This will require immediate and repeated action by each and every one of us to keep this bill from passing our Statehouse!
There is a Bill pending in 18 states that will:
-not allow the sale of un-coded ammo after 6/30/2009
-privately un-coded ammo must be destroyed by 7/1/2011(including hand loaded) this means everything you have in the house that you or your granddad loaded yourselves to save a few buck! Publicized
-a .05 tax per round ( what's that got to do to the cost of a brick of .22!!)
- MD, NJ, PA, NY among the 18 states
This site will give you each state's sponsors as well as the Bill's particulars
Ammunition Accountability Act
Makes me want to go out and buy 1000 rounds or so.
I agree with 8:54....this is insane. Soon I wont be able to afford to shoot for fun...
This is about military dictatorship. Wake up America. The right to bear arms, is our right to defend ourselves against our own government.
What if a thief steals your ammo in a burglary? You don't think he's going to buy ammo in a store where he is required to sign his name, do you?
Come and get me
good luck with that. what's the point here? street crime? how many "thugs" are making their own loads? ridiculous.
Buy as much as you can now and hold it. The liberals are tearing our constitution to pieces and we're standing here letting it happen. I don't think voting at the polls is going to fix this. Take your SKS out of cosmoline and load up on ammo. Get as many extended magazines as you can afford. Clean those AR-15', Mini 14's, and Mini 30's now. The end of our nation and our constitution is around the next curve.
You think I'm going to keep 2000 rounds in the open? I ain't that stupid.
Can we get a list up on this blog of the people we need to call to tell them to vote no witht heir email and phone?
H.R. 45
Here we go again !
The Dems are not wasting any time to start Nullifying the 2nd amendment.
H.R. (House Bill) 45 is ready to start taking away second amendment rights.
This is a synopsis:
* You will have to carry a photo ID firearms license.
* A training class is required to be licensed.
* Disclosure of your storage method is required for license.
* A thumb print is required for license.
* Every sale recorded by the federal government.
* If you move, and don't tell the office of the Attorney General within 60 days, you are a criminal.
* If a firearm is stolen and you don't report it, you are a criminal.
* There will be no grandfathered firearms.
* If you do not obtain a license and report every firearm you currently own, you are a criminal.
* There will be a license fee and a fee for the "services" provided at purchase time.
* Licenses must be renewed every 5 years.
The Bill, H.R. 45, is dated 6 January, 2009, and the liberals are already on the move.
* H.R. 45 does not apply to Criminals or Illegal Aliens.
The link that I provided on this article takes you to the page of the people that are supporting this insanity.
Go to this page and scroll down and find Maryland.
It gives you the names of all of the sponsors of this bill.
Write down the names and then call your state senator
Lowell Stoltzfus, then call Delegates Jim Mathias and Norm Conway for Worcester, and whoever you have in Wicomico, and tell them to shut this down!
One shot...one kill; send me the bill for the round!! That is a whole lotta' entertainment for less than a dolar!!
hr 45 is above
Here is a link to the NRA ILA website.
it says
Maryland Ammunition Serialization Legislation Fails in Committee!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Thank You for all of Your Hard Work!
House Bill 517, Maryland’s ammunition serialization bill, received an “unfavorable” status in the House Judiciary Committee and was formally withdrawn on Friday, February 29.
HB517, introduced by State Delegate Emmett Burns (D-10), would have required ammunition manufacturers to encode a serial number on all ammunition for regulated firearms (handguns and “assault weapons”) sold in the state and would require the registration of the ammunition to the purchaser. Only shotgun ammunition would have been exempted. All non-encoded ammunition privately possessed would have to be disposed of by January 1, 2009. HB517 would have also allowed the State Police to create an extensive and intrusive database on all ammunition purchasers, paid for by a tax of 5 cents per round.
We want to thank all of our members who took the time to contact the House Judiciary committee in opposition to this bill and especially those gun owners and sportsmen who took the trip to the Capitol in defense of their Second Amendment rights.
now what is going on? I has this thing been revived?
I had already called Colburn about this...
WT fheck?
Somebody find out if this is dead or not?
..this is NOT being racial, it's just interesting.....
of the 11 sponsors of this bill, 9 are black, 1 white male, 1 women who appears to be mixed race.
As a gun owner and an independent, I don't see how your points lead to gun confiscation.
* You will have to carry a photo ID firearms license.
I have to carry a License with my picture to drive a car. You have to have a hunting license, and if you carry concealed you must always have your permit wih you.
* A training class is required to be licensed.
Whats wrong with a training class, again you have to take a class to drive a car. I take a firearms course every couple of years just to stay up to date, and its a whopping 25 dollars at my club.
* Disclosure of your storage method is required for license.
Its either locked in my gun safe at home, or in my locker at the club...big deal now everyone knows.
* A thumb print is required for license.
Big deal, I was finger-printed for my job, and have been for others in the past. My laptop has a fingerprint recognition login...don't use it cause i don't think anyone wants my family photos but its there. A professor of mine in college 10 years ago was working on a gun lock with fingerprint recognition for S&W... was deemed to be to expensive to mass market.
Every sale recorded by the federal government.
Thanks to former Prez Bush and HSA, they know more about you than you think, if you made a legal purchase whats the big deal.
* If you move, and don't tell the office of the Attorney General within 60 days, you are a criminal.
If you move and don't notify the DMV of your address change and reregister your vehicles, you are in violation of the law as well.
* If a firearm is stolen and you don't report it, you are a criminal.
How could you not report a stolen firearm. To me that would be more important than anything else. I can replace my valuables. I can't replace the life that may be taken with my stolen weapon.
* There will be no grandfathered firearms.
Yes you wll have to register granddaddy's gun....just do it.
* If you do not obtain a license and report every firearm you currently own, you are a criminal.
If this stops straw purchases of firearms I'm all for it. Many people that make straw purchase later say...oh it was stolen when it is found to have been used in the commission of a crime. If we seriously looked at where the guns used in the commission of a crime came from, you would most likely find they were obtained illegally through a person doing straw purchases. If I'm wrong and all those guns out there in the hands of criminals were stolen from law abiding citizens, then we have a lot of citizens out there that shouldn't own a gun they can't secure.
* There will be a license fee and a fee for the "services" provided at purchase time.
I paid for my drivers license, hunting license and business license.
* Licenses must be renewed every 5 years.
So is my drivers License.
* H.R. 45 does not apply to Criminals or Illegal Aliens.
The laws of our great country apply to everyone. Criminals and illegal aliens choose to ignore these laws. As an American I choose to follow the laws...I may not agree with them all the time, but I follow them.
I have no problems with law abiding American citizens owning firearms, but if we don't have laws that govern the possession and use of these weapons, we will be putting guns into the hands of people that should not have them.
I have no problem registering my gun and my ammo. Perhaps a compromise could be made to have your license number laser etched onto homemade loads, its fairly cheap to have that done in bulk.
I take my rights and responsiblilitiess of ownership very seriously. If these laws will save one life, they are worth it.
I don't see the US becoming a nation making it illegal to own firearms, even some of my liberal friends are against that. To revoke The right to bear arms would require a Constitutional ammendment, and i don't see that happening.
Far From Home
Does H.R. 45 deserve a thread of it's own??
I hope someone can find out if indeed house bill 517 is dead.
BTW- The women sponsor of HR 517 IS black. Not that it matters.
Now regarding HR 45
from the NRA website
Big Brother's New Target: Tracking Firearms
Friday, January 23, 2009
U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) recently sponsored H.R. 45, also known as "Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act." The bill is, at its core and as its name implies, a licensing and registration scheme.
The measure calls for all handgun owners to submit to the federal government an application that shall include, among many other things: a photo; an address; a thumbprint; a completed, written firearm safety test; private mental health records; and a fee. And those are only some of the requirements to be licensed!
The bill would further require the attorney general to
establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer, and owner's address in America.
Moreover, the bill would make it illegal to own or possess a "qualifying firearm" -- defined as "any handgun; or any semiautomatic firearm that can accept any detachable ammunition feeding device…" [emphasis added] without one of the proposed licenses.
Additionally, the bill would make it illegal to transfer ownership of a "qualifying firearm" to anyone who is not a licensed gun dealer or collector (with very few exceptions), and would require "qualifying firearm" owners to report all transfers to the attorney general's database. It would also be illegal for a licensed gun owner to fail to record a gun loss or theft within 72 hours, or fail to report a change of address within 60 days. Further, if a minor obtains a firearm and injures someone with it, the owner of the firearm may face a multiple-year jail sentence.
H.R. 45 is essentially a reintroduction of H.R. 2666, which Rush introduced in 2007. H.R. 2666contained much of the same language as H.R. 45, and was co-sponsored by several well-known anti-gun legislators--including Barack Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. H.R. 45 currently has no co-sponsors.
Rest assured that NRA-ILA will continue to monitor this bill closely, and will keep you informed of any developments if they materialize.
here's the link to the above
here is a .pdf of HR 45
This is some scary stuff.
We've got to be the stupidest darn bunch of fools ever to grace God's green earth.
We're sitting by watching the libs take away everything that gives the people its power.
What are we going to march on Washington with, knives and pitchforks?
It makes me sick to my stomach to think some government entity can invade my home, take my weapons, and that the world will be a safer place???
Am I losing my mind?
Are the odds of a criminal intent on doing my family or me harm, more or less likely, once the G-Men have stripped my guns and ammo away?
I believe the only option left is quite rapidly becoming the last option.
God help us.
I agree, what is the problem. If it can help track the thugs, and cost me some time, I am for it. The thugs cost me time and freedom now. Do you want your kids to ride their bikes in the city areas, no then quit complaining and follow the laws, big deal. If you are one of the ones that thinks you need a fully automatic gun at your house, then join the military and you can carry one all the time.
The fact that you say you're an "independent" immediately disqualifies you as someone that knows what they are talking about.
1120 you are a complete idiot, a sheep, a moron, a cow that is being lulled into becoming fat, lazy, and stupid, just prior to your slaughter.
I suggest you look at what has happened in other countries where this was the first step.
Like England, Australia,
and Rwanda!!!
But you won't do your homework will you?
You'll just shake your head, or perhaps MMOOO a little bit back at me. Please put your head back in your feedbag and wait for your next free meal.
You do not even see the loss of your freedoms that people died for you to have. Freedom has been under attack by the Bushies, and now the O's.
How can you not see our federal and state governments intruding into our lives more and more each year?
At what point will you say enough?
Do you know what our Constittuion is? Do you know what the bill of rights says? Do you know anything about human history and out of control government?
You fool, you refuse to see what is coming, what's more, you don't even care.
This issue is not about criminals getting guns.
My God, what's wrong with you people?
It's about the power of the people to decide how this country operates.
Do you really think it's good that the Govt. knows: exactly how many, what type, storage location, etc, etc, of your weapons and ammo?
What possible benefit would the Govt. gain with that information?
Maybe, just maybe, they could use that information to confiscate your weapons should the Commander in Chief issue martial law.
You go ahead and register your weapons like a good sheep.
When they come for your stuff, just hand it over and everything will be fine.
you also must be a victim of a public school education.
You also lack the ability to think critically.
Will criminials follow these laws?
How stupid are you?
Far From Home,
you need to go back home.
If it saves one life????
Do you know what Franklin said about temporay safety and liberty?
No you don't do you?
I don't believe you own a gun, and you certainly don't know what it means to be an American.
Please go back home.
11:33 - Why does being an independent disqualify me. I have never walked lock step with either party. I agree with dems on some issues and the GOP on others. I actually research ideas from both parties, instead of believing what each party is tryng to cram down my throat, and blindly quoting their talking points. Maybe if more people did this our country would not be as divided as we are. Maybe you should try turing off Fox News and Rush or CNN and MSNBC and get a different view of the world.. it may surprise you whats out there.
Does this bill include "zip" guns ? :)
Make no mistake about it, this bill, like ones before it and ones that will follow, will help government to disable true patriots, defenders of the constitution. It aids in the ability to thwart any attempts to stop the government from gaining full control. This bill would help fight crime in only a few cases, like where the ammo was stolen from. Criminals will simply buy or make illegal ammo just like they do with drugs. It will slow them only slightly, perhaps create far more home intrusions, for those needing ammo. Mostly it would hurt law abiding citizens. Manufacturers are not set up to do this technology, the cost would sky rocket ammo prices, along with the new tax and sales decline, average ppl would no longer be able to afford ammo. The rest of the ammo owners/buyers would be registered and tracked {for confiscation when the time is right} more so than any released criminal or convicted pedophile. These type laws are simply a step towards disarming without actually taking your guns. I truly believe the collapse of the economy has been done on purpose, to crush us, make us more acceptable, submitting to gov. control, like the banks, the housing, auto industries, health care,ect. Why arent they after those responsible for these disasters? It's even destroying other countries, yet no talk of accountability. They know their biggest hurdle, the biggest threat to their plan of full control, is the true American the defenders of the Constitution. The "change" is coming quicker than you realize.
Hip Boots
You are ignorant fool.
Have YOU researched the tyranny our founding fathers wanted to escape?
Have YOU researched the crime stats in England and Australia after gun registrations, and then gun bans?
Have you researched what the governement did in Dharfur and Rwanda? Hint-step one was the disarming of the populous.
I hear you MMOO-ing, are you upset because you need milking?
Ignorant TWIT!
Your "independence" and commonality with some Democrat rational, portrays you as someone that can't take a stand on anything.
It's a free country, and that entitles you to your own opinions and beliefs.
I'm not a republican, democrat, or independent.
I'm a patriot.
I believe government is the elephant in the room.
If you can't see the difference, sorry to say, you're part of the problem.
If they take our guns we can make small cannons from CPVC pipe and use hairspray as an igniter.
I'll never be without home protection. Kids make bombs now out of bottles and soda cans. You can get all the info you need at the public library, or Internet at least until they take that right away from us.
If you had a choice would you rather take a fireball in the gut or take a bullet?
You can still buy coded ammo, so how is that taking your guns away?
302pm....The average citizen will NOT be able to afford Coded ammo!
the manufacturing cost, lack of sales, .05 tax PER BULLET
Criminals will make and by illegal ammo just like they do drugs, it hurts no one but the honest law abiding citizen.
Imagine how many forensic scientists will end up drawing unemployment...All of the hit TV shows will lose appeal as ammo manufacturers will have done the work for them...Does Toyota and Nike make ammunition yet? Honda or Samsung, Sony or UnderArmor?
Guns are being embraced more than Bibles...Although our founding fathers all carried both. Blessed is the Peacemaker...Not the bunch of Godless citizens we have today.
Honestly, you believe that when the thugs come to rape and pillage the family you will defend them with an automatic weapon...WOW!?
...Make it too expensive...How? In comparision to what. Right now a brick of 22's is 18.00 bucks at WalMart, and you'd lose interest before the box is empty. Just went after the mistle-toe with three of us plinking away. Box still a third full...
I will say, if that sweet young lady who got slaughtered eating some Tasty Freeze in her Altima had a Nickel Plated 10MM Smith and Wesson, she could have blown cupholders into their chest cavities.
Im going to channel some Dale Gribble and say that if a potentially tyrannical future government wanted to take all the citizens guns,they already know who they are and where they live if they are registered legally to own a firearm.Why would lawmakers bother with "coding" ammo?
Michael it affects all bullets, even 22's...$18 now $180. when their done. And dont dare compare your once a year plinking to the amount I shoot and hunt in a year, and I'm just an average shooter. So the auto for defense is mute, not to mention illegal.
totmom, there are billions of legally own rifles and handguns that are not registered...grandfathered if you would {pre-registration laws}.
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
Thomas Jefferson
First they register you. Then, when they are ready, they know where to go for the confiscation. Next thing you know, the Country is defensless.
These people are Nazis.
When a people lose the right of arms, the free state will perish.
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