Seems to be a trend here!
Obama wants to raise taxes and spread the wealth, yet his own nominees are failing to pay their taxes!
Obama wants to raise taxes and spread the wealth, yet his own nominees are failing to pay their taxes!
Calling H&R Block! Nancy Killefer, President Obama's pick to be the "Chief Performance Officer" to oversee government efficiency, has officially withdrawn her nomination due to a host of issues, including income tax problems. Incredibly, Killefer is now the third Obama nominee to run afoul of federal income tax laws.
Do you think he knew about these problems before hand??
Of coarse he knew. After all he is "intelligent" enough to steal a Presidency wasnt he ? Or was he....Areys and the rest of the illinios gangsters.
The Health and Human Services Secretary nominee just did the same thing. Former Senetor Daschle didn't pay $130,000 in taxes for his driver.
Wow maybe if his cabinet would pay their taxes "he" could fund the joke of a bail out instead of us tax payers. RP
Im still numb from finding out about Article 1 Section 6 of the constitution stating that a Senator or Representitive cannot be a holder of a puplic office while in term.
Violation of the Constitution is un-forgivable . Including by the President.
So much for the "change" from business as usual in Washington that Obama promised us during the campaign. It looks like Obama is creating a cabinet of the corrupt. A new secretary of treasury, who is responsible for the IRS, cheated on his taxes to the tune of $43k. Tom Daschle, Obama's nominee for secretary of health and human services, and who in 1998 as a Senator said, "Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter." cheated the government out of over $120k in taxes. Nancy Killefer, Obamas nominee to fill a position called the national chief performance officer, just removed herself from consideration because of a tax lien she has on her in the District. Governor Bill Richardson withdrew his name from consideration to be President Obama’s commerce secretary amid a federal investigation into how a political contributor won state financial business. Then there's the pork-laiden Democratically authored $825 billion dollar stimulus bill that contains gems like: $2.5 billion to upgrade low-income housing; $400 million for NASA scientists to conduct climate change research; $500 million for the Transportation Security Administration to install bomb detectors at airports; $83 billion for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax; $3Billion for Prevention & Wellness Programs, Including $335 million for STD Education and Prevention - Recent government expenditures in this area include a transgender beauty pageant in San Francisco that advertised available HIV testing and an event called "Got Love? - Flirt/Date/Score" that taught participants how "to flirt with greater finesse;" $4.19 billion open to ACORN. The Pelosi-Reid bill makes groups like ACORN eligible for a $4.19 billion pot of money for "neighborhood stabilization activities;" and $246million for Hollywood to name just a tiny bit of pork that has nothing to do with stimulating our national economy. Hardworking, tax-paying Americans should be outraged that in the face of this nation's economic desperation, our representatives, our public servents, take this opportunity to payback and reward their supporters with all this unnecessary pork. It's shameful and it's time for Americans to take back their country from politicians that neither have a clue and don't really care about the little guy. Greed got us into this pickle, and it appears politicians think it will take greed to get us out. Shameless, irresponsible criminal bafoons, one and all.
Dont you know?...Fight fire with fire, crime with crime,and last...greed with greed. Its elementury my dear watson.
Personally I dont think obama has a clue.
He won the Presidency! Love it or Hate is ..
President Obama... It is what it is!
This on top of the nominating Gregg out of the Senate. You all realize that this was just a attempt to gain Democatic control over the entire congress.
Then there will be no stopping this socialistic marxist. I only wish I could post that Eagles song called "Money" while I read wait... I can listen to it myself.
This is how the dumb --- Democrats are going to be swayed.
all these tax cheats in the Obama administration...
Could it be (and I'm just throwing this out there) that these people weren't being "unscrupulous" but instead were being "patriotic."
Maybe...just maybe, by not paying taxes for all those years, they were performing their own personal acts of "civil disobedience". Why be a party to the funding of the unjust wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. Why not instead keep the money, not report it to the IRS & instead purchase Swedish-made cars & Chinese-made consumer electronics at Target (because Wal-Mart is unpatriotic too, right?)
I think Obama has found our solution to our budget short falls all he needs to do is have the IRS examine all the tax returns of all the democrat big wigs and our country would be flowing in cash. I also have figured out why you never can meet a democrat politian that does not want to raise the working mans taxes because in fact these same democrat politians have no intention of paying all their taxes to begin with !What truly embarrassing 14 days of the Obama presidency.
This is just a tip of the iceberg. How many Americans, not just Obama appointees, are failing to pay their taxes? And why should we humble Americans making a pittance compared to these nominees even try to be honest? Just say, oops, made a mistake. Let me send you a check....
perhaps the IRS needs to look at President Obama himself. If this is the kind of company he keeps...
a person that is totally legal with the complicated tax code is a person who has never made any money in their lives.
I would imagine that almost everyone who has filed a tax form is not 100% legal.
all this is doing is creating fire for the other party. what we need is true tax reform so we can all know how to file our taxes.
Yes, 2:51pm, we all need to know how to file our taxes....that's the problem. Do you think Daschle or any other politician does his own taxes or maybe he hires an accountant? For anyone out there who thinks that everyone is evading taxes because the tax laws are really screwed up-accountants and CPAs make a lot of money on this system-mistakes are made but forgetting to pay for a driver, forgetting to pay $100k, forgetting to state your income from a source who made you sign a statement and gave you the check to pay the taxes, these are not oversights-that is tax evasion. Al Capone, anyone remember him-they couldn't get him for anything else except for not paying taxes. These are criminals representing us at the highest levels of gov't. Obama may not have known about their individual tax situations but it's curious that these things only come up after they get picked by Obama.
At least these people are being outed. And don't act like you all didn't know politicians were crooked.
Obama must of tee'd off those that got him elected and now they are taking bets on who bad or when thr next time he makes a mistake.
All the while the American people are having to pay for it.The egoes of the "rich" . I wonder which way Oprah bet. Did she stand behind her "pony" or "diz" him awful ?
Kinda like that Eddie Murphy movie, Trading Places. Who was the winner of the dollar bet ?
So did she end up paying ?
I agree with 2:43 PM, everyone has had tax glitches in their life time, does not have to be a Democrat or Republican or any other affiliation. It comes out when people take the time to check everyone with a fine tooth comb.
Daschle now has also withdrawn from consideration for HHS secretary
Yeah its just a coincidence.
To bad I dont beleive in coincidences.
Joe the Plumber had tax problems.... so does a lot of folks.....It's America...Next!
My heart is all a twitter with a hopey-changey feeling! This change will expose the democrats for the hypocrites that they are. It's our patriotic duty to pay higher taxes, but their patriotic duty to cheat in the name of civil disobedience.
Change we can believe in!
Yes We Can!
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