Way to go Chiefy See and Deputy Chiefy Gordy! And everyone wondered why I called Barrie Tilghman a waste of good sper_ a few years ago. Are you catching on yet Folks? Does anyone actually wonder just what Pittsville is truly paying for this Fire Truck? Yeppers, Good Old Boys!
Salisbury has to keep the truck running till mid March when the new is expected to go in service. We can't just get rid of the current truck without people properly trained on the new one. It will be fixed just like any other time it needed repairs becuase it's the right thing to due.
Welcome to Pittsville! We're glad to have Salisbury's cast-offs. What a deal.
So they even had to pay for a tow job? How pitiful is that, when you have to pay for a tow job. The equipment these men have must be in pretty bad shape if they have to pay for a tow job! I wonder how many tax payer dollars are spent in Salisbury for tow jobs. I can only hope I will never have to pay for a tow job. I wonder if the chief ever paid for a tow job? I don't know if the mayor has, but if so, you better investigate that, Joe!
Pittsville Fire Co. is the castaways and antique fire station. They will take anything. Those burly firefighters can push the firetruck to the fire. No problem.Job well done men.
BackinBerlin, it's mechanical things break!
i wish i could get in on that deal, payday today sucked
Amazing stuff! Firefighters trying to eat one of their young! Allow me to explain. They are now throwing out names as to who sent me the photos. I'll tell you that you're completely wrong but what good with that do, they'll just keep throwing out names.
The point being, there are plenty of people not happy with the SFD Brass. Now like little girls they'll talk all night long bashing one and other believing someone has turned on them. I watched this happen a couple of years ago at the SPD. The Tilghman Administration believes that ANYONE who doesn't fully agree with you is in fact the enemy!
Please don't tell me my attempt at comical sexual innuendo has been overlooked!
Joe dont let the Buttpluggers get to you. I am losing a great deal of respect for the paid f/f. The voluntolds seem to be our best bet. As for the dipstick that threw the Sheriff's Office out there earlier today when trying to defend just how many lives they saved. The Sheriff's office has yet to start on fire Fighters and the drunken driving and just plain old bad driving. I dont think i would rattle the lions den. When the lion could careless about your feud with Joe.
Joe keep up the great work these hose kissers do not have a clue.
Thank You anonymous 8:23.
You hit the nail on the head. Imagine the Sheriff's Department pulling over ALL of the SFD Staff racing to the Fire Palace and throughout the entire County. They have absolutely no right to speed, period. They're burning a bridge they don't really want to mess with.
Anon. 7:51
I don't think that BackInBerlin was talking about a "TOW" job!
Read it again....with an imagination.
The paid fire fighters are the ones that keep that place afloat. They could never make it with just volunteers. They cant even cover the few calls that they get now. They will all be gone eventually. HOPEFULLY!!!
Your photos provide additional evidence of why the SFD needed to replace this 28 year old, second-hand ladder truck. When the brakes became inoperable yesterday, the only method of transporting it to the repair shop was by using a tow truck. Hopefully, the new aerial will be placed in service prior to the need for investing any additional funds in this vehicle.
Just the Facts.
AHEMMMMMM Anon 8:37 be kind to the vollies, it was their money (county taxpayers) that paid for your new toys. Be nice or they'll take them back the same way Barrie Tilghman took control of their money. She's out of office toot sweet. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Their money paid a very small part. And the only reason they exist is to get that money from the county. They don't work for a dime of it. They would never make it out in that county where they really are voulnteers in the fire depts.
For the little boy FARMIN who hates cops by attacking Mike Lewis and his boys read it and wheep!
Defibrillators in the News
Wicomico Sheriff’s Deputy Saves Teacher’s Life
Salisbury, MD -- Quick thinking by
students and a Sheriff’s Deputy saved
the life of a middle school teacher.
A teacher at Salisbury Middle
School on Morris Street experienced
a medical emergency during class,
police said. Deputy First Class
Christian Pecoraro, a school resource
officer, came to the scene with an
automated external defibrillator
(AED) and was able to stabilize the teacher, who was then
transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center.
You can thank Higgins for that green piece of crap. Another administrator that should have never been hired.
Joe, who scored the touch down?
Wait one cotton pickin minute here. That puke green far truck is on a hook to be hauled to a shop to have brakes put on? Does this ever beg questions.
If this vehicle is not safe enough to drive to a shop to have brakes put on it, why was it in allowed to remain in service with brakes bad enough to require a hook? Who is responsible for pretrip or any routine inspections of these vehicles? When was the last time this vehicle was inspected for safety? Was this truck in service for the most recent call down to the University housing the other day? If it was, WHY was it?
If the brakes on this truck are so bad it isn't safe enough to drive, SFD is damned lucky the brakes didn't fail while running out on a call.
Mommy mommy my truck is broken, I want a new BIG truck, NOW!
Can we fix the old one Little one?
NO, new , I want new, NOW!
Did you see if it will fit in your room first?
DOn't Care, I want a new big truck, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
But things are tight right now little one, we may not be able to afford it.
OK hush now! that Joe guy may hear you, fool!
Never had a bad tow job.
Anonymous said...
Wait one cotton pickin minute here. That puke green far truck is on a hook to be hauled to a shop to have brakes put on? Does this ever beg questions.
If this vehicle is not safe enough to drive to a shop to have brakes put on it, why was it in allowed to remain in service with brakes bad enough to require a hook? Who is responsible for pretrip or any routine inspections of these vehicles? When was the last time this vehicle was inspected for safety? Was this truck in service for the most recent call down to the University housing the other day? If it was, WHY was it?
If the brakes on this truck are so bad it isn't safe enough to drive, SFD is damned lucky the brakes didn't fail while running out on a call.
11:30 PM
It's called poor maintenance BOZO. They were told to spend little to no money on that truck just to keep it in service.
The Salisbury Fire Department has been known to intentionally try to destroy that ladder truck as well as the one it replaced. They have been told to take the extended ladder on the ladder truck and slam it against a tree and a fireplace chimney on several occaisions.
Just the Facts.
Welcome to Pittsville, "Junk 7" hope they get new hats printed up...lol
Anonymous said...
Mommy mommy my truck is broken, I want a new BIG truck, NOW!
Can we fix the old one Little one?
NO, new , I want new, NOW!
Did you see if it will fit in your room first?
DOn't Care, I want a new big truck, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
But things are tight right now little one, we may not be able to afford it.
OK hush now! that Joe guy may hear you, fool!
6:23 AM
There is truth to this. That new ladder truck is so long that it takes up two engine bays. If they want to use the engine bay behind it they will have to park a small vehicle behind it.
Here's the real question, who's paying for the maintenance service, Salisbury or Pittsville? And do they really run the truck all the way to the point where they need to tow it to the repair shop, AKA waste money? I certainly hope that they take better care of MY (and your's) new truck because if it's up to me and a lot of other, they aren't getting a damn thing for a while!
Since the old ladder truck is going to the shop and the new one is not yet ready for service until march, does that mean we don't have a ladder truck!? OMG, no ladder truck?! Better go lease one until one of ours is ready to go into service, but don't worry, the tax payers will flip the bill.....
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