Now can you get your mind around how much these SOB's have robbed from our future, only to line their pockets before we fall to absolute ruin?
American workers have lost $6 trillion of housing wealth and another $8 trillion in stock wealth.
This is our money!!! Are you going to have the nerve to stand against a fellow citizen and vote for any one of these people to be re-elected?When you have lost your job, and your home and you are paying $20. for a loaf of bread, you will then know why.
Will it be at this point that you stand up and say 'Enough is Enough'?
what did one senator say on tv Monday? If we spent 1 million dollars a day since the day Jesus was born, we still wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars. Thanks for graphing it out, even folks folks with ADD, like myself, can focus on it long enough to see THAT"S ALOT OF MONEY!!!!!!! RP
9.2? I thought it was 1.2.
Don't get me wrong. I hate bailing out those *#$)(*.
But where did 9.2 come from?
In the interest of national security we the people will never know exactly how much NASA or the Iraq war's "real" budget to be disclosed to the public. Many dollars they spend flow through the Pentagon and go down as national security, money lost forever. Good article all in all
Total debt will soon be over $14,000,000,000,000
Didn't we have a surplus and balanced budget 9 years ago? Dang what happened to all that ching ching?
Wow. Thank you for finally putting the words here for others-"CAPITALIST (repeat, CAPITALIST)looting of taxpayer dollars." We can't blame our own self-inflicted, gluttonous wounds on Chairman Mao and Karl Marx......BTW 600 Billion and counting in Iraq!!.."Here's to the land YOU tore out the heart of; George W. find yourself another country to be a part of..."
Clinton did bring in a surplus but at the expense of a military so reduced we got attacked numerous times. Twice on the world Trade Centers and don't forget the USS Cole. It took Bush years to rebuild out military.
I have always wanted to fire the first shot, Its my destiny always has been.
Rebuild a military to be caught up in a 7 year and counting quagmire in Iraq that is the size of Califorina?
Shock and awe has lost it's punch and it can't be accounted for.
9:49. The 9/11 was more of a failing of the FAA {similarly as FEMA would disappoint a few years later} rather than the military. This is what I try to impress upon readers here: the towers didn't go down because today's re-incarnation of Pappy Boyington "missed one" in a dogfight and an enemy fighter bomber pickled one off on us. The mostly SAUDI born terrorists inflicted similar casualty figures against Americans as were experienced during the Omaha Beach landings. There were 19 total hi-jackers. None were in a MIG; None had an AK; None were carrying semtex, "yellowcake", or aluminum tubes. They were not transported here in covert ballistic submarines. They did ALL this damage......with like TWENTY DOLLARS WORTH OF BOX CUTTERS!!!!!!! Fact is you can spend GigaBillions of dollars on fancy new Raptors and Mars rockets, but until you invest more money {and El-Al type training} into the salary and benefits package of the guy/gal who is operating the security screening at airport gates/monitoring dubious cargo ships coming into our ports, the hi-jackers will continue to exploit us. One set of hijackers actually set off a screening alarm, and were allowed to continue aboard with their "weapons." On today's battlefield, where nobody wears uniforms and the "weapons room" doubles as either a mosque or milk factory, you are better off converting the money for ONE Raptor into small, non-sequential bills in a suitcase so you can bribe a Pakistani warlord who is suddenly very upset because bin Laden just said something very very nasty about him on "OsamaBlog"...
Reese, did you take your meds today?
It's always been hard to witness individuals self destruct, but a whole nation... It's beyond my simple mind to comprehend.
I agree with Bobby too many boots in the "War Room" and too few boots on the ground. Fact is we don't have enough boots for two wars. We have enough military weapons to blow up earth 10 times over.
I'm 51, if it paid enough I'd enlist. I can't see as good as I used too, and I ache sometimes but I can sit at a computer and guide a drone to it's destination and destroy what ever the mission calls for.
It's ironic that both depressions in the last 80 years happened under the watch of a president named Herbert?
11:06. That is Der Kommissar Bobby to YOU. And yeah, sure..I took my "meds"; howz' about cho', comrade?
The Louisiana Purchase was 15 Million dollars. Now are you leaving out something huge? Cause that 200 billion whatever seems completely wrong.
Don't forget another $800,000,000,000 for the current war in Iraq
If you think the "Louisiana Purchase" was expensive {BTW I think when outstanding debt was cancelled- not actual bullion value..no, dipstick, not the little cubes you make soup with- it was 15 million} but you could get a loaded Buick Skylark for a nickel back then; do the math on the recent "Louisiana Sell-Out" monetary damages brought to you by 'Shady-Grady' Mike Brown....Budem zdorovy..
It is painfully obvious that our government is being contolled by people who do not have our interest in mind. They are going to destroy our currency - not just our economy. What will we do then?
The founding fathers started a revolution because the government that controlled them did not listen to the people, their wants and needs.
Out current goverment is doing the same!!!
Has everyone forgotten the words......"By the People for the People...."???
This is out nation not the Goverment's nation, and not the corporations.
before we can do nothing,,,,be loud and consistent... gather people of the same thinking and mind set and exercise your rights!!
"We the people......." NEVER FOR GET IT!!!!!
Concerned Patriot,
Will Brenner
u do realize, don't you , that this bailout is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than the current Iraq war over the past 8 years?
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