You can always tell when a city election is around the corner. SAPOA (the Salisbury-area Slumlord's Guild) prepares to keep their pals in power with both legal, and under-the-table, campaign spending.
As usual, Richard Insley (the area's leading slumlord) prepares a letter (see text below) for all slumlords to scare their tenants with. The implication is clear. Support Gary Comegys for Mayor along with Muir Boda and Shanie Shields for council or you will be homeless.
It doesn't matter that there is little to no truth in the attack piece. SAPOA doesn't want to have elected officials who fight for safe, affordable housing for the city's renters. That takes money out of their collective pockets. Instead, it's too easy to scare renters into voting for people that SAPOA expects to stay in their pocket. Why not? They have been highly successful to date with the likes of Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart, Shanie Shields and Louise Smith.
SAPOA already knows that they own Comegys and Shields. They are simply so afraid of Councilwoman Debbie Campbell that they are hoping Boda will be sufficiently grateful for their support.
"Dear Tenant,
A very important City of Salisbury Primary Election is coming on MARCH 3, 2009 and General Election on April 7, 2009 for tenants who want to protect their rights to live in Salisbury neighborhoods.
*Why is the Election important to me you ask?*
Because who you elect will have a lot to do with whether you maintain your rights to live in a neighborhood of your choice.
*Who I elect, you say?*
Your choice for Mayor and City Council will be between Candidates who support your (everyone’s) right to live where you choose and those who want to restrict by law the rights of Renters.
The City Council candidates in District Two are DEBBIE CAMPBELL and MUIR BODA and the Mayoral Candidates are BOB CALDWELL, JIM IRETON and GARY COMEGYS. Regardless of what she might tell you, MRS. CAMPBELL has been no friend or supporter of renters living in Salisbury neighborhoods. She lead the effort to get the infamous “4 to 2” law passed in Salisbury, which basically was aimed at RENTERS, to reduce the maximum number of unrelated renters in a dwelling from 4 to 2. I believe her agenda and that of her allies including Mayoral Candidates BOB CALDWELL and JIM IRETON has been to get rid of as many rental properties (and consequently renters) in Salisbury neighborhoods as possible.
They haven’t said it in exactly those terms. It is much more subtle than that, but make no mistake; they don’t want renters in “THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS”. They frequently refer to the “UNHEALTHY” number of rentals in Salisbury. If you can afford or choose to own a house in “THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD”, that’s acceptable, (as long as you are not a student) but if you are a renter, they don’t want you. Of course you won’t actually hear them say they don’t want renters. More likely it will be they don’t want Landlords. Sooo… if you don’t have Landlords, you don’t have Renters.
How can they accomplish that? Well, they can’t outlaw rentals directly by ordinance. One of the more indirect ways is to increase the costs and fees on rentals, and decreasing the number of persons who can live in a rental property, regardless of the number of bedrooms, (4 to 2) thus trying to make them more and more unaffordable for Renters.
Candidates GARY COMEGYS for MAYOR and MUIR BODA for CITY COUNCIL in District 2 and SHANIE SHIELDS for CITY COUNCIL in District 1 all live in Salisbury neighborhoods. Shanie Shields has been an outspoken critic of the “4 to 2” law and a strong advocate for tenants. I believe all three recognize that everyone needs a place to live whether they can afford to own or need or choose to rent. They understand the need of Renters for a decent place to live in Salisbury neighborhoods and I believe they support the idea that Renters should not be treated as second class citizens. I have never heard an “anti-Renter” agenda from either of them, as I have from the others. I suggest you give them your consideration when deciding who to vote for in the Primary and General Elections on March 3^rd and April 7^th , 2009.
Very Truly Yours,"
No surprize there
That's good because people are tired of looking at ugly rentals and all their signs will be right there.
More scare tactics from the slumlords. They are starting early this time around. Obviously, they are running scared. Scared their cash cow is on the verge of drying up.
Stand tall and strong renters. Your vote counts and even they can't go in the voting booth with you. Cast YOUR vote, not their vote.
Holy Smoke!
I hope this blows up in their slimy faces. What a pack of lies! Just like in 2007.
Students especially got screwed by the landlords' lies then. Hope they'll learn for this one.
Hey, Renters...
Please vote for our people.
We want to keep you in squalor and charge you big for it.
We like you being targets of crime in blighted neighbors.
Your Loving Landlords
This is slanderous and a lawyer should be sought to fight this, they crossed the legal line here.
arent elections secret ballot?
I have just viewed the PAC 14 interviews with the Mayoral candidates. Mr Caldwell and Ireton would make excellent Mayors and expressed themselves well. The car salesman looks like what he is. A bunch of hot air and no substance. Mr Comegys was a complete joke. If the word AH didn't exist, he wouldn't be able to finish a sentence. His first five minutes were spent talking about him and the State Highway Dept. where he has backed up to a paycheck for 35 years. He couldn't resist telling you about his Volunteer firefighting days at Station 2 also. He could provide no clear solution to any issue he mentioned in his comments. It was just idle ramblings of a very poor candidate. I urge evry eligable voter to get out and vote. This city can't afford to elect a candidate with such obvious ties to SAPOA and other special interest groups. This city has suffered for too long.
It is unfortunate that probably the majority of the renters who will receive this letter do not have access to the internet, nor get the local paper.
So what does that mean? The only thing they know is what is in a piece of paper they will receive from their slumlord.
The only way to combat this is if the other candidates also go door to door in those neighborhoods and meet the people and ask for their vote. But you'd probably have to get out there right away because a lot of these people are probably not even registered to vote.
Salisbury is not going to change I don't believe with this election, and that is a true shame.
The only good point will be getting rid of your Mayor Tilghman once and for all.
Sorry folks, you're in real deep.
I wish you luck!
Richard Insley, the author of this attack piece, is currently the head of the board thatt decides whether landlords are in compliance with existing city laws. Can you say conflict of interest? The mayor appointed him, and Comegys will keep him on that board if elected. I can't believe the Daily Times doesn't just rip Insley for this!!!!!
anonymous 11:21,
That shouldn't be too dificult. All the Candidates have to do is look for the Comegys/Boda signs and have a counter piece already made up for their review. Believe me, IF just ONE of their Tenants feels threatened, the word will get back to Salisbury News and we WILL report it.
Shanie Shields has been a strong advocate for tenants? Shanie has been a strong advocate for laziness, mindlessness and eating snacks. She has read no proposals, asked no intelligent questions and has understood nothing about her city. That landlords could endorse her is an insult to all thinking people. The new mayor should remove Richard Insley from any appointed office dealing with landlords. Could the conflict of interest be any more obvious?
Dear Tenants,
You are the financial backbone of the multi-million dollar rental housing market for Salisbury. You have made area Landlords very, very wealthy. Please forgive their manners if they have failed to thank you for your support.
A very important City election is coming up very soon. The Primary is March 3rd and the General Election is April 7th. It’s very important to the Landlords’ interests that you vote for their candidates of choices so that nothing changes in the rental market and they keep their profits.
Why is this election important to you? Have you noticed the cost of rentals in the City of Salisbury? The Landlords can charge whatever they want and you have no say in the matter. Have you noticed the quality of the rental market? Are there any code violations? Is the Landlord taking care of your rental unit properly? If not, who do you turn to, the Housing Board that has landlords sitting on it? Have you seen your lease? Were you properly informed of your rights as tenants?
Yes, under State law (Maryland Code, Real Property, Title 8, Subtitle 2 - Residential Leases), you DO actually have rights. Here are a few of them:
1. A landlord may not impose a security deposit in excess of the equivalent of two months’ rent per dwelling unit, regardless of the number of tenants.
2. If a landlord charges more than the equivalent of two months’ rent per dwelling unit as a security deposit, the tenant may recover up to threefold the extra amount charged, plus reasonable attorney’s fees.
3. The landlord shall give the tenant a receipt for the security deposit. The landlord shall maintain all security deposits in federally insured financial institutions. The landlord shall deposit the security deposit within 30 days of receipt.
4. Within 45 days after the end of the tenancy, the landlord shall return the security deposit to the tenant together with simple interest which has accrued in the amount of 4% per annum, less any damages rightfully withheld.
5. If the landlord, without a reasonable basis, fails to return any part of the security deposit, plus accrued interest, within 45 days after the termination of the tenancy, the tenant has an action of up to threefold of the withheld amount, plus reasonable attorney’s fees.
6. The landlord CANNOT withhold sums from your deposit for painting and cleaning which are normal wear and tear on the apartment. This is different from damages for which sums can be withheld.
7. When Landlords rent you an apartment, you rent the entire apartment for your exclusive use. The landlord cannot lock you out of your apartment or use the apartment for his own use if you are current on the rent.
There are a group of Landlords who rely on you not knowing the law and not knowing your rights. They rely on scare tactics to get you to do what they want. Contrary to what the Landlords are telling you, no one is trying to eliminate rentals or run anyone out of town. What the Landlords don’t want you to know is that they fear Landlord / Tenant Boards from being established where Tenants could go to protect their rights. Landlords fear a Code and Compliance Department that will actually police rental units for over-occupancy which is a health and fire hazard. They fear having to comply with regulations meant to keep you safe. That cuts into their profit margin.
Every 4 years, a select few Landlords send out their letters to the Tenants, with very little changing from one election cycle to the next. Why should they? It’s worked for them each time. Their letters seek to scare and intimidate and in fact, change the outcome of an election. Because such a high percentage of the rental industry is made up of students who graduate and leave every 4 years, the students seldom discover how the Landlords are manipulating them.
The Landlords are businessmen. They have rentals to make a profit and make a living. It’s in their interests to have a Mayor and City Council members who will help them maintain their profit margins. Tenants, wouldn’t you rather have a Mayor and City Council who seek to protect your interests to give you safe, affordable housing? Don’t continue to be the patsy of your Landlords. Fight the Man! Voting is done in secret. So secretly go vote for the people who will protect you from high rents, unsafe rentals and intimidation tactics of the fat cat Landlords. Vote for Tim Chaney, Debbie Campbell, and either Bob Caldwell or Jim Ireton. They actually live in your neighborhoods and know about the crime and unsafe conditions. Look at the addresses for your Landlords who live out of town, in fancy communities, and then ask why you should vote for their guys.
Anon 11:48, very nice but way too long. People would never read it all.
Message would have to be short and sweet.
The current Mayor has a similar affliction as Bubba. She has UM! Disease. EverY Third word is UM! There seems to be a pattern with crooked politians and poor speaking ability.
Nice smack down! Joe, you might consider making that comment a post! If this doesn't convince everyone to write a check to Ireton, Caldwell, and Chaney, nothing will. Take back our city!
Vote for Tim Chaney, Debbie Campbell, and either Bob Caldwell or Jim Ireton. They actually live in your neighborhoods and know about the crime and unsafe conditions. Look at the addresses for your Landlords who live out of town, in fancy communities, and then ask why you should vote for their guys.
Excellent!! Thank you 11:48.
This is really sickning!
Who is Very Truly Yours?
All Insley is worried about is the bottom line in his check book.
Where is his concern the #1 issue palguing this city? Crime & Safety for the very tenants whom he's attempting to subtly intimidate and/or persuade. The very tenants who are often on the frontline not only from Police Harrassement, as easy pickings, in a Crime Infested City, but also from emboldened Criminals, who these days decide to kill just because they feel like it.
We see where his priorities lie, along with Comegys & Boda's, they are SO out of touch with the Citizens of Salisbury, wether Tenants, homeowners, or homeless.
"He couldn't resist telling you about his Volunteer firefighting days at Station 2 also."
Bubba has never been a firefighter so those who know him are fully aware that dicussion was a lie.
He tried to be a firefighter once, but came running out scared to death like a freight train knocking real firefighters over. From that point on they called him "Choo Choo."
I have noticed a lot of Bubba and Boda signs in rental property yards this weekend. This is evidence of the Bubba and Boda Slumlord Connection. If everyone remembers correctly Boda swore he had no special interest ties. LIAR!!
11:48, that was AWESOME!
What does the law say about landlords sticking THEIR candidates signs on their RENTED properties?
Hey, all of us Renters out there, how many of you got told "That sign stays up or ELSE!"
If you got a story to tell, why not email it to Joe Albero? He'll keep you anonymous because we all know what "or else" means.
Regarding Landlords posting political signs on property already rented to Tenants without the Tenants' permission: it's a subdivision of the use of the property and is not permitted in the City Code. But, what tenant has the money to sue a landlord; thus the need for a Landlord / Tenant Board to protect Tenants' rights and I don't mean one stacked with landlords, thank you very much BPT.
Glad that people are not losing sight of the fact that ALL of these SAPOA members live conveniently far away from the places they rent.Keep that thought in readers heads and hopefully the tenants making these guys richer will have a lightbulb come on over their heads.Its really pathetic how much rents are when you look at whats offered.You really do not get what you pay for!
The majority of SAPOA members need to stand up to the few who are truly giving them a bad name.
Anon 12:46
It's a good old FOB boys network.
You are right. It is easy to forget that there are decent landlords out there--there really are! I don't know how SAPOA works, but if I were a member, I'd start by voting in decent leaders to represent them. All landlords are getting tarnished by SAPOA's association with guys like Insley. We can have rentals and still take back our city from the slumlords. Having Insley on that housing board (as chair, no less) is the most outrageous example of arrogance and lack of concern for the citizens of Salisbury. Register to vote, and make sure you vote in the primary.
Why would renters believe that their interests can be best protected by someone supported by slumlords?
what happened to the "new format" and your "unbiased" views?
anonymous 2:19,
Are you kidding me? Perhaps you can't get your lips off a certain part of the Daily Times anatomy but we deliver the TRUTH!
Just because you are an Anti Albero Blogger or a Staff member of the Daily Times doesn't mean we'll ever turn the other cheek and not inform our visitors the reality of what's going on out there.
You see, the days of 250 people, then 1,000 people, then 10,000 people a day are OVER!
Salisbury News has in fact made it to the BIG TIME and that's what's killing you about the exposure.
Each and every Landlord is experiencing their telephones ruinging off the HOOK right now because EVERYONE you know with a computer has seen this article and they have some serious explaining to do.
I'll add, the Daily Times has their head buried in the sand once again because they NO LONGER get the scoop on ANYTHING. They can no longer be trusted and every one knows Salisbury News is NOT afraid to get the TRUTH out there.
Go back to your work and dream of becoming a Salisbury News one day.
Is Rick his son? I attempted to deal with him on a new built home and he is just as slimy.
I swear this town is a mini Chicago - all the slumlords and dirty, dirty politics. These renters have to know that they DO NOT have to listen to these slumlords and vote for who they tell them to vote for. Renters, think for yourself and don't be influenced by this nonsense. What a Pelosi town!
Well, I don't see the slumlords lowering any rents (only increasing them) so why would the renters do what the slumlords want in a city election. Don't be fooled, these jokers won't put you out on the street if you don't vote their way. Listen up folks - We must take Salisbury back for its people and their neighborhoods, and we need you renters to help out by not voting the way this trash named Insley wants you to vote!
The slumlords are easy to pick out. They do not live in the City and they rent multiple properties. Their only real income is from rentals and the have never been able to keep a real job. The good landlords are those who rent one or two rooms or houses and live nearby. They are City residents and have a vested interest in the area they live. The may rent an inheritted home or a former residence of their own. They do extensive background checks and refuse to rent to perpetual destructive tenants. For the most part these homes are well kept and have a landlord who continuously checks up on any issues involving the tenants or property.
There are several rental businesses in town that have so many properties they can't keep track of them. Properties go unchecked for months and they rent to the first person who can flash some green for the security deposit and rent. It doesn't matter to them, because they dont have to live with the scum they just rented to. They serve as BLOCKBUSTERS and run out the good residents of that neighborhood.
I would like to see Mr Insley sleep one night in the roach infested apartments he rents. It aint going to happen. He has help create the 70 % rental property in the City. This is also the cause of the 70% increase in crime and 100% of the problem.
He printed a letter word for word from Richard Insley--that isn't biased. Do you think "unbiased" means you cannot report unpleasant facts like the existence of this letter? What is the matter, the landlords don't like this letter being exposed? Why not? Insley is deathly afraid that anyone but Comegys becomes mayor because he knows that Ireton and Caldwell will boot him from his unethical perch on the housing board. SU students aren't going to fall for the lies this time.
Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree Anon 2:27!
When you want to rob the bank, you want Barney Fife guarding it. Comegys is the closest thing to Barney among the candidates.
I love all the typos and poor grammar in the letter. Comegys and Boda should be proud to be associated with such upstanding citizens.
Shanie will support anybody who flashes a pork chop or a twinkie in front of her. What a joke for a council woman. Campbell and Cohen have set the standard.
Do renters really think that they have access to the voting records??
Where's Lynn Cathcart when we need her to tell SAPOA to shove this stuff -- her silence is deafening.
I saw Shanie at the Mcdonalds
the other day , I said hi!
She didn't even lift her head.
She was eating so fast , when she stood up and turned , her face looked like a glazed donut. My
goodness , at least wipe your face face off.
Didn't they do this in the last election? I've got "deja vu all over again."
Yes, Insley and his cohorts sent out this same letter during the last municipal election. They edited it a bit this time. Are the grammar and spelling errors still in it? I didn't look that closely. What a brain trust!
Didn't Shanie Shields house get foreclosed? So what local community does she live in? When did Princess Anne become a neighborhood of Salisbury? What address sis Shanie put on her ballot to run for City Council?
Yep, it still has errors. I don't know if they are the same as last time, but I will be happy to edit it for them (for example, the past tense of lead is led) for a small fee. Say, 10% of all of the security deposits they rip off.
Jim Ireton all the way. He wants positive change.
When the house of cards finally falls for good those slumlords will be forced to unload a lot of inventory stock houses at affordable prices and we have more homeowners in the city the rest will fall into place.
Hang in there college students you may be able to own cheaper than rent soon, then make a nice little profit come graduation time.
This is just more bear droppings left by the Gestapo to tell people who are too stupid how to vote. I'm being scarcastic here, I don't think renters are stupid however it sure does look the their landlords think that they can't think for themselves.
As with anything, there is good and bad. The students no doubt outweigh in good things. I have no problem at all with the college students, renters or homeowners I was young once. It was nice ; )
OF COURSE, they do...!!!
February, not Febuary.
But, more importantly this should read THROUGH February 10, not "before" February 10.
"Because who you elect will have a lot to do with whether you maintain your rights to live in a neighborhood of your choice."
Nothing could be further from the truth.
You can live in the neighborhood of your choice all the while maintaining your rights REGARDLESS of who is elected!
Anything else is DISCRIMINATORY.
increased cost & fees to landlords from the council are under CONTROL of the slumlords who control the council majority.
last election it was "vote for comeyges or your rent will go up." it went up anyways. so high, in fact that now they all have to lower it. (by less than 100 bucks in most cases.)
This is EXACTLY why Jim Ireton needs to be elected. He has been out there fighting the good fight against this crap for both homeowners and renters, because blight and crime don't ask first which you are before they victimize you.
Let's not just talk to each other about this. Talk to your neighbors. Talk to students. Talk to renters. Let's all of us -- young, old, owner, renter -- band together and stick it to smear-mongering, profiteering goons like Insley where it will hurt the most:
The Ballot Box!
In today's Daily Times, Insley professes to have written this letter himself, to be distributed to renters.
So, why did he not sign it, instead leaving the signature space open for all other manner of landlords to put their signature there.
Fastest way to SAPOA's pocketbook(S)...also, the ballot box.
While I moved a few years ago, I am an Eastern Shore native. I rented a house from Richard Insley while attending SSU over a decade ago. I may be "out of the loop" and not know what things are like these days. So I can only speak for how they were in the late 90s.
Richard Insley was my first landlord. I rented a 4 BR house with 2 of my friends from high school/college. The house was nice and the rent was reasonable. We had no problems during that year. We did not renew the lease because I had a friend with an extra house who was willing to give me a huge discount.
I remember that the rental application was very thorough and Mr. Insley seemed to have high standards for his tenants. My friends and I were all highly ranked local high school graduates attending SSU with academic scholarships, employed, had great parents,etc. I sure never thought of this guy as a "slum lord." He had houses people wanted to rent for reasonable prices. Didn't seem shady to me.
I also know he opposed Barrie. I guess SBYnews loves Barrie now. Our yard had signs for the woman who lost to Barrie. Sorry, I don't remember her name.
People who support things like "4 to 2" are against property rights, and frankly, un-American. It's not a "slumlord" issue. It's a property rights and free-association issue.
I used to assume writers here were more friendly towards markets/capitalism and not big government socialists. Perhaps I was wrong.
I know that if I had to rent a 4 BR house ( or find a smaller rental) with only 2 people, I wouldn't have been able to afford it. But I guess that's the point. People want to "keep out" people like me and my friends were- employed law-abiding local students. I don't know what preferred status people were supposed to replace us. I don't know if people want abandoned houses in Salisbury or what, since they seem to oppose people renting out their property or people wanting to rent it.
I just know at the time access to affordable housing in Salisbury was a big help for me, and no one was hurt by my private market transaction with my landlord.
I do not know Muir Boda, though he has contacted me regarding his candidacy. I do not know much about him other than he is a member of my former political party.
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