Here's your very next Louise Smith Folks! At the last City Council Meeting Muir Boda was seen huddling up with Gary Comegys, Shanie Shields and Louise Smith. There is absolutely NO QUESTION he is ONE of the Mayor's Picks to replace Debbie Campbell on the City Council. He has aligned himself with the Anti Albero Bloggers who personally attack my Wife, our Grandson and our Family. Mr. Boda claims to be a Church going man, yet he is connected with those very same people putting up Church Signs against me personally. I provided photos of such a week or so ago.
The following two paragraphs are quotes directly from Muir Boda to me in a letter he sent to me.
"I do not have anything against Debbie, I think she has been an excellent representative on the City Council. I am, as you and many of the citizens of Salisbury are, disgusted with the way our city has been run into the ground. Honestly, if Terry, Debbie, and I were on the council together we would be the majority."
"I will not support Gary Comegys for mayor for a whole host of reasons. I will not support Barrie Tilghman if she runs for re-election, which I doubt she is if Gary is running. I still hold much resentment for the way Colonel Dykes was treated before and after his death by her and the people she put in place. Also, I am not a Louise Smith patsy or crony."
Again, Muir said, "Honestly, if Terry, Debbie, and I were on the council together we would be the majority." The funny part is, the Idiot is running for Debbie's seat, Dee, Dee, Deeee! He has aligned himself with the very people he claims ran the City into the ground.
Muir Boda, YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED! Let me guess, the Daily Times will now endorse Muir Boda over Debbie Campbell. What a shocker! I'm sure they'll announce it in about two weeks.
Not another Louise Smith. Debbie has my vote anyway.
I remember the article you had up telling everyone to watch out for people coming out of the wood work at the last minute. You were right. We will not be stupid a second time.
I saw him having lunch with Mike Dunn the other day.
If it walks like a duck....
Sounds like somebody was trying to snuggle up next to you. Good job giving us the scoop.
what the heck kind of name is "muir" anyway? actually, what kind of name is "boda" too?
Anonymous said...
what the heck kind of name is "muir" anyway? actually, what kind of name is "boda" too?
9:33 AM
What kind of name is Barrack Obama? That obviously doesn't matter to the voters these days.
Middle Eastern
anonymous 9:09,
Where were they?
I will vote for Debbie Campbell.
Debbie Campbell
907, you should not of been stupid the first time. Man, this country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Joe, let's see if Muir sticks to his word. I believe he's trying to pull one over on us and we do have to be careful after what they did to us with Louise.
anonymous 9:49,
I don't think people are being stupid this go around. I had stated a couple months ago that everyone should be watching for people who never attended council meetings to all of a sudden come out of nowhere and ACT like they care about the City. That includes those running for Mayor. Muir is one of them as well as the Used Car Salesman guy.
Boda was a contributor to one of the Anti-Albero blogs which spouts really vile, libelous things about the Albero family. Sorry Mr. Boda, but that looks like a sure fire way to lose an election. Better luck next time, idiot.
Why didn't he run 2 years ago, when 3 seats were up???
Speaking of the used car salesman, what about that used car dealer (the lot is in Del.) who came out of the wood work to run for Council in 2007 -- proves your point Joe!
I wonder if Mr. Boda's employer (Walmart)will allow him to miss work for a council meeting? I believe they won't!!! So Salisbury get ready for an unemployed council person. Hell we already have a foreclosee serving now, so it shouldn't really matter. Salisbury the next Crackmore (Baltimore)
It's obvious that FOB's have gotten the Daily Times on board for Boda -- for example today's prominent article about pedestrian crossing on Route 13 (that's a state think, pal).
Look got beaucoup articles in the next few months making it sound like Barrie, Bubba and Boda are the greatest -- but they wou't call them a Dream Team because that one has already been run into the dirt.
I do not think Muir Boda is a Middle Eastern name. I believe he is relaed to the late Methodist minister Rev Alexander Boda who was a long time minister at Tighlman Island who eventually remarried and settled in Cambridge after the death of his first wife. Muir is a name of a street that runs through downtown Cambridge past Grace Um Churh down to Cambridge Creek where they have built brand new townhouses and condos(Sturbridge Builders)> Muir is also the name of one of Dorchester Cos erliest doctors hwo had a mansion on Cambridge Creek that was about where the condos are. So it appears Muir has Cambridge origins, not Islamic. Rev Boda was active in the Born Again" movement that swept the area in the 1970s through Lay witness missions. This caused people like Salisbury realtor Bill Ahtes to leave their mainline churches and start their own. This explains his religious beliefs.He should have stayed in Cambridge. Prettier town and waterfront. But we have him. Pray for Salisbury.
"SALISBURY -- In the wake of the death of a 40-year-old Delmar man killed this month after he was struck by an SUV, a City Council candidate is calling for safer walkways."
I find it interesting that this is a priority for Boda and the Daily Rag. NOT! What about Crime? What about Slum Lords and rental properties?
BBB Barrie, Bubba, Boda = Bullsh!t x 3
Yeah, don't get off the name thing. The name "Muir" is all around the eastern shore for decades.
What bugs me about this guy is he claims to really support Debbie and what she stands for, then runs against her. Huh?
Debbie would have had my vote anyway. For one thing, she's honest. I am so sick of the brain-dead and the liars we have running our town into the ground.
Oh lord, here we go, Louise Smith all over again. Next thing you know he'll be calling Jim Ireton and Bob Caldwell telling them to put their signs with his.
Lets compare the two.
Louise - claims Christian
Muir - claims Christian
Louise - against administration
Muir - against present administration
Louise - Buddys up with SAPOA and Ron Alessi
Muir - Buddys up with Anti Alberos, Bubba, Barrie, Dunn, Smith
More to come...
It seems it is nothing new for people to run for office here on the shore when they have NEVER attended a meeting of the government body in which they are asking to be voted in for.
This happens in Delmar EVERY election!
WHO exactly is Muir Boda? Honestly I had never heard of him before his name came up here on the blog.....
He's no different from that Used Car Salesman who wants attention. If they were passionate about local government, we would have seen them at Council Meetings over the years.
Barrie, Gary and Louise need him desperately because they know it's all over for them if they don't have a majority.
I am so please Mrs. Campbell is considering running again. All of the heck she has been put through all these years, we're lucky to have her watching over us.
Muir Boda is a weasel who associates with weasels. NO WAY he should be on the council. You should see what his buddy the Grinch has been saying about everyone. Total jerk.
"Barrie, Gary and Louise need him desperately because they know it's all over for them if they don't have a majority." - and Joe needs a parrot on the council!!!
Case Number: 020300025761996
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:08/29/1996
Case Status:CLOSED
Complaint Information
Status Date: 12/09/1996
Amount $1351.
And after the primary election you won't hear about or from him again.
Yep, he's qualified. Puts him right up there with bubba comagees and the fire chief. Moron's that refuse to pay their bills and mooch off the public.
Anonymous said...
Case Number: 020300025761996
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:08/29/1996
Case Status:CLOSED
Complaint Information
Status Date: 12/09/1996
Amount $1351.
1:35 PM
R. Budd Dwyer's .357 has left a new comment on your post "Muir Boda, The Next Louise Smith!":
A few highlights:
He and his mommy work for Walmart
Been married for 8 or 9 years and his wife is still waiting to be a Citizen, doesn't only take 7 years to become a citizen? Maybe she failed the test, or INS smells a rat.
Has only lived in Salisbury for the last 3 years.
Listen up Salisbury, do you want a 35 year old man who only makes $35K tops to control how your hard earned tax dollars are spent? I think it's funny how he talks about paying taxes, with how much he makes at Walmart I bet he gets his federal taxes fully refunded.
Wise up, how much you wanna bet Walmart gets a tax cut from Salisbury if this bum gets elected.
This guy looks like another "lier, do anything to get office" like Loise. Avoid him like the plague!
Okay lets get some facts correct. Mr Boda's mothers employment has nothing to do with his status as a candidate. His Wife IS a US citizen. Personal attacks have no place on this blog, or for this campaign. This blog does represent our city. We do have freedom of speech, but don't use it for personal attacks. Also, Joe I thought that we were not going to us profanity on the blog.
Where's the profanity?
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