Friday, January 16, 2009
Is It Just Me?
Or are you getting the feeling we're catching this scene far too often lately? Watch your wallets Folks because you can expect the SFD to come to Council asking for even more perks. I heard the new Fire Trucks were coming in this week and that the bid on the old Ladder truck is at $3,500.00? The tools alone on that Ladder Truck are worth more than $35,000.00!!!!! Pittsville thinks they'll be able to get that Truck for $5,000.00, according to one commenter.
So how do YOU feel about selling a Ladder Truck probably worth $30,000.00 to $40,000.00 for just $5,000.00? Here's another thing I find QUITE INTERESTING! How does ANYONE, (including me) know that the sealed bids were up to $3,500.00????? Let's see if I can put two and two together. Paul Wilber is the attorney for the City of Salisbury, right? Isn't Paul Wilber the attorney for Pittsville too? I'm not suggesting Mr. Wilber has anything to do with it but that's the first thing that came to my mind, how about you?
I used my Gary Comegys Crystal Ball on this one Folks and I was off by $500.00!!!! That's right, the Pittsville Fire Department did in fact win the sealed bid, (Yeah Right, ROTFLMAO sealed my butt) for a grand total of, $5,500.00!!!!!! That's right, a Ladder Truck valued at least $35,000.00 to $40,000.00 as it sits mysteriously sold for almost exactly what I had stated it would sell for, YET I'M NOT A FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPERT.
Will you read a story like this in the Daily Times? Heck no you won't. These Clowns just royally screwed the Taxpayers once again and I mean BIG this time. Let me just break down some of the features this Ladder Truck provided. 700 feet of 3" hoses worth a lot of money. Nozzle's, fans, cords, portable lights, a generator worth $3,000.00, a K12 saw 4 months old worth $2,000.00, ladder belts, axes, tools, too much to mention here as the list just goes on and on. Clearly the truck itself is worth some pretty big numbers, but so what, right?
Chief See and Deputy Chief Gordy say we live in a "throw away society," and they have just proven so. Now, do we blame Pittsville for such a steal of a deal, nope. Do we blame the Salisbury Firefighters for giving away such a vehicle for peanuts, nope. It's all See & Gordy. No reason to punish the Firefighters, they had absolutely nothing to do with the, (COUGH BS) sealed bids. Just remember Mr. Comegys, the next time you throw out that old saying of yours, "I wish I had a crystal ball," know you can always turn to me and I'll be within $500.00.
Oh, so everyone knows as well, that Fire Truck with the blown engine sitting at the old Training Center that they didn't want to fix, they sold that to a Pierce Dealership in Middletown, Delaware for next to nothing too. I know I offered $2,500.00 for it so place in the woods at my home at least a year and a half ago for my Grandson to play on. Let's just see what they gave that puppy away for because I will find out. In fact, I'm reaching out to the Mayor and City Council to inform me of just how much money they sold it for. I'll even throw in two jars of Vaseline for See & Gordy.
The next time they should try the Salisbury News Classified Ads because I can guarantee they would have sold for more right here. There is a good side to this I guess. At least they didn't cut it into pieces and spend another $20,000.00 storing it upstairs in the Fire Palace.
Im not a expert either but Joe you should by it and then sell it yourself and make 25k or so.Heck SFD mat even pay 50k for it lol.
Leave it to you for the inside scoop... You're right nothing in the Daily Slimes , No wonder they're going out
Why didn't they put the thing on eBay? Idiots
9:16 --
When a city resident suggested using e-bay a year or so ago, Barrie and her pal Pammie said that it was too hard (or something like that).
The new truck is already at Potomac Fire Equipment in Hebron having tools and equipment put on it.
Joe, it is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Appraised values are for insurance and to make ourselves feel like we own more than we do.
I am not challenging your idea about it being an inside deal, but saying it is worth $40K is pointless.
I do think Ebay would have been a good route. Buyers from other counties purchase items like this all the time.
In todays housing market shoot, let her burn.
They won't use Ebay because Debbie Campbell suggested doing just that a couple of years ago.
What Debbie says or suggests, they do the direct opposite, we all know this to be true.
If Pam Oland is to stupid to post an item on Ebay then she really needs to be removed. My 8 year old can post on Ebay, maybe the city should hire her as Director of Internal Services, she'd work for a lot less than Pammie, and probably do a better job.
it seems they could have sold a lot of items separately and made a bunch more....or at least kept the tools, generators hoses, etc.
why not hold a public auction? why would they ever use a sealed bid? they could have had a "Fire Sale", sold lunch and baked goods and actually turned a profit.
heck, if they missed even gathering another $5K or $10k, they could have done a lot of good with that money.
don't these guys realize that they have/are making some poor decisions?????
You have the freedom to make poor decisions when its your money your wasting, not when its someone elses. Seem all the goverment employees from these local little peanuts to the white house need to learn that lesson. It wont happen with words I truely believe that.
So Pittsville Fire Department bought Truck 16 for $5,500. What do they plan on doing with the truck they already have? I mean that one is almost identical except it's red. The one they currently have was GIVEN to them for FREE from the Crisfield Fire Department. I almost guarantee that Pittsville Fire Department will try to sell their truck for a profit.
Crisfielder's you better keep an eye on Pittsville. Your town donated that truck to them, if they sell it you better reap some of the benefits.
Pittsville and Salisbury are jokes, PERIOD!
I seriously doubt that that ladder truck would seriously be worth much over $10,000. You have to figure that the cost to keep it in service ie; DOT inspections, yearly ladder testing and pump testing will not be cheap and considering it does not meet NFPA standards. To me anyone willing to pay that much or more just to have a toy sitting in their yard has more money than they know what to do with. Supposedly Pittsville is possibly giving their old truck to Snow Hill if it gets approved and honestly the one they have now I think is in better shape just probably older and the wrong color. I've driven Salisbury's green monster and believe me as dogged out as it is no one is going to get a great bargain.
In my opinion Salisbury is helping another local fire department out with their needs.
The tools on the old truck were used but still in good condition. Why were they not kept with the new truck.
Potomac Fire Equipment is now Chesapeak Hook and Ladder. They would of sold Salisbury a Great Ladder for less than that one cost.
Is Parsonsburg getting the truck Pittsville has now for part of their spec ops program.
Anon 10:43
Crisfield is aware.
Joe, where the hell is county accountability? I mean this is happening over and over and over and over again. Fire Departments having the free will to do as the please with the money given to them by the taxpayers. WHY?
Are people still donating to Pittsville? If they are, they are idiots.
The plan is to offer it to a department that is in need of such a piece of equipment. Donate it to them or get the money back that they just put into new tires so it would pass D.O.T.
I believe in karma and it should be given to a department that could use it.
anonymous 10:46,
Then why didn't they aproach it like that? They could have gone public stating Pittsvills wants and needs and shown their intent in the first place.
I called them out on this weeks ago and to me, everything they seem to do is underhanded, under the table and cooked. Salisbury, that is.
Nevertheless, in this economy, they should have given it their very best shot at selling it elsewhere for more money. More importantly, See & Gordy living in that "we live in a throw away society" crap should have utalized the equipment on the vehicle for the new vehicle just delivered and saved the taxpayers another $20,000.00, if not more.
I hold no regrets with Pittsville at all. I simply believe See & Gordy have screwed the taxpayers into the ground and they know it. The ONLY reason they're mad at me is because I expose all the BS they pull all the time. That goes for the Mayor too. Look, face it Folks, I'm always right when it comes to these issues. Oh, sure, they sometimes come back with piss poor excuses, no different from their WWTP excuses.
I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.
Pittsville y'all are stupid. PERIOD. You prove it yet again with this move.
The only reason you want Truck 16 is because it is slime lime yellow green. That is the only reason.
Everyone familiar with both pieces will tell you to your face that Truck 7 is in better shape and runs a lot better than Truck 16. But yet you want to pay 5G for the right color.
I would be embarrassed to walk around with a Pittsville VFD t-shirt, I would be embarrassed to drive around with Pittsville VFD tags, I would be embarrassed to be one of your members.
Parsonsburg Special Ops, is almost as dumb as Pittsville.
Pittsville had intentions of selling the truck for profit, actually trying to sell it for more than what they bought Salisbury's truck for, but when the Chief of Crisfield got wind of the situation the story changed.
He said that they had to give it away for free or give it back to them.
Pittsville, you are burning your bridges in Somerset County, better put them out.
nothing against the fine folks in Pittsville, but I don't think anyone should be able to GIVE AWAY anything my taxes paid for without a general consensus. if a neighboring town NEEDS something, THEY need to hit the streets, raise money and if they can't then they can negotiate a payment plan for actual value to the City of Salisbury.
what other assets does the city holds title to that are GIVEN away for such a minimal value???
another honest question: when is the last time a high rise (or any structure) in Pittsville burnt down because they did not have a ladder truck??? not saying they don't need one, but if you are are arguing that we should give it to them because of need and "Karma", they have one from what I am reading, I'd bet there is a volunteer fd here on the lower shore that would need it more.
They have had their truck for about 4 years or so now, NOT ONCE have they ever actually had to put it in service and use it for it's purpose. NOT ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT'S A WASTE OF MONEY and they have one for parades and trophies. Thats it!
It was stupid choice, we all know that.
They use their truck just as much as Parsonsburg uses their Special Ops Team, or as much Willards using the Haz-Mat Decon trailer. Waste of money with no oversight from anyone in the county.
Anon 10:43....You have no clue as to what you are even talking about, and your info is all screwed up...oh yea YOU ARE THE JOKE,
Anon 10:52...IDIOT
Anon-10:59 ... I would be embarrassed to be you. You talk about something you know so little about, what a joke.you that is.
Anon 11:02 you couldn’t be more off, again No clue, Wrong info...Idiot
Drive4Success...It’s about being Pro Active not Reactive and unprepared
Anon 11:28 WRONG wrong WRONG...IDIOT
Parsonsburg Special Ops has no need for a ladder truck when they can get one from either Salisbury or Pittsville.
That being said, Parsonsburg Special Ops will never fly as long as Chief White allows Ryan Whittington to continue to be the Captain of the team. I understand that the team Lieutenant has resigned due to conflicts with Whittington. He lost a good man there. The Lt. was very dedicated to the success of the team, and built them a fine piece of apparatus to operate with. He should have been put in Whittington's spot a long time ago. Everyone knows that Whittington can not start a project and see it through to completion.
Also, several key team members have had about enough of Whittington's crap, and are about to walk away from the project. It would be a shame if this happens. Many people have given a lot of their time to organize the team, let alone the time and dedication of the members who have been trained.
In Chief White's eyes, Whittington is always right and everyone else is always wrong. No matter what!
I think that Chief White needs to stop looking out for his boy and do what is best for the department!
Obviously 11:28 and 11:29 you both have not idea what the Fire Service is about when you volunteer your time and effort then you can have an opinion
Getting on another topic for a second or possibly longer... Parsonsburg Spec Ops _ what a joke. until they allow other members of neighboring depts with as much, if not MORE training in every area they are offering then it will never get off the ground. Perdue donated a lot of money to a huge money pit. I for one hope they see where the project has gone and will tell the dept to use the money for better things. What does everyone think ??
Ryan W. is a huge joke. Does not live in the area and continues to be an officer of a division within the dept that has done nothing but spend money
That is completely ridiculous. You would think you would sell it for as much as you could get to put that money towards a new truck. Definitely shows they don't care about the taxpayers.
Anon 11:55
I would suggest being proactive is a good thing. I guess now that Pittsville has 2 ladder trucks, they are doubly proactive. Kudos for the foresight. Perhaps if Salisbury has the need for enforcements beyond our resources, we'll know who to call.
The problem here is not Pittsville's ability to react to THEIR responsibilities to protect THEIR community from THEIR fires.
The problem here is that due diligence was not performed properly on determining what the market would bear for this asset that is, or rather was, owned by the CITIZENS OF SALISBURY.
Thanks for explaining that Pittsville NEEDS this ladder truck to be proactive. Well done.
12:05 I have been an active volunteer and a life member of a fire department in Worcester County, trust me, I know exactly what I'm talking about.
Wicomico County Fire Departments aren't sh*t, they are jokes, Pittsville being the biggest joke on the fire service ever.
4 years and not once has Truck 7 responded and been put in service. NOT ONE TIME.
Parsonsburg has a fire, who do they call? Salisbury. Willards has a fire who do they call, Powellville, Gumboro, or Berlin. Gumboro has a fire, who do they call, Willards, Delmar. No one wants to work with Pittsville. They are full of incompetent idiots.
They purchased Truck 16 because it's matches the other fire trucks. They want it to match so they can take it to parades and win trophies. That is it. Pittsville does not have a single structure that cannot be reached by a ground ladder. It's basic fire ground operations.
Pittsville is indeed the joke.
What building does Pittsville have in it's 1st due that would benefit from the use of a ladder truck?
Being proactive? Given the fact that it takes at least a crew of 4 to accomplish truck/aerial operations it depletes your human resources. During the day Pittsville is lucky enough to get a single person to show up. It's stupid. Bottom line, when its all said and done, Pittsville is stupid.
Get back on topic or I'll start rejecting comments.
How about we end this conversation. Get Richard Chapman to pay back his stolen salary to pay for the ladder truck. I'd be happy with that.
I have to agree with everyone on this, Pittsville Fire Department, Cheif Mark Bratten, EMS Captain Tony Webster, and the other officers are... well... it goes without saying.
Thanks Joe
Joe speaks the truth on this one. The firefighters knew early on what was going to happen. They knew the bids were rigged and Pittsville would get it. They also knew the price would be between $5000 and $5500. You have left out an important person though. Bubba knew all about it and supported it. Gordo was determined to make it happen and as usual, he got what he wanted. All the tools and equipment go with it. Some items that are nearly new and could go on the new truck. That aint happening. Gordo and See want all new tools at the taxpayers expense. Well that move is gonna cost around $25,000 for the taxpayers. I dont blame Pittsville for this. They acted in good faith and they can use it. Gordo, Bubba and See pulled this off. Crooked, crooked,crooked. Dont bother to bid on any City property, because its rigged.
Everyone knew Gordy was going to let Piitsville know what the other bids were. Why act surprised.
I see Mary W. is back and on the attack and beating that dead horse again...I am like Joe. Please stay on topic. Salisbury did the taxpayers wrong and someone should be held accountable....
Pittsville can use a ladder truck?
They spent 5500 on a ladder truck that's almost identical with the exception of it's color.
They don't need one.
Jeez, you barely need a ladder in Pittsville, let alone another ladder truck.
Hey Chiefy, I'll pay a premimuim for it - $10,000 so that I can turn around and sell it on Ebay for $40,000! That could be one way that the good Ole Chiefy could start giving back everything he has taken from the community's wallet!
Joe, can the general public bid on the truck? I think this could be a good investment for a quick flip!
Joe, you should have bought it. That really woulda ticked them off. Get your CDLs and drive it around town daily. Cheaper than most cars, eh?
One more, thing...since when did pittsville need a ladder truck anyway? Aren't ladder trucks like this designed for use on buildings 3-6 story buildings?
Did I miss the highrises being build in Pittsville? I know its a good deal for a couple grand, but if you don't need it then you simply don't need it...
Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave
A high rise are you kidding me..hahahahaha
what a crock spoken from someone who has not the slightest idea of what they are talking about.
1. There are multiple apartment building that a ladder truck is excelent for.
2. There is a huge diffrence between Truck 16 and Truck 7
3. If you were worth the effort i would take the time to explaine it to you... But your not....so i wont
4. If you did have any idea of what you were talking about you would know that a ladder truck is not all about the stick It a Giant Tool Box On Wheels
Grave Digger....questions for you?
1.Did you pass your physical?
2. How?
3. Would you consider plastic Surgery?
ANON 2:24 PM,
Let me guess, are you a Pittsville Volunteer or part of the women's aux? Where are the multiple apartment buildings in and around Pittsville? The only ones that I know of are right on 60 foot road and quite frankly I could rescue people out of those with a 6' step ladder...
Please, enlighten me...
Ryan for chief of Salisbury.
Anonymous said...
I seriously doubt that that ladder truck would seriously be worth much over $10,000. You have to figure that the cost to keep it in service ie; DOT inspections, yearly ladder testing and pump testing will not be cheap and considering it does not meet NFPA standards. To me anyone willing to pay that much or more just to have a toy sitting in their yard has more money than they know what to do with. Supposedly Pittsville is possibly giving their old truck to Snow Hill if it gets approved and honestly the one they have now I think is in better shape just probably older and the wrong color. I've driven Salisbury's green monster and believe me as dogged out as it is no one is going to get a great bargain.
In my opinion Salisbury is helping another local fire department out with their needs.
10:46 AM
I guess you are calling Joe a liar now?
I seriously doubt that that ladder truck would seriously be worth much over $10,000. You have to figure that the cost to keep it in service ie; DOT inspections, yearly ladder testing and pump testing will not be cheap and considering it does not meet NFPA standards. To me anyone willing to pay that much or more just to have a toy sitting in their yard has more money than they know what to do with. Supposedly Pittsville is possibly giving their old truck to Snow Hill if it gets approved and honestly the one they have now I think is in better shape just probably older and the wrong color. I've driven Salisbury's green monster and believe me as dogged out as it is no one is going to get a great bargain.
In my opinion Salisbury is helping another local fire department out with their needs.
10:46 AM
I guess you are calling Joe a liar now?
Check this site for comparible prices!
Salisbury's ladder is a 1980 Mack CF 100 American Lafrance Ladder truck
This sounds more like a crime than a mistake.
Everyone structure in Pittsville's area is accessible by a ground ladder. That's the bottom line. There is not a single building they could not be reached by a ground ladder.
For anyone who makes the argument that Pittsville needs to spend taxpayer money on a ladder truck, when exactly have you used it in the past 4 years? You have never ever used it.
Little kids and their Tonka-Toys. You people actualy give me a damn head-ache. You guys seem so upset with all the other guys maybe you all should start an ameture boxing league,Ummmmmmm... Let the real men enter. Good Lord.
I heard somewhere that they build pretty tall treestands in Pittsville though. Another question. Why do all of fire companies buy Suburbans and Expeditions and then put a $2000 wheel and tire package on them? The oyster fritter business must be real good these days.
It took me a second to get it, HA,HA,HA... I was born in Berlin, Deer can be scay animals,(for grazzers).
Wicomico County Fire Departments are in a competition with themselves. Who can win the most awards at parades, who can have the better looking apparatus, who can have the most apparatus.
Pittsville buys an Excursion, what does Parsonsburg do? They buy an Excursion and an Expedition. Pittsville gets a ladder truck. What does Parsonsburg do? The form a "Special Ops" team and Willards gets in the Haz-Mat business.
It's stupid. Can't we just agree that Pittsville is at the for front of the fire service. LOL.
Pittsville, as a fellow eastsider, I have agree with just about everyone, yours days of credibility are over.
Here's a question for ya: Why would an engine that typically goes 200k plus, be "blown"? Is it really a blown engine? I know what I'm talking about, ask the techs at Barr.
Kinda like the new fire house in salisbury it is a done deal get over it.
Lets hear it for Robert Shipe, the newly named Truck Lt. for Pittsville Fire Department...
Real men don't have to spend money on their apparatus!
How's the weather in Cincinnati Less? Come on back to Berlin. Left here for 20 years and I will tell you this, there's no place like home.
I know truck 16 was listed on firetec.com for $15,000.00 during the month of Jan.
I know this won't change anyones view on this subject, but here are the FACTS. Pittsville Aquired Truck 7 from Crisfield about 4 years ago, during the "building boom" in town, due to the larger homes being built, the older homes with some very steep roof pitchs, and there was talk of a assisted living facility and a shopping center. The truck was donated but needed a few thousand dollars spent on it. No other department on the east side had one and it was a good, central location. And the price was right for them to get into the "Truck business", and be able to provide another service to the area when needed. What people either forget, or just don't know, is that it is not just a big ladder to be placed on a roof. It has many other uses. It also has it's limits. It is an older truck and the ladder can only be used in a 20 degree position off of either side, due to the stablizers on the side being small. The ladder also sticks off the back about 10 feet. Now the comment about it never being on a call is just not true. It has been utilized quite a few times and has responded nearly every time it was due. Like with every fire dept. with a truck, it does not get used every time. Now if they did get truck 16 it is not because it is green. It wouldn't matter if it was purple. It would be an upgrade to truck 7 because it has larger stablizers, allowing the ladder to be used in any direction. It has a pump and water tank, truck 7 does not, and the ladder is aimed forwardand does not stick off the back, making it easier to menuver. So please, get the facts straight before rambling on about something you may not know about. And as with anything in life, if you don't like it, do something about it, make a positive difference in your community. At least they are trying. No one is perfect. Thats a fact.
Here's a question for ya: Why would an engine that typically goes 200k plus, be "blown"? Is it really a blown engine? I know what I'm talking about, ask the techs at Barr.
8:23 PM
Good thought. does anyone really know why it's being given away
Seriously, Truck 7? Come on People. It's Pittsville!
And Parsonsburg Special Ops? LMFAO! All I can say to that one is Steve White! Yet another tool in the shed.
How many aerial deviecs do we need in the county? Pollit needs to look into a county wide fire department. Duplication of services at it best. 1 tower and 2 quints in Salisbury alone is redundant. 1 Truck on the East side 1 on the West side. What more do you need. I guess every department should have a heavy rescue also.
I'm happy for Pittsville and wish them the best. Salisbury has proven they are spoiled and have money to burn. While the rest of us are struggling to survive, they are giving away thousands in free stuff. Whats junk to them is new for us. Who needs the fire store when you have Salisbury giving away perfectly good equipment.
When the theft at the dump was exposed Rick Pollitt launched a full investigation. Thousands worth of county property was sold for next to nothing or stolen. It was front page news and taxpayers wanted answers. Why isn't this happening here ? Doesn't the City care ? There is a serious problem here with fiscal accountability.
Sour Grapes from KT. Another loser who's tried every angle in fire/ems service sales and failed at every single one.
to settle all matters p burg special ops is a complete joke as well with the people running. the Lt that just stepped down did the right thing. he needs to become a fireman before an officer never seen a man so scared of fire but wants to wear the gear. the captain that is still in his position has no right to be there he only shows up maybe for three calls a year but they are in cohorts with the points coordinator who doesnt even show up himself. p burg needs to regain there strength and dignity as a department and start with some overhaul and really help all grow there not just some chosen ones who are given everything. thats that. now i believe p ville should not have that truck for that cheap. why are they that desperate for one. p burg should have the the truck respond on an afa(fire alar,) at wor wic and perdue at least. thats why we wear our scba in on alarms so we are prepared sp why is there no truck when it would be truly useful in a structure fire situation. just a thought. i have experience with these departments so i know what goes on of you wanna doubt me. p burg straighten up everyone is laughing at you not with you. trsut me.
Hey 9:37,
Are you on the pipe or what?
First you need to know the facts.
Second you need to learn how to spell.
Third you should learn to write using complete sentences with proper grammar.
Gotta be either Malone or Webster Jr.
What f---ing idiots those two are!
I heard through the grapevine that 9:37pm is Greg Fries.
This would explain the lack of knowing the facts, the improper spelling, and the poor use of grammar.
This would also explain his vendetta against Parsonsburg, since he was thrown out of the department for stealing from another firefighter while at the station.
Salisbury can have your sorry a--, because we don't want you!
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