is history. I also encourage everyone to switch agents.
Mrs Pirate for Deputy Chief!
Anon 8:26 - the Mayor's tactics have been to target and intimidate those posting campaign signs for anyone but her picks. We saw this in the last municipal election when homes had one sign at a visible intersection and the owners were pressured to take down the sign of their choice and put up the Mayor's/landlord's choice. We're just following her playbook when we boycott the businesses of her cronies since Gary = Barrie.
If you may not vote in a city election, then you may not contribute to a pol's campaign, imo.
anon 6:44am,
My ignorance is destroying the city, really? By exorcising my right to vote for or shop with who I want? I thought that was democracy. Boy I must have really missed something in history class.
As far as why I would support a business that funds candidates that you don't agree with? Because I can, and they can too. That is what American is my friend, freedom of choice.
Your whole argument is what I said it is, elementary school antics; I am right and you are wrong, you think different than me so you are stupid/out of touch/retarded/ugly/white trash, etc. It is comments and attitudes like yours that are killing this city.
I also don't understand how you can see where my head is when yours is so far up your own arse. What a jackoff.
Anon 8:26 said, "I support many of the businesses listed and will continue to do so. In this country we are allowed to vote for and support who we want."
Yes, we are. But some of us also don't support companies that support terrorism, pollution and crooked politicians.
This is the Post That Wouldn't Die, isn't it? Well, it shouldn't. Everything about Gary Comegys stinks and it should be kept in the public eye at least until election time. After that, we can watch his name appear in the RICO trials that are going to be held.
Keep it up, Joe. Truth will win out over lies -- even though it often takes time.
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