The Good Old Boy system is alive and well in Somerset County Ladies & Gentlemen. You might even question if Wicomico County has some issues as well. This story is like going back in time, like the 1950's.
Mrs. Pusey, (the victim) was a victim of a home invasion Dec. 11th 2008 at 11:48 PM at her home in Somerset County at the Princess Anne Apartments on N. Somerset Ave. just outside the Town limits. Last Thursday she noticed a white Crown Victoria parked outside her home in her personal parking space. Out of curiosity she went out to the vehicle and knocked on the passenger window. The person in the vehicle turned his head away and Mrs. Pusey continued to ask him what he was doing there. If you can't tell me why I'm going to call 911. I was recently broken into and I'm calling 911.
The Sheriff answered in what I'm told took several times to understand, I'm undercover and you're going to blow my cover. It was very evident, (according to Mrs. Pusey) that the Sheriff was allegedly drunk. She went on to tell me that any time he tried to speak he was slurring and it was very difficult to understand him at all and continued to turn his head away. He kept trying to open the window in the passenger side but he kept opening all of the other windows as he was having a very difficult time getting the window open on Mrs. Pusey's side.
Mrs. Pusey explained to him that this was a private residence and he had no business being there. She then called 911 and then approaches the back of his car and started reading his tag number to the 911 operator. Sheriff Jones started yelling, DON'T CALL THE POLICE, DON'T CALL THE POLICE, I AM THE COPS.
At that point a young girl named Emily came out of one of the apartments and got into the car and said, Bobby, just F/N lock her up and get it the F_ _ k over with. Mrs. Pusey looked through the rear window of the car and into the rear view mirror and Sheriff Jones looked right at her and backed up. Sheriff Jones then hit the accelerator in reverse and hit Mrs. Pusey, sending her flying like a rag doll. He then put it in drive and started moving forward and hit Mrs. Pusey in the back. She was starting to stand up when he hit her again.
This all happened while she was on the phone with the 911 operator. She was scared, she was yelling. Her friend Joe and her Sister came running over to Donna yelling STOP! Sheriff Jones got out of his car, he almost fell on the ground, staggering and then held onto the car to stop from falling on the ground. He then flashed his badge and said, I am the Cops.
At this point a neighbor came out of her door and recognized the Sheriff. The neighbor said you could smell him before he got to him. He said, Bobby, what are you doing, your drunk again. Mrs. Pusey was assisted back towards her home and the 911 operator said the Police are on their way. Sheriff Jones then pulled out of their and fled, rather fast, Mrs. Pusey said.
The State Police finally showed up. Mrs. Pusey said it took quite a while for the State Police to show up and then they were talking in the parking lot, (two State Troopers) about 10 minutes. Witnesses were instructing the State Police Officers where Mrs. Pusey was and to go over and talk to her. When they finally came over to her apartment the Trooper asked what had happened and she said I was hit by Bobby Jones. She only knew his name because neighbors kept telling her who he was.
The Officer never did give Mrs. Pusey his name and then stated they were going to go try and locate him. She told them what car he was in and by that time he was already home. Hind site, it seemed like they were giving him time to get home, Mrs. Pusey said.
Mrs. Pusey then called her Son to take her to the Hospital and that's where State Police gave her a Police Report. The State Police were called a second time by the Hospital/Doctors because she was hit by a car. The Hospital took x-rays all over her body. There were no broken bones but her body had been sprained and strained. She had bruises on her lower back. No photos were taken at the time.
Mrs. Pusey had them write out a report at the Hospital. State Police Supervisor allegedly said, do you realize your accusations are on an Elected Official? Mrs. Pusey never received a card, a report number and or a copy of the complaint she was asked to write up at the Hospital. The State Police then gave Mrs. Pusey and her friend Joe a breathalyzer test outside the Hospital. Mrs. Pusey does not drink. I'm an epileptic, she said. Joe's Breathalyzer was a .03 and said it was over the limit and that he would not be a reliable witness. Mrs. Pusey said that was fine because her Sister was there and her neighbor Rick saw it as well. Rick is the neighbor that knew Bobby Jones and said something about his drinking at the scene.
The following day Mrs. Pusey witnessed Sheriff Bobby Jones driving past her home 3 times. She said it could have been more than three times but she knew for sure she had seen him three times. Her friend Joe got on a bicycle and rode it to the Pharmacy to pick up a prescription for Mrs. Pusey and was followed by Sheriff Bobby Jones all the way from the residence to the Pharmacy. He went inside to give them her prescription and Sheriff Jones followed him into the Pharmacy and actually walked to the back of the store and simply said hello to the people working at the back counter. He then said hello to Joe and left. Joe had to wait a good 30 minutes for them to fill the prescription and when he exited the store, there was Sheriff Bobby Jones again.
Because they were now in fear for their lives they went into the Somerset County District Court and met with Mrs. Gladys Johnson, a Somerset County District Court Commissioner. Mrs. Johnson interviewed Mrs. Pusey and then called the Md. State Police and asked for a Case #. The State Police told Commissioner Johnson there was no case or case #. Mrs. Johnson then stated, Mrs. Pusey is sitting right here at my desk, there must be a case number. The Officer then said, wait a minute. Someone just told me there was a report. Commissioner Johnson was going to grant a Peace Order but told Mrs. Pusey there were just too many red flags in this case and she immediately contacted Wicomico County Commissioner Mrs. Timmons. She told Mrs. Pusey they would be waiting for her in Salisbury and Mrs. Timmons granted an immediate Peace Order.
Sheriff Bobby Jones showed up at Court yesterday (the original scheduled court date for the Peace Order) without a lawyer and asked for a continuance. His Lawyer David Moore was thousands of miles away. Judge Whitehead granted the extension for an additional day, today at 1:30 PM. Today they were in front of Judge Nunn and things got quite interesting from there. The Judge today allowed yet another extension on this case until the 24th of this month. Now, he also stated that Mrs. Pusey needed to get a lawyer and encouraged that Mrs. Pusey try to "work it out" between her lawyer and Sheriff Jones' lawyer David Moore.
Attorney David Moore said he wanted ALL of her witnesses as he wanted to do background checks on each and every one of them before they go to Court. The Judge then said, Perhaps you can talk and resolve your issues in the mean time. Mrs. Pusey replied, "Judge, I encourage you to talk to Mr. Jones attorney, this man ran over me with his car." Mind you, Mrs. Pusey is an elderly woman who stood there in front of the Judge with a cane. Judge Nunn granted the extension and again suggested she get a lawyer.
Criminal Investigator Pilcher contacted Mrs. Pusey today just before today's court hearing. I found that quite interesting as well because one would think this would have happened several days ago. I can understand their being somewhat busy but this case STINKS! I immediately made some phone calls because Mrs. Pusey is not in any position to hire an attorney. She is on disability and truly in fear for her life. The Judge today should have recognized this and I'm confident he read the reports. Clearly Mr. Jones doesn't care about the Peace Order and even one of the Commissioners stated this was stalking. That's allegedly why she granted the Peace Order to start with.
Mrs. Pusey is in such fear that she has since returned to her home and is in hiding. Once again, because she didn't have legal council she was not able to express her side today with yet a different Judge. I'm confident that if Judge Nunn knew that she was in hiding and afraid to go home, there would have been a different outcome today. I CANNOT see why they treated this case like a criminal case and granted Jones an extension. It was a Peace Order for crying out loud! I confirmed today that Mrs. Pusey does NOT have to provide David Moore with all of her witnesses. In fact, there were several unusual mistakes today in which you can now expect this case to possibly go to the Attorney General and rather than a simple Peace Order, it may become a criminal case and things will be handled quite differently from here on out. Mrs. Pusey can then get a lawyer provided by the State and while Judge Nunn encouraged she get a lawyer for the Peace Order, this is absolutely not true at all. This is a Peace Order and in my honest opinion, this case should have been heard yesterday. This elderly woman went to Court yesterday, then again today and now she's expected to return next week again. In the mean time she's living somewhere else.
Oh, when they left the Court House yesterday after the first hearing, someone in an unmarked crown Victoria followed them to Tim's Restaurant near the DMV in Salisbury. They kept pacing the sidewalk back and forth several times and then walked into the restaurant and only made eye contact with Mrs. Pusey.
Now, do I believe Mrs. Pusey? You better darned well believe I do! I also spoke with a few of her witnesses and let me also assure you, these people are truly in fear for their lives and I mean that with all my heart. When I heard this story several days ago, I have to be honest with you, I couldn't believe it. When I confirmed it I was still in shock. Then I spoke with someone reliable again and they told me a completely different story. That left me wondering which story was true. The first story I had heard was accurate.
Sheriff Bobby Jones HAD been drinking that day, that's been confirmed. When they went to his home after the alleged hit and run or whatever else you want to call it, there's no question he had been drinking. There's this convenience that the Police can't prove he was drunk at the time Mrs. Pusey was allegedly hit by his vehicle, so they say. However, a neighbor said he could smell him before he ever got up close to him and even told him, Bobby, you've been drinking again.
IMHO, Sheriff Bobby Jones should have been locked up and arrested right away. I had also been told he was at that location with his Son's Girlfriend so she could allegedly purchase prescription drugs. There's no question in my mind at this point that this Sheriff has some very serious issues. I'm told he can be seen driving this young lady around all the time in his Police vehicle.
The Justice System has failed Mrs. Pusey and her friends for now but I would expect that to change overnight. As a Grandmother of 4, she doesn't deserve this.
UPDATE: I see the Daily Times finally got on board with my story. Let's see, I have been on this for what, 6 days now? Anyhow, here's what they printed. What say you now nay sayers?http://www.delmarvanow.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090219/NEWS01/902190397&s=d&page=2#pluckcomments
hey just for the record, there is no Mrs. Johnson who is a Somerset County Commissioner, in fact there are no females on the county commissioners. I think maybe you mean Princess Anne Town Commissioners
This makes me angry and I am not even a resident there! I hope they nail his sorry butt AND she gets compensated!
This whole story sounds to far fetched to be true.
This is Fox News worthy for sure.
I thought coverups like this only happened in Delmar!
I wish her all the luck in the world and pray for her safety as well.
Mrs. Pusey will win, I'm sure of it.
Don't give up Mrs. Pusey!
What is the tag number on his car?
There is a white unmarked that hangs out in Pocomoke - I have seen it in some odd situations, such as in the parking lot at the rec facility with the officer out of his car hugging a woman who was plastered against another vehicle . .
wow.....coo coo coo....hold on velvet ears....we're gonna hit still sight #3 and get them Dukes off of Possum-Gator Road!!! Cletus you nincompoop!!! Where's Enos???!!??
I believe her whole heartedly Joe. This will make National News I'd bet.
That is an unbelieveable story. Who is in charge of the Princess Anne state police? This is happening on their watch
The other day there was a post on taking care of the bad your self. Here is a prime example of why this lady should have her own piece and should have shot him while he was hurting her.
If the American people continue to allow this especially the law then by all means get your own gun and take protect yourself cause it isn't going to happen in PRincess Anne.
WHen you go to Jail JOnes get the space fixed in your front teeth. On me.
why doesn't she take her story to the head of the MD state police.. and see if they can help
She's got to get away from the local police..
hopefully this loser will lose his job
The investigator who contacted her would be Pilchard (I would assume) not Pilcher
Lol David Moore representing Bobby Jones??? Takes scum to represent scum! Lets not forget Mr. Moores responsibility in the death of his mistress several years ago. Mr. Moore knows all about the good ole' boy system!
oh...my...gosh!!!! Incredible! What is this man thinking?? I like the way you popped the lid off this one, Joe; keep us updated!
anonymous 5:55, I think you're right on that. It was the Princess Anne Commissioner.
This certainly does not surprise me at all for Somerset County. If there is ever an award for cover-ups, it would land right here. The fact that Ms. Pusey was on the phone with 911 should give validity to her claim, but then again, that is a county run operation. The tape, if available, should certainly give an insight into her frightened state. Jones should have immediately been put on administrative leave, pending the outcome of an investigation, but then again this is Somerset County.
Nothing is surprising, this is about like them giving Henderson another county supervisory position, despite an investigation which showed extensive criminal activity on Henderson's part. Remember, they also gave Purnell the job as warden, despite shooting someone in the back and there being an open lawsuit. What is it going to take for these people to wake up? The days of the citizens sitting back and allowing all of this to happen has passed. Give them enough rope and they WILL hang themselves.
There is a court commissioner named Johnson.If she called 911 then the call and his tag number are recorded unless the dispatcher has erased it anon 5:55.
Joe, maybe you can get a lawyer for her on a contingency. there must be some compasionate lawyer out there that would like to help this lady. If he would sue the county, maybe he could represent some of the inmates that were beat and tortured by Jim Henderson also. If it starts costing the county money, maybe they will wake up and play by the rules.
At least in Wicomico County you just have to worry about the criminals. Looks like, in Somerset County, you have to worry about the criminals AND the police
Good ole' somerset county!!
Jones is an elected official the only one that he answers to is the people or AG so he would have to put hiself on admin. leave
You have to remember that a n appointed attorney works for the STATE; AKA the judge. She will lose if that's all she can afford, sounds like.
Pray tell..what part did David Moore have in the death of his "mistress"? She took her own life in the back of a police car...he was no where around. Be careful what you accuse people of.
i live in the same area as ms. pusey and dont believe a word of what she telling maybe the state police should watch what she and her boyfriend do on a daily basis and this would explain why she doesnt want the police around her apartment
She needs to call the NAACP they'll get her a lawyer and Al Sharpton to boot. The good ole boys will be running for cover and the town as well as the state will have one helluva lawsuit. Those troopers should be fired for covering up for this rednecked, backwoods POS.
In cases like this it presents the police and prosecutors an excellent opportunity to show the public that they are capable of doing the right thing. Unfortunately it is sounding like the ones in charge are trying to make the victims the criminals. Shame on anyone who engages in this type of behavior. This is exactly why the public has so much disdain for the justice system and the ones in it. They protect each other, expecially the police and the prosecutors. I can not believe the state police gave this poor woman a breathilizer test at the hospital. Even if she had been drinking, Jones was in the wrong, not her.
This is truly a shame to our Eastern Shore.
you all really have no clue..There is a court commissioner named Johnson which is who the peace order would have to go through and the state police investigated it initially and decided to do nothing. what makes anyone think that anything different will happen now. when the sheriffs office and state police sweep it away its gone. didnt happen
I wonder if the DT will do any investigative reporting? If it happened in Wicomico, they sure would spin it against Mike Lewis and Davis Ruark. Then again, maybe we'll hear about it next week. Don't worry, Chiefy Webster is waiting in the wings for Somerset Sheriff.
NAACP wasn't inclined to help the inmates in the detention center when they were being abused by Jim L. Henderson when he was warden. Maybe this time will be different. Don't forget Jesse Jackson, he might be interested also, especially if he senses a cover-up by the police. Kristy Hickman learned her lesson on trying to protect Henderson, let's hope the special prosecutor in this case does an honest job. Everyone should be held accountable for there actions in this and all cases involving public officials.
Thanks Joe for exposing this vile drunk, "hit and run" driver, stalker..... He does such a disservice to the brave dedicated law enforcement officers. However Crisfield Police chief Tabor is still exhibiting DWI behaviors. When will the powers that be wake up and purge these miscreants???
Gen-Pop will wear you down.
This lady is a nut case and if you believe all this did in fact occur then I am sure you would like to hear how the government was responsible for 911 as well.
anon 7:32, Can u say blackmail or do you choose to be part of the good ole' boy system too. Oh,....lets see.... denial works well too.
Mrs. Pusey got her peace order on Friday the 13th. She was scheduled for a hearing on the next business day in gistrict court which was Tuesday the 17th, which was postponed until the 18th. The final hearing is scheduled for the 24th which is still scheduled. Nothing unusual was done in court. As to the State Police covering up I doubt that happend. In todays world no one would put their job on the line for this type of incident
Should this not be turned to an impartial voice. This is so serious that the attorney general should be the person who looks into this
I think first of all ppl need to get there facts straight on who's and whats before they comment.... Yes there is a District Court Commissioner by the name of Johnson... She is not a Princess Anne Town Commissioner... Second, they don't need to get this case away from the local police... because they are not handling it... If they were it would have neen Handled the way it should of been... If Princess Anne Police would have handled it there probably wouldn't have been so many questions or doubts.... And finally... there are two sides to EVERY story... Don't believe everything you hear and read... Some ppl are always about trying to make a extra dollar- ecspecially when the police are the ones they can blame....
What a shameful post! Joe, did you graduate from high school? I had to read it three times in an attempt to make any sense out of it. Tell you what, for $100 an hour I'll write your pieces and, as someone with 26 years of criminal investigative experience, I'll conduct your interviews for future "news" worthy pieces involving criminal activity, the police, and the criminal justice system.
If the alleged victim in this case, Mrs. Pusey, was a victim of an intentional act (assault) or a motor vehicle accident where the operator of the vehicle striking her left the scene (hit and run involving personal injuries), she should consult with an attorney. She would be consulting with an attorney for the purpose of civilly suing the person responsible for the assault/hit and run and her subsequent injuries. This attorney, who would be working on a percentage of any future award (you won't find any attorney willing to work on a contingency if they see no merit in the case) would begin to look into the events by interviewing witnesses, including state troopers, and retrieving all pertinent documents, such as medical reports and a copy of the phone recording from the 911 center or barrack when the call came in, as well as a copy of the actual radio communications between the 911 center/barrack and any officer responding to or involved in the investigation.
This lawyer will be able to verify what actions, if any, were taken, and determine if the investigation is continuing. If the state police is not conducting an investigation, the attorney would be able to determine why. If the attorney finds, through the course of his investigation, a crime did occur and a suspect could be identified, as your article suggests there could be based on the accounts of eye witnesses at the scene, Mrs. Pusey could proceed to the District Court commissioner's office and make application for charging documents. The court commissioner, if there is probable cause, can issue either a criminal summons or an arrest warrant. If the suspect is the sheriff, as this story suggests, a summons would most likely be issued. During any criminal proceeding in court, Mrs. Pusey would be represented by the state's attorney's office. Any conviction resulting out of the charges would, obviously, bolster any civil action her civil attorney files on her behalf.
I must say, however, in this era where law enforcement officers arrests anyone and everyone, no matter their standing in the community (remember Rourke Davis?) I find the suggestion that road troopers of the state police would jeapordize their careers by covering up such a serious incident hard to swallow. Now I could buy into the claim that the troopers simply did a shitty investigation. It's my professional experience that road troopers are best left to writing speeding tickets. Their criminal investigation expertise is a bit lacking, and not something most like to do.
Is it the district court commisioner who has a son in jail for attmepted murder and other gun charges and calls cops liars..that same one?
This was for a PEACE ORDER not a civil suit or a criminal case. Ya'll need to get a grip.
8:36 Calm down and reread the posts. I think most people get that Mrs. Pusey has been given a Peace Order by the court. The larger question remaining from the story as posted is: Is there some type of cover up, as they author the story, Joe Albero, suggests? Even if someone dropped the ball during the investigation, Mrs. Pusey still has options in obtaining legal representation at no out-of-pocket cost to her for any possible civil suit, and how she can proceed with obtaining criminal charges against the person responsible if warranted.
All that said, this story contains some serious claims. Not only about the events involving Mrs. Pusey, but the claim that this sheriff drives this young lady around the county for the purpose of illegally purchasing prescription drugs. Personally, this is a path I never would have travelled down unless I had a stable of attorneys on retainer.
anonymous 8:26,
First of all, I met this woman and her witnesses one on one, face to face, you have not. I can assure you, these are not people who could easily afford an attorney at any cost. You are the type of person who has completely forgotten where you came from in life. This Post went up, (like it or not) to help this woman, her Family and her Friends. While there are two sides to every story, is Bobby Brown in hiding right now sleeping on the floor somewhere? Is he in fear for his life and loved ones? Bobby walked into that court room with an attorney and was in fear of nothing. There are numerous witnesses to what I have Posted, or are you lame at reading?
To those nay sayers that say this simply isn't believable, you're wrong. I have spoken to some pretty high powered people and let me assure you, this story is as close as you're going to get with the exception of some spelling errors and locations of the Commissioners. These are not experienced criminals who recall the who's and where's.
More importantly, how would YOU like to be treated the way this woman has been treated. Now she's in fear for her life for an additional 7 days and must stay in hiding. I think the Police Officers who have followed them around are crap! They're a disgrace to the Uniform and Badge. Granted, I'm sure they're under some pretty serious pressure above but there's a time when you MAN UP and simply say NO, especially when you're breaking the law!
This is out of the 1950's like I said in the Post. I did an Interview with J.T. Foxx tonight and he was simply blown away with this story and believes we need to do an interview on this story alone and how we're in the Twilight Zone. J.T. has a National Syndicated Radio Show with millions of listeners. This news will travel!
As for your $100.00 an hour, you're not worth it.
Gladys Johnson is a District Court Commissioner in Somerset County.
John E. Nunn III is a recently appointed District Court Judge in Kent County. He was previously a Public Defender.
OK Joe! Sure there is a story here, but it's no where as sensational as you would like it to be. Let's see Bobby Jones was drinking. Not suprising, no different than the last 30 years. You interviewed the victim and her witnesses. Did they indicate to you that the sale of prescription drugs was a means of income in the neighborhood? Probably a reason to be a target of a home invasion. I find it hard to believe that numerous troopers, presumably with years on the force, would all jeopardize their careers over an incident like this. Few of the one's at the office in Princess Anne are even from Somerset County from what I know. I'd suggest that the story grew from the time that the first trooper's went to the incident and the decision to go to the hospital. No police officer would see an injured person and at least not call an ambulance, even if the victim refused treatment. It's a liability thing if nothing else. Of course your gonna get the sob story. Simply put, you live off controversy and the victim's can hook you without bait. You are neither pro police or anti establishment, just searching for that sensationalism. You have some people who were in a situation they didn't like, who sudenly realized they had an oppotunity for making a buck or at least taking down a "police officer". Bobby Jones is elected, not excpected to enforce any laws, only to head the department and be the go between between the courts the county government and the detention center. Hell, if Marion Berry can get re-elected after smoking crack and being filmed doing it, then what's a little drink. I question you ability to "read" people, your buddy Frank White ever tell you why he's not the chief in Pocomoke anymore? And as to the unmarked car following them around, that sounds a bit paranoid. There are at least 20 old Crown Vic's and Caprices riding in Princess Anne occupied by UMES students and locals. Wouldn't be suprised if some of them lived in the same area.
Somerset County is like Hazzard County. The "Good Ole Boys" get to run things, while the average person doesn't stand a chance. The county motto is "Semper Eadem"... Always the same... Does that tell you anything? If you want to get screwed by the law, come to Somerset County.
Dear Joe,
Where you have investigated on behalf of Ms Pusey and the other witnesses to the crime, perhaps you can use your resources to step in with an attorney you know who would be willing to represent her case, pro bono. I'm sure you know a few.
If everything that was posted on this initial thread is true, this needs to go places. It needs to fall on the desk of Terrence B. Sheridan, current Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. They took the call and the State boys have to pony up with a thorough investigation.
If 'they' muff it, it will make them look bad.
Meanwhile...um, can you tell us what the 5 PM ruckus was with about 8 firetrucks rolling down Mount Hermon road heading east was? And state troopers EVERYWHERE!
It was weird because continuing on Rt 50 eastbound, at the stadium, the same fire trucks were merging on 50, their lights and sirens out, state cars flashing, then more oncoming at the intersection of at WorWic Community college...and another state unmarked car oncoming at Forest Grove road...all on Rt 50 headed EAST, no sirens but lights.
It was worrisome, and well, creepy.
What's the news, Joe-man?
He will cap himself tonight.
Somerset police enforce all laws and treat all of our county citizens equally. You have quite an imagination. By the way, you better leave your gun home before returning to our county. We do have room for you in our fine detention center.I know the vehicle you drive usually.
8:26 sounds like David Moore.
You can bet your life that the Jones supporters will try to distroy the reputation of this lady. The locals have learned well from the big boys in the democratic party in high places. James Henderson supporters did the very same thing, blame the inmates. Well that wasn't true and I'm sure this is in no way Ms. Pusey's fault. Put the blame where it belongs, on Jones and any one else that trys to cover it up.
if this happened anywhere other than the sticks, there would be 2-3 videos of the "assault" on youtube by now.
Anonymous said...
That is an unbelieveable story. Who is in charge of the Princess Anne state police? This is happening on their watch
6:26 PM
Look Hillbilly, Princess Anne doesn't have a state police. There are Princess Anne town cops and the Maryland State Police has a barracks in Somerset County. I have known the trooper mentioned in this tale for many years and he is top notch and would never cover anything up. By the way that spelling of his last name is incorrect.
I hope Hickman has kept her nose out of this! And where do you think old Bobby Jones is getting his pills from? His Attorney! And which attorney supported Hickman in her election.....
David Moore!
Now what has she have to say about all of this???
This is no surprise at all. It goes from the top down. Jones has been engaged in this behavior for years. He was a buddy of James Henderson and had inmates working at his home for years cutting grass and painting. When Henderson abused inmates and Jones was responsible for investigating, Jones never found any wrongdoing by Henderson, I wounder why? Even worse, the commissioners were made aware of it and did nothing about it. When Jones, Henderson and Pecararo were finally targeted and exposed for there criminal behavior the prosecutor, Kristy Hickman failed in her duties to prosecute them. What else will it take in order for the citizens to demand justice.
Anonymous said...
Don't worry, Chiefy Webster is waiting in the wings for Somerset Sheriff.
7:38 PM
Yep, I heard that just yesterday. Kind of scary isn't it.
I see that you didn't post my comment. Hope I didn't scare you to make you pee in your pants. I have been a deputy a long time and dealt with all kinds of people. We have your number my friend.
There seems to be enought circumstantial evidence that Jones was drunk. He should be charged and let the Jury decide. If he is not charged the public should be outraged. Don't re-elect anyone next election.
Anonymous said...
There are at least 20 old Crown Vic's and Caprices riding in Princess Anne occupied by UMES students and locals. Wouldn't be suprised if some of them lived in the same area.
9:31 PM
For some reason that pic that Joe posted of Bobby Jones doesn't look like a typical UMES student?? I think that old woman from that ghetto would know the difference.
Anonymous said...
I see that you didn't post my comment. Hope I didn't scare you to make you pee in your pants. I have been a deputy a long time and dealt with all kinds of people. We have your number my friend.
10:11 PM
Sign your name WUSSY!!!
Sounds like 10:11 is a deputy making a serious threat. More evidence of police intimidation. I would think the AG would certainly be looking into all of this but somehow I doubt it. It was reported that he investigated the Somerset County Detention Center prisoner abuse by James L. Henderson but he failed to bring a single charge.
Anonymous said...
I see that you didn't post my comment. Hope I didn't scare you to make you pee in your pants. I have been a deputy a long time and dealt with all kinds of people. We have your number my friend.
10:11 PM
10:11 is why we hate cops. Sure, there are a very few good ones but most are as corrupt as the people they arrest.
9:55 sounds like another out of control deputy. I would agree however the detention center is probably better since Jone's buddy Jimmy (the abuser) Henderson, is no longer there.
Still no news about the 8 fire trucks rolling out with sirens at about 5:08PM tonight screaming up Beaglin Park, turning down Mount Hermon Road...and then, weirdly coming out on Route 50 heading east at intervals, and all the unmarked MD State Police cars (I saw 4, there could have been more).
I'm still creeped out...Joe, what happened?
To Tidewaterbound, I heard on the scanner that there was some kind of an emergency with a plane coming in to the airport. They said there was something wrong with the landing gear.
Whoa...my mouth is still hanging open after reading this story .....I sincerely hope that it is all sorted out fairly and legal-like.Jones has been a good Sheriff and his longevity in office attests to that but an accusation of this magnitude simply cannot be ignored.
I've read all the comments Joe and I believe you have taken on more than you can chew. You were doing fine staying in Wicomico County. You mess with the big boys from Somerset and Worcester and you could end up missing and we don't want that.Stay with the Wicomico children where everything is funny.
Anon 8.26 did your application get turned down 26yrs ago? is that why you are so bitter about the State Police?
Joe after reading some of these post one has to wonder what people are thinking. The common theme here is who did what to whom. I also see there seems to be a major concensus that Sheriff Jones does in fact have an issue with alcohol. That is truly sad. the truth is in his day he was the peoples choice. It appears that he has allowed a demon to control his life. I know him well and he is one of the more likable people you would want to meet. this in no way exscuses him from his actions.
As for Johnson she is a District Court Commisioner. She has had ongoing problems with her son that dates back to the 90s. The kid is trouble but I dont see where this plays a role in this case, I am concerned that she did not issue a Civil Order in the form of a protective Order. In most counties the Sheriff would have to be indicted. The A/Gs Office will also have to take a hard look at this as well. We all saw it first hand in Wicomico County with Davis Ruark. An elected official has to do something far greater than you or I to answer in the same manner as the general public.
If in fact half of what this women stated is true Bobby should take a leave of absence and get himself together. In the form of some type of rehab.
The outcry over you reporting this saddens me because so many dont want the story to be told. The little man has not a chance in such a politically corrupt system. It is your media will will put this stories out there and we have to make up our own mind as to what transpired.
There is no way in hell I will believe for one minute that things may not have been covered up, but all were allowed to get their story in line. That is the creed of Somerset County. I know some will be angry over this post, but this humilation has been coming for a long time. When elected officials forget who they work for and garner a God Complex they are destined to fail. The Honor of good men is all we have, once they have betrayed that honor they no longer stand for what is right, but what they believe is right.
I hope the State Police are above the frey in this one, but one can only guess. The problem with allowing home boys run the show and mean that as people born and raised in a community the corruption on a political level is bound to happen. The barrack is full of men from that county that have deep ties to the political community. I read questions as to the intergrity of the investigation. I am sorry but i have seen first hand over the years what has been allowed in that barrack. It is sad that a Trooper right out of the academy comes in there with the belief he or she will make a differance. They dont stay long because they will be pushed out by the good ole boys at that Barrack.
The truth will unfold and all the people will be allowed to hold all involved accountable for his or her actions. If this women has lied she needs to be charged civily and by the crimnal statues for a false report. I just cant see all of her story being false. There is truth somewhere in the middle. I think the fear they have is valid. Strange things can happen in the blink of an eye there. The nepatism and croanism in that county is out of the freakin 50's. At some point someone has to say enough is enough.
I have heard Maryland State Police Commanders state " It is another world down there" I think that states all that needs to be said.
It is time for the good people of that county to be heard. This lady is the tip of the "Ice berg" The citizens know what is going on but do not have the resources or the pull to fix the problem. It will take post like yours that are not affraid to speak both sides to this situation. If we only get the goverment side, the citizen is all ways wrong. The blue wall of silence has ruined the confidence by the poeple in good officers all over this country. This will surely piss off alot of cops, but so what if you have nothing to hide then there is no need for the so called "Thin Blue Line" there is rightous and there is wrong there is rarely any gray when it comes to the truth.
To all the officers trying to do the right thing I salute you. To the criminals behind a badge that hide criminal activity, brutallity, staging evidence, lying to the courts. You are without a doubt who has taken one of the most honorable professions on earth and turned it to shit.
To all the deputies under Jone's charge hold your heads up. The truth will come out.
If you are not part of the solution you are the problem.
If its the call I think was. They were headed to the airport for a problem with a plane. We left out of the house after that so I hope everything turned out ok.
It appears to be Assault with a deadly weapon.
Using his vehicle to intimidate and "bump" "run over" another person is a crime.
Does not matter who it is, does not matter who Ms.Pusey is, was or can be. she was assaulted with a deadly weapon, the car. By a person she recognized, and was recognized by others.
There is nothing else. There was a crime, a person was assaulted, police were called.
Enforce the law. Arrest him, put him in jail.
Looks as if they have done it again. Years ago the states attorney hit a child at a bus stop and got off scott free.
Good ole Princess Ann . Always a
cover-up , there commin to get ya.
I'd like to see those pot bellied
police in a PT test , that would be a riot.
what about somerset co. deputy james durham being pulled over by fruitland police for d.w.i. and then released after paperwork was done. (as reported by wboc).
like sheriff, like deputy....
So Jones drinks and drives, it's common knowledge and no one seems to care down there. By the same token you would think that people can easily identify his car too.
As for the woman who was assaulted prior to this, why she didn't call 911 ASAP when she noticed a strange car parked in front of her home at night. Why did she walk out of her home, at night and approach the driver of car? What she's that gutsy? I think she felt relatively secure apporaching the car for whatever reason...
Tidewaterbound said...
Still no news about the 8 fire trucks rolling out with sirens at about 5:08PM tonight screaming up Beaglin Park, turning down Mount Hermon Road...and then, weirdly coming out on Route 50 heading east at intervals, and all the unmarked MD State Police cars (I saw 4, there could have been more).
I'm still creeped out...Joe, what happened?
11:16 PM
Was an aircraft in distress at the airport but it landed safely. All units returned without incident.
So Sheriff Bobby Jones has been charged with what? I didn't think so..... All rumors. Somerset County is the best and it's true they do look out for one another is that such a bad thing?
The firetrucks were probably on their way to the airport for a plane with reported landing gear problems. The plane did lane safely moments later. Was listening to the scanner to the report.
I, myself, believe this story. I have heard things about this Sheriff before. I have friends from Somerset County that can tell you lots of stories about this man. I bet the so-called "Mrs Johnson", was a fake name given so she would not face any repercusions from Somerset County officials.
To Ms. Pusey take this to the State's Attorney, have this man investigated, and fight him because he needs to be out of his position. since when can an ELECTED official do as he wishes to anyone or anything. Being elected does NOT give anyone permission to abuse the publio or their position.
If alcohol, drugs and sleazy behavior are involved its a sure bet David Moore wil be involved.
anon 7:08 AM
break the glass and step out of the jar.
A few comments. If the suspect was some one other than the Sheriff, he/she would have arrested for leaving the scene of the accident and possible 1st degree assault. No questions there would have been an arrest! Second D/Sgt. (Pilchard) is the assigned investigator and he will not pull any punches. His integrity is second to none and his knowledge and expierience is top notch. Lastly the state police commanders, did notify their command staff to include their top cop Sheriden, who also notified the Governors office who informed the Attorney Generals office. So everyone knows who needs to know so lets see where the axe falls. These are facts not rummor.
anonymous 7:08 a.m.
are you NUTS !!! did you not read the story!!! he hit her with his car twice and then drove off..isn't that hit and run ??
when "they" take care of thier own, there is usually a coverup after that. who was emily? why was jones picking her up? why was he in the area to begin with? if jones was "under cover" was he watching out for emily?
jones needs to anwser alot of quetions and then thrown in jail until an outcome can be reached.
To all the Deputies that have worked under Sheriff Jones for years that have tried to do the right thing, KEEP YOUR HEADS UP!! People in the community know who you are and know you have done the best job you could under the circumstances. To the people of Somerset Co. before passing judgement on all the officers that try to protect and serve put blame where it belongs on Bobbie Jones doorstep. Remember most of those guys are the GOOD GUYS that can't control Bobby Jones. Remember the people elected him not the Deputies. Corruption is at the top not at the middle and lower levels remember that before you group them all together.
Most cops are not corrupt as has been stated on your blog. Most are honest hardworking guys who got in to this to make our communities better. How dare he say things like that when he has never walked in there shoes. These guys have to put guns on every morning to go to work what do you have to put on. How many police officers have died trying to protect people like our writer. What would happen to our society if there where no police officers. Think about that.
The militia would have to change some rules.
As being someone who is a transplant from Illinois to the Eastern Shore, and someone who has worked in Law Enforcement in both places I can tell you the Eastern Shore, Especially Somerset County and Princess Anne are very Corrupt. There is a very huge "good ole boy network" down there. WE moved to the shore for a more peaceful country type of life, but we were way wrong only discovering it after we moved. I hate to say it but I'd face the crime in a big city like Chicago with less fear than I do on the Eastern Shore. With That being said, we are looking to move back to Illinois.
She obtained a peace order. Therefore something(s) compelled the judge or whomever, to grant her one.
But I still want to know Why she walked out to the car??
2:18 AM
Where do you get your stats from? The State Police in Somerset have only five out of a staff of about 30 that are from Somerset County, that I know of. Four of them are road troopers and LT Leatherbury. So your assertion that the barrack is run by "good ole boys" isn't exactly held up. As with any other area, there has been tension between the Sheriff's Dept and the state troopers in the past, but as was stated before, why would troopers with years of service, take the chance of jeopardizing their careers over what is apparently not the clear cut case that many would like the public to believe. And if something had happened to the exent that is described, wouldn't they jump at the opportunity to charge Jones with something? I have no problem with the case being brought to the attention of all, but I don't think Ms. Pusey is telling you the entire story exactly as it happened. Unfortunately, because of the bias shown, even if the 911 tapes and testimony of honest people show otherwise, there is going to be the appearance of a coverup. I agree with others in that the problems "uncovered" by Joe in Somerset County aren't as sensational as Joe let's on.
To those of you who feel it is such a bad place here on the shore,the bay bridge is free west bound. Pack your bags, forward your mail, there's nothing holding you here. Have a nice trip!
anonymous 9:00 & others,
Let me assure you of one thing, I didn't just speak to one person about this. I spoke to at least 5! ALL of their stories match. I don't give a crap what any one of you think. I care about Mrs. Pusey and her safety right now.
As for the State Police, I have stated what several people have told me. I have all the respect in the world for the State Police and Ernie Leatherbury.
Many of you may not want to believe this story and many of you want to call it sensationalism but it is what it is. You don't talk to several people and get the exact same story time and time again. Now it makes you wonder about all of those other wild stories that naver made the Press in the past, eh?????
Assault with intent to murder, nothing less. The Good ole boyz Gestapo is coming to a bitter end.
The attornies attempts to smear these witnesses reminds me of attornies that try to smear a rape victim so that the criminal can remain free to repeat the offense.
Are we going to have to send Mike Lewis down there to clean up as well?
Sheriff Lewis has already been down there ONCE! From what I gathered, it was an insult and waste of honorable men's time.
You want to see crooked look into the somerset county books, look at some of the checks they have written.
12:45 Actually I started my career with the state police. However, it only took me one year to realize that agency was more style over substance, so I moved along to a real police department and did real police work. With all the compacts the state police are making with the counties they have barracks in - troopers being relegated to the interstates to write tickets and handle accidents, with the real police work being done by the county officers - the state police is becoming an expendable agency. There's already talk that the Transportation Authority Police Department and its officer might and could step right in and take away your job.
I would like to share my level of disgust with the level of audacity presented by Mr. Albero in respect to the incident involving Sheriff Bobby Jones. Every story has two sides Sir. Sheriff Jones is well respected in our “Good Ole Boy” community. He has faithfully served his community much longer than you have been presenting your opinions as fact. Did you not take this into consideration before you dragged his name through the dirt? I challenge those that read your blog to reserve their opinion until it has been heard in court as Mr. Albero is certainly not the authority on such matters.
You have the right to your opinion. I did speak to Bobby Jones yesterday morning on the phone and in person at the Court House. His attorney David Moore instructed him not to speak to to me. I gave him a fair chance to tell his side and he refused. However, like I said, I not only spoke to several witnesses, I also spoke to people within the know on this matter and every story with the exception of ONE shared the exact same story. In fact. I spoke to that ONE person last night and they admitted that everything I posted was accurate. They had been told a different story days earlier but later confirmed what I had said.
Denial is ONE of the 12 steps I can only hope Mr. Jones goes through in his road to recovery. Now put that drink down and join Mr. Jones and truly show some real support.
Prdeering: You my friend, are out of your mind. I don't care if he could cure cancer with the touch of his finger. He purposefully commited an act of assult with a deadly weapon. You need to sit back and really think about what he did. What if he did this to your mother or wife? Would you still think it's okay and everyone should cut him some slack because he "is well respected in our “Good Ole Boy” community. He has faithfully served his community"? So what? That does not let him off the hook my IMO what is attempted murder.
I have known Bobby Jones as long as I can remember and have never known him to harm even a flea.
If Ms. Pusey was so scared why did she walk out of her house and knock on the door of his car? If my house had been broken into previously i don't think i would be outside knocking on a car window of someone i didn't recognize.
Just a few thoughts on this.....
First, it should come as no suprise to any of you that charges don't get placed until an investigation is completed - and unlike your investigations Joe, this one will require that witness on BOTH sides be interviewed. Oh, BTW, it might help to interview your "witnesses" separately Joe - it helps prevent witness contamination. Simply nodding and saying, "Yeah, I remember it like that, too" does not make you a credible witness.
But that's OK.... You can continue to hide behind your "This blog is opinionated only" header on your home page, and assume that it protects you from slander/libel - it very well might - but when you pander your "opinion" as "investigative journalism" to a bunch of dim-wits who can't tell the difference, you do a great disservice to the men and women of law enforcement at all levels (local, county, and state).
As far as people crying about the inequalities of sentencing and arrest procedures for the "powerful," Deputy Durham (Like 95% of all others charged for DUI) was released upon his signature for citations. No special treatment there - and how many "common folks" get a PBJ for a first DUI offense with no jail time? (Almost) everybody - so Mr. Ruark recieved no quarter either. Stop your crying.
Trust me, everyone who needs to be involved in this IS involved. What can be proven will be, and what cannot won't. Pretty simple concept even for most of your readers, Joe.
I'm certain that inconsistencies abound from both sides in this case...and that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let the investigators investigate, and let a higher authority (AG) decide what charge(s) is/are merited. This is not a simple hit and run case - this is an alleged criminal assault, and any of you would hope to avoid arrest until such investigation was resolved if you were named as the suspect!
No one is going to cover anything up, for anybody.
Anon 11:00am
If you have known him so long then you must be aware of his drinking problem.
What does Ms. Pusey's walking out of her house have to do with the SHERIFF OF SOMERSET COUNTY MARYLAND
drinking and driving? Hitting someone with his car twice and leaving the scene?
Are you suggesting that this woman beat herself up and concocted this story?
Multiple witnesses any of us would be arrested on the spot.
Regarding The Times article, we nay sayers say theirs is an unbiased, report-the-facts, leave out any personal theatrics and unsubstantiated innuendo professional written news article.
Ultimately it will be up to the prosecutor weather or not to bring charges. They can simply say that there is not enought evidence and they don't think they can get a conviction and it's over. That is exactly what happend in the Detention Center investigation. There was overwhelming evidence that James L. Henderson committed attrocities and the prosecutor simply said "I don't think I can get a conviction". Let's hope that we get an honest prosecutor in this case and that Kristy Hickman and Davis Ruark stay out of it completely.
anonymous 11:03,
Thanks for letting everyone know the Attorney General is now getting involved. That in itself should tell you there's more to this situation than a simple Peace Order.
The fact that I sat in Court yesterday and listened to a Judge and Attorney talk the big talk to a woman who is scared for her life and intimidate her by insisting she turn over ALL of her witnesses to be interviewed by David Moore was so over the top it wasn't funny. It's a Peace Order and it should have been heard on the 17th, let alone the 18th and now the 24th!
IF this was your Wife, Mother, Sister, Aunt, Grandmother, you might feel differently about what has transpired, all the way from the original 911 call to today!
Salisbury News IS the voice of the PEOPLE! The Daily Times was FORCED into telling this story and quite frankly it was told very much like what was presented here yesterday in this Post.
Deny all you want, point fingers wherever you want and blame everyone else but the fact remains, this should have been a criminal case from the instant the Police arrived. There were enough witnesses there telling the Police they could smell alcohol on/from Mr. Jones. I can understand professional courtesy, that's a given. However, it would apear that Mr. Jones has a problem.
As for a threat of a possible lawsuit, man, I have heard enough of that crap to fill a large room with. I have experienced enough of them to know those threats don't scare me one bit. My pockets go very deep and I'm not afraid to spend my money defending my position and helping others in need. I, Sir, have not forgotten where I came from. Just remember, counter lawsuits are extremely expensive and what comes out of very dark closets for many years past could do some extreme damage to one's reputation, career and pocketbook/wallet.
As for the DUI, I never stated he received any favoritism whatsoever. In fact, I agree with what you have stated.
You then said, "Trust me, everyone who needs to be involved in this IS involved. What can be proven will be, and what cannot won't. Pretty simple concept even for most of your readers, Joe."
Yeah, NOW they are! It took Salisbury News and other MSM to bring it to light and expose what happened in order to get others involved. There's NO doubt in my mind that if we hadn't gotten involved this would have ended just like so many other stories we have heard from the past and you know where I'm going with that. Like I said earlier, a lawsuit would certainly bring all of that to light and if you think I don't have enough connections to tell that story, bring it on and we'll see where this goes.
In closing, let's talk about you're being sure there are truths from both sides and somewhere in the middle is the final truth. Well Sir, don't YOU find that MIDDLE truth scary enough from this whole story? I'd say Mrs. Pusey has one hell of a case with only 1/2 the truth, wouldn't you?????
Oh yea Joe Great work on this one. Keep it up you might get the Shore version of the pulitzer. It is called scrotumkickidus award. It is very distiguisihed. I am pulling for ya. I hope i never get on your bad side, but No Joe no REAL NEWS. Keep it man and watch you top knot. Fear no one respect them all.
Anonymous said...
10:11 is why we hate cops. Sure, there are a very few good ones but most are as corrupt as the people they arrest.
10:39 PM
Speak for yourself moron, I don't hate cops. I have a dislike for bad cops as I do for morons like you.
blutojthetotmom said...
.....I sincerely hope that it is all sorted out fairly and legal-like.Jones has been a good Sheriff and his longevity in office attests to that ignored.
11:42 PM
Are you suggesting that mare dinglebarrie's longevity in office attests to her being a good Mayor?
Joe said - "I did speak to Bobby Jones yesterday morning on the phone and in person at the Court House. His attorney David Moore instructed him not to speak to to me. I gave him a fair chance to tell his side and he refused."
Well duhhh... who are YOU to be privy to that convo! Geez
To the person who keeps asking why did she walk out to the car. I feel you may know something. Was Bobby there with Emily to buy Emily drugs. Could Bobby obtained the persrciption drugs and decided not to Pay. Does anyone know if Emily has a pill problem?? He is the High Sheriff ?? This lady trys to block his exit. This is all speculation from various post. Ray Charles can see Bobby Jones is a drunk. What is the story. In comes david Moore the biggest drug attorney in the county HMMMMMMM I smell a stinkin cover up.
Speak Up Princess Anne P.D. do you have a gag order by the state police. They do like to do that when you have a side to a story they dont like. I have great respect for your department. I will say you guys are the real deal. Stand Tall. I know some of the investigative minds at that department know exactly what is up. HINT HINT MSP. Maybe they need ti institute seeing eye dogs for the State Police CID down there. There has to be some kinf of physical or mental impairment to suck that bad.
The must be something dead in my back woods. Oh never mind mind the winds are out of the south today. Just the stench of lazy.
Anonymous said...
She obtained a peace order. Therefore something(s) compelled the judge or whomever, to grant her one.
But I still want to know Why she walked out to the car??
9:00 AM
I agree, an unmarked police car is not a "strange" car. Most residents of the ghetto are afraid of the "man." If she thought it was a strange car then she should have called the police instead of investigating it herself.
I have no doubt there is something crooked going on down there, but most of this story sounds fishy.
Anonymous 6:11, na cover ups like this happens at SPD. The CAT unit covers up 90% of the BS they do.
Anon 11:03 the Blog is just that a Blog. Your idle implied threat of libel is total bull crap. The document that procures this right in the American Constitution. In this country we can say what we feel is true or just. Our forefathers faught for just that right. You can not have it both ways.
If you are in fact in Law Enforcement then you know there are times we the public are not entitled to or just not given the whole story.
The truth remains the same no matter what.
There has been some mystery attached to numerous happenings in that county by all political officers at one time or another.
As for the comment on man power. I believe the Regional Captain resides in Somerset, A 1st. Sgt. was born in Somerset, they had a 23year Trooper First Class that spent his career at the barrack, along with the other four. They have moved some due to promotions. They have had Troopers that have family with business' located in the county. troopers that own their own business' in the county. I dont care what one states this leads to a form of corruption. It is hard enough to do this job on a daily basis without prejudice. In the sense that when you are related to half of the community in which you police. So dont take it so litteral. Nepatism creates bad situations.
I know of cases that if Mr. Albero did not print it we would not known about it. Call it want you want but he does get the dialogue flowing and that is what this site is all about if you dont like it then dont read it. It garnered a response from you, so it must be working.
The reference to the Davis Ruark case has no place on this post. Ruark paid his dues. Did he do the right thing staying in office. That remains to be seen. In approx. 18 months we will all know the answer to that question.
To say that this site is a discredit to all law Enforcement I totally disagree. It gives one the right to hear the public's version, Joe's version, and mine and yours. It does not get any better that that in a free society.
On that note I think all the officers of the lower shore should form some type of coalition or unity. All the agencies have their fraternal groups and associations. If they combined the effort it would be a political force to be recongnized. This conquer and divide movement by some has caused a great deal of annomosity between brothers and sister with a common goal. The officers have to be cognizant of this issue. It can create a very poor working atmosphere. The heads of Goverment in no way want this to happen for good reason.
I say never have blind allegiance to any goverment or facility. The union of all the Shore Law Enforcement would be such a powerful tool at election time. There is strength in numbers and that is why we will never have this asset.
I would have to say if you are one that has been blogged by Mr. Albero I can see your frustration. If the truth is there I know for a fact he will print your account and not disclose who you are. The little people at the bottom of the totem pole need this avenue to defend themselve's when wrongly accused by the public and by the administration. If you have ever been at the wrong end of a false allegation then you know just what I am talking about. You are on your own. The fear of retaliation when a staff has their marching orders is not a very comfortable place to be. If you are fired froma law enforcement job good luck. The legal process takes almost seven years to wade through. The rank and file see this and have obvious reason to fear the same fate if the intercede. It is the only profession on earth that a split second decision can cost you your livelyhood. We all know of cases that if you are in then you are fine. If you are not part of the inner circle your crap is weak. Unless you are willing to take a swing at the "Big Guys". This is one avenue to get your story out there. The Daily Times is so crontrolled by polictics and finance you will never be heard if the powers to be do not want it out there.
Sheriff Jones will have his day in court. If the sytem works the truth will be determined and he will either pay or stay. That is the reallity of this type of situation. If you were in fact one one the foot soldiers you would be guilty until proven innocent.
I think that is my anger here more that anything else. All politics aside you can not beat goverment. The goverment has enacted laws for two-hundred years to protect goverment.
The true patriots that stand for what America is based on need to stand firm in their convictions and not allow any member of goverment to escape justice. When this happens the common man loses faith in the very sytem that is supposed to guard his or her liberty.
The Milatary, Elected Officials, Courts, Lawyers, and law Enforcement were to be the watchtower of just this. At some point in time we have all veered from this and became defensive in our posture.
These are in fact starnge times to be in the political arena. that goes from the top to the bottem. there is acurrent and i think not just the public, but the officers fighting the war on crimes are as frustrated as i have seen them in over twenty years. It is without a doubt time for some reconcile and get the ship by on course. I will say i have seen one local agncy attempting to do this. i just hope that its leader stands strong in pursuit of justice.
Believe what you want but it is God's work that we do. The laws we enforce are those of the people and not our own. The minute we take these laws as our own, we lose the objectivity needed to be fair and impartial.
This has to be recognized by the courts, the police, the jury, and the public if we are to get back to the great nation we are.
I pray that God watches over us all and justice is served. The mear fact that some want to make this a racial issue is alarming. Race plays such a small role hear. This is nothing more than goverment trying to protect goverment. I for one have had enough.
As for anyone offended by this post take a hard look in the mirror and decide where you fall into this quagmire we have created. I know I have some serious soul searching to do. It is time for a major change if we are to regain the respect of the people.
Mr. Albero keep up the great work dont let those who are affraid of what you write to disillusion your rights and courage to point out the obvious.
anon said "If alcohol, drugs and sleazy behavior are involved its a sure bet David Moore will be involved."
Yea this guy has a big time drug issue I saw the wicomico county sheriff at a party hanging out with him. I know he was never charged with the murder of his mistress but she was embezzling money from his business.
I thought david moores girlfriends husband commited suicide----did he have a girlfriend that was murdered?
Maybe the only thing missing in his " alledged" I'm under cover story is...He forgot his blanket while he was trying to sleep off a drinking binge.
His girl friends husband did commit suicide but this is another incident with his secretary who died.This guy is bad news.
Dear Joe,
I feel that this whole thing is blown way way out of lines! I have my own reasons to believe that Mrs Pusey may or may not be telling the whole truth to the situation! But what i do find very disgusting in this whole matter is that everyone has deicded to bad mouth the whole Somerset County Sheriff's Department and the County as a whole! Granted the one person being 'accused' in this whole matter is suppose to represent the county but without the men that work in the office with him there honestly would not be a Sheriff's Office. These men work their butt's off every day to Protect and Serve and do not deserve to be knocked because of one's 'accused' actions. For all the Sheriff's in the county keep your heads up there is people like me out here who know that you all do your best to protect and serve!
As for the matter on Sheriff Jones, In the story it states that the Sheriff was parked while waiting for Emily while she was so called buying drugs? Well did ever occur to anyone that this neighborhood is known for drugs and beings that he is the Sheriff he could very well use anyone he wants to go in undercover to buy the drugs to catch others?!? I mean hey if Emily is a known drug user and the people around there know her then wouldnt it be smart to use her as bait. In your story it also states that Mrs Pusey barely able to walk with a cain came out of her house to check on the car. If she could barely walk, why didn't she call 911 from her house?! Then the fact that she was hit once by the car, then got up and was hit twice. But yet she could get up good enough to walk away from the scene and did not even go to the hospital til instructed to by the police?! I mean come on if I was hit by a car, someone would have to take me away in a ambulance right away. Esp. if I was this lady's age and had to walk with a cain! Then the hospital report said what? Some brusing is all that occured! To me its all a little fishy. I am sure after all the evidence is brought forward and witness's, justice will be served where it should be.
The last thing that is absolutely driving me nuts that some continue to say over and over that this case could be racist. For those of you who continue to run on about this, Mrs. Pusey and Sheriff Jones and both white, so there for how does that have anything to do with this?!
anonymous 10:39,
I did not bad mouth the Sheriff's Department or Deputies.
"wouldnt it be smart to use her as bait." I don't think the Sheriff was in any condition, (according to several witnesses) to support your statement.
My story said she was in COURT with a cane. After YOU had been hit with a car twice, you'd probably have a cane too.
As for the Hospital Report, Bobby Jones should be thanking God nothing was broken. Remember, there are several witnesses. You can deny the story all you want, this happened and that's all there is to it.
I don't know where you get the racist parts about the comments. I don't recall seeing any but if you say there are I agree with you, that would be very stupid for them to say.
I appreciate your taking the time to comment but I can assure you, this situation did in fact happen. You should be more curious why Bobby Jones wasn't arrested for a hit and run. Clearly with all their witnesses they have a strong case. I will tell you I have heard that Mr. Jones allegedly admitted to several things, yet he still wasn't arrested. It will all coe out in the end.
You have not personal stated any comments on the Sheriff's Department or the Deputies yourself. But everyone else seems to want to run on about how all the officers in the county including state and local dont do the do their jobs fairly and are on this "Good Ole Boy network". They were also referred to as a "bunch of loosers" by someone else on one of the other post concerning the Sheriff.
As far as the racist comments, people have made comments saying that they should get the NAACP involved.
As I am sure there are witnesses to the scene and I am sure that there is a tape where Mrs Pusey called into 911. Which is why I also believe that justice will be served FAIRLY! After you hear both sides on the 24th, If Mrs Pusey's side is not the whole truth, will you admit to your readers you were wrong and apologize to Bobby Jones?
Word has it that David Moores mistress had received money from David himself and when she threatened to tell his wife she was charged with embezellement. No he didn't pull the trigger but lets just say he drove her to the state of mind that she was in at the time that she killed herself. He was very much responsible but never charged. Hes absolutely sickening and thats putting it mildly!
I just got finished reading some of the comments about this artical. If this Sheriff Jones is so terrible, then why the hell do the people of Somerset County keep electing him as the Sheriff? Hasn't he been the Sheriff down there for awhile? Maybe so of you that hate him so much should run against him in the next election. Or dont you have the guts.
It's called RETALIATION, you Idiot. Stalking, intimidation, Good Old Boys. There's a new Sheriff in Town and it's called Salisbury News. Oh, and he's white. This ain't no Blazing Saddles Movie either.
Well if your the new Sheriff in town then this country has deffinitly gone to hell in a hand basket!!. I guess that's why Maryland is know as HUG A THUG state. People like yourself would rather see the police get locked up than the criminals! God forbid something happens when you need the police. Don't call them!
Nah, just the crooked and corrupt ones.
why wasn't this treated as a criminal case from the start? drunk driving? hit and run? And the VICTIM takes a breathalizer and needs to retain a lawyer? Every cop and official who have come into contact with this case and have done nothing should be found equally as guilty, starting with the troopers who were first on scene. Why would ANYONE cover for a scum like this???? What benefit would come of that???? Welcome to DELMARVA! We don't know why we do it, it's just the way it's always been done.
Just wanted to throw it, I read about this in the Daily Times before even finding Joe's article and I saw nothing that made Jones sound like anything other than a drunk on a good ol boy powertrip. It's comman knowledge in Princess Anne that he's a drunk. Now, I can't say he's guilty or innocent but if was anyone else, we would
have been arrested on the spot and even most officers would have been placed on administrative leave until the investigation was complete. Neither has happened here. How any can see that and not think it suspect it beyond me.
Stop standing up for bad cops and help us hold bad cops accountable.
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