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Folks, I have posted this warning time and time again. Early-on I issued warnings to the general public about our nation's transition from a capitalist society to Socialism.
Several years ago I tried to contact Larry Kudlow about going on his nationally recognized TV show to display the data I collected to drive this point home. At that time Larry Kudlow himself made a vague attempt to warn the public about the shortcomings of a newly created American Socialist culture. And now on virtually every major US Network that is all you hear - OUR NEW SOCIALIST AMERICAN NATION.
Here is a repeat copy of my warnings that were issued and printed in The Daily Times, Wednesday, August 21, 2002.
Salisbury and Wicomico County, on its Way to Socialism?
Nobody wants to talk about it--it's a taboo subject--but you can see the
Earliest stages of Socialism right here in Wicomico County. There are examples all around us. Vacant "free enterprise" buildings taken over by various local government entities. It's been done slowly over time, in order not to alarm the average taxpayer. Unchecked, this governmental intervention will cause departmental budgets to increase at an exponential rate whereby the only way to keep the "machine" going is to assess average taxpayers to make up the difference using every method imaginable. Usually they target the small guy who has little or no voice and fewer financial resources to defend him/her. They're trying to find any way to fee us, license us, and tax us to make up the difference of their ever-increasing budgets. It's an equation that cannot be solved without higher taxation.
Look at the Facts:
Buildings that have been occupied by government entities in recent years: Service Merchandise Building (Mount Hermon Rd.), Lowes Building (Old Ocean City Rd.), JC Penny's Building (Main St.),
Thrift Drug Store (Waverly Shopping Ctr.), Trailways Building (East Main Street), E.S. Adkins Building (North Salisbury Blvd.), Smullen Pool & Spa Building (East Main St.), Ace Hardware (Mt. Hermon Rd.), Purity Bacon Building (South Division Street), Allenwood Shopping Center (Rt. 13), Shoreline Office Supply (Bateman Street), and several other residential properties recently condemned on Fooks Road near the airport. These buildings have not only been taken over by government, but they have been removed from our assessable tax base, and are not generating any real property tax revenues.
While the average taxpayer is off working in order to make ends meet, SPECIAL INTEREST, is working hard to circumvent the process by excluding themselves from the contributing to the public coffers. Some of these special interest groups actually sponsored legislation to exclude themselves - School Teachers - from paying any real estate taxes on their own homes while increasing the tax burden on ordinary taxpaying folks. – (HB 965 – EXEMPTION FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS) But that wasn’t enough, the very next legislative session they tried again and this time they included OTHER ELITE GROUPS - School Teachers, Law Enforcement, and Fire Fighters in the proposed bill – (HB 197 – PROPERTY TAX CREDIT SCHOOL TEACHERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREFIGHTERS).
Wicomico County experienced the largest tax increase--24%--in the history of our County government. This was just the beginning before the 2% revenue cap was passed by referendum by a majority vote.
Wicomico County imposes $5,250.00 impact fee on all newly constructed single family dwellings. Most municipalities have followed suit – (Fruitland - $5000.00, Pittsville - $10,000, and other locals are following the trend).
Initially the majority of former Wicomico County council members voted to expand and build a "Prison for Profit" to incarcerate immigrants to the tune of approximately 22 million dollars. Fortunately, for taxpayers, the council reconsidered their action and decided to scrap the proposal. However, taxpayers were burdened and saddled with the cost of the frivolous conceptual Architectural & Engineering process.
Each year since 1977 in Wicomico County and other Maryland Counties hundreds of acres of farmland have been taken over by the government as the State purchases the land development rights – (Agriculture Preservation Act) - in order to preserve the land in perpetuity for agriculture use. This forces homebuyers into densely populated city limits, and thus limiting their homebuilding options. Never again, can each succeeding generation purchase a piece of this land for purpose of building his or her dream home. Clearly this is a form of US COMMUNISM.
While our local government budgets are increasing, we are losing some our largest tax base contributors such as Dresser, Campbell Soup, Crown Cork & Seal, Duo Sofa, Field Container, Shawnee Homes, among many others. This is partially due to higher local taxes, NAFTA, and GATT.
So when your local and regional commerce officials tout that they are doing wonders in promoting the business climate for our area, think again, and be mindful of what has actually transpired? The FACTS speak for themselves.
How can this be stopped ?
With a well armed Eastern Shore Malitia.
We have been partially socialized since the advent of social security. Anybody want to give that up?
Huh? One world government? The book of Revelations? Sound familiar?
Social Democracy seems to work pretty well for Sweden, Denmark, most of Europe, etc?
Doug what a shame we don't have one. We should! Michigan citizens have one of the most organized. Google "Michigan Militia".
Sound the alarm.. Hitler was a great speaker too. Think about this,What a great recipe for socialism,Our economy is broken,and thru generations of mind control or conditioning the people, starting from youth thru adult hood,like the russians said "you give us one generation and we will take your country without firing a shot" its here!
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