I recently checked out Devages Restaurant on Main Street opposite the Country House, and afterwards drove into the adjacent neighborhood. A block off Main Street, at the Alvin Avenue intersection, this Comegys’ sign is posted in the median. If that’s not City property, then it must belong to the neighborhood. I’d bet this sign is not legal – what say you Gary?"
The red color is fitting for Comegys -- that's where he's helped Barrie put the City of Salisbury
Muir Boda's signs are red too. New message from these signs. They are actually RED FLAGS.
How many tax rate raises has Comegys voted for since he got on the City Council in 2003, including that huge on right after he was reelected in 2007. Thanks but no thanks, Bubba.
You guys all need to get a life!!
i saw 3 of those signs in my developement and we do not live in the city limits. So I took it on myself to rip those SOB's up.
This is petty,( although I won't vote for him)
The time spent on taking this pic should have been spent picking up a few pieces of trash somewhere, that is the kind of stuff that will make SBY a better place.
I suggest everyone does their civic duty and removes any signs they see that are on city property. They're illegally placed.
That's city property on Monument Square. At least, the city always maintained it while I was living in that area.
TO: 10:18 -
FM: The Dirty Dozen
We ain't all "guys"!
Have a nice day.
Is is a misdemeanor for Bubba to put his signs on property in Wicomico County but not in the City limits?
Inquiring minds want to know?
If it is true that Code and Compliance is forbidden to touch the Comegys signs they should all be fired.
Time for the citizens to TAKE BACK THEIR CITY. Take those signs up, recycle them, burn them, throw them in Bubbas front yard, do anything you like with them just don't let them be in places illegally.
I see the slum lords have given permission to put his signs on their property. Have the renters of these properties given permission to Comegys or are they allowing it living in fear of eviction?
10:23, it's not petty to point out the person who may be in charge of enforcing our laws is breaking them himself. Sure, he can blame it on volunteers, but all he had to do was tell his volunteers the rules and require that they follow them.
I do NOT want somebody who feels he is so ABOVE the rules that everyone else must follow.
10:56 I agree with you.
I just don't think this was done in a malicious manner or with malicious intent. Maybe I am too busy worrying about things that "really matter". And in no way am I saying breaking the law is ok, just seems petty.
Do you still have the pics of Ms. Comegys harassing Tim Spies at that candidate forum two years ago?
If so, please do a rerun.
Gary Comegys and Bill Gordy know the rules. Their campaign volunteers know the rules, he has the same people working for him since no one else will. He does as he pleases because no one is going to take him to task. If I see a sign in one of the off limits places I guarantee you I will take it up and put it where it belongs...in the trash. Rules are rules, laws are laws, you abide by them or you suffer the consequences.
So what are the rules in regards to campaign signs or any sign for that matter!
Anonymous said...
i saw 3 of those signs in my developement and we do not live in the city limits. So I took it on myself to rip those SOB's up.
10:20 AM
To all good citizens, please do something good for the environment and dispose of that trash appropriately.
I just saw a Bubba fo Mare sign at the corner of Naylor Street and Rt. 50 on the property of F. Douglas Jones Surveying. Please boycott that business.
This goes to show you that Bubba Comagees is in bed with Surveyors, Developers, Slumlords, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.
Boycott all of these business now.
Who is keeping that running list of Bubba Businesses to Boycott?
Boot Bubba!!
Everyone here needs to sent money to their candidate to out spend Comegys.There is a $250 limit.
I personally will not go to any business that has a Comegys sign. That is their right, of course, but it is my right not to patronize those places.
Wymzie and I spent most of the day In Salisbury today and we appalled at the Bubba signs all over town.
They went up too quick and in too many places for them to actually have gotten permission.
It's like he feels that they can intimidate the small business owners by placing them in front of their place of business.
Here is an idea for you Joe...
We stopped in at the art / antiques and neat stuff store across from your offices downtown.
The owner told us that after you had a tiny mention of her store and a picture of her window, people came into the store, said they saw it on the blog and bought everything that had been pictured.
She went on to say a tiny mention in SBYnews was worth more than a year in the Daily times but thats another issue.
How about posting a Boycott against any business with a Bubba Comegy's sign out front?
When business owners SEE their business drop those signs will come down so fast it will make your head spin.
Just an idea...
Have you given thought to the fact that Bubba just might have a lot of support. Hence the signs. I know I am voting for him.
Anon 6:27 while it is certainly your right to support Bubba I only have one thing to say about that...stupid is as stupid does.
From the MML site. I think Bubba needs to make some updates because much of this is false.
Gary A. Comegys, District 1
(Somerset, Worcester, Wicomico, Dorchester)
Councilman, Salisbury
Member-at-Large and current MML Legislative Committee Member. President of the Board of Directors of the Humane Society of Wicomico County and a member of the Salisbury Zoo Commission. Serves on the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce Local Legislative Committee and the Wicomico County Visioning Committee and the Greater Salisbury Committee Urban River II Task Force. Area Engineer for Maryland State Highway Administration District 1 (Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester Counties).
Hampshire, Hampshire and Andrews Surveyors on North Division Street have a Bubba For Mare sign in the front yard. They are trying to be slick by putting it on the propery line of the neighbor so it's anyone's guess who is sporting the sign. I guess Doug Hampshire and Company didn't have balls enough to say NO! We know the sign was put up by the Hampshires because Bubba is in bed with the contractors, developers, slum lords and Surveyors.
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