Matt Stover made a 43 yard field goal with 53 seconds left to go in the game and the Baltimore Ravens won 13 - 10.
If they beat Pittsburgh or San Diego next week they'll be heading to the Super Bowl. Their last visit to the Super Bowl was back in 2001.
Considering many people have started putting up comments on other Posts I thought I'd better share the love for once and finally put up a Post about football and the Ravens.
I used to be into Football in a big way years ago but as the Redskins started falling apart, the former owner passed away and our former Governor spend $500,000,000.00 on the Ravens and Redskins with our hard earned money, I simply gave up.
Mr. Glendenning and I sat in my Bowie Baysox Skybox one day where he tried to sell me on the fact that they were going to raise $35,000,000.00 a year in new taxes to pay back the $500,000,000.00 the Taxpayers fronted. So I asked him, Paris, are you going to be bussing in all the fans from PA, DE, VA, WV? He replied, some may come from those states to see the game. I replied, Paris, come on now. You and I both know that the majority of people coming to the game will be from Maryland, right? Yes. I then said, well, that means you borrowed the money from Maryland Taxpayers and Maryland Taxpayers are going to pay back their own money! Guess what, he hadn't thought of that! That's when I gave up on Football.
Anyhow, here's your Post to talk about today's game and your thoughts on the men in tights wearing purple. Two Snaps Up On The Title Alone!
pars seriously was a POS lol
As long as Big Ben does not lick anymore windshields. I think they better get by Rivers and company first.
Yeah, the Ravens are going to the Super Bowl......they've already bought their tickets!!!!!
While i do like football.. and now that my team the Vikings are are out... I will root for the Ravens. But... the best team to root for are the Washington Capitals..
I know there are not many many hockey fans in this area.. but hockey is the best sports around IMO. If people will just take a chance and watch it they will find that it it so much more exciting than football, baseball etc. Continuous action and hard hits and great plays. Give hockey a chance!!
I will say this again . If you support sports in this day and age , you are wasting your money.
Why in the --- do you pay people millions of dollars to play games.
They do not contribute to this economy , or any thing reasonable.
Should have been a delay of game penalty on 3rd down before the pass to Heap.
Any the Raisin fans complained about the call against the Steelers. What about now?
Anyway, give Stover credit for the field goal.
All hail the Steelers! Go Black and Gold!
Who cares? All Raven's fans are bandwagon fans anyway
the third times a charm and the RAVENS will prevail. If the Stellers get past the Chargers. Remember on any given sunday any team can loose. Big Ben is not all he is cracked up to be. GO RAVENS
Love those yinzers on the Eastern Shore, GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!
Far From Home
What the h__l is wrong with these people?!! GO BACK TO PENNSYLTUCKY!! THIS IS MARYLAND!! GO RAVENS!!!
I guess that I am in the minorty here. I am an EAGLES fan and we just beat the NY Giants!
Ok..to each his own..competition is a good thing or else we would not have so many different teams!
But for now..I am doing the Happy Dance!
I live here too and not in Philly but have always been an Eagles fan!
I may eat some crow later on but will be worth it!...lol
yayyy Ravens but when the Steelers win this game today they will kick the Ravens butt next week! Will make the third time this season!
steelers suck go ravens hey big ben how bout a bike ride for old times ha ha
Newspaper headline on 2/2/09
Dream on 8:47
BTW..Thanks for showing the love for the Purple. And Art; I SHOULD have been born rich instead of good looking {focus on that absolutely clutch catch by Heap, who has been hurt all season, instead of what MIGHT have been a penalty}. I have some favors I can usually cash in around Heinz Field, but Sunday's gig is a big ticket item- I am sure I can talk my way into a hotel room, but I would have to use old Grateful Dead terms, and "Need a Miracle" to actually get the ticket to the show. Perhaps a hotel near Fells Point will do...Good to hear that some Caps fans are here too..
Had to point out a few things,
"All hail the Steelers! Go Black and Gold!" - 8:49 AM
Umm, the only team in the NFL that wears Black and Gold are the Saints, your blessed stealers wear black and yellow...kinda like bumble bees !
"Who cares? All Raven's fans are bandwagon fans anyway" - 9:28 AM
Hmm, there are some bandwagon fans for sure , just like the stealers, eagles , cowboys, and so on. BUT I my friend are no bandwagoneer, sorry.
Win or lose Ill love my team the same.
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