While I can understand why many of you would be confused, (especially with the Daily Times lack of reporting) as to why this case would be dropped. The best answer I can give you, (after speaking to the States Attorneys Office) is to try the case in Circuit Court. The case was being tried in District Court today and the strategy was wrong.
So relax, don't go on the warpath on this particular case. I'm confident Mr. Cox will soon see his day in Court. Some will understand where I'm going with this but many will not. You'll just have to take my word on it that justice will be served. It just not going to be today.
thanks joe. that's better...I mean, he did what he was charged with right???
The charges won't go away.
Which Judge dismissed them?
Please stay with this one Mr.Joe. And thanx still once again.
Keeping Delmarva up to date with the going ons of the Now! Right Now, not later.
The charges determine what court it will be tried in. He would have to be charged with a more serious crime in order to move to circuit court. Something smells fishy here. I don't trust the prosecutors office.
No way will he get away with his charges! At least I hope not!I can hear him now in jail with new friends. I just wanted to be a cop!
If he's indicted by a Grand Jury, the case goes directly to the Circuit Court. Grand Jury is usually reserved for serious Felony cases. Don't know if this case applies.
So, what you are saying is,
He did what he was accused of??
5:10 in some cases the prosecuting attorney will "nolle pros" the case so the Wicomico County Grand Jury can indict the defendant and "bump" the case up to circuit court a lot faster than letting it wind its way through the District Court.
The "fish" you smell is your own ignorance. Unless you work in the system, there is no way someone with your attitude will understand what, how, why things happen the way they do.
4:37 the judge did not dismiss the case. The assistant state's attorney dismissed the case.
I am a city resident and I don't want that person working for me. He scares me and if he responds to any emergency concerning me or my family there may be some litigation to deal with.
What we have here is the state dropping the charges and now costing the tax payers thousands of dollars in back pay.
This person will also be a major liability the the city of Salisbury. This guy is dangerous and they would be better off biting the bullet and severing all ties with him.
So if the city keeps Cox on payroll 6:05 is going to sue and if the city drops Cox off pay roll then he could sue. What a great would we live in.
Let ask the canidates for Mayor what they think about this.
ummm, what did this guy do?
5:10 was 5:09 on the earlier post regarding same!
We got lashed on that one too...maybe by the same person!
He will be plead out on a misdermener and perhaps get some community service time. Maybe do some school auditorium appearences speaking to our children about the wrongs to acting out your childhood fanticies. But since the state nulled him out once it would seem they arnt going after him for impersonating a officer.
Just another straw being thrown on the backs of the law obiding citizens of the Delmarva community .
Ive sat through the states little "brain storm" sesson before and the charges might as well be dropped . So that the ball doesnt fall to far away from this guy.
To think others dont know the workings of our leagal process is quite presumptuos of you Anon.6:00 pm.
It aint rocket science to see a cover up when one is being pulled.
Whats to question ? Either he did or he didnt ! It is that easy.
And it aint likely he was charged if he didnt.
So , better off in circuit court? Why?
Guys Guys, slow down. The grand jury can indict any crime. So if that is the plan, an indictment will come out and the charges go to circuit. The penalties are normally larger and faster going to circuit. This county does that a lot, nolle pros in District, take them to a grand jury, an indictment comes out, warrant for their arrest to follow. No fish here. Happens all the time.
Anonymous said...
So if the city keeps Cox on payroll 6:05 is going to sue and if the city drops Cox off pay roll then he could sue. What a great would we live in.
Let ask the canidates for Mayor what they think about this.
6:37 PM
That would be "world" not "would."
Yes that would be some great talking points for the candidates.
Looks like Farva from "Super Troopers".
Was it "the" or "their" strategy that was wrong ?
Another foul up huh ?
I am just saying....
I am pretty sure what he did in Wicomico County was legal. The officer impersonation happened in Dorchester County, no?
Don't get me wrong, this guy should get in trouble for his actions. I just do not think Wicomico County has any legs to stand on.
Judging by the trend around these parts, maybe he'll eventually get sentenced to work release. Then, he can work a day job with the SPD or SFD before heading back to jail and to his cellmate Ray Ray.
Don't worry they won't do like Davis Ruark, and let him walk with a slap on the wrist
He even looks like a criminal!!
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