Two years ago the local Salisbury Firefighters did not support Gary Comegys and immediately felt the pain afterwards. Raises were promised and then taken back by the Mayor, some claimed it was retaliation.
The big question this year is, who will they support for Mayor? The last Post we produced referencing the Fire Department brought in more than 200 comments and I'm sure ALL of you would like to know what these same Firefighters are thinking today.
Will the IAFF be holding another candidates forum? I hope so, the last one was quite informative and gave me an opportunity to meet and speak with the candidates.
This is a "NO BRAINER".They know Comegys was only active from the mid 80's till 2001.He was one of the masterminds who plotted to have Station 2 suceed from the City and backed out at the last minute. This was because he saw an opportunity in politics pop up with this crisis. Gordo tuned him in on this and was his campaign manager.Funny how these things intertwine aren't they.Gordo was also in on the secret sucession meetings with Station 2 and magically reappeared to act as a liason for the City.
They know a vote for him would usher in Chief Gordy. The mass exitus would begin then. The two are attached at the hip and are responsible for the wasteful spending that exist today. Jim Ireton will be there choice, because he's a stand up guy with no ties to Tilghman or Gordo. It will be fun to watch the Mayor retaliation begin.
Be strong, Firefighters, and do the right thing!
The Irony here is. The Firefighters Union is not recognized by city.
Hang in there emergency workers and vollies. The sun will shine on Salisbury in exactly 64 days. Boot those bast#$@s out of office.
The Local is for career firefighters and they support Ireton I hear. I am a Volunteer and most of our members support Ireton also. Both sides agree Comegys has used the fire department for political gain and see the attachment to Gordy. Neither can deny their connections with Tilghman. Like the country, I feel the firefighters want a clean slate with the exception of Ms Campbell and Cohen.
The guy on the far right (Eric Cramer) is the paid salisbury firefighter that cheated on his wife with a firefighter from mardela and got her pregnet. He is also the one that got into the fight at the greene turtle and tried to sue them and lost in court. Look into his record joe.
Gordy + Comegys = Firefighters getting (bleeped).
This is actually the FOP lodge.
Right you are SFD Leader. He had been involved with this young girl for years and slipped up. She was an EMT student as a teenager and they hooked up. He has a huge bite in his arms from the wife. She was not to happy to find out he got another woman pregnant. She has two twin babys to raise now by herself. He's one of Salisbury's prize employees.
That picture is funny. She brings alot of memories to a lot of firemen.
It is obvious on all fronts that the seated are not needed. LOl I think it is time for a major change. The city needs fresh thinking. As for the guys who did the humpty with the girl in the pic. ?? Or was it another FireHouse Chick. Whenever you have 9 males to every 1 female there will be trouble. Soooooooo get off the backs of these humans. I dont see how that had anything to do with the elections. Slick Willy was President and did a little dunking. I may not agree with it, but why put her out there. If a males has 6 women in a summer he is a king. If a women has 6 men she is a whore. Wow Rednecks are at no shortage here on the shore. maybe you guys shoulda stuck to your cousins and sisters and you would not talk about it so much.
All ways easier to blame the women. ?????? I never understood the Fireman thing. Fire Fire !!! they respond put water on it. Fire-water. So easy a Cave man could do it. Maybe its handling all that hose ??
So easy a cave man could do it...
Then how come you aren’t doing it?
Scared are ya, or just can’t handle the heat
Just what I thought spoken from a true coward don’t knock the guys and gals that do put their life on the line to save pathetic pieces of .... like you
In one work IDIOT
I've only been a volunteer for less than two years and from what I have seen and know about Comegys I will not be voting for him. Ireton has my family vote.
I think that is is great that you started this post, It will actually bring together (hopefully) a common thread to the career and vol. sides. If you think about it, they both have the same goals but some different needs. The vols. main need is the equipment and while the career side needs that also, they also need fair working conditions. I just hope some people can stay on this topic, as i can already see the "perfect" people starting to bash someone and get off track. Thanks again Joe. We could really use your help.
Thank you Mrs Pirate. You would love for everyone to ignore the most recent actions of you fellow union buddy. Not hapening girly. Just pray they dont open up your can of worms. That will keep us busy for a while. Lets start with the ROUND TABLE story.
1:59 -- Please consider Bob Caldwell and look at his website:
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Caldwell vs Ireton
Who & Why
Ready Go.....
You want this to change?
I believe the local is going to meet with the candidates individually and make their decision known to the public. I don't think they will be having open public forums like the last time. It almost cost one man his job and Barrie's head almost exploded after Comegys was made to look like an idiot. Not that that was a difficult thing to do.
L4246 Member
How sad is it that the fire fighters won't hold an open forum for fear of Barrie's retaliation. It wasn't the firemen that made Bubba look stupid, I was there, he did a great job all by himself. I wish whoever had that video of Barrie falling in the door at the Firemens event would get it to Joe. Now that would be funny and worth her blowing a gasket.
She's out of there now, send that video.
Anon 6:02, why do you say the local isn't having a Forum? Get your facts straight before you speak on their behalf.
What happens in ones personal life has no bearing in this post. So leave them out. Anyone can cheat, it is not just firefighters, so leave it alone. Let's get back on topic please. Ireton for Mayor!!!
Want to talk to a group that is scared to back a canidate due to worries of retaliation from Mayor? Talk to SPD. These guys know what will happen to them. Damn shame.
What difference does it make who they support? 75% of them live in the county so they can't vote anyway. Grave Digger you have enough mouth to speak for everyone so do us a favor will ya?
Does anyone remember Grave Digger and the other female emergency associate? What a pair that was. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall that night. Big and Bigger. LOL Come on guys get serious. One of the posts here is right on target. There are only a handful of fire personnel who live in the city. I wonder why?
10:38 I wouldn't call myself a leader if I were you. Why would you expose people for mistakes in thier personal lives. People are human. Grave Digger only had a chance to do it once and he is sorry. Remember the bed fell in? Leavr these people alone and stick to the subject.
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