It is likely that Commissioners will vote tonight to approve the zoning for the Hebron mega-development, Waller Landing, at the 7:00 p.m. meeting in Hebron.
The speakers at both hearings were overwhelmingly opposed to this project, but it is almost a given that the Commissioners will move forward tonight.
Hebron is getting ready for the migration that would be coming its way from Salisbury if Bubba Comegys becomes "R Necks Mare"!
anybody got any information on who is supposed to be building this place
Here's calling all citizens--show up tonight and demand a roll-call vote. Election coming up in April--these guys want to push this through before then....
Hebron leaders have sold their citizens down the river. They are throwing us overboard in favor of the developer and the people who actually live here now.
Be there at the meeting!
The Commissioners and Developers of this project could care less what the citizens of Hebron want. They see an opportunity to fill their pockets as they push this slum into a quiet rural neighborhood. Go to this site and see the massive plan to ruin our town.
Hebron "leaders" Hooper, Ayres, Holston have single-handedly ruined Our Town by their push for this project--their arrogance of power is astounding.
Change is constant , learn to embrace growth. This will be good for everyone involved.It will be done!
That has got to be the WORST design I have ever seen. Who in their right mind drew that up? Ridiculous. It will never work. I am all for smart growth. This is STUPID. Ted, have you ever seen a dibocle like this???
The Hebron Commissioners continually defy that they are accountable to anyone.
Now they are ignoring the 5 year rule which states they cannot rezone for 5 years.
They are pushing the intent of the law by saying the rezoning won't go into effect until after the 5 year moritorium is up.
Does anyone with an ounce of sense what to run for office in Hebron? There will be people supporting you.
Guess you have never seen the site design that the City of Salisbury has allowed for the old mall opposite the Civic Center -- plus they are helping finance the (non)development with a "TIF" loan. By comparison, that Waller Landing plan looks hald decent.
Has Barrie Tilghman moved to Hebron and is that why she is not running for mayor of Salisbury?
So true. This is the 2nd worst plan I have seen.
I don't care if the plan is ten phases, it is way too much for Hebron. Not to mention, the aesthetics are deplorable. It looks like it was drawn MS Excel.
Barry says move it to the old mall property, Salisbury got plenty of TIF money. Look for Barry to move out of the city real quick...
The "men" pushing Waller Landing have no intelligence whatsoever with regard to planning (and sometimes not even the law). Who elected these bozos who ram such plans down the citizens' throats?
These developers saw they could pull the wool over their eyes and they did it! Stupid is as stupid does.
Forget the present-day charm of Hebron--it will no longer exist.
Where I hate to comment on another persons design I will say the biggest hurdles here are in impacts to the aquifer, sewage disposal, and storm water management. I would have to look more into the design of the rest to render a full opinion. WOW was that politically correct enough?
Bubba Comegys sez:
Gropf paiz fur gropf
To Tedh: help, we need you to come to the meeting tonight! Where have you been? When asked about stormwater, developers and Hebron says "we'll deal with it later".
I wanna see what MDE says about all this, too. Hebron Planning and Commissioners just kick it off.
tedh: you are correct is the water/sewer/stormwater element solvable and better yet who is paying? sounds like allot of potential for legal battles and expenses here. Some pointed questions should have been asked. MDE will stamp the storm water as approval I think is locally performed
TedH et al. There is an assumption that the developers and/or the town has plans for water, wastewater disposal, and beyond for other "adequate public services." Alas, there is not... BUT the town is read to approve. And they are ready to expand even more up to and across Rt 50.
Woe is Hebron!!!
Nobody has pushed harder for this project than head of Planning and Commissioners--very strange indeed.
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