You just have to love how powerful this Blog has become. At 8:00 AM this morning we posted an article about a stolen ATV. By 8:45 AM one of our viewers FOUND it! Mr. Dave Bowling was cruising around the Isabella Street area this morning. He had been in the Blog and saw the stolen ATV and decided to leave for work a little early and check that area. Obviously it didn't take long before he found the vehicle behind a home in which he had never seen an ATV there before. Mr. Bowling immediately called the SPD and as I was speaking with him on the phone this morning, the SPD was right there writing it up.
OMG, that's right, I forgot! Man is Chief Webster ever going to be pissed we beat them to yet another Press Release. Well, let's just hope the rest of the Press gets a hold of this story and puts it out there so he's not so mad at just me.
Great work Dave and thank you! Good things happen to good people.
I just want to say THANK YOU and a Gift will be heading to Mr. Dave Bowling. That was my wife ATV and she was in bad shap arter it wend missing. And Joe, THANK YOU for getting it posted. I am very happy to have it back..
That's awesome! Too bad the SPD is to busy handing out parking tickets to deal with solving actual crimes themselves!!
Congrats to everyone involved, ty Joe...you've created nothing short of the ultimate neighborhood crime watch! Too bad the police departments cant realize the thousands of pairs of eyes they could utilize through your blog....
{hint hint Lewis}
Dave is a Salisbury firefighter and a great person. Chief See will now put him on his shit list and never speak to him again. Oh well ! Good work Dave.
Nice work Dave!
Anon 9:58 Glad you got your wheels back and want to give you some advice because I used to live in that neighborhood(Priscilla St)Chain that ATV to a tree or anything else in your yard that will not move or it will disappear again.Anything you do not have nailed down has a habit of walking out of the yard in Doverdale.
I live a couple streets over and have my BBQ grill chained to the deck lol.
you should see what they have done now to your pictures displayed on the 3rd floor--my god. bad...very very bad....
That's awesome, Dave! We are so proud of our cousin and friend!
Dave Bowling is truly one of a kind. He's such a great friend and person in general. Great work Dave! Thanks for being such a great guy! I'm also glad that the owners got their ATV returned and glad to hear a happy ending for a change. We need more people like Dave.
Dave Bowling for Police Chief!!
Joe for police chief!
Great news..now if anon 958 could find out who stole his spell check
Firehouse Mouse said...
Dave is a Salisbury firefighter and a great person. Chief See will now put him on his shit list and never speak to him again. Oh well ! Good work Dave.
11:09 AM
See isn't who he has to worry about it's Fatso Hoppes and Gordo. They both hate Joe with a passion. You should hear the things those two say about Joe. See is history.
Uh OH! I'm glad the mare doesn't read this blog because that fine gentleman would have a target on his back.
Good Job folks, I believe that what the SBY news is doing is Public Service, and the community is working together to solve the communities problems.
It is people helping people, the way it should be. Joe's blog helps people connect, helps people see the problems and obviously creats a sense of "community".
Thanks Joe, You are doing a public service in more ways than you brag about.
Its not about what See, Gordy or Hoppes thinks that need to keep personsal feels about the other bs separate. The important think is that D Bowling did a job and reported it and the indidual will bet their ATV back. I say go D. Bowling and keep up the good job you do in the neighborhood. We ned more people like him that is aware of things and willing to stand up for what's right. You know i got your back Good J0b!
Dave is a good smart young man. I kid with him a lot, this is the code and compliance David Bowling right?
Dave wrote me up for a new roof this year, it needed it and they were very fair with me time wise to come up with the money. Dave, the roof looks so good now you know what happens, now I'm in the process to get ready and paint the house. Thanks for the motivation, seriously!
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