The proposed Cracker Barrel that was expected to go next to Perdue Stadium may not be coming after all. It turns out the height they're requiring for their sign has allegedly been denied and they're seriously considering dropping out completely.
I'm sure it was so high that they had to place a blinking strobe light at the top to make sure planes going in and out of the Airport wouldn't hit it. That's a joke. It would appear the only new business that seems to be doing well in this economy is Guns, Gangs and Drugs.
Who knows, it could all be nothing but rumors though. I guess everyone will have to continue to go to Rehoboth instead.
Their dead in this economy anyway, this just gives them the out.
What sort of height were they looking for? Something that could be seen from either end of the bypass?
The city denied Cracker Barrel once before for the sign height and Cracker Barrel pulled out then too. This city is so stupid, lets turn away jobs, turn away taxes, because the sign is too high. Idiots, they pulled the deal once before, and you better hope no one in Cracker Barrell sees the crime stats and they will really be gone for good.
slop food anyways
Too many fat people around here. We do not need another feeding trough.
If you think thats true Apparently the owners of Rehoboth's store and the new store that just opened up in Stevensville didnt know it. Neither did all the folks that wait in line to get in.... My wife and I waited for 30+ mins twice this weekend to get into the one in Lancaster. Once Friday night ,then yesterday afternoon. Have you seen the Texas Roadhouse on a Friday night? How about the mall or the movies? People still are going out.
slop food? Oh yeah, you'd rather have a TGIF. Yeah THAT'S some good food......not!
Rumor also has it that the develop is going to put a 430 luxery suite hotel by the stadium.....talk about a waste of money.....
They are a building a KFC/Taco Bell in the Kmart Shopping Center. They finally put the sign up, we had been wondering. Even in today's economy, it looks like people aren't cutting back too much on their food budget, I agree with Anon 1:20....
Jobs huh, you gotta be kidding me. I made more money chunkin melons when I was thirteen for Mack Malone than you will make here, jobs,ha,ha.
1:22, your come back on the slop food comment is TGIF? all the chain restaraunts in SBY are terrible. Try cooking yourself once and awhile.
I love Cracker Barrel, but they will never find decent employees to work for them. I went to Dennys one Sunday morning and the waitress went to say something to us, and the gum she was chewing flew out of her mouth onto our table. Nice. Service is rarely good anywhere around this town. Plus, they would be robbed in the first week.
They eat out because they think it saves them money over shopping at the grocery store, the rest probably cant cook. Places like this dont really create many jobs of substance but do how-ever create tax revenue for the area.
My mom has worked at Dennys for thirty years and her service is impecable.
We tried to go to Texas Roadhouse Saturday night and there was a
2 1/2 hour wait. How about more decent restraunts instead of KFC, TGI Fridays, etc. I am sure that they would be utilized. So what if the sign was a little taller than normal. How many jobs would it have created?
Why dont you try a locally owned restaurant, LORA, not a chain. There are plenty of great waitstaff at the local restaurants..try SAGE Diner on 13.
For the best cook fresh at home and serve each other. Cant get any better than that!
As a person who lives within 5 minutes of a Cracker Barrel I can assure you that they are hardly if at all affected by this economy. I eat there at least 3 times a week, every time I go in there is at least a 20 minute wait.
People LOVE to eat comfort food during rough times. That's what they offer. It's not just the food, it's feeling of being at your grandmother's kitchen table eating chicken and dumplings the way she cooked them.
I love Cracker Barrel and frankly Salisbury doesn't deserve one. LOL.
The issue with the sign height is that the location is in the approach lane for the airport main runway.
Why on earth would anyone wait 30 minutes to eat at a Cracker Barrel? Anon 2:12 is right, there are too many local resturants that aren't chains that have GREAT food.
2:22 Im a man and in my fourties and you should watch me whip up those home-made dumplins on my kitchen counter. My wife is "OLD SCHOOL" and I wouldnt have it any other way. She can cook, and over the past twenty odd years I watched her real close. I figured it was a good ideal because if she ever left me I wouldnt have to go back to opening tuna-fish with a flat head scre driver. My ham and cabbage is "to die for to".
they should build one in delmar delaware.
I used to be so proud to say I'm from SBY, but now I'm just happy if they don't ask me. To say that they couldn't put a tall sign next to what is essentially an interstate, especially when the lights from the stadium exceed normal height lights, was and is ridiculous. I hope, for the sake of what little bit of rational thinking we might have left that this was just a rumor. If it's true, shame on us for letting such idiots make decisions like this.
BTW, the fact that ANY biz would consider locating in this county is incredible. They must not have done their research very well. It's rapidly turning into an awful place to live. You can't go out at night for fear, you can't make more than minimum wage, if you can find that, and the taxes are unbelievable. Who would want to live here these days?
"It would appear the only new business that seems to be doing well in this economy is Guns, Gangs and Drugs"
Yup! Keep pushin for the civic center Joe.
More seats = more guns at the Fernando fights
Honey, if your mom has worked at Denny's for 30 years it sure was NOT Salisbury. It is disgusting there! Now, Cracker Barrel you are right on about that. I have no idea where they will find good waitresses to serve here! Just ate at Rehoboth last Friday and it was wonderful. Great place, but this is the second time they have tried to come to Salisbury. Last time was about 4 years ago. P.S. The new DQ is awesome too and great people there to wait on you that speak so you understand them without repeating at least twice.
I see that Checkers is also coming to Sby across from Giant. Is this why the old Super G pavement has been cut up.
Never enough places to eat in Sby. Everytime we go out to eat, we have to wait 30-45 minutes. Don't think this is an area that is hurt by the economy.
2:22 gave me a good laugh for the day. Smart man!! Also, IF Cracker Barrel comes to Salisbury the local restaurants like Dayton's and SAge will suffer greatly! I'll bet that is why the city is dragging its heals. That Perdue sign is pretty high up. That is a lame excuse if you ask me as I look out the window at all of those signs!! You are right, however, they should be in Delmar!!! Smart move for everyone in business...I think...
I am not waiting for any amount of time to eat anywhere-thats ridiculous.
I agree that more people need to learn how to cook and eat at home.For what you would spend out at Texas Roadhouse,you could buy enough steaks at Giant or Sams Club to have them every night of that week at home-with all the sides!Its OK to do it as a treat on weekends if you have the extra funds but I know people who eat takeout every single night and its wasteful.Buy some groceries and cook.
why don't you try a local restaurant? here is a novel idea..why don't you stay out of peoples business and let them eat where they want to eat???
@ blutoj. not only wasteful, but also very fattening! get porked up america!
louies canton allows a bagged lunch
we don't need any more chains in salisbury anyway. people here don't know what good food is. if nyc or chicago people came here, they'd laugh.
Cracker Barrel's sign height requirement is out of sight so it can be seen ten forevers away on major interstates. If they'd modify it for a lousy U.S. route, it would probably fly being in the airport flight path. This is one time I won't blame the city. Is where they want to locate city or county anyway? Hard to tell around here.
Here we go again talking about giving our money to a restaurant that dosen't even keep the money local. 60% of monies spent locally stays local. When are you people going to get that thru your THICK heads. LORA restaurants and other LOCAL businesses employ locals and the monies generated stick around. Try, if you go out for 1 month to go to local establishments. I bet you will be suprised. If you don't try it you won't know. I hope will listen and keep our hard earned money in our community...
To 4:46. I'm from St Louis and trust me this place is hilariously backwards. I cant wait to leave the shore. Too many apologists around here to get anything done and crime is worse than most large cities and there is absolutely no benefit to living here.
Whether you support local restaurants or coorporate ones, you're still supporting the locals that work there. Cracker Barrell would supply jobs to people, and whether you like their food or not, I can almost guarantee they would always be busy. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not into supoorting local business owners where my money goes to soliciting prostitutes in Delmar (connection to a known little Italian restaurant), or someone who has had many DUIs and puts the publics lives at risk, and shows no remorse (connection to well known diner on Snow Hill Rd.). Whomever you support, let's hope the Cracker Barrell comes, get people jobs and maybe less welfare out of my check!
I would like to see a restaurant serve fresh collars with a meal. otherwise, there is no need to eat at these places. the food is terrible in these restaurants in Salisbury.
3:00 pm,
When I go to other places beyond both bridges, I NEVER tell anyone I'm from Salisbury, Md. This place has suck since I moved here with my family as a child. I hate this area. The people are too racist. I wish I could afford to leave this entire peninsula.
Are all Cracker Barrel signs the same height? Is this something they can't modify? We already know the current people in charge of this dept won't change things.
Ok folks here is the problem If your let Cracker Barrell Build the sign....then you must let everyone build a sign of equal value....I know you find this to be stupid but.....Wait untill these bias rules that everyone here bitches and wines about Why "this one got to do this" and "that one got to do that Why cant I".............Then you will understand....it causes problems...and you have a bunch of double standards....I say make them change the sign too...conform or move on....They will not be here long anyway....salisbury is to fickle about food and will never support it and then we can have another building sitting empty....If you wanna bitch about somthing....Why not find out why a statduim that Tax payers funded and Mr. Perdue gave the property Why the Shorebirds Staduim is Owned by a Shek in Dubui!....What happen to my tax dollar that was spend on that POS!
Citygoer, I don't see anything keeping you here. There is no bay bridge toll going west.
I'm with "blu" ~~ I prefer to eat at HOME, and I know MY grill cooks up better than any dining establishment in the area, and CHEAPER too! If I want 'great service' I can ask teen to do the dishes when she's home.
But honestly, why NOT cook at home? You know what you are making, it's cleaner, cheaper and you already know what you like.
If you don't know how to cook -- LEARN! Cooking, grilling, baking, all of it isn't difficult and trust me, some things you'll be PROUD to make on your own, like simple signature dishes.
When I make soup, half my far-flung family comes to visit, if nothing for more than 'take away', same for chili, Fireman's BBQ chicken...all of it.
Stay HOME! COOK! Save your $$
Look Back: And yes, Mr. Volpe is also associated with the Dubai Investment Group.
STOCKTON, Calif. -- Stockton Ports owners Tom Volpe and Pat Filippone announced that they have entered into a preliminary agreement to purchase the Delmarva Shorebirds, the Class A Affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles. The Shorebirds, who are based in Salisbury, Md. and play in the South Atlantic League, will join the Ports and become the second team owned and operated by 7th Inning Stretch, LLC.
The Shorebirds had been owned by Comcast-Spectacor, the Philadelphia-based sports and entertainment firm, who recently sold two other Minor League teams -- the Bowie Baysox and the Frederick Keys -- both Orioles affiliates. Their local name, Delmarva, is derived from the states that govern counties on the peninsula east of the Chesapeake Bay: Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.
7th Inning Stretch, LLC., is a baseball ownership group based in Stockton. The company was founded by Volpe in 1999 when he purchased the Visalia Oaks, and eventually moved to Stockton when he acquired the Ports in 2002. In July of 2006, Volpe added former Fresno Grizzlies CEO Pat Filippone to the ownership group and named him president and general manager of the Ports. Filippone will also be the president of the Shorebirds and oversee their day-to-day operations. In the first personnel move, Filippone hired Chris Bitters to be the team's new general manager. Bitters, who worked under Filippone with the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, had previously served as general manager of the Bakersfield Blaze, Class A Advanced California League Affiliate of the Texas Rangers.
"We are excited to be adding a Class A Minor League Baseball organization like the Delmarva Shorebirds to 7th Inning Stretch," said Volpe. "We feel that we've built a very solid foundation and operations base in Stockton, and we're excited for the Ports to play a significant role in the growth of another Minor League Baseball team."
Filippone said that he is ready to bring many elements from the Ports organization to the group's new team on the east coast.
"We're thrilled to be adding a second team to our family, and we're excited about the prospect of being able to have a positive impact on two great baseball communities," said Filippone.
Im sure cracker barrel wants a sign high enough to be seen from the bypass, some 30 -40 feet in the air! Ive seen cracker barrel's that have sign heights of 10 feet, in fact Easton will not allow a buisness sign no higher than 10 feet and requires alll commercial businesses on rt 50 to be brick - looks real nice ! why cant we have a planning commission that asks for more than the bargain basement concepts? - i hope they hold thier ground on the sign height.
that's just fantastic! our local officials have successfully managed to reduce new business and economic growth in this area, all the while allowing criminal activity to flourish! GREAT JOB!!!!!!! Way to have your priorities straight! No wonder this area is struggling.
wow, glad we dodged that bullet! The Cracker Barrel in Stevensville brought 180 jobs to that area. Who needs that in this economy, right? Let's just go ahead and increase unemployment benefits instead of encouraging new business.
where did you get 180 jobs for one restaurant????? That is absurd.
Secondly, given the plethora of restaurants in this town already,the workers are just going to move from one establishment to another...little if any net job growth.
I can tell that the majority of the Cracker Barrel "fans" here have never spent a day in the business.
Keep it up gang and pretty soon Salisbury and Wicomico County will look like any other place you see up and down RT 95...devoid of any real character
Well the Delmarva Shorebirds have a new owner this year. Now I know why they will charge $3.00 this year to park in their parking lot when attending a game. That ought to go over like a fart in church.
Actually...as a manager in the new Cracker Barrel in Stevensville,I say this: Yes we hired 189 people all of which lived within a few minutes from the location. The Stevensville store (Kent Island) is currently the number one store in the country, outdoing the Daytona store this weekend during the Daytona 500. We still maintain a staff of 175 and will continue to stay at this level. As far as the sign height...we originally had the sign at the new store at about 10-12 feet off of the ground. The county made us lower the sign by five feet. It was lowered the next day. The sign sits currently at about 8 feet off of the ground. People have no problem finding us!
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