Here is a great piece written by Two Sentz contributor "Chuck" that is worth sharing. ArchGoose, I'm sure you are going to love it.
In late summer of last year, Jim David Adkisson walked into a Unitarian Universalist church in Tennessee with a sawed off shot gun and began shooting. He killed two people and wounded six before he was stopped and arrested.
Thankfully, on Monday, the Knox County Criminal Court sentenced him to life (Knox News). He pleaded guilty (as he should have), and now he is off the streets. Great news.
But why did he do it? What drove him to attack people in a church who were watching a Children's musical? Well, for posterity, Adkisson left behind his manifesto at the scene of the crime. It was originally intended as a suicide note, but he couldn't finish the job (by which, of course, I mean himself). Here is my favorite quote from the manifesto, and if you've been a Two Sentz reader for a while, you'll see why...
"I realized I could engage the terrorist allies here in America. The best allies they've got. The Democrates!"
Does that particular spelling of "Democrats" look familiar to any of you? :) Just sayin'.
If you have the stomach, you should go read the whole thing. It is a word for word Hannity or O'Reilly argument against Liberalism. Adkisson blames everything on Liberalism and Democrats. He uses the same exact terminology as the propagandists on talk radio, and references a book by Bernard Goldberg (right wing hatchet man) which is an anti-Liberal screed that names the 100 most "anti-American" people in the country. This unemployed and listless man was so fed up with his life, and pumped up with right-wing hate, that he decided to kill people.
Liberals are a pest like termites. Millions of them. Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather.
Through constant indoctrination, he no longer viewed Liberals as people. He was desensitized and demoralized. We know another group of individuals who fit this same bill: Al-Qaeda foot soldiers. They don't view Christians or people in the West as human. We are to be destroyed to save the world.... they were told to do so by Osama bin Laden.
And now, far from being on the fringes, the talk show hosts and right-wing pundits ostensibly control the Republican party. They answer to Limbaugh, and he tells millions of people, everyday, that Liberals are "the enemy", that Liberals "want to destroy America"... that Liberals are like nefarious shadow creatures that must be fought to the bitter end, and ultimately destroyed, all to 'save' America.
If you don't think that incites violence, go talk to Mr. Adkisson... or, better yet, ask Al-Qaeda how well their propaganda machine has been working.
And that is the ultimate irony: For the strict Republican ultra-Extremist Conservative, they think they're in a bitter battle with the likes of bin Laden (and most believe they are at war with Islam, itself)... never realizing that they are kindred spirits when it comes to propaganda, polarization, and hate.
Mr. Adkisson, for all of his railing against 'terrorists', committed a terrorist act, in response. It's utter madness.
Being a conservatist myself, I find this mans actions repulsive. But he obviuosly had a lot more going on than just him being a "right-wing". One person doesn't speak for the whole lot. Whats that saying baby and bathwater?
Were the people he killed even Democrats? Or does anyone even know?
smells like "blue truth" to me. leave it to a lib to equate the actions of a wacko to the same people whose free speech he wishes to squelch via the fairness doctrine
This man had to be mentally ill, I think you can disagree with another persons beliefs with out hating them as a person. Thats what makes us great to begin with. This guy was sick but make no excuse about it if you go kill innocent people for any reason I would take you out back and shot you in the head. This has nothing to do with real politics.
Why go after church people. I would have started with Pelosi and Frank if I was crazy like that dude.
So because of one crazy man, the Libs come out and say conservative speech is hate speech. I have not heard one conservative wish the current president or vp dead like many liberals have done over the past 8 years. You democrats won, and we are now a socialist nation, so of course, the fairness doctrine is next so no one can have opposing views.
I dont think in this guys mind it was about politics, I think in his sick mind it was about GOD, right and wrong, not politics. Go to the CHURCHS web-site and read. This guy probably hated homosexuality and gender changing. He probably thought that he was doing GODS work, that makes him a sychopath, not a conservative republican.
Anon 1:03pm
I can't imagine why you haven't heard it. I hear it all the time.
the truth you just spoke ain't got no blue in it. that's the real deal
Well I must say that two-sentz has given just that his two cents. It does not matter what political party these people belonged to. The act was violence that has been in this mans heart long before he walked into a church and began shooting.
As you read the original post it screams ( Hey listen to this propaganda, it is the right belief to have ). As in all writing there is truth and there is opinion, and there is blatant lie.
If you dont think that liberalism kills, watch as America falls without a shot being fired. My Grandfathers and my Father-in-law all served in combat. My older brother served in Nam. My father-in-law was a Paerl harbor survivor. The one common statement by all of these men was that this country will fall without a shot being fired.
As sit today confused by the out cry about the 280 Billion by-out pre-election. Then Obamha gets in 1.5 Trillion. The Liberals say nothing. The conservatives sit in shock. America take a major ass whipping. Why when this President states that we need it we all roll over. Hmmm. As we head into a true socialist society it breeds to those who have never worked for what they want in life. That makes me sick.
If I tell you to go and shoot a red bird and you do it. The mental illness was there to begin with. There have movies, books, talk shows, that all breed one belief system or another. It is up to an individual to decide where he or she stands.
The last charismatic (and one needs to read the definition of the word) Was Adolph Hilter. When you have blind allegiance to any leader bad things can happen. God gave us all a mind to use. I know the minute any Goverment attempts to remove any Liberty that I enjoy this day in this country he is not right one for the American People.
I see the checks and balances of the democratic system. There will be liberals and conservatives. The question is will we live free. Will those that work be paid and those that sit and suck the tit of the welfare system be allowed to continue to do it. There are highways to be built, schools need painting, ditches need cleaning, Doctors, Teachers, Cops all needed. Yet there is still a segment of our society that feels it is o.k. to live off of the fruits of my labor. I dont think there are many conservatives living off of the welfare system.
That said is it possible that you Two-Sentz are the brain washed one. The Irony is we are all brain washed in one way or another.
I will live a freeman until the day I die. I will believe in God and I will salute this American Flag hanging at my house. There is no one on this earth that will stop that from happening, take it to the bank.
I guess you can say yes I am brain washed, I have been influenced by men and women who lost their lives so you and I can sit here on Joes Blog and say what we want about religion and goverment. So is there really hate speach by the conservatives being spoken, probably.
The loudest shot being fired around the world will not be heard by you and I. I do guarantee we will feel the effects the rest of our natural days. When this system fails and I pray it does not. The "Liberals" will thank God that some had the fabric to maintain the true American belief system. It is simple the Constitution should not now or ever be adulterated.
The irony is I would give up my life for an American President if called upon. I never asked myself what party he was in.
Live free or Die.
Am I even reading this correctly? In light of the onset of "Blog-Wars 2009"-{where everyone from the Feds to local/state law enforcement, to local DAs and attorneys are watching daily..and salivating}-also keep in mind given our current national political/social climate that is prepared to even crucify the wholesome Olympic God Mr. Phelps for indulging in merely another form of "watersports"..12:55 makes an explicitly violent anonymous statement that-involves specific, sounding-rather premeditated planning, advocating a shooting spree starting with Nancy Pelosi. AND THEN 1:03 {perhaps even the same person??} puts their whole argument on Republicans being so "soft and cuddly" {?} that they would never be threatening towards an opposing viewpoint. I gotta' tell you...with warm weather approaching I think I am heading towards blog comment retirement. 12:55; if you are willing to put your IP address behind that statement-enjoy your door being splintered....I am pretty sure THEY aren't going to knock.
Interesting that you mention that you would go after Reid and Pelosi, first.
That's the same thing Mr. Adkisson said:
"Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate and House... but they were inaccessible to me"
Are you sure you want to share such illustrious company?
Can you provide us with examples of people who said they wanted George Bush dead? And you haven't heard a Conservative wishing that on Obama? How about Liz Trotta from Fox News:
You said:
If you dont think that liberalism kills, watch as America falls without a shot being fired
That's the exact same kind of extremist rhetoric that Mr. Adkisson displayed in his manifesto letter.
1:24 You said:
"That said is it possible that you Two-Sentz are the brain washed one. The Irony is we are all brain washed in one way or another.
I will live a freeman until the day I die. I will believe in God and I will salute this American Flag hanging at my house. There is no one on this earth that will stop that from happening, take it to the bank."
Me too brother, me too. I believe in God and I fly an American flag at my house too. That't the whole point of this post. We have more in common than we do different. But yet it's ok for Limbaugh to say "ALL liberals want to destroy America"? Even the most ignorant among you must surely realize this couldn't possibly be a reality.
At least you got in your closing by saying "The irony is I would give up my life for an American President if called upon. I never asked myself what party he was in."
Like 12:40 said, where the ones killed even Democrats? No one knows and no one bothered to comment on that because no one cares. It doesn't matter.
The point is we are Americans and this stupid, make believe dogma of us vs them, red vs blue, conservative vs liberal is what is going to destroy America. It's a psychological civil war.
Let me ask you this: When you meet someone new, at what point do you ask them their political affilliation? You probably don't because guess what? It doesn't matter.
So to all you people messed up in the head that want to kill liberals just because they are liberals, like the guy in the post, please shoot yourself instead.
to 1:24
It's unfortunate , but , many shots will be fired. It's just
a matter of time , and it will come very shortly.
why will 'many shots' be fired so soon, 2:28?
If you can blame Rush or Hannity for one crazy man shooting up a church, then you can blame Black on Black violence on rap music-but liberals don't do that. Read Ann Coulter, she's right saying single parenthood harms children and makes them more likely to be criminals-but liberals don't agree with her. The "blue" truth...
As for hating GWBush, there was a play in Britain that assasinated-killed him and people paid to see it. You won't see that about Obama-it would be racist.
BTW I forgot...Conservatives don't want Obama dead-that is for certain. We wish the main the best of health and prosperity because that is good for all of us. If Joe Biden is president, we might actually join the French in kicking Hezbollah out of Lebanon, and who knows what a disaster Vice-Prez Pelosi would be??? I don't wish that on any blue, red or purple citizen of the US.
"Read Ann Coulter, she's right saying single parenthood harms children and makes them more likely to be criminals"
WOW! Single parent homes are not preferable to two parent homes! How revolutionary! I wonder how long it took her to come up with that gem?
Wait til the military checks start to bounce, or the police, or the firemen, or the judges. Our battle isnt with each other, its with Corporate Capitalistic Power Devils. They come in all flavors. The mess this country is in is because of Corporate greed and corrupt politicians on both sides. At what point does the american citizen consider it an act of war and not murder? Think were at war now(and I dont mean Afganistan). I do, Its the war on the middle class, black,white,yellow,red,democrat,republican it matters not. All it seems to be about right now is survival.
You said: you can blame Black on Black violence on rap music-but liberals don't do that.
I beg to differ. Al Sharpton, of all people, held a protest in front of Def Jam records in New York because he felt their music was too violent, and that it influences people to engage in bad behavior.
And, I just provided a link where Liz Strotta says she wished Obama was assassinated. So, yes, high profile Conservatives have 'joked' about killing the President.
What he is trying to say is people are tired of being pushed in a corner and after they get pushed so far, they shots will begin in the country. People will start arming themselves and taking law into their own hands. Its happening now, more people are tire of the way the country is being run and depending on law enforcement to protect them when LIBERAL let criminals go free.
What do you call a 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start, another group of people that started off being a good ideal but most of them look for publicity and MONEY. Lawyers only car about MONEY.
Bring back the Indians, the had the right views on this world..
Neil Young wrote the classic "Down by The River." {where he shot his lady- dead....oh, shot her dead}. Johnny Cash, again tremendously white, penned lyrics that he "shot a man in Reno just to watch him die." Don't confuse constitutionally protected First Amendment artistic expression with the demented ramblings of typical random bastage sociopaths...the door you save may be your own.
1:14, I'd agree with but for the fact the man, in his own words, placed political blame.
Yes, you have to be nuts to go this far, but yes, there's a lot of hate talk out there.
This is the same stuff you see when people feel it's okay to gun down a doctor who provided legal abortions or blow up a clinic that did legal abortions, forgetting that lots of women need those clinics for regular health care and for their kids.
Extremism is a dangerous thing, regardless of what "side" it is on.
Let's all try to contribute to something better, or at least not make it worse. Words can hurt.
Yes, a wacko. But study a little psychology. They don't have a charge for "inciting a riot" for nothing.
I think "two-sentz" needs to give us all back one of those "sentz" because I want a refund.
That nonsensical post comparing conservatives to a serial killer is one of the most ridiculous attempts to quell free speech that I have ever seen.
Yes folks, it's true. Listening to conservative talk shows is making us all cold-blooded killers, just like two-sentz says.
Our only hope is to pass the fairness doctrine.
That way, we'll all become subdued sheeple wandering aimlessly through our lives, ears tuned for the soothing flute music played by the Messiah Obama.
By the way, wasn't Stalin a liberal/socialist? How about Mussolini?
Who has been more responsible for death in this world?
No need to fear me, two-sentz.
When the revolution comes, you just go hide in your hole with Chuck and rest of your kind and stay out of the way.
You and Chuck can take turns pulling the wool over each others eyes.
Irresponsible Right Wingnuts at work. WTF do you expect.
Way to miss the point 3:57, and then try to change the subject.
No one is trying to quell anyone's speech, just to get people to think about the garbage they let in to their mind and thier manifesto.
"Listening to conservative talk shows is making us all cold-blooded killers, just like two-sentz says."
Nice try again on putting words in my mouth. Rush, is that you? If you listen to hateful speech repeatedly, you will begin to think that way.
"Who has been more responsible for death in this world?"
What is that even supposed to mean?
Arent all or most you republicans conservative Christians? Isn't the saying "God is in control"? Or "Let go and let God"? What are you so freaked out about? What do you think you can actually do that He can't? Are you just insecure? Or stupid?
Ooh, getting called stupid by a genius such as yourself is a badge of honor.
Your hypocrisy is enlightening.
Only a person with your brainpower could differentiate "hateful" speech from "free" speech.
Again, Thank You for exposing your true underbelly.
Two-Sentz. Next cyber round is on me for trying at all here-it is a tough crowd....many of the religious/conservative extremists can't even wrap their heads around the basic messages of the story of "The Good Samaritan" or the philosophy of genuinely being "one's brother's keeeper" {Golden Rule?}. They are neither stupid, nor insecure; they are merely pathetic.
Wow, the libs really crawl out of the woodwork when someone challenges their "let's all get together and hold hands" mantra.
Notice how they all resort to name calling when someone with opposing views offers a different opinion.
Guess Reese must be the second string.
I don't follow your logic two sentz, are you implying that becasue of this derranged man's action and hatred of liberals, that conservatives are somehow to blame? Are you to blame for the crazed actions of liberal terrorist groups: the worriors of Earth First, the Unibomber who claims some sort of linkage to them, how about those idiots of Earth liberation Front or Obama's infamous, unrepentant weatherman, Bill Ayers, who didn't think THEY did enough?
Two Sentz think about this. I was recently in Cabela's in Hamburg PA. For those who don't know, Cabela's is a large chain of sporting goods stores that deals with hunting, fishing, etc. I looked on their shelves and couldn't find any of the inexpensive ammunition in the flavor of 7.63x39. This is a common caliber for imported semi-automatic weapons such as SKS, AK-47, and domestic weapons like the Ruger mini 30, which are excellent sporting and self defense weapons. Also missing from shelves was almost all bulk gunpowder used to re-load ammunition.
The sales people said they can't keep it on the shelves because it is sold as soon as it is brought out.
I looked on web sights such as "Cheaper than Dirt" "Midway" and many others to find that the ammunition listed above was out of stock and they are unable to back order.
I went to Gander Mountain and Dicks Sporting goods here locally. The same ammunition is gone and they are unable to get anymore.
I tried to special order a military style Bush Master AR-15 and was told the backorder time is 4-6 months. They had a Smith and Wesson so I bought it. They still have a Colt version of the same weapon for $1700.00 and when it's gone, it's gone. They don't know when they will get more.
People are buying this stuff up as fast as they can find it. You think that citizens don't feel something coming? Think again.
4:26, 4:43, 3:57, and 5:50,
I'm hoping you guys are being intentionally ironic.
It's like you didn't read the article or the man's manifesto... and then decided to spout the same exact extremist rhetoric. You CAN see that, can't you?
I mean, I don't want to be sitting here laughing AT you, I want to be laughing WITH you.
Yet you wont be fighting for freedom with us , will you! Chucky and two senseless are just trolling over here. "TROLL'S BE GONE"
Now for a dose of reality. Joe has allowed your B.S. to be posted. He doesnt try to sensor public veiw by erasing opinions that dont follow in line with his. You two have not only endorsed but have been trying to promote the blatent theif of Americas tax money with the so called "stimulis" bill.
Remember what was said....You to just stay out of the way when the real men are called to fight for democracy.
Stupid Democrates !
Laughing Chuck??? None of this warrants any laughter. This post and the motive behind it is really quite sad.
Now is the time for all good Americans or conservatives to make plans to rid our great country of the liberals, many who have turned socialist. Organizations or groups are now secretely being formed to fight the imminent internal war to rid America of these radical liberals. Fortunately, we have conservatives or good old solid Americans who reverently cling to the values that this country was built upon.As time will tell and the plans unfold, the extremist liberal groups have sleepers who when called upon will betray group members and support our movement successes.Little can be said electronically as eavedroppers constantly monitor all communication mediums.If our economy slips into a fullblown depression, all corrective endeavors will be accelerated.Many of our older generation rose to the occasion to fight for America in former years and there are enough of us to do it again.Once action starts, there aren't enough prisons to hold all of us until repairs are made to our country.Thank you and God bless America.
To Reconciled1 at 12:39. - I agree that Mr. Adkisson's actions were negative and served little purpose. Mass killings serve no purpose but selective high-profile targets would send the message he wanted to communicate. He was frustrated and unable to intellectually make his protest statement.All movements have to start somewhere I guess to get the ball rolling.
It appears that the remaining comments are nothing different that what Mr. Adkisson has in his manifesto.
I think it would be wise if some of you engaged in some self-reflection about the kind of poisonous rhetoric you're throwing around.
Do you see any Liberals talking about 'arming themselves' for a war against Conservatives? This type of extremist language is how Hitler came to power, and how Osama bin Laden recruits new terrorists.
do you think you're in good company?
Chuck the likes of William Ayers has and does.
got anyone else but a dried up old 60's revolutionary? Anybody recent? Any Liberal group arming themselves for the 'revolution'?
uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I just left the longest comment a blogger screwed me!!!!
You are all a bunch of idiot moron grasshoppers. You will all perish at the hands of the socialist, facist, liberls who will destroy American and all that Jefferson fought for like growing your own weed, which he did plenty of.
The democrates are destroying this country and must be eliminated for the good of those who love this country and die for her, unlike the losers who wrote this thread, just ask my racist friend Fat Alberta.
You can stay in the rar with the woman.
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