Throughout the last few months the surrounding counties have been experiencing an increase in burglaries and thefts of Dirt Bike & ATVs.
We are asking anyone with any information or anyone who observes any suspicious activity with Dirt Bikes & ATV’s to please report it. Call your local law enforcement or you can call Crime Solvers and remain anonymous. Please secure your dirt bike & ATV with a heavy chain to something large that can not be moved. The suspects are coming into yards, garages, stealing items that are right next to houses, with & without people home.
This is also a reminder to please take pictures of your valuables and record the make model and serial or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Law Enforcement can not enter anything stolen into the national computer without a serial or VIN. We recover items and know they are stolen but have no way to find the owner or jurisdiction that that item was stolen from. This gives law enforcement another tool in stopping criminal behavior.
This is a great time to take pictures of all those new Christmas gifts. Take pictures of Jewelry, Cameras, Guns, TV, Cell phones, DVD Player, Cars, Kids Bikes anything of value that can be easily stolen. You can always take a picture of the model & serial or VIN along with the initial picture. It also helps tremendously if you apply a personal number or mark that is specific to you (not your social security #, drivers license or phone number is the easiest for law enforcement to access 24/7), engrave it in an obvious location. Save these pictures onto a CD or something that you can save incase your computer crashes.
This only takes a few minutes to do but can save you and law enforcement a lot of time and money and help us get the criminals responsible for theft. It is also needed for some insurance claims. Also, outdoor motion lights and lights inside on timers are great deterrents.
Please contact Detective C.R. Taylor at the Wicomico Bureau of Investigations with any information, all the vehicles are reported stolen with Wicomico S.O. & MSP Wicomico.
Anyone with information on the above or ANY crime is asked to call the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 or if you wish to remain anonymous and would like a reward for the information that leads to an arrest, call Crimes Solvers at 410-548-1776.
These are pictures are some of the stolen bikes & atvs:
We are asking anyone with any information or anyone who observes any suspicious activity with Dirt Bikes & ATV’s to please report it. Call your local law enforcement or you can call Crime Solvers and remain anonymous. Please secure your dirt bike & ATV with a heavy chain to something large that can not be moved. The suspects are coming into yards, garages, stealing items that are right next to houses, with & without people home.
This is also a reminder to please take pictures of your valuables and record the make model and serial or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Law Enforcement can not enter anything stolen into the national computer without a serial or VIN. We recover items and know they are stolen but have no way to find the owner or jurisdiction that that item was stolen from. This gives law enforcement another tool in stopping criminal behavior.
This is a great time to take pictures of all those new Christmas gifts. Take pictures of Jewelry, Cameras, Guns, TV, Cell phones, DVD Player, Cars, Kids Bikes anything of value that can be easily stolen. You can always take a picture of the model & serial or VIN along with the initial picture. It also helps tremendously if you apply a personal number or mark that is specific to you (not your social security #, drivers license or phone number is the easiest for law enforcement to access 24/7), engrave it in an obvious location. Save these pictures onto a CD or something that you can save incase your computer crashes.
This only takes a few minutes to do but can save you and law enforcement a lot of time and money and help us get the criminals responsible for theft. It is also needed for some insurance claims. Also, outdoor motion lights and lights inside on timers are great deterrents.
Please contact Detective C.R. Taylor at the Wicomico Bureau of Investigations with any information, all the vehicles are reported stolen with Wicomico S.O. & MSP Wicomico.
Anyone with information on the above or ANY crime is asked to call the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 or if you wish to remain anonymous and would like a reward for the information that leads to an arrest, call Crimes Solvers at 410-548-1776.
These are pictures are some of the stolen bikes & atvs:

2007 Yamaha TTR-125; this one is a kid’s dirt bike, helmets stolen also.

2007 Suzuki LT-Z400; this one had a gun rack on the front.

2005 Yamaha Grizzly 125 Green; front grill is slightly bent & rusting. Key w/ it.

2002 Honda 400, yellow; this on has a new Yellow exhaust pipe, yellow & black hand grips, a shad landing sticker on the left inner fender.

2005 Yamoto/Patriot CAMO 250; silver push button starter switch installed.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Detective Taylor
Who has the money for these? I thought times were tough.
Joe I would like to see you do a story on today's editorial from the DT about not consolidating the SPD and the Sheriff's Office. There was a story in there the other day about the Chamber recommending that. I would love to comment on it.
Salisbury needs its police force
Merging city, county agencies unlikely to reduce crime rates
It looks like another DT Puff Piece for the Mare.
8:41 People probably bought them when times weren't so tough. The crime isn't buying something. The crime is someone stealing it. It's not your business who has the money for these. Get real.
I already reported a house to msp. I don't believe anyone went out there thow. I believe the house number was 123 Baily Lane. If not, turn on Baily from jersey, its couple houses down on the right...theres a shed out back, with pit bulls chained up and in the garage there were several thousands of dollars worth of atvs, dirt bikes, everything and the people that lived there I kno did not purchase them...due to my job i don't want to give my name but theres ur tip.
might not be 123 but its something like i said couple houses down the street on the right...
Joe i'll send u an email with my name n number if this det wants it u can relay it to him, i rather u not give my name out thought many thanks.
I would appreciate anyone contacting me, you can call me at the office at 410-548-4898.
Det Taylor
I think a merger would be great no more duplications of services. The Sheriff could stay the Sheriff and a Police Commisioner brought in by Goverment. Win -Win for all. have an appointed Law Enforcement Leader and one elected. If your scared say your scared. We need a County Police Force. Another option is continue as is and suffer the same fate of counties in our geographic structure and demographics. No brainer. The troops have all ways worked great together. The Big egos of some have gotten in the way. We all need to take a close look at what is out there. It is not pretty.
Anonymous said...
I already reported a house to msp. I don't believe anyone went out there thow. I believe the house number was 123 Baily Lane. If not, turn on Baily from jersey, its couple houses down on the right...theres a shed out back, with pit bulls chained up and in the garage there were several thousands of dollars worth of atvs, dirt bikes, everything and the people that lived there I kno did not purchase them...due to my job i don't want to give my name but theres ur tip.
might not be 123 but its something like i said couple houses down the street on the right...
Joe i'll send u an email with my name n number if this det wants it u can relay it to him, i rather u not give my name out thought many thanks.
3:25 PM
I know exactly where you are talking about. They were out back burning trash one day when I noticed the ATV's in the back yard and they were some mean pit bulls tied up on chains.
I had my suspicions about the ATV's myself and I should have called the Sheriff's Office then.
I think there was just a fatal in Delmar.
Anonymous said...
I think there was just a fatal in Delmar.
10:07 PM
Um... that was probably 2 hrs ago on Rt. 13 involving a pedestrian.
Joe, this is a fact if you want to investigate it. Delmar FD was on the scene and MSP had the road closed down for their investigation. Pedestian was transported to PRMC as a "Trauma Arrest" by DFD ambualance.
Anonymous said...
I think a merger would be great no more duplications of services. The Sheriff could stay the Sheriff and a Police Commisioner brought in by Goverment. Win -Win for all. have an appointed Law Enforcement Leader and one elected. If your scared say your scared. We need a County Police Force. Another option is continue as is and suffer the same fate of counties in our geographic structure and demographics. No brainer. The troops have all ways worked great together. The Big egos of some have gotten in the way. We all need to take a close look at what is out there. It is not pretty.
10:05 PM
The article in the paper the other day quoted John Pick that the county wouldn't be able to pay for it because of the revenue cap. The Editorial also referred to that today. They just don't get it do they? He is the solution for that one. The city tax payers are already paying for the so called services provided by the SPD. Since that is the case then part of that revenue could go to the county to offset the services of the County Police force. DUH!!
Keep most of the officers from the SPD and eliminate some of the ranking staff through attrition. Now why wasn't that addressed.
Remember the tax differential that dinglbarrie has been bringing up for 12 years? Kinda the same thing, but reversed.
How true there are quite a few that could and would go. I think the project is much more simple then some woulfd lead us to believe. We have a young charismatic Sheriff's. There are a bunch of great workers on both departments. They could also throw the jail in and animal control. It is scarey but very much a possiblity. I think the county and the city can afford, they con not afford to look the other way to this concept. Appointed Deputy Chief if you will or police commisioner would work fine as long as we keep our Sheriff. The Sheriff can not be bullied by an overaggresive mayor or council. The budget is there baby but you just dont screw with ones public safety. Why would we not want this. All involved would have an adjustment, but in the end it would be such a powerful tool to have a COUNTY EMERGENCY COMPLEX that does truly run the county. All Partries from the variuous agencies would have to work out some of the logistics. Its time for some of the dead wood to roll on. If you are still wearing argyle socks and solid ties. Start fishing on the weekends and enjoying those grand kids. The F.O.P. has the concept and has had it for years. Theyt work together on a regular basis. While we are on this note what in the heck is going on with the county not meeting with the F.O.P. We are all suffering at the hands of lawyers from across the bridge that are getting fatter by the day all all the citizens exspense. Enough is enough lets get this matter resolved. Hmmm would this merger possibly do just that. I think someone with an I.Q. at least 150 points hifgher than mine needs to be looking into this possibility as well. Food for thought, The city is IN the county
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