There is so much talk about a new Civic Center here in Wicomico County and the desire to sell alcohol. There's also a lot of talk about parking issues at the current location but quite frankly I didn't experience a single problem parking wise for the 5,000+ seats sold at the Guerrero Fight.
Nevertheless, it seems pretty clear there are issues with the Civic Center needing to be much larger and updating so many of the things out dated. A committee was established to determine if a new Civic Center could be possible and the jury is still out on their findings.
With Fernando Guerrero being such a huge draw and several events being regularly sold out, the time is NOW to put the idea into motion as our economy won't be in the toilet for that many years and it will take years to simply come up with a design.
They know what shows do best there and IF they can enlarge the facility and compete more with Ocean City, this complex could deliver much bigger acts and events. But I have another idea in which the County should seriously consider for such a complex. Why not build the new Library into it as well and help fund the complex? It's being done all across the Country and quite frankly it makes sense. I had heard there was even talk years ago about having a Hockey Team there if there was enough interest.
It may be too early to consider this but I'd call it the Guerrero Center! Fernando won't be the only draw fighter wise to pull everyone together extreme boxing events and with the Main Street Gym almost ready to open their doors, I'm confident that ESPN, HBO, Showtime and others would be very interested in returning regularly.
Would you support a new Civic Center here in Wicomico County? I'd like to see the County consider purchasing the land next to the Shorebirds Stadium, since I hear that Development may not come through after all. What's your thoughts? Perhaps they could buy the old mall property? Let's all talk about it and see what everyone thinks.
I think we have needed a new civic center for a long time, not just since fernando. I remember when Toby Keith came and tickets were sold out almost instantly. No wonder no body big every comes to our area and why would they so they can get ticket sales for 5000 people when they can get them for 20000.... Leave it to smallsberry to not offer anything for it's community!
I think it would be a great idea to build a new civic center next to the Shorebirds Stadium. That would allow them to share parking and give easy access off of the bypass.
In this economy lets just start by creating jobs and trying to hold on. A new civic center in this current situation is no more than pork on the stimulous. Ridiculous to even consider it at the point in time.
Whatever they do keep they need to keep it where it is or at the old mall property...keeping it in Salisbury's urban core will be essential to promoting walkablity, biking, and keepig housing in town. The City needs to do more to promote synergy with the civic center, the park, and the zoo. Clearly defined lighted trails to the Downtown could also help revive downtown.
Were in survivor mode people, no spending of any sort in this economic reality period.
The idea of building an arena next to Perdue Stadium would be a great idea.
Most of the infrastructure is already in place and there would be plenty of room for parking. There would also be space for hotels and things that are needed to support such a venue.
Also, the building could be designed to hold larger shows such as concerts and sporting events.
There would also not be the restrictions on the sale of beer as are in place with the present facility. This was a major factor in the decision of the group that wanted to bring a hockey team to our area.
It is very clear that if more seats were available that they could be sold. Big name concerts here sell out in just a few hours. The dog shows could definately use more space. Look at the Rodeo and the Monster Truck shows; they always sell out. And it would be a much safer place to hold the Monster Truck show, as there would be more floor space.
Promoters look at the amount of seats that they can sell in order to determine what types of shows they should do in a particular venue. This determines profit margins. More seats could bring bigger events to our area. This would also have a positive economic impact on our area resturants and hotels.
It might also be wise to consider if the county should undertake such a venture. I think that a new arena in this area would be better served by a corperation running it than the present staff at the WYCC.
Then the WYCC could go back to being used for what the original intentions were: a place for our youth and civic organizations to gather and to have fun.
Can he build some ceiling tiles in that dump of a building?
Well said!
Doug, construction would create jobs and stimulate the local economy. If nobody spent then we are all doomed with no recovery. Put the stimulus money to good work not payoffs for supporters of the Democrat Party.
why don't they consider building it where the old Salisbury mall was. Plenty of space and parking there. Then they can either sell or knock down the old Civic Center when they are finished. The blogger who said build it next to the Shorebirds Stadium had a great idea too. But I agree with Doug that this is not the time to build a new center given the state of the economy.
So in a down economy where tax revenue at the state and local level will almost certainly be reduced, you really think it's time to talk about a new Civic Center? This shouldn't even be something the government is involved in. If it's such a good economic deal, then let private developers do it and make money off of it. The fact that there is probably little interest in doing so should indicate that, were the county to do this, it's going to be a financial drain on our wallets. And if we have to choose, do we really think that having a new Civic Center is more important than improving our roads, improving schools, or even lowering our taxes?
With all due respect to Fernando, if he becomes big he won't be fighting here much longer. He'll be fighting in Nevada, at Foxwoods, or in New York City. If he's truly talented his days as an ESPN or Shobox fighter at the Civic Center will last maybe another year or two. And if his career turns out not to be as great as people think it could be, then he won't be drawing fans like he does today.
There is at least ONE BIG Problem with building a New Civic Center where the Old Mall Was...
Look at how traffic is now when a large event ends at he civic center...
Now add say 2 - 5 times that with a bigger event because there are now more seats so that = bigger shows bigger events and MORE People and that = ALOT MORE TRAFFIC
anonymous 10:09 & others,
I believe you're wrong. Now IS the time to start planning, that's the key word. As I expllained in my article, the economy will not be in the toilet for the next 5 years and by then it will start to climb back to normal.
While some of us ARE alive to enjoy such a facility, thinki of all of the possibilities. You can create a Conference Center hosting Trade Shows. You can draw from so many different Industries, educating so many people right here on the Eastern Shore.
Look, there are many locations around the world that draw people to remote areas for specific reasons. All you have to do is use your mind. When Walt Disney created Disney Land and then Disney World, there was NOTHING around.
Create the finest Boxing Arena location in the Country and either everyone has to match it OR they'll start hosting ALL of their fights right here in Salisbury.
Billiards are another massive draw. You create an arena that could cater to ESPN for Professional Billiard Events and they will come, so will the Players. You don't have to be like every other Civic Center in the Country. You create one that draws people for special events.
OK, here's another idea I have had in my back pocket for many years. Did you know that there's actually NO Billiard Hall of Fame ANYWHERE? That's right. A Billiard Hall of Fame could be created in this facility, gaining all sorts of Grant money and people would travel from all over the world to come here and see the items that would more than likely be DONATED by Billiard Enthusiasts. I'm one of them and I happen to have some of the most valuable items in the entire Industry. If you think it's a small idea, Billiards, (at one time) was the #3 participant sport in America. Open your eyes and minds people. Don't just think Civic Center. A Hall of Fame would draw millions of people every year right here to the Eastern Shore of Maryland/Delmarva.
Be the first and they will come, trust me on that one.
Building a new arena at the Shorebirds site is a good idea.
It would be a good use for some of the economic stimulus money, it would create jobs, and have long term positive economic effects.
Isn't that what the stimulus package is all about?
Besides, the "old mall" site is not suitable as there is not enough room.
If the land located between St. Albans Dr. and Beaglin Park Dr. were to be included, it could be a possibility.
But we all know that the people on that part of Beaglin Park Dr. wouldn't go for that!!!
I agree a new civic center is needed, but not at the old mall location and not where the current civic center is either. Your idea of next to Shorebirds would be a great location - easy access, plenty of parking. It makes sense Joe, so do you think that anything that makes sense will happen in this town? I hope so.
10:08, No stimulous, bad ideal. Create jobs, thats funny. If it got built the sub-contractors would most likely come from out of the area, most would probably have a squad of illegal workers and all the material would come from other countries. Yeah youll create jobs just not for many companies around here. When its not Fernando on the card the civic center cant get people in there, or at least not on a regular profitable basis. This would be a bad ideal in my opinion. Now fixing the crumbling city would be money better spent.
doug, nobody is saying there needs to be a new center built now, or even in the next couple years. It would be something to consider in the future. obviously it should stay at the bottom of the list for now, until things become more stable.
anonymous 10:28,
Yes, I do believe good will soon come to this Town. However, mind you, this is a County project, not a City project. This is why I encouraged thought into a new Library within the Center as well. The Library is County owned. Salisbury is in Wicomico County and is the hub to the Eastern Shore. I do believe this is the best location for such a Center.
The Shorebirds location, or land on the North, South, East or West of Rt. 50 and the Bypass would be perfect. The County should be considering purchasing such land to include a new Sheriff's Department as well. It's only a matter of time before they'll be forced to do so. The building they're in right now is useless.
Again, everyone needs to remember that ALL of this takes many years of planning. First you create the idea. Then you look for the land. Then you find a way to affordably purchase the land. Then you design each project and ultimately you build. Believe me, this would take probably 10 years from now before you'd see much of anything.
I can understand the mind set with the economy right now, that's a given. However, you must move forward. No one is saying spend anything right now. The idea is to entertain the thought and let the professionals show you how it can or can't be done.
so some are worried about parking. get some of the police officers who were there just watching on count/city/state time outside and direct some of that traffic. Put one by the mall and direct it east, one at civic directing it south and west, and one at the south end of the center directing it south through the park. when they do this not all of the conjestion will be in one place and they can still get to where they are going with very little problems. Heck, they use to get traffic out of memorial stadium fairly quickly and this would be easier
Doug, read my comment above about other ideas for the Civic Center. I believe I have countered what would happen if let's say Fernando went elsewhere. You specialize in certain things and draw ESPN, HBO & Showtime to the Center. You create a Library to draw people in daily. You create a Hall of Fame to draw people in by the thousands every day. It doesn't have to be Billiards but guess what, there is no Hall of Fame and once you have it, man, talk about a huge draw!
Again, be more creative and talk about it. No one is spending a dime doing so and perhaps someone can come up with a better idea/ideas?
I think that all the money stolen by the landfill thugs should be repaid by them and put towards a new civic center. Now that would be some great community service and a way for them to repay the people that they stole from in the first place...all of us taxpayers!
Its a nice vision, I see it, but I have vote nay. To risky for my money.
Let's get off the whole idea that boxing will be a huge draw at any center in Salisbury. As you know from the two Guerrero fights here, a lot of the crowd is there to see Fernando, not boxing. As soon as he isn't fighting on a card at the Civic Center it's likely that the Civic Center will be 50% full, at most. Building the best boxing facility in the world won't draw any big matches here. Boxing happens at casinos for a reason -- casinos subsidize the matches. Boxing doesn't thrive outside of those areas.
A hall of fame of some sort is an interesting idea, but it, too, probably won't draw a ton of people. Big halls of fame such as the ones in Canton, Ohio, and Cooperstown, NY, can draw folks, but other than that, I'm not sure. There's a boxing hall of fame in Canastota that hasn't really improved that town's economy too much. Other halls of fame have similar results.
I agree that there needs to be vision. I like your comment about Disney Land. That's exactly the sort of thing we need -- a private businessman investing a ton of dough to create an area attraction. If he succeeds, the whole area benefits. If he fails, at least the taxpayers aren't on the hook. We don't need the government building us a new Civic Center (which will sit empty 5 days a week, at least). The economic development promises made by convention centers and arenas never pay off to taxpayers. Let a businessman gamble with his own money if he wants. Don't involve the taxpayers in the scheme.
A new Civic Arena near the Shorebirds stadium would be ideal. Easy access, shared parking, and plenty of space. Outdoor concerts and fundraisers could be held in between the two stadiums in the spring/summer. I honestly think the lack of alcohol sales has killed the old Civic Center. People want to be able to tailgate and go to a concert/event to have fun and let loose. That's why most people prefer to just drive to Baltimore/Philly/D.C./Norfolk/Virginia Beach. We are centrally located, but people don't have a legitimate reason to come here! Hopefully in my lifetime Salisbury will get it right. You have to stimulate a declining economy or it will surely get worse!
Doug, It would take at least 2 years for architectural plans and over a year to get a site plan approved. This would have to be a long term goal regardless. I would have to say that the project should be contingent upon local contractors doing the work.
Nascar super speedway.
First, there is an established billiard hall of fame: http://home.bca-pool.com/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=4
Any new arena must be designed and built with a multitude of events in mind. Salisbury will never become a mecca for hosting championship boxing matches. Those matches are reserved for venues closer to the high rollers willing to part with hundreds and thousands of dollars to attend a championship bout. Salisbury ain't that place. Heck, the Civic Center for Fernando's fight couldn't sell out with decent tickets available for
Any consideration for a location for a larger facility has to include accomodating the influx of traffic in and out of the area. So a location with immediate access from the parking lot(s) to a highway is critical. The sale of alcohol is essential to the revenue and profitability of any such facility. Being limited to selling soft drinks really limits income potential for a myriad of reasons.
As for afixing Fernando's name to a building? Whoa, what a stretch! Any piece of real estate, be it building, playing field, or court has a price tag associated with it. It's a business, not a charity. You want your name or your corporation's name associated with a facility, it comes at a price.
Of course, the most important thing that would need to be done is a feasability study. With a much larger arena just 30 minutes down the road in Ocean City, with its proximity to the ocean and its inventory of rooms for lodging, can the area sustain two like facilities?
anonymous 11:11,
The is an established Hall of Fame BUSINESS but NOT a Facility. There is NO physical building with rare or collectable items. Trust me, I know this more than anyone else out there.
why not an ampitheatre at perdue stadium
Let Big Jim P. and all the chicken money come in. If it goes private then the County and City lose out. Perdue was at the fight and has the foresight. The people had a great time. The economy will rebound it might take a while.
One thing for sho people will eat that bird !!!!!!!!!!
Who would have ever thought a stinkn bird would be worth what it is today. Look beyond your own short falls and look at the future. This area is in a economic slide and anything to clean it up is a huge plus.
The shore needs all it can get to polish the image the City Politicians have bestowed upon us. The City Goverment is exactly why Gov. D Shaeffer once stated the Eastern Shore is the Sh!t House of Maryland. It was not the public he was speaking of. It was the corrupt goverment and pea brain thinking that still exist on the "Hub" of the shore. From the Bay Bridge to the Tunnel bridge Salisbury, Wicomico is the Hub try acting like it.
The urban decay is more than obvious. We need to be the pearl not the shell.
Adios !!! Tilghman, Webster, Louweasel.
I know some county politicians that might be on the same junket if they dont remove their craniums from the rectums.
Shoreman and proud of it.
I think a new civic center would be good but ihave to agree about the new sheriffs office or public saftey building as i have heard it called. I think that building would be more use full. The current sheriffs would blow over in a good wind storm and leaks like crazy. That way the emergency services dept. and the sheriffs office could be in hte same build ing and on naylor mill rd. However i do believe that with a new bigger civiv center it would bring larger crowds and bands/singers. But with them denying the money to the new sheriffs office and major roads projects they won't spend the money to look in to this.
anonymous 12:45,
While I agree with what you're saying, allow me to go back to the point that I personally feel if the County were to consider purchasing a large amount of land, other facilities such as a Sheriff's Department should be considered as part of the package in the future. Especially if they were able to acquire the land next to Perdue/Shorebirds. That would be a perfect location for a Sheriff's Department.
Now your talking Joe.!!
It all goes right back to the booze issue....and the only way that the WYCC can ever offer on-premise sales of alcohol is to relocate.Do you have any idea what the markup is on booze? You would need more security in a venue that served alcoholic beverages but think of the money that would be made from concessions.
We could call it the Joe Albero Forum
Why doesn't somebody approach the folks at Six Flags?
They could build a huge facility along the lines of what Walt did down there in FLA.
Outdoor arena for concerts, New cutting edge roller coasters, a zoo or animal park, gaming venues for slots etc.
I could list many more but you get my drift.
Go big, or go home.
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