NASA announced on Friday the names of the next generation of launch vehicles that will return humans to the moon and later take them to Mars and other destinations. The crew launch vehicle will be called Ares I, and the cargo launch vehicle will be known as Ares V.

Here is an in depth video of how this thing works. The neat part is we are planning to go back to the moon and eventually Mars (thus hence the name Ares).
OK. So we have spent almost a decade, several thousands of lives, and untold GigaBillions of dollars to NOT find a terrorist cave dweller {who is as tall as Scottie Pippin and hooked up to a dialysis machine} in a cave in lower Asia. Naturally, searching for water and little green men on an entirely different planet, during a depressed economy, is a profoundly wonderful idea {Not!!!!!}.If this nation spent even a portion of this time on things like stem cell research instead maybe we can keep the "Baby Boomers" around a little longer before Parkinsons/Alzheimers and cancer do them in.
What a waste of money...
The purpose of redesigning our spacecraft is this design is more cost effective and it is less damaging to the atmosphere than the current shuttle. Where I agree this is a waste of money at the current status of our economy, we still need to look into space travel. This spending is at least better than the stimulus money pork that is being proposed now. This kind of research and development creates jobs for the private sector.
1:33. Ted; I think you get my jokes {maybe}...But; this money would be much better invested under the Zucker Brothers ill-fated "Lunar Shuttle" program. Don't expect Shatner to make it easy for you by turning on any landing lights though.......that is just what you are expecting he will do!!
If you only knew how much stem cell and other medical research goes on up there that can't be accomplished down here.
3:42. OK...I even stipulate to that-I have always been a fan of NASA. Have an official "Honorary Geek Diploma" from Goddard space camp myself. I know what you are trying to say {justify} but isn't the current international space station-type involvement "up there" {key word international...funding} enough "altitude" for you accomplish all the projects that are conducted "in deep space" in the current shuttle program cargo bays? Why don't YOU enlighten these nice people regarding how long the journey is {in days; let alone dollars...IF the crew survives the launch process on the expensive new experimental rocket} to Mars compared with even the Apollo program moon investment a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Why don't you just send in a squad of Colonial Marines to set up an atmospheric processor while you are at it? Hoo-Rah. Just don't expect me to pay for you to get your intergalactic jollies on my tax dime while I am struggling to help my elders pay for acceptable medical treatment ON OUR OWN PLANET; TODAY!!
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