The Wicomico County Board of Education will host a meeting based on Gang Culture February 26th. This is a non political event based on facts. You must contact Mrs. Neely at 410-219-3100 to register to attend.
This was NOT on the WCBOE Website, nor has it been made public to this date that I'm aware of. I would find it very interesting if quite a bit of people called to attend. We have experienced quite a bit of denial over the past few years referencing Gangs in Wicomico County and I for one am curious to see what they have to offer.
We need to get a handle on the gang crimes. They are getting out of control.
As a former teacher at a residential treatment center, I have attended several of these gang awareness seminars. They are very informative & was amazed of all the aspects about gangs I had no idea about!
With all the sketchy activity that has been going on in Salisbury recently, I highly recommend going if youre free that night. We all need to do something to stop the crap in town!!
Help is on the way! vote Jim
understand gangs, SHOOT them get rid of illegals and be proactice in law enforcement.
Adopt a gang banger program. For the liberals, there is Adopt a gang banger in your house make them feel warm and comfy all over, before they rob, rape and kill you.
Funny stuff, gang awareness, funny stuff.
what time is the event?
This is good. The schools are at least admitting there is a potential problem. It has to start somewhere. In a few short weeks we'll have a new mayor that will admit there is a gang problem in the city. Until then, there are no gangs in Salisbury. I guess they stop at the city limit signs.
As tacky as it sounds the real solution to gang problems is have quality education while in school with discipline and having jobs readily available upon graduation.
People need to start worrying about preventive measures more often.
Schools only have the kids 7 hours a day, and then they go home to the gangsta hood for the other 17 hours. Which has more influence? Schools could do a better job of discipline, but they can't overcome the horrible home lives of these kids. People need to start taking responsibility for their offspring.
"Gang Awareness" or "Anti-Gang Measures" would be a better title for this meeting. It sounds too sugar-coated, Understanding Gang Culture on the Eastern Shore sounds like it downplays something that's extremely evil and unacceptable in our culture.
If it wasn't, wouldn't these people simply take people's money and then NOT shoot them. or take someone's car and NOT kill them violently. How can we attempt to "understand" any of that.
Liberal bunch of shi...#$%&^ & *&(%$@@# This is the kinda crap the country has voted for. Give stuff to people who don't work & deserve it. OH hey, I'm working, paying my bills, and taxes. No reward for me. So let me pay for more losers, and learn to be more understanding of the underprivileged worthless pieces of *&^$E## Where is my GUN!!!! I didn't have a liberal Professor, sorry.
Look at the new Code of Conduct for Wicomico County schools. It has a section on gang activity at schools. It is currenty a draft of the soon to be adopted policy.
Anon 7:20, A code of conduct section for gangs?
Clever! The only problem is many of the schools do not want to admit there is a gang problem!! Denying the truth does not solve the problem.
Making a list of "what to do's" is not worth the paper it is printed on if they refuse to strictly enforce the consequences.
Hope the Code of Conduct has gotten tougher but I doubt it. Probably offenses that used to have a suspension as the minimum consequence will be changed to a minimum of a parent conference. That way, when principals are pressured by the Board not to suspend minorities, not suspending them will conform to the new Code. If you can't change the behavior of the kids, and you don't want to suspend them for what they actually do, then change the code to reduce the punishments. Hope the Code puts a limit on the number of parent conferences and verbal warnings a student can receive. In my school some thugs have over 25 parent conferences and dozens of warnings even though those steps are obviously doing nothing.
"Understanding Gang Culture" will be followed by "Understanding Feral Cats."
I think gang members are going to start resisting arrest. Each one only has to do it once.
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