The Salisbury Fire Department made contact with all three Mayoral Candidates to attend a question and answer session for this Wednesday night. Out of courtesy, they asked each Candidate if the date worked for them and if not, which one out of three would.
The date was scheduled for last night and Gary Comegys was a no show! The general questions being asked were as simple as, how do you feel about the Salisbury Fire Department. What do you think of our new facility. Why do you feel we should support you as a candidate. The public was not invited, this was for career Firefighters only.
I'm told the SFD did everything possible to work around Gary Comegys schedule but the word on the street is, Gary Comegys didn't attend because most of the career paid Firefighters don't live in the City, therefore they can't vote so what's the point.
Gary Comegys does NOT like paid Firefighters, period. Regardless of weather they live in the City or not, they WORK for the City and it would have been in Gary Comegys best interest to be there.
Some Firefighters feel that he didn't want to be there because at the last Council Forum he looked like a bumbling idiot. Their words, not mine. Jim Ireton and Bob Caldwell respectfully showed up and were more than happy to answer all of their questions.
Once again, the voting decision for Mayor is on the citizens of Salisbury. Now, more than ever, they must get out and vote in the primary in record numbers. You can be assured that the Comegys Campaign will in fact get their people there in record numbers because they must get him past the primary. Boy, wouldn't it make a HUGE statement if Ireton and Caldwell were successful in booting Comegys out of the race early on?
IMHO, shame on Gary Comegys for refusing to show up and show some respect for the men and women he calls BROTHERS. It only works when he wants it to work. That's the way I see it.
No one's bumping Bubba from the Primary. They have a trick up their sleeves. Just wait for it, it's coming.
No doubt Barrie will try to do a hatchet job on Bob Caldwell and Jim Ireton, just like she did to Tim Spies in the 2007 election.
This time it won't work -- she's a has been.
Was Michael Della Penna there, too?
11:30 --
MDP was sellin' some used jalopys, I'll bet. Maybe he could sell the City's old ladder truck, too!
Was Bubba even invited to this???
YES, of course he was invited.
Thats right. Mr Comegys was a no show. The firefighters are not important enough to entertain their questions. In his mind. there are few who live in the City and they cant do anything for him. Who needs us when you have SAPOA and your business buddies. Well Mr Comegys, let me tell you. You have made a bad mistake with this philosophy. Firefighters have family members and friends who DO live in the City. We are more respected than you by far by the taxpayers. I will make it my mission to spread the word about how you turned your nose up to us.
You never wanted the Duty Crew in your territory while at Station 2. You didn't think you needed them for anything. That sure changed the morning that your neighbors garage caught fire. Your home caught fire and you screamed for help from the duty crew. Your house is there today because of it. NEVER believe that you dont need a group to help you. NEVER! Because it will come back to bite you. You have disrespected the wrong group and we wont forget it.
Was Della Penna invited?
This man is unbelievable. He clains to be a firefighter wont speak to members to get elected. This should tell you something about his character.
Bubba is SUCH a SLUG!
He's waiting for Barrie and SAPOA to pull another evil rabbit out of the hat.
Keep up the pressure, everyone, and keep talking. No Gary=No Barrie.
He didn't show because he's scared. He looked like a complete fool when the firefighters hosted a forum in the last election. What a joke for a Mayor.
Anonymous said...
He didn't show because he's scared. He looked like a complete fool when the firefighters hosted a forum in the last election. What a joke for a Mayor.
12:53 PM
What a joke for a human being!
We look for a person with leadership qualities to be the next Mayor of Salisbury, someone who can run a multi-faceted, multi-million dollar business faced with pulling itself out of the miasma created by their predecessors.
Mr. Comegys has spoken a lot about his leadership qualities, yet we see no real proofs.
He's been a tool of the current administration for six years now, not really contributing anything constructive to the city. He's a liar, a cheat and a lazy, fat guy living off the cream of others' efforts. He hasn't had an original idea in the whole time he's been on council. He's stolen others' ideas and claimed them as his own. He's used others' work and claimed it as his own. He's not managed his own finances well and has certainly not given us any inkling that he can do anything but for us. He's dissed everyone in sight for having original thoughts when he can't steal them himself, and has even stolen ideas and then dissed their creators afterwards. He's stepped on lots of toes and heads in the SHA, with the help of Donnie Drewer, another character cut from the same cloth. The one thing he's done right is to put himself out there as a reliable tool for the Tilghman administration and its rabid supporters.
He's alienated everybody on every board he's ever served. When they find out he's a lot less than he says he is, he becomes hostile and uncooperative, waiting for Barrie to bail him out, which she usually did. If they can (i.e., Humane Society) they let him go with advice not to let the door hit him on the way out. (Yet he still puts it out there that he's a board member, or president, or something.)
He's definitely a poor choice for Mayor, or for any other public service job we might have that requires anything more than sitting and mindlessly blabbering.
Michael Della Penna is an unknown. He doesn't make it to city meetings. He hasn't given us anything to work with to determine whether or not he might be a good candidate. We don't know who it is that supports his bid for mayor, which is a bit suspect in itself. He won't get my vote.
It's down to the two remaining fellows. Ireton and Caldwell both bring some interesting and useful experience to the table. Neither is perfect, to be sure, but they're heads and shoulders above the competition. It should be very interesting to see how the forums pan out, which is where I'm going to get the information to make my final decision.
He refused to attend the invitation? What? That doesn't make sense.
The man was invited. In fact, they even asked him if this wasn't convenient to pick from three dates. The man didn't show up, period. That's all there is to it.
If the firemen new how to act like men instead of children meaybe he would have made an appearance. Not more than three of them can vote anyway....sooooooo you fireboys with your hoses wet don't mean s__t!
2:56, that sure was a mature comment.
Mayoral material doesn't pull a stunt like this.
Comegys is not suited to be an elected official, based on his history.
Della Penna is a nice guy, but has no qualifications for this.
Caldwell is a good guy and has experience and ideas.
Ireton is a good guy and has experience and ideas.
Sorry to say 11:21 a.m. is probably right that someone will pull something to get Bubba through the primary.
To Caldwell and Ireton, you are both gentlemen. Both worthy of mayor. I will light a candle in prayer tonight that one of you beats Comegys. If Comegys wins, I will light a candle in mourning for the passing of a good city, already on its last legs due to Mayor Tilghman.
The owner of that tire company can't vote in the city election either, but he still has a sign out front of her business.
To be fair and clear. This was not a Salisbury Fire Department event. This event was hosted by the Salisbury Career Fire Fighters local # 4246. It wasn't comprised of the entire department career and volunteer..
Anonymous said...
If the firemen new how to act like men instead of children meaybe he would have made an appearance. Not more than three of them can vote anyway....sooooooo you fireboys with your hoses wet don't mean s__t!
2:56 PM
If you know so much who are the 3 that can vote in the city?
Was this bubba or his lovely bride?
Just because not all of the career personelle live in the city,it does not mean that they are not effected by the city admin. There are nearly 60 career members that could cover a lot of the city with advertising, and carrying signs in support of a canidate that will be fair to all city employees. It could generate quit a few votes.
They probably only invited Gary as a token invitation in hopes he'd decline because he knows he won't be getting many votes from them.
Just shows that even though he says he been a firefighter he probably treated the job like his SHA job where he does nothing, uses a city vehicle, burns taxpayers gas and money up.
bubba has never been for us.the only one he sucks up to is Gordy.if you want to get rid of bubba his opponents strategy should be to just keep him talking.
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