Incident: Possession of a Handgun
Date of Incident: 5 January 2009
Location: East Lincoln Avenue at Hemlock Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspects: Leondrus Devon Higgins, 21, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 5 January 2009 at 12:59AM, a deputy from the WCSO stopped a vehicle for an equipment violation on East Lincoln Avenue. Upon making contact with the occupants of the vehicle, the deputy had them exit the vehicle. When one of the occupants, Leondrus Higgins exited, the deputy observed Higgins to place his hand into his coat pocket. The deputy had Higgins remove his hand and immediately patted down the area where Higgins had reached. Upon doing this, the deputy felt a small handgun in the pocket. The deputy placed Higgins in handcuffs, removed the handgun and then recovered an additional handgun from Higgins’ pants pocket. During the ensuing investigation, the deputy discovered that the serial number on one of the handguns had been altered in an attempt to make it unreadable. The deputy also discovered that due to past criminal convictions, Higgins was prohibited from possessing a firearm.
Higgins was placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Higgins was detained in the Detention Center by the Commissioner in lieu of $100,000.00 bond.
Wear / Carry a handgun on person
Wear/ Carry/ Transport a handgun in a vehicle
Obliterate or Alter the identification number on a handgun
Possession of a Handgun by Prohibited Person
Incident: Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Date of Incident: 2 January 2009
Location: Naylor Mill Road at Paleo Lane, Salisbury, MD
1. Gurpreet Singh Parmar, 36, Salisbury, MD
2. Tyler Maurice Easley, 23, Salisbury, MD
3. Marcus Anthony Smiley, 25, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 2 January 2009 at 5:30 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle operated by Gurpreet Parmar on Naylor Mill Road for displaying an expired registration plate. Upon contacting the occupants, the deputy smelled the odor of marijuana emanating from inside Parmar’s vehicle. A WCSO drug K9 also scanned the vehicle and alerted positively to the odor of illegal drugs in the vehicle. Upon searching the vehicle, the deputy located marijuana in the center console and along with a brown bag in the back seat that contained six individually wrapped bags of marijuana.
Based on the findings, Parmar and his two passengers, Tyler Easley and Marcus Smiley were placed under arrest for Possession with the Intent to Distribute. All three were transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, all three were detained by the Commissioner in the Detention Center,
Gurpreet Singh Parmar - $10,000.00 bond
Tyler Maurice Easley - $100,000.00 bond
Marcus Anthony Smiley - $10,000 bond
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Incident: Rogue and Vagabond
Date of Incident: 2 January 2009
Location: 400 block of Dorsey Lane, Salisbury, MD
Suspects: 15 YOA Male Juvenile, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 2 January 2009 at 8:42 PM, a deputy from the WCSO met with two victims in the 400 block of Dorsey Lane who both advised they saw a male juvenile with a flashlight inside their vehicles. The victims provided a description of the suspect to the deputy who then began checking the area. While on an adjacent street, the deputy located a juvenile matching the provided description who also happened to possess a flashlight. The victims arrived and positively identified the suspect as the one they saw inside their vehicles.
The deputy arrested the juvenile and transported him to the WCSO. Upon contacting the Department of Juvenile Services, the Sheriff’s Office was instructed to release the juvenile to a parent.
Charges: Rogue and Vagabond
Incident: Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Date of Incident: 3 January 2009
Location: W/B Ocean Gateway at Queen Avenue, Salisbury, MD
Suspects: Eric Dante Jones, 26, Hurlock, MD
Narrative: On 3 January 2009 at 1:49 AM, a deputy from the WCSO stopped a vehicle operated by Eric Jones for an equipment violation. Upon contacting Jones, the deputy subsequently discovered that his Maryland Driver’s license was suspended. Based on Jones’ driving status, he was placed under arrest by the deputy. Post arrest, the deputy located several individually wrapped baggies of marijuana on Jones.
Jones was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner held Jones in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00
Driving Suspended
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Incident: Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Date of Incident: 3 January 2009
Location: 1500 block of Esquire Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspects: David Samuel Miller, 28, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 3 January 2009 at 2:22 PM, deputies from the WCSO responded to PRMC to meet with the victim of an assault that occurred in the 1500 block of Esquire Drive in Salisbury. The victim advised that she was involved in an altercation with David Miller that turned physical. During the assault, the victim informed the deputy that Miller inflicted injury on her. The deputy managed to locate Miller in the area of PRMC and he was subsequently placed under arrest.
Miller was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Miller was held by the Commissioner in the Detention Center in lieu of $15,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree
Leondrus looks like a mix between Buckwheat and Alfalfa.
It is very obvious that our County Police force have a very dangerous job. They are much more agressive at taking down these dangerous criminals than SPD. They have a hunch and they act on it, like their leader did for years. SPD has the same obvious criminal behavior, but fail to react on most occasions. They have good officers, but are held back by their leaders. They are discouraged from offending someone or violating a perceived right. I am glad I live in the County and have the Sheriff's office protecting me. These thugs are getting what they deserve and all the credit goes to good police work from the Sheriff's Deputies.
Mr Easley and Smiley are a chip of the old block. Their fathers went to school with me and have been in and out of jail for years. Mr Smileys father was recently featured on this site. I hope they have reservations at WCDC.
All I have to say is High Five WCSO!!!
Great Job again by the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office! Joe great job reporting. It just shows they are out there getting it done. This thug had been stopped 30 minutes earlier by another local department. The warning was in the vehicle. It just shows all the men and women serving this area are at great risk all the time. It is sad that we live in a society where kids are armed with not just one, but two guns. My hat goes off to all of these brave officers. Keep up the war on crime we will win if all work together. I know times are tough but give these people all the tools you can to fight this war on domestic terrorism. The local goverments need copies of all these press releases so they can grasp the daily battle being fought in the streets to keep ours safe. It is sad that the Wicomico County Deputies still do not have a decent disability plan. Wake up County Council you have a moral obligation that no court can decide what you do. It is up to each and everyone one of us to protect the soldiers out there fighting this battle. Bravery can not be taught it is something in your fabric. The female deputy that stopped these thugs has children as do most of you officers out there fighting this never ending flow of dung in our streets. It is amazing that John Cannon and the rest sit on thier hands and do nothing to help the fight for a comprhensive insurance plan for these men and women. The city wont buy tasers. The state talks of furloughs. I just dont see it. The next election keep this in mind when you cast that vote. It is time for all good Americans to be heard. The war being fought on American soil is being fought daily. I hope all can see where our society is heading and support your local law enforcement. There are many things that go unreported to the media to protect current invetsigations. This county is a very violent place to live but these men and women go out daily and take the risk for all of of us. I dont see any domestic patriotism stronger than this. Have a safe day and remember those who protect you. Again God Bless all of you out there doing such a great job to keep us safe. As for the politians sleep tight tonight and let you common sense prevail on these issues that need to be addressed. I know I will out there reminding the public at next election of those who did not support the fight on crime. That goes for state,city, and county officials that did not do thier part. The F.O.P. needs to keep a running resume on just these facts and educate the pulic as to the facts just as they did for Delmar and the W.C.S.O. on the issue of collective bargaining. The public needs to know it all could have been avoided if some would have just kept thier word. It is time to hold those accountable. The families of these men and women need to heed the cry for better working conditions. Let those you voted for know how you feel as well that they did not keep the promises amde at election time. It could be a life or death issue that is at stake. Again thanks for allowing us an avenue of media that no one else does Mr. Albero.
We should keep an eye on the Higgins boy's case, let's see how well the States Attornies Office is operating this Project Excile that's over boasted. It all sounds good, lets see just how well it's executed. A felon with a concealed weapon? 20 years minimum? Bet ya he'll be out and have another soon enough.
lol looks a lot like the inmates at eci and wcdc! but the all look alike anyway
my nice long black 20 gauge is waiting for this punk, trussit
I'd really like to see pictures of all these punks so I know who to look out for.
Thanks for what you do.
The Sheriff's website has the pictures of many of these people and the most wanted along with 158 sex offenders. Take a look, might be your neighbor. Many look like the guy next door. I looked, I saw. I went out and bought four more clips for my firearms. Try carrying straight bleach in a spray bottle, much better than pepper spray.
This is your brain on Drugs !!
I got a call last night soliciting donations for the a Fraternal Order of Police...I'd just like to know which one supports our officers locally and donate to that particular organization. I get calls all the time and when I do actually agree to send them something the mailer comes and it's sent back to the western shore. If anyone knows which org. helps our officers locally, I'd like to keep the money local cuz our SO does a helluva job.
A majority of FOP money goes to administration, call centers etc.
That is coming from someone I know that works for the Delaware State Police NARC/SWAT The FOP is more like a union and money is top heavy.
That is a good question, maybe some other officers can give us a clue as to where we get the police the most bang for the buck that we can. I'd say give them their raise, where the money comes from is another cat fight. We had an overwhelming majority of votes in referendum for the Sheriff's department that got grid locked.
It is perfectly clear that public works and the SPD need a boost. In times like these it's either cut's elsewhere or higher taxes. I think there is enough room to just tighten the belt. First of all either Chambers would have to be let go or just fire Pick whatever the case may be, personally I think I'd keep Pick but we don't need both. At least Pick has a personality.
Every department is going to have to take a big hit, especially the mayor's office to fund the public safety and public works needs.
Lodge 111 represents the local officers. Thanks for your contributions. The Local FOP does not have any paid members that is total mis-information. These guys do it for free. They do all volunteer work locally. It is nowhere near a union. Have a Safe Day.
Then you are saying give more to the FOP and don't worry about pay raises? Or like many you want both I bet?
No I think what he was saying is it is apples and oranges. It is like donating to any non-profit. The F.O.P. is self suuportive they can use all the help they can get. It is better to give to your local lodge. The Lodge is 111 and it represent all county officers that are members and some state troopers as well. If they dont know the local lodge number when speaking to them, they do not represent your local departments. The goverments do not fund the F.O.P. in anyway in fact lately they have cost them a great deal of money. On issues that should have stayed out of the courts to save all involved. I think major tax dollars are being spent on an issue that can easily be worked out without all the attorneys getting paid by both sides. It is rumored there are certain members of goverment that will not sit down and work out all the issues with the question "A" ref. that was on the ballot. I know this can be settled without further cost to either side Mr. Pollitt has been very gracious in his handling of the matter. There are a couple of council members that are hardballing the process and it has and will continue to be a financial burden on both sides. I just dont get it. We all pay enough taxes as is in this county and the legal cost are absurd. The public should demand to know what has been spent on the issue then make up thier minds on who is causing this delay and why the feel it is O.K. to ignore the voting public's wishes. Every tax payer in this county has the right to know the names of those sandbagging and costing us all monies that could be put to great use in such dismal economic times. It is a common sense matter being made into a legal money trap running out off control. The only people gaining anyhting here are the Big Time Lawyers from Baltimore on both sides that are laughing all the way to the bank. In reallity Ed Baker (the County Attorney) drew up the contract that failed to resolve this issue. I find that highly suspicious in itself. Simple resolution with simple comprimise would end all the blood letting on all parties involved.
Thanks you $12.08. I will help support, but I'm just wondering about the support letter I got in the mail? That's not for local FOP right? I should give directly to FOP 111 and the money stays here? If I have it wrong I'm not offended being corrected, I do like to give as long as the money is used wisely. I also agree we pay so much taxes why can't we fund public safety? Something is rotten in Denmark and I can smell it from here. We need to bailout public safety, not banks that gave out bogus loans for short term rewards. When will we see Banking CEO's sitting before congress answering questions like the auto makers had to do, not that I support them either but they got grilled.
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