The Tilghman Administration is in a major bind this morning as many Citizens have been ringing their phones off the hook over the alleged SEALED BIDS on a Fire Truck Salisbury News exposed weeks ago would sell for around $5,000.00. Was it REALLY sealed?
While my own phone is ringing off the hook as well as fielding all the e-mail coming through, See & Gordy are squirming like there's going to be no tomorrow. That's right, they're furious this got out!
Every day I seem to get more and more calls about Gordy's tactics of giving things away from the Salisbury Fire Department. The old Reserve Engine that I mentioned in my article earlier today, the one with a blown engine and being sold to a Pierce Dealership in Delaware, heck, that had a TON of equipment on it and has mysteriously disappeared.
Turns out, Gordy has been giving it all away. One item mentioned was a 1,000 foot of 5" hose that sells for at least $300.00 a foot. It was brand new hose he just gave away! Fans, tools, halligan bars, (sp?) these bars will outlast any human being on earth today! Expensive equipment is disappearing like there's no tomorrow. Did Pam Oland surplus the equipment too? As far as I personally recall, they may have surplussed the truck but I don't recall them doing so on the equipment!
Let's continue with the SEALED BID process as well. Some have said, what about those poor people who made GOOD FAITH offers while everyone knew Pittsville was going to get it. This allegedly isn't the first time this has happened with Gordy involved, one individual told me. Clearly the Good Ol' Boy package Barrie Tilghman claimed she was going to get rid of was all talk to get her elected but she's clearly allowing others to play a fine line game here with equipment.
I have also heard that some Council Members have been hot and heavy on this Post and are questioning See & Gordy's motives. Let me make sure I make this perfectly clear, Comegys is not one of the Council Members challenging these practices. So do YOU want more of the same? Do you want to elect someone like Gary Comegys who will clearly not show up at a Q & A Forum for the Fire Department and stay clear or turn a blind eye at See & Gordy? Or would you rather have those two pain in the butt Councilwomen who are clearly looking out for your best interest?
I'm a taxpayer in Salisbury too and I even offered to pony up the CASH to not only purchase the Fire Truck with the blown engine, I also offered to pony up $250,000.00 CASH for the old Station 16. You know, the one they tried like crazy to give away. ARE YOU FOLKS FOLLOWING ME NOW??????
I'M GOING TO ASK THAT ALL FIREFIGHTERS COME FORWARD AND PROVIDE ME WITH EVERYTHING THEY KNOW. I will keep their names anonymous but you have to realize that I am getting information daily about the Salisbury Fire Department. If you come forward now, it will clearly show you are NOT a part of the give away program these two leaders are a part of and together we can salvage the reputation of the SFD as a whole. Contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or call me at 410-430-5349. You have my word that your names will remain anonymous. We need to get to the bottom of this immediately as I'm sure Pam Oland is squirming looking at the legislation that was passed on the old Fire Truck to see if the "EQUIPMENT" was included in the surplus vote.
While my own phone is ringing off the hook as well as fielding all the e-mail coming through, See & Gordy are squirming like there's going to be no tomorrow. That's right, they're furious this got out!
Every day I seem to get more and more calls about Gordy's tactics of giving things away from the Salisbury Fire Department. The old Reserve Engine that I mentioned in my article earlier today, the one with a blown engine and being sold to a Pierce Dealership in Delaware, heck, that had a TON of equipment on it and has mysteriously disappeared.
Turns out, Gordy has been giving it all away. One item mentioned was a 1,000 foot of 5" hose that sells for at least $300.00 a foot. It was brand new hose he just gave away! Fans, tools, halligan bars, (sp?) these bars will outlast any human being on earth today! Expensive equipment is disappearing like there's no tomorrow. Did Pam Oland surplus the equipment too? As far as I personally recall, they may have surplussed the truck but I don't recall them doing so on the equipment!
Let's continue with the SEALED BID process as well. Some have said, what about those poor people who made GOOD FAITH offers while everyone knew Pittsville was going to get it. This allegedly isn't the first time this has happened with Gordy involved, one individual told me. Clearly the Good Ol' Boy package Barrie Tilghman claimed she was going to get rid of was all talk to get her elected but she's clearly allowing others to play a fine line game here with equipment.
I have also heard that some Council Members have been hot and heavy on this Post and are questioning See & Gordy's motives. Let me make sure I make this perfectly clear, Comegys is not one of the Council Members challenging these practices. So do YOU want more of the same? Do you want to elect someone like Gary Comegys who will clearly not show up at a Q & A Forum for the Fire Department and stay clear or turn a blind eye at See & Gordy? Or would you rather have those two pain in the butt Councilwomen who are clearly looking out for your best interest?
I'm a taxpayer in Salisbury too and I even offered to pony up the CASH to not only purchase the Fire Truck with the blown engine, I also offered to pony up $250,000.00 CASH for the old Station 16. You know, the one they tried like crazy to give away. ARE YOU FOLKS FOLLOWING ME NOW??????
I'M GOING TO ASK THAT ALL FIREFIGHTERS COME FORWARD AND PROVIDE ME WITH EVERYTHING THEY KNOW. I will keep their names anonymous but you have to realize that I am getting information daily about the Salisbury Fire Department. If you come forward now, it will clearly show you are NOT a part of the give away program these two leaders are a part of and together we can salvage the reputation of the SFD as a whole. Contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or call me at 410-430-5349. You have my word that your names will remain anonymous. We need to get to the bottom of this immediately as I'm sure Pam Oland is squirming looking at the legislation that was passed on the old Fire Truck to see if the "EQUIPMENT" was included in the surplus vote.
Is it hot in here or is just me????
And what exactly do you think is going to happen. The ones who complain or would complain Joe are looking to suck up to Gordo and See to be promoted. There is only one good person that could run that department and BR would not take it. He enjoys being on the line and who blames him.
Good luck, the suck ups will always be there...
We firemen don't owe you a damn thing. Get your inside information from your usual source BR! He will go down soon don't worry.
3;04, hate to mess you mind, but BR isn't Joe's source.
Isn't LD or LC either.
Try again.
Who gives a Pelosi where Joe gets his information - he's getting the information and he's getting it out to us. So just quit the guessing on who is giving him the info - who cares. What matters is that the bleepin department is ripping off the citizens of Salisbury left and right and we're just letting it happen.
His source is a little higher up the sfd ladder than those guys
BR would look funny wearing a chiefs uniform when he dumpster dives over at the college. HAHAHAHAHA
This is amazing.
It's not like there is a shortage of qualified auctioneers in the area who can deliver top dollar.
Un-advertised 'sealed bid' sales are easy to rig from the inside, especially if one has malicious intent.
I personally bid on a few pieces of land the city of Salisbury was selling and each time, the "auction" was cancelled.
When I did not bid, thats when waterfront would sell for $1,500...
Light a fire under them on this one!!!
Does anyone know where the Air Compressor that used to be at Station #1 went? The very expensive air compressor that is used to fill up SCBA bottles for firefighting? I heard that Gordo gave that away also? Joe, please look into this also. Now the Salisbury Fire Department only has one air compressor for filling air bottles. What happens if we have a big fire and the only air compressor we have breaks?
This is apalling corruption! How can we let Gordo continue to do this to us? Isn't there something we can do? How can we get a volunteer out of control? He volunteers to steal from us!
We need to boycott. I'm not talking about refusing to call the Fire Department when the house is on fire.
The same firemen who sit around and biotch about this situation are the first to point fingers. You have no idea where this information comes from and most of it is common knowledge. You call out one of the few good people you have and still have no clue. The source is probably someone you have never thought about.
Anon 3:04
Have you got the balls to walk up and tell BR that he's the source ? Huh ? Just what I thought.
B. Rec would not be in my top 5 suspects. Thats not his style. Anybody can see there are much more than one. In this case whats wrong with the information. Someone has pointed out some wrong doing and its pretty obvious that its hit a nerve.
I know Bryan pretty well and youre all wrong. He's got his opinion, but would never hurt the SFD. This guy represents better than just about anybody you got. Get off his back .
Air Compressor = Deale Island FD.
Hose dryer from old 16 = Fruitland
Have you taken photos of the new sedan out back the new 16 yet? Unmaked until later this month.
Could have used the money spent on that to purchase needed uniforms.
BR is one of the best men I know in Salisbury, the other one passed away a few years back. You cant find men like this and you cant replace them. BR is the SFD, there are only a few left who know the truth and have the respect of us that remember what it sue to be like and what it could be like there.
The rest are in it for money, position and status. Most of the ones who complain are not firefighters, they sit outside the house and let those of us go in to get dirty and do their work. You know who you are and you will be affended by it but truth hurts.
If you are afraid, "Say your afraid" Dont start trouble in the firehouse because your bored and afraid of your job.
BR - one of my best friends and I think the world of you from what we have been through. PG33
Now that is how you trench cut a roof! :Hint:
If its criminal activity, and it's true, why doe's it matter who the source is? Firemen (men?) like other groups of somewhat mature males, are more like 6yo boys throwing sand on the playground.
Anyone that can put down Bryan Records has never fought a fire next to him. He is one of the best and comes from a family that has been active in the SFD for 4 generations now. He should be on the next mayor's short-list for fire chief when David See retires this summer.
dinosaur said...
Anyone that can put down Bryan Records has never fought a fire next to him. He is one of the best and comes from a family that has been active in the SFD for 4 generations now. He should be on the next mayor's short-list for fire chief when David See retires this summer.
9:09 PM
I am sure you are a dinosaur so why don't you please sign your name so we can see how credible you are.
Anonymous said...
Air Compressor = Deale Island FD.
Hose dryer from old 16 = Fruitland
Have you taken photos of the new sedan out back the new 16 yet? Unmaked until later this month.
Could have used the money spent on that to purchase needed uniforms.
8:41 PM
Were these items sold or given away?
They have their new firehouse and their new toys, that's enough for now.
I want to see the firemen get their pay parody, and to do so every other city department may have less money to work with. However if pay parody is ever going to happen other departments will have less to work with, at least they will still all have jobs.
This policy of getting all new equipment on apparatus is a new thing. This has not been the case in my experiences with the SFD. We always took the old tools and equipment off and put them on the new rig. They were usually still in good condition. This new practice is extremely wasteful and expensive to the taxpayer, The reason is Gordy and his all new style. I guess when you have had everything given to you it comes natural. You have to blame the City government also for letting him get away with it. Somebody failed to put a stop to this long before now. Didn't someone check to see if this equipment wasn't still usable. Clearly not and they took his word that all new was needed.
Now that the secret is out for all to see, what will be done. Will he get scolded or repremanded ? Hell no. He'll skate on by and on to a new adventure with your tax dollars. Pam Oland will be left holding the bag and the firemen will be retaliated against for exposing this. This is what they call the new SFD.
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