A Public Official has left a new comment on your post "Trinity United Methodist Church Prayer Vigil For B...":
I'm praying, but for a different reason. I'm praying your family dies in a house fire this year. I pray that they find you hiding in the shower like you did when Big Bad Wayne showed up. And if that's not doable, I pray you become paralyzed and never type or take a picture again.
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The more and more good we do for the community, the more comments I get like this one. Of course it was rejected and they knew it would be but like I have said in the past, every so often I'm going to pop these up and show you what my Family is up against.
"A Public Official." Now who do you think this one might be? It doesn't really matter but obviously they're becoming more and more frustrated and these are the people we need to fight off this year.
One of them has become so bitter that he's actually posting articles suggesting Councilwoman Campbell and I are having an affair. Leave it to the Tilghman Administration types to start such a smear campaign.
Folks, this is the year we all need to come together and get rid of these type of people that have been in control of the City of Salisbury for far too many years. To attempt to put up such a comment on a Prayer Post for a child in such need clearly shows just how low they'll go.
I'm praying, but for a different reason. I'm praying your family dies in a house fire this year. I pray that they find you hiding in the shower like you did when Big Bad Wayne showed up. And if that's not doable, I pray you become paralyzed and never type or take a picture again.
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The more and more good we do for the community, the more comments I get like this one. Of course it was rejected and they knew it would be but like I have said in the past, every so often I'm going to pop these up and show you what my Family is up against.
"A Public Official." Now who do you think this one might be? It doesn't really matter but obviously they're becoming more and more frustrated and these are the people we need to fight off this year.
One of them has become so bitter that he's actually posting articles suggesting Councilwoman Campbell and I are having an affair. Leave it to the Tilghman Administration types to start such a smear campaign.
Folks, this is the year we all need to come together and get rid of these type of people that have been in control of the City of Salisbury for far too many years. To attempt to put up such a comment on a Prayer Post for a child in such need clearly shows just how low they'll go.
UPDATE: It turns out these sick people have even gone a step further and added these photos to their Site. Hey Barrie, hey Gary Comegys, hey Jim Ireton, hey Muir Boda, are you proud to be associated with these people? Do tell why you're a contributer to these Sites.
Ignorant, sad and a atheist no doubt! Obviously doesn't believe in HELL. My prayers are for the little girl fighting for her life...
Psalm 107 19-20a
All I could think when I read this was : Oh. My. God.
What a pathetic, sad, anger-filled life this person must have to say such a horrible thing. And to wish ill upon your family, too! This person sounds dangerous to me. Perhaps we should add this person to our prayers, as well.
What you send out comes back to you threefold. However miserable this "Public Official" is, all they are doing is bringing more misery upon themselves. I feel sorry for him/her, but the universe has a way of balancing things out. This person will eventually get his/her just desserts.
I know I don't have to tell you not to let this get you down, Joe. But thanks for showing us a sample of just how hateful people can be when they respond to your posts.
I'm glad you didn't post that to the prayer vigil, that's just too sad for both what that family is going thru and for the sad, lost person who sent it to you. I will pray for both.
Thats ridiculous.
Whats with the atheist bashing. Im an atheist and I have morals. anon 855 that is just sad that youre so closed minded.
The Comegys slime machine is rolling into high gear. They intend to win the mayoral office and also to get Campbell out of the council with no positive suggestions of their own (the only ones they have they take directly from their opponent's website), but through negative, nasty campaigning. Let's see Muir Boda step up to the plate and disassociate from this. And Comegys, and Mike Dunn, and Lynn Cathcart, etc. The irony of these guys making a nasty blog while taking every opportunity to attack this blog, which, while it has its moments I disagree with, has actually accomplished a lot of positives, is just too much.
Anon 9:29 This is a comment for a prayer vigil at Trinity UMC for a child who is very sick. Its not a platform for any thing else.
Do you think that handle "public official" might just be bait?
People ask if you had permission from Brookes parents to post her condition...The parents DO have a web site set up to keep people informed about her condition..so it must be alright for you to post it...www.caringbridge.org/visit/brookemulford Prayer does work
I always admired atheists. I think it takes a lot of faith.
I'm sorry to read this. I don't always agree with your point of view, but I would never, ever wish something like that on anybody except maybe Osama Bin Laden. That post showed ignorance and hate. As I was once told, all anger is jealousy.
I’m praying that no one ever does what I did on Thanksgiving Day last year. It was stupid. Everyone has their thoughts on the whole thing and that’s their right. But the truth is I was wrong and I’m man enough to admit it. I wish everyone would stop bring that lack in judgment up into post. It’s a time I wish I could forget.
I know I might get slammed for this post but I don’t care! Joe and I have come to an agreement. No we are not best of friends but we do get along. Do we agree on everything NO! Do we respect each other for the jobs that we do YES! I still think Dave See and Bill Gordy are two of the best fire Chiefs that I know and I still consider them two of my very good friends. Joe knows this and has no problem with this. Am I afraid to say this? No. I will say this openly. Will I get slammed by people that don’t like Joe? I’m sure I will, but those that do don’t know me so it don’t matter what you think of me! He does not choose my friends and I don’t choose his. Do I run and tell Joe everything I know? No I don’t. Believe what you want but I am man enough to put this out there for everyone to read!
We do not have to agree with what everyone says but we do need to use better judgment on how we act out!
Wayne Barrall
While i agree that the comment was horrible,Joe, you gave the poster exactly what they wanted. You may have "rejected" it on the thread, but the poster got what he wanted when you posted it on the main page. Why do you feel the need to post all of this negativity to make the readers feel bad for you because you get some negative comments? Let it go, the poster wanted to get you upset over it and he obviously did so.
Wayne Barrall, I think you are more man than most I've met in this area. It takes a bigger person to admit they were wrong than one to walk around knowing they were wrong and not admitting it. I'm glad you and Joe have ironed out your differences, it says a lot about the character of both of you.
Anon 12:45 "DITTO"
Sorry to take so long to get back to this particular Post but I've obviously been busy elsewhere.
Wayne, you're a good man. You and I came to a mutual understanding and we have BOTH learned great things from our unfortunate experience.
I thank you for coming here and making the comment that you made. You have done so using your name because you mean what you say. I know of very few MEN that do this and so far the ones that I do know that put up their real names are BOTH Firefighters. Wayne Barrall and Bryan Records.
anonymous 12:07, What you don't see are the thousands of comments I reject each and every month just as bad as this one. The timing was right for me to expose what these people are about. If you think in any way this Post was an advantage towards the Anti Albero Blogs simply because I published it, I believe you're respectfully mistaken. I do this once in a while and it is my right as the owner of this Blog to post some things "I" want said. Just remember this Blog is FREE.
I no fire-fighter...
I'm extremely disappointed with three Christian organizations posting public signs and making statements such as these....and I'm guessing that these are Salis & Delmar churches....disgusting and definitely NOT Christ-like organizations.
No, I've not always agreed with Joe, but I have the utmost respect for what he's done with this blogsite. There has been an honest attempt, on both his and others parts, to expose issues, problems, and corruption. And for anyone who thinks there are no problems or corruption in our area, you're living in an induced dreamworld.
Keep up the good work Joe and all your contributors....when I agree, I'll beat the drums with you.... and when I don't agree, I'll let you know, RESPECTFULLY.
Thanks!! David Twilley
Look for more slimy attacks on anyone who stands in the way of the Comegys machine. They are going to make Mayor Tilghman's disgraceful treatment of Tim Spies look like child's play. When the negative campaigning begins, folks, please try to remember the source. This is coming straight out of the Comegys/Dunn/Cathcart camp. And this Muir Boda character running for city council is going right along with it.
I didn't think gods house was suppose to be full of hate. Very sorry for these few churches and thier members. I sure hope that when members comsider going inside the doors of these churches on sunday they think of the message that they are delivering. I wouldnt't want any part of them and I hope its members will feel the same. Pitiful!
Mr Twilley,
These aren't actual signs--there is a program on the web where you can make fake signs that look like they are real.
Thats a crime. Someone needs to notify the churches is that is true.
Looks like those anti-Joe bloggers just bought themselves a civil suite.
Lets get honest here, this is a very sick individual in making a
comment such as this.
I don't know about the others, but Jim Ireton is obviously not associated with this site--they have attacked him over and over again with slimy personal attacks.
I agree Doug and I hope that the Church's will file a complaint as well! This person who changed the wording with their computer needs to be dealt with!
Muir Boda was a contributor on one of the anti joe blogs until about a week or so ago. He decided he needed to focus on his campaign. To late Muir, you are/were a contributor, you can't take time off to make yourself look good, the damage is done.
Anon 259 you might want to send your message to Obamas preacher of choice Reverend G'damn America Wright.
Muir Boda's buddy is behind this site. He has tried to erase some of the most offensive posts, but only in the last couple of days. I have copies of the awful posts, though, so he cannot deny they were there. And since the comments are moderated, he read the posts and decided they were ok to publish. Now he is trying to cover his butt and Muir Boda's, too. Too late, buddy, I've got the posts. Soon the Daily Times will, too. And I will be happy to pass them along to Joe as well. Nice job.
i called grace church and left them a message about what i saw on here, i said i couldnt imagine any christian putting that on there about anyone, regardless of what they have said or done. I told them i didnt know if it was fake or not, but that it was on this blog. I cant imagine anyone doing that. Im sure its fake. Drive by there. Let us know.
3:35 here,
Let me clarify that Boda's pal is behind ONE of the sites that is mentioned here. He is obsessed with the nonsense idea that Joe and Debbie are having an affair. Really pretty disturbing stuff.
Mr. Boda needs to see if Walmart sells personality, he's in need of one. His wife is friends with Shanie right? The camp fire is burning but nobody's home.
If that has been photo shopped/chopped the churches should be notified and let the charges be filed. Cuffed and stuffed, I have the same pictures from that website on several disks.
Remember the photo shop job about the crap spilling into the river? That doesn't even come close to this
What great "Christians" they are!!! It just goes to show you that just because you sit on the church pew doesn't mean you are a true chrisitian! HYPOCRITES..the Bible says you should not judge!!!!!!
Let's hang Muir Boda out to dry ASAP!
Whoever photoshopped these signs has too much time on their hands and a really demented mind. It's one thing to disagree with Albero, but to make it appear that a church would launch such attacks would only be done by someone with no moral or spiritual boundaries. Grace Church is a fine church. They must be quite saddened by this exploitation.
Not sure (are you-?) that Jim Ireton is involved or connected in any of this trash.
If he's not (or you don't have proof irrefutable) you should remove his name from the post!
PS - I'm voting for Bob Caldwell if he runs, but respect Jim, too.
Its called Liable,
No, it's called libel. Not liable. All you internet lawyers are hilarious.
I guarantee that Jim Ireton is not involved in this. These people are going after Jim Ireton with the same slimy attacks they are leveling at Debbie Campbell, he obviously is not on their side. Whether you support Ireton or not, I can guarantee that he is not involved in this stuff, nor will he be in the future. When you have good idea on your side, you don't have to resort to nasty name calling.
Some, if not all of these signs, have been labeled on a computer, and not in the field. I know where the last sign is and it is not at the Delmar Penecostal Church, and that sign does NOT truly have that message on it.
I'm extremely disappointed with three Christian organizations posting public signs and making statements such as these.I didn't think gods house was suppose to be full of hate.It is evident that their preachers and church leaders are followers of Satan. These atheist are hiding behind the church doors and lack the courage to go public with their individual beliefs. How sad and life goes on......
I was so sick when I recvd this as a text today. I hope and pray that this was done in Photoshop. Your right, God doesn't like ugly. All of us have a right to think and Joe and his blog give us the oppertunity to do this. He doesn't only print one side of things, it is all sides. The only thing is not printed is the trash & puke that some minds can make up. What the end result is that the same people who write this trash are still waking up and running to the computer to read....SBY NEWS!
And they are Christians?????I have always been taught that God loves everyone.. Well shows how much they've learned in Church
The point I believe is these people would create such photos and pass them around as if they were real. We all know there is a Grace United Methodist in Salisbury but not all of us know where it is. We also know there is a church in Delmar Doesn't mean we're going to run right out and see if they have a sign up. These people may think this is fun but it's not fun when they use the names of local churches or businesses to spread their venom. I hope the churches go after whoever created these photos and teach them a good lesson.
All this stuff is disgusting. where is this stuff coming. You say it is Mr. Boda's friend. What is his friends name so we can run him out of town.
I also understand that Mr. Boda is of Tilghman Descent. He is like a third cousin or something to Barry Tilghman. So obviously that is where the money is coming from.
has a ring to it?
Thats pretty crude, even for the AA Bloggers.
Thanks for the CaringBridge link also
You do not have to put up with this! Act like you are human and stop spreading lies and maybe this wouldn't happen to you.
SMParsons you wouldn't be one of Barries relatives that has turned on her due to the way she treated her father in his last days, would you?
well the way i see it is that some people just dont like to hear the truth. I think this is awful that stuff like this is put on church signs. And to say such mean things against you and your family it sickens me that people would even say something like that to another human..ugh. looks like alot of people need to be on meds..hahahha
well keep the truth rolling Joe. it seems they like it so much they want to put your name everywhere's.. bound to get more viewers like that. hahaha
so look at it as free advertising..
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