Today, investigators arrested Regan M. Ogden and Mary E. Ogden, both 53 of Greenwood for Hindering Prosecution (F), Conspiracy 2nd Degree (F) and Falsely Reporting an Incident (M). In addition, Ms. Ogden was also charged with Knowingly Permitting an Unlicensed Driver to Operate a Vehicle.
These charges stem from the fact that both persons had falsified the report of the stolen vehicle and hindered the police investigation by providing false information to police as to their son’s involvement. Investigators were able to determine that these persons were aware of what their son was involved in and knowingly attempted to defraud investigators in their efforts.
Investigators also learned that Ms. Ogden knew her son did not possess a valid driver’s license and allowed him to drive the vehicle. Both were arrested after they voluntarily surrendered to police at Troop 5 in Bridgeville. Mr. Ogden was released on a $1250.00 unsecured bond and Ms. Ogden was released on a $1350.00 unsecured bond.
Note: the spelling of the names is correct. The father and son gave similar names.

Boy o Boy! Did they ever open themselves up to losing everything!
This guy probably lost his license for not following the rules we all must follow in order to keep our license and these parents just caved in to their son.
What a real shame. I hope the parents of those girls take them for everything they have. They deserve it.
In my opinion, allowing their son to drive the vehicle knowing he was not licensed makes them just as guilty of the deaths in the accident.
Put the parents and son in prison for 20 years. Wake up judges and district attorneys. A car can be a deadly weapon. Get your mind off it is always guns. People who kill with a car get away with murder. Why? Tell me why? If it was my child that was killed, I would sacrifice my life and kill all 3 of these low-life.Some of us need to send a message. Take lessons form the people in Iraq. Blow yourself up and take a few with you.Same thing. Send a message that will be remembered.
Gosh Joe, it sure looks like you have posted some mafia members. Lowlife.
Look closely at the eyes of this killer. Examine them closely. What do you see? His character is displayed by his eyes. Shifty, volatile, untrustworthy, not reliable, etc. What a dudd.
anonynmous 10:05, looks just like and reminds me of Jim Rapp.
He does look like Jim.
joe I dont understand whats in peoples minds if you dont have your license its for a reason. I think he should get the death penalty... If that were my kids that had died all i got to say its a good thing the cops got to him before i did!!!!!!!
Hamg em high! Parents too!
The son is definitely guilty of causing the accident and deserves the right punishment,the parents are also guilty of a few charges which im sure they will get.I understand this was a tragic accident for the victims and families of the Church van,but why are we not talking about the fact that a 10yr old and 12 yr old were put in a overcrowded van without their seat belts on.Im not saying anyone in the van is guilty of the deaths, im just saying, they may have prevented them from happening by obeying the law.If it were my children, i would be upset with the all parties involved.I know my information is from the media only,but i hope im wrong and maybe these young ladies had been seat belted in,or i would think someone in that van will be charged with something.
Since the parents neglect of allowing a known unliscened person to operate their motor vehicle lead to the death of these two young children is their insurance company at risk of a wrongful death suit? Can the parents go after the company?
Wow. Didn't we just have a discussion anout personal responsibility on another thread here? I can understand supporting your child, standing behind your child, but NOT covering up for your child.
You reap what you sow. That surely seems to apply here.
The problem with filing a wrongful death lawsuit is these nitwits probably don't HAVE anything.
They have car insurance.
Oh yeah, blame the VICTIMS!
If this guy had not been driving without a license and hit them, the seatbelt issue would probably not be a factor.
I said the guy is guilty of the crime he caused,but if it were your children, wouldnt you question everything about the accident. When there is a accident, everyone is a victim no matter whos at fault, and i think what he did is tragic and he deserves alot of time behind bars.
I will admit that there is no excuse for what Reagan and his parents did they all should have known better, lets just stop for a minute. I am a close family friend and Reagan has his own children that have been subjected to ridicule. Reagan's wife and children have to live everyday with the thought that he killed someones child. Who is praying for them. Surely not the people who have the nasty comments to say. Reagan will pay for his mistake do his children have to to.
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