An elderly woman called the SPD around 2:30 PM today to ask if an Officer could come to her location and investigate something she felt worthy looking into.
The caller lives in Moss Hill and had found a syringe lying right on the ground next to her home. She made the call to the SPD and they allegedly said, just throw it in the trash.
Here we are told to stay far away from such said items as no one has a clue as to if this thing is carrying aids or what have you. I mean, how often have you come across a needle just lying on the ground? Did you pick it up? Would you tell you Wife or Child to pick it up? Would you tell your Mother or Grandmother to pick it up?
The quality of service offered from the SPD simply SUCKS any more and these people are being trained to give these kind of answers. Sorry, we know your taxes went through the roof! We know you gave us additional pay! We Are the SPD and we just don't give a sh!t.
Soon enough the Mayor & SPD will be handing out plastic bottles to the elderly like they give out condoms to kids. Here, you Idiot, PICK IT UP and put it in here. Now leave us alone, we've got fresh donuts some junkie just dropped off sitting at the front desk. There's instruction on the bottle if you need to know anything else. Oh, by the way, if the needle pokes you, DON'T CALL US, CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The number is on the bottle too.
Why do you want to know why the Mayor's picture is on the other side of the bottle Lady? These used to be donation jars that were given to her when she was running for Mayor. She's not running again and advised us to put them back to their original use after the fine work she did after all these years.
Keep up the good work SPD!
Yeah, a, lady, just get someone to help you lift the body and dump it into a dumpster. It's cold enough out right now to keep things fresh and we'll drop by, oh, let's say in a few hours to investigate. If you don't see us out there, know we'll meet up with the body at the landfill. 10-4 there lady? Thanks for being such a good sport.
The caller lives in Moss Hill and had found a syringe lying right on the ground next to her home. She made the call to the SPD and they allegedly said, just throw it in the trash.
Here we are told to stay far away from such said items as no one has a clue as to if this thing is carrying aids or what have you. I mean, how often have you come across a needle just lying on the ground? Did you pick it up? Would you tell you Wife or Child to pick it up? Would you tell your Mother or Grandmother to pick it up?
The quality of service offered from the SPD simply SUCKS any more and these people are being trained to give these kind of answers. Sorry, we know your taxes went through the roof! We know you gave us additional pay! We Are the SPD and we just don't give a sh!t.
Soon enough the Mayor & SPD will be handing out plastic bottles to the elderly like they give out condoms to kids. Here, you Idiot, PICK IT UP and put it in here. Now leave us alone, we've got fresh donuts some junkie just dropped off sitting at the front desk. There's instruction on the bottle if you need to know anything else. Oh, by the way, if the needle pokes you, DON'T CALL US, CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The number is on the bottle too.
Why do you want to know why the Mayor's picture is on the other side of the bottle Lady? These used to be donation jars that were given to her when she was running for Mayor. She's not running again and advised us to put them back to their original use after the fine work she did after all these years.
Keep up the good work SPD!
Yeah, a, lady, just get someone to help you lift the body and dump it into a dumpster. It's cold enough out right now to keep things fresh and we'll drop by, oh, let's say in a few hours to investigate. If you don't see us out there, know we'll meet up with the body at the landfill. 10-4 there lady? Thanks for being such a good sport.
Good stuff, I cant believe this. SO the person emptys the trash and gets stuck what happens then?
Pick it up SPD place it in evidence, or just for destruction, whatever.
Oh, by the way SPD you have a major drug problem in Moss HIll. You have been told you have been given names, you have been given EVERYTHING to build a case and have done NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the officers at SPD dont understand is they are letting the CHief make them look bad, DO YOUR JOB! and dont worry about making the CHief look bad, he already does. Baltimoron...
What needs to be understood is that all calls for service go throught dispatch; they tell the supervisor the call and then make the determination to send an officer. Don't blame the road cop for bad management. SPD was a terrible place to work in reguards to the command staff and the big bad blistering bald dude, but the front line officers should be commended for what they have to deal with every day.
I couldn't agree more 4:01.
I take Enbrel. It is a shot. I am not allowed to just throw my needles away. They of all people should know that needles have to be disposed of properly. I take mine to my dr. office. This is crazy.
This call should be recorded right?
So what SPD is saying that possible tresspassing, illegal drug use, public saftey, and police presence is not enough to go out?
The college students are gone and the gangs don't exist so obviously there is not enough time/man power to get out there!
It's a shame. I spent my elementary school years living in Moss Hill, and had great memories of the place. Sorry to hear it's drug infested now :-(
Come on Joe, would the MSP or WCSD send an officer to everyparking lot, row house, ball park, school, etc. to pick up a needle? You are kidding me right? You know damn well they wouldn't. Now lets call them to check out the overhead bridge every five minutes for broken bottles, needles, etc. Get a life man. If you are so great why don't you apply to be the Chief? You have wore this SPD thing out.
A syringe is not a needle!
3:41 maybe you should call Mighty Mike. I thought he did all of the SPD work anyway huh?
Wonder why all the good ones leave. How can they care when no one else does.
Speaking of dispatching why does Wicomico 911 keep dispatching an ambulance for a "Sick Subject" numerous times a day. When does someone being sick become a real emergency where the amublance responds to the home with the lights and siren blaring while running red lights and blow people off the road. How many people have to be killed before this county wakes up. These county dispatchers need to tell the callers that being sick doesn't fall under their guidelines as an emergency. Call a taxi and save the taxpayers millions of dollars a year.
Anon 3:41... AWESOME! I love when the ignorant locals post such nonsense. If people from the western side of the Bay Bridge come over here, does that make them ALL Baltimorians? Or excuse me Baltimorons. The last time I checked any time someone on the eastern shore needs complex medical treatment they go to Baltimore or Washington, DC because the health care is not as advanced over here. So if someone over here goes over there for treatment, does that mean they are hoping a moron can heal their ailments?
The Eastern Shore Vs. Western Shore crap has gone on forever and it is really pointless. Why keep something going that holds absolutely no rhyme or reason? Honestly, is there any reason to call someone a redneck, moron, or any other discriminating, biased name without cause? The way I see it we are all people, we are Americans whether born in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, or Wicomico County right?
It is extremely uneducated and judgemental to judge all people based on a very small amount of facts you may possibly have. I am from A.A.Co. I moved to Dor.Co. because I was under the impression people were friendly and not so judgemental about others. It is really a disappointment to know there are more people in Baltimore Co. who accept others for the person they are rather than the area they come from. I would expect more of people in such a small area where there is every day interaction with the same people.
Take some time and think about what an idiot comments like that make you appear as before spouting out complete nonsense.
Anonymous said...
The college students are gone and the gangs don't exist so obviously there is not enough time/man power to get out there!
4:54 PM
Good point...
Has this been a repeated offense ? Just how many times has this old lady called and had the police respond to only find a little old lady wanting some company because her family has all but forgot about her.
Did any of you think about this ? Or did you all just jump on the "Joe bash the spd wagon".Why are people so quick to hate ?
It would appear to me that this woman needs her family to do a better job of taking care of her. Why is she living in a drug enviorment any how?
Maybe she should get a x-box and things would settle down a bit.
I find crack pipes in my yard (North Blvd) about twice a month. Ten years ago, it was the occasional beer can or bottle. I sure wish the college kids were still around, instead of having the ghetto march down Smith Street closer and closer to my house. I think having the kids home all all hours of the day and outside partying late at night kept the cretins up near Newton.
I love how you blow little things out of portion. Your hate towards the chief and the Salisbury Police is quite disgusting and mentally sick. You are insane and will take a shot at the Chief and the entire SPD staff whenever you are giving the chance. You always say it is the third floor, but you do not understand that being a cop is a brotherhood and when you take a shot at anyone of us, you are taking at all of us. I think if this was WCSO you wouldn't even think to put it up as a post. Your Obession with trying to drag the Chief is truly strange. I hope you know that he doesn't give two shits about you, and the joke that is "sbynews.blogspot". I hope that you post this. I would like you to respond back to this, so I could respond back to you.
Why is there a picture of Joe in the office then? Thats two shits.
I have no problem putting up such a comment.
Hey Rich. Why do you and Webster spew out you don't care about me all the time, yet you're on this Blog 24-7 and everyone narks on you for doing so.
You see, the word gets around much more than you think. Maybe you should also tell everyone your obsession over pictures of me all over the building, including your office, yet you guys claim I'm a nobody?
"You always say it is the third floor, but you do not understand that being a cop is a brotherhood and when you take a shot at anyone of us, you are taking at all of us."
With all due respect Rich, YOU claim to know what brotherhood is but you know what. You need to retire man because you have forgotten what it truly means. It does mean all of you and it makes me sick to my stomach when someone like you talks the talk but can't walk the walk. You and I both know you play both sides of the fence and while some of the young guys buy your BS, the veterans know better and you know it. So don't preach to me about the entire place. How about cell phone pictures getting out from the inside, eh brother? Don't feed me your bullshit.
"I think if this was WCSO you wouldn't even think to put it up as a post."
I think the WCSO would NEVER post a picture of me with a big X through it and call me a cyber terrorist, right Rich? Yeah, I'm man enough to stand up to you too.
"I hope you know that he doesn't give two shits about you, and the joke that is "sbynews.blogspot"."
Yeah Rich, what are YOU doing HERE then, brother? You guys are so obsessed, the entire law enforcement agencies throughout the Eastern Shore flat out laugh at Webster for his obsession and even flat out say he's obsessed with me. That man knows who thinks he's a fool and he can't handle it. If he'd stop acting like such a DICK Tracy and spend more time and energy staying out of the Comptrollers Office he just might get some respect out here. Instead, he thinks he's so smart he won't be ousted. Well, now he knows he has been and the cat is out of the bag.
Anyhow, you can try to brainwash the rest of the guys working the beat but guess what Rich, they know me. I was the ONLY one standing up for these guys when they wanted a raise, yet pansies like you support guys like Comegys and buy their pie in the sky bs.
I'll close with this. Chief Webster can't handle a guy like me. We're pretty close in age but I'm retired, have a beautiful and loving Wife, have lots of properties and everything is paid for. I don't owe my EX 1/2 of my pension, I own 14 cars, a motor home, a boat, a wave runner, you know, all those things a guy in a $600.00 suit driving a BORROWED car from the City dreams of having. Life is good Rich, you know that. To say I'm obsessed with Chief Webster is about as DUMB as you can possibly get. You need to retire Rich because your talents are gone and you're a horrible detective. You just proved that to everyone.
Now let's debate some more, shall we? I didn't think so.
I can understand the ignorance / pun about gangs because that falls in the same catagory of the hear no evil speak no evil see no evil. This way I do less work. But bringing in the college students is totally ignorant. All the SPD and EMS does when the college students are here is to ride around killing time ogling the young ladies and wasting tax payeers dollars. I know this because I seen them every thurs, fri and sat nights riding around with the cell in their ear, running stop signs and breaking their necks looking at the ladies. The Chiefy riding around during the day on the cell and staring at the ladies not paying close attention to his driving between 12pm & 230pm.
Damn Joe, you spanked him good. I liked the last part the most though. You made me a believer.
I would like you to respond back to this, so I could respond back to you.
Hello, is anybody home? Good work Joe.
I used injectable insulin (4 needles a day)at one time-and an empty two liter soda bottle is great in a pinch if you do not have access to a "sharps" container.You should still cap the syringe ALWAYS before discarding it.All the cruisers no doubt have gloves and needle containers,so whats the big deal?Perhaps if they rode out there they could have caught someone "shooting up" out in the open and not only done a public service but made an arrest as well.
I feel for the residents of Moss Hill..the police supposedly want you to report suspicious activity in your neighborhood but what do they do with that info?Exactly!
Improperly discarded needles are a major health hazard-theres not just AIDS but Hepatitis as well to worry about!When did this area become like Baltimore?
Correction-I am not knocking Baltimore as a city in my last comment,do not want to upset any transplants from there. My point is that you would think in a smaller town you would not have the number of heroin addicts that a big city does.Unfortunately the Shore is not immune to it.
I've got to hand it to you Joe, you've got ba_ _s.
Who is Rich? That wouldn't be Richard Hagel would it? He's long overdue for retirement. He's so old his kids are close to retirement age.
It's seems kind of ridiculous that a police officer would come because someone found a syringe. You people are paranoid/out of touch.
Well as for the comment would WCSO respond. In fact last week I heard them respond to just that type of call. I dont know it is the little old lady that paid taxes her whole life. Shit bag lazy asses. I am sorry but to bring other agencies into the blog pisses me off. S.P.D. get over your attitude the road dogs are doing the best they can. It is so very obvious that you had to hire left overs. The old school guys there are the true hard asses. Say what you want under Dykes 75% of you would no be cops period. So keep bad mouthing the staff. They kept it real when they worked. They were not the cry babies I see there now. As for the hagel family that some dumb ass made ref. to. Great Cop family hard workers without a doubt. Jr kicked ass last week in the chase that went into DE. and continues to kick butt. I dont blame any citezen who gets angry over lack of services it is thier right. I do hate lazy cops who sleep half of the shift. The {R.O.D.S.} Retired On Duty. LOL There is no time for rest, there is a war out there and as long as one is figting the war it is not over. There will be time to rest when you die. Now shut up and lock someone up. Be safe. Go all you old school dogs and show the kids what it is like. You know who you are. As for all U winey littles shits sleeping all night and crying the next day to who ever will listen. Get out you are the week link in the chain and a bad wind is blowing.
skinweb3r said...
I love how you blow little things out of portion. Your hate towards the chief and the Salisbury Police is quite disgusting and mentally sick. You are insane and will take a shot at the Chief and the entire SPD staff whenever you are giving the chance. You always say it is the third floor, but you do not understand that being a cop is a brotherhood and when you take a shot at anyone of us, you are taking at all of us. I think if this was WCSO you wouldn't even think to put it up as a post. Your Obession with trying to drag the Chief is truly strange. I hope you know that he doesn't give two shits about you, and the joke that is "sbynews.blogspot". I hope that you post this. I would like you to respond back to this, so I could respond back to you.
7:15 PM
Officer Weber is that you sucking up to the chief again? The last time we spoke you were running him into the ground.
If you hate Albero so much and this area why don't you just go back to New York where they don't want you either. You are really two faced.
Anonymous said...
Who is Rich? That wouldn't be Richard Hagel would it? He's long overdue for retirement. He's so old his kids are close to retirement age.
10:21 PM
Hagel? Is he still with the SPD? Pocomoke PD didn't want his ass so they sent him packing and Salisbury got stuck with him.
I hope his son is nothing like him.
Let me get this straight... a little old lady found a syringe outside her house and she wanted the police to come and ... do what? Seriously what would the police be expected to do with that syringe?
Throw it away for her?
Take finger prints!
Look for more syringes?
Are citizens so infantile these days, especially mature adults, that they need the police to come and babysit them when they find drug paraphernalia in the street and get a case of the vapors?
The drama queen granny needs to pick it up and throw it away just like they told her, and keep an eye out for people acting suspiciously that the police can came and DO something about it while the bad stuff is happening.
The police have real crimes to attend to and people who are upset they didn't get their extra special measure of attention every time they find a needle or a condom in the street are wasting police resources. Just because you are old doesn't mean you get to turn into a big petulant baby who doesn't have any common sense.
tha reference to baltimoron was aimed directly at the chief of police...
if u r not from here you couldn't know that right away.
We find syringes in our driveway and curbside all the time. Once someone left a pack of .22 bullets. Didn't know we were supposed to call the police for such items.
Proper disposal of syringes includes breaking the needle from it's hub,(with the cap in place) recapping it, and breaking the "nose" from the tip of the syringe. Smash the syringe if you can, then put the entire mess into a container. Taking a filled container to the doctor's office for disposal is a good idea.
Now the druggies never bother. they might need to use it again.
I've lived in Moss Hill for the last 3yrs and have got to say that I haven't seen the signs of "drug infested" at all. I stay in the Brookridge II townhomes and haven't seen a thing. I grew up in a town that went from heaven on earth to hell in a hand basket because of an infestation of drug activity, and no the signs well. With that said there is drug traffic in all parts of Salisbury and the outlining areas, and Moss Hill is no different but I can still send my kids out to play with no problem at all. Now if I saw a needle on the ground I would definitely call the authorities to have it investigated as well. If they didn't want to take action then I would have put on some gloves and taken it down there. It could at least produced a print maybe, or let them know what type of drug it was.
I would hope they would send the Officer(s) to something else rather then to someones house to pick up a syringe. I would be embarassed to call the police about something like this.
Sorry for the long post, Mr. Albero, but I live near Moss Hill, and I have a couple of points on this:
1 – Sharps SHOULD be disposed of properly. Even people with diabetic pets are required to use a sharps container. You actually are asked about and provided with one when you fill a prescription that requires a syringe, so it IS rare to see them mishandled by anyone except those who are using them for illegal drug use. This is not silly – it’s a public health issue – even small needle pricks from infected needles can lead not only to infection with HIV, but Hepatitis B & C, and in some cases, other viral and bacterial infections. These can be especially dangerous in potentially immunocompromised people, such as the older caller in the original post. That said, I don’t expect SPD to drop everything and RUN to such a call, nor do I expect them to be driving around looking for needles. But it would be completely appropriate for them to make a note of the address, instruct the caller to cover or collect the item properly (scooping it without touching it into a plastic water bottle, for example) and then to come collect it and take a look around the area during their general patrols, if for no other reason than to note if they have a site that needs added patrols. I am a New Yorker now living in Salisbury, and have nothing but respect for police, especially for the average patrol cops, who do have to put up with a lot of craziness. I don’t expect miracles form them, but they SHOULD be looking at these sorts of calls as opportunities to identify new problem areas.
2 – The area near Moss Hill is quiet and nice, and while not fancy, is a cute neighborhood. But the town homes in Moss Hill are quickly going downhill, and the management is doing nothing about it. Right after we moved in, my husband and I sat at a stop sigh in the neighborhood and watched a kid trying to break into o someone’s shed, we were calling the police when he took off. Just yesterday, we were enjoying the sunny weather and were taking down holiday decorations, and had only the storm door closed. My husband suddenly yelled out to me, because I was right inside the door, and there was a man we had never seen in the neighborhood coming up our lawn towards the door. I slammed and locked the door and he yelled that he was looking for directions, but with no car, how far away did he come from that he needed directions? After my husband came tot eh window, he took off. But there are situations like this regularly in this friendly, quiet neighborhood, and it’s a real shame.
My husband has been on the shore for over 20 years, I’ve been here for about 12, and we have both put in thousands of hours volunteering for organizations that tried to improve Salisbury. After the past few months of home invasions, robberies, and drug busts, we are so fed up with the deterioration of the schools and city, as well as the crime, we are watching the economy closely, waiting for the opportunity to sell our home and leave the shore altogether. It’s a terrible shame that it has gotten so bad, but it will take stronger leadership than has EVER been in place to turn it around, and we don’t see it happening.
Anonymous 3:41 PM
I didn't know that old folks-retirees are now selling drugs, the majority of people living in the Moss Hill apartments are Elderly. DAH DAH DAH.. Now just because all those apartments are off of Moss Hill Lane doesn't mean they are all Moss Hill, there is Brookridge 1 and Brookridge 2 also. I can tell you that there is a huge Drug problem over in the Priscilla St area.
There are two sides to every "story" and I think that is just what you have here, a story. The police are not going to fingerprint a syringe. They would not fingerprint a bag of crack, no judge or jury is going to convict someone because their fingerprint was on a syringe laying in a yard. Not only that but in order to have a syringe tested for drugs (even if it was taken directly from a suspect) requires a letter from the state's attorney to the lab, because they don't want needles. Not to mention the amount of man hours and resources it would take sending this to the lab for drug testing, sending the fingerprints off to the other lab for analysis, for what? for a circumstantial case? Everyone needs to get off their high horses and stop acting like they know everything. And while you all are at it, a little spelling and grammar lesson wouldn't hurt. I can't begin to count the mistakes! Here's a quick lesson
Their-means it belongs to them
There-where something is located
Your-belongs to you
You're-you are
Week-7 days
Weak-not strong
And this is only the beginning! I don't know if the internet did this or they stopped teaching grammar in schools!
To the nay sayers who are complaining that an elderly woman would report such a situation and that's ot what the Police are here for, you're wrong.
PROFESSIONALS want to know their environment, period. Calls of such let Officers know things are getting worse.
"You can't fix something you're not aware of."
Don't let these LAZY 3rd floor Idiots come on here and get into their damage control mode and make their lives easier. They're being paid to know about ALL crime, big or small.
If YOU want a bunch of Rent-A-Cops working the streets of Salisbury, so be it. It's obvious to me anyway that there are a select few whgo are here until their tails are booted out.
ANY Cop that tries to tell you NOT to call something like this in shouldn't be on the force. However, I doubt very seriously those comments are coming from someone on a beat.
let's not lose focus here,the dispatchers at SPD act like they are gods. when you call them, on a lot of occasions they will spend ten minutes telling you why it's not their area of response,or drill you on why you need an officer.their citizen customer servive sucks at best and webster let's it go on.
I live in Moss Hill currently, and have for 10 years. I take my kids bike riding around the area all the time and I run all around the area. I have never seen a needle or evidence of drugs. I have once or twice saw some beer cans at the playground from teenagers not being watched. There are young kids that are not being watched that run around, as with all areas. I think one needle does not qualify an area as drug infested. I have left my cars unlocked and my husband has left his keys in the ignition of our truck, and we have never had any problems. I am sure if we continue, we might not be as lucky. Occasionally, you will get some cars being broken into by some dumb kids, but I am here to tell you that our neighborhood is not drug infested. It is still a nice meighborhood. With the holidays and people coming and going, maybe someone dropped it out of thier pocket???
Never start a sentance with And a comma might have worked genius. get back to work whom ever you are. My guess is S.P.D. it called community policing. HMmmmmmmmm new concept NOT. Try do your jobs. No one said conduct a homicide investigation. I feel just giving the "Old Lady" peace of mind is a community service we should consider. Protect and Serve or depending which side of this you may be on "To sleep and eat" should be on the side of your unit. Handle your business like a professional and people will treat you that way. Enough said.
anonymous 11:22,
I don't know who you think you are, or any of the other commenters who claim they also live there ands it's not drug infested. My guess is that many of these comments are not residents at all. If they are, they're BLIND!
I happen toknow that Moss Hill has become on of the biggest drug infested areas in the Salisbury area. Why this is being covered up by these comments, I just don't know.
Let me HELP you a little bit. When is the last time you saw a needs lying around in your neighborhood? End Of Story! Open your eyes and wake up Folks.
So....Did anyone pick the needle up? Or is everyone just going to sit around and complain about it? The answer will be a direct reflection on this community.
I'm told the elderly woman disgarded the needle to assure no one would be injured.
Joe, I've lived in this apt complex for 12 years now and it is NOT drug infested. Many of the units in my building have been occupied by the same tenants for 5 years or longer.
Happy Resident
Happy Resident,
I'm happy you feel so comfortable in your surroundings. I do NOT give out my sources.
Joe, get better sources!!! I am an SPD officer who has worked that area numerous times. There is little to no drug activity in the Moss Hill area. Now the area around Jefferson Street is getting bad.
If I may I am going to get up on my soap box about SPD.
1. We need more officers. At full staffing we have 88 sworn officers. This have been the same for over 10 years. What has Salisbury not grown in that time? Now thats not 88 officers on the street, you have to subtract the upper management, detectives, and other sworn officers who are in the PD all day. I am sure any road officer would be happy to have 7 officers on the road on any given day. That's right, most days/nights there are only about 7 road officers for the entire city. These guys/girls are handling double digit calls everyday, having to do 6-7 reports a day and that does not include accident reports. They don't get alot of time to be proactive. The other thing is that do they really want us to be proactive or want us to just take reports? Well those on the road know the answer to that one. Someone needs to stand up for the Road Dogs.
2. Money!! Why should the younger officers stay at SPD when they can go to another agency, make more money and do less work. Think about it would you stay at a job for less money and have to do more work? H3ll no!!
3. Get us what we need to do the job. There is no reason why we can't get better cars, equipment, and a K9 dog. It is a shame that an agency the size of SPD does not have any K9 dogs. WCSO and MSP both have K9's that help us on a regular basis, but there are numerous times they are unavailable or busy themselves and unable to assist. That is a true crime.
I would like to say THANK YOU to my brothers and sisters in blue out there every day fighting the fight with me. Keep ur heads up!!
Now Joe I am not a big fans of yours but I can tell you that I have never seen your picture hanging up in the building. Alot of times you do make it sound personal. You do alot of good things and alot of things that make me scratch my head.
Don't judge all officers by the the few rotten apples. There are alot of good officers doing alot of good things at SPD.
Just One OF The Road Dogs
anonymous 2:40,
So you know, I have a rock solid witness referencing the photo. Too busy right now youj discuss the rest but I'll beback.
Joe, You are correct in your 9:35 entry. This would fall under getting to know those that you protect and building rapport with the people that the SPD are paid to protect and SERVE. Building trust among the honest residents is difficult enough. Helping a little old lady with a needle, cat in the tree, flat tire or any other kind deed can build the much needed rapport needed between SPD and all of Salisbury. Great job SPD at letting a good PR opportunity turn into a black eye.
In reference to Anon 240, it is really sad that Pocomoke PD has two K9 units and SPD does not have one of these units. It is really difficult to do a job without the needed equipment and sub-standard help.
Hey anom 2:40, the SPD officer, try getting out of your car, I was a SPD officer know people who live there that deal and nothing has ever been done about it. Information given and still nothing done. So, you either dont know what a drug deal is or just ridding around in your car...
I really think you're confusing the Moss Hill/Brookridge area with those old townhouses that run along Priscilla Street, Kent, and Jefferson. That area is a nightmare and it's only a few blocks from Moss Hill.
The people managing Moss Hill seem to be keeping a pretty close watch on the area. THE OFFICE IS RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TOWNHOUSES!
Are you SURE you're talking about Moss Hill???
That whole area around Kent and Priscilla is like the wild west of the new millenium.....I would have to wear a sidearm to ever feel safe living there again.
this is not richie joe. once again your jumong to conclusion
If we knew our neighbors like we used to, she could of found a younger person(responsible) to disgaurd it for her. Using proper care and a pair of pliars or vice grips. What are we really talking about here?
I know foe a fact that there is at least two state cops that live there. I also know for a fact that there IS drugs in this area. Just because they dont stand out on the corner and shout , "Drugs for sell" dosnt mean theyre not there.
But as it would seem , as long as the dealers arnt on the street advertizing it would appear the resident officers dont raise issue with in their own neighborhood.
The old " a bear dosnt crap where it sleeps" kind of thing going on.
It appears the police of today have been placing a priority on what is important and what is not and it is directly related to if their quotta is low or not.
I feel every call should be answered every time because let one of my calls to the guys I pay not be answered and thats one guy that can start looking for another job. And if they dont like it they can leave right now. Alot of favor comes with being a officer and as a price to pay for the perts is that they must make bogus response then so be it. Remember it was their choice to be a cop in the first place. So DO YOUR JOBS fuzz.
And quit being so whiennie! Man-up and start acting like the role you are being paid to do. I bet my bottom dollar not one of you slack a---- could put in a real honest days labor. And when you do attempt to do what you call your job then you mess that up so that most criminals get off anyway. Time to tighten up officers cause Sbynews is watching you ! No more free doughnuts for you , you pay now, chop chop.
ANON 2:40 PM said...
"1. We need more officers. At full staffing we have 88 sworn officers. This have been the same for over 10 years. What has Salisbury not grown in that time? Now thats not 88 officers on the street, you have to subtract the upper management, detectives, and other sworn officers who are in the PD all day. I am sure any road officer would be happy to have 7 officers on the road on any given day. That's right, most days/nights there are only about 7 road officers for the entire city. These guys/girls are handling double digit calls everyday, having to do 6-7 reports a day and that does not include accident reports. They don't get alot of time to be proactive. The other thing is that do they really want us to be proactive or want us to just take reports? Well those on the road know the answer to that one. Someone needs to stand up for the Road Dogs."
Isn't this the truth. SPD's manpower is waaay to small for what they have to deal with and it has been the same for waaay to long. Full staff at 88? It should be more like 120. There would be no time to be proactive with just 7on the road in the city and handling a dozen calls a shift, as some have told me. They need to hire some more Officers and provide some competitive pay. Just to note, I do not and have never worked there. I'm retired from a neighboring agency.
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