Look at the top right hand corner of the photo above under the letter "A."
I just clicked through the link you had on Sbynews.com about Gannett Stocks that led to Google.com
Sbynews was listed at the top as THE BLOG NEWS FEED for Gannett's downfall.
They must hate you at Corporate HQ in Reston, its too bad the Board of Directors has not listened to anything about Basset driving the Eastern Shore group from bad to worse.
Thought you might like to see the screen shot in case it changed by morning.
Have a great day!"
Hey Greg Bassett, Salisbury News just keep growing and growing and growing!!!! That's a world wide feed too.
Finally the promise from technology of a paperless world is baring fruit. But who ever thunk it would be a newpaperless world?
"Some people look at things and ask why? I look at things and ask why not?" - Robert F. Kennedy
Uh, Joe, that looks like Google to me.
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