Here's how you have to learn about meetings in Hebron: you have to drive to Town Hall and see if there is anything posted on the door. Sometimes, this Town which thinks it can handle this mega-development uses their other high-tech communication networks for meeting info, i.e., the post office and barbershop!
Although they have talked about a Website for years, nothing at all moving in that direction.
Would Town Officials like my tag number in advance? I'd be happy to give it to them.
You have bashed them so much why would they want your help. Try being more constructive
Leave it to Joe to find it out.
Joe is not "bashing" Hebron--just telling how it is and how they do business. No infrasture, no town police, no town public works, and yet they are set to vote to quadruple the present population.
to 11:49 you should try being more realistic as to how Hebron is being run. Take off your blinders.
evHebron officials don't even know it's Findings of Fact, not Finding of Facts--really not up to speed on things.
Starting to sound a little like the politics of near by towns. Maybe you could rename the town Delbron or Fruitbron. Sorry, Salisbury is already taken. The gangs already call the place "H" town; Yo.
You can surround me, but I wont annex! Whats next, a Hebron Wal-Mart!!
You're right Anon2:11--these developers have always said they will have big box stores like Wal-mart in this project.
Look out Hebron--Rt. 50 is about to become worse than Rt. 13 North! ''
These developers are about to bleed Hebron taxpayers dry--and one of those Commissioners, to my knowledge, has never ever uttered one single word at any public meeting about ANYTHING. And no one EVER votes against the Chair--they simply nod and vote like he does. Disgusting and no independent brain work going on at all.
So give them your tag number, all they'll have to do is figure out which of your many vehicles you'll be driving. A nice day like today should bring one of those Harley's out of the garage.
Let us not forget about the Hebron Fire Department. They are rallying for support so they can get extra revenue to add on to their existing fleet of 13 units. Sounds like another Pittsville to me.
Fire Dept.? When I asked them one of those in the know in the Hebron FD how they would handle all the new buildings in this project, I was told they "had enough right now to handle it".....Hebron truly doesn't have a clue as to what is about to heppen to them if this project is passed.
Sounds to me like this is typical of the shore. Large developments are coming and you have no police network? No modern day infrastructure(although the entire shore sucks for infrastructure). This entire area couldnt be more any more backwards.
This place has so many apologists and ppl with the blinders on. In reality the majority of the areas are run down and horribly managed towns with crime levels far higher than comparably sized locations.
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