A local Mother contacted me yesterday reaching out for help with her Son in School. I'll not get into the details at this time but the problem was serious enough that I guided her in a specific direction and she hit an immediate brick wall. So, I sent her off to another, then another, then another and it just want on and on.
One of the brick walls she hit was at the Mayor's Office. I suggested she call the Mayor and share her situation in the hopes the Mayor wouldn't forget where she came from but wouldn't you know it, the Mayor told this woman she was instead going to have a Council Member contact her instead.
Here she has 103 days left in Office and she's already rejecting very concerned Citizens and refusing to even hear her story/problem. Does the name Wayne Gilchrest come to mind when you hear this? Louise Smith can't tie her own shoes. Comegys, I won't even go there. Shanie, well, unless she can meet at the local Lodge with some quarters for the slot machines, the end result is a given. So I sent her to Debbie Campbell and the ball is now rolling.
Perhaps it would be smart for the Mayor to just step down now, since she's passing everything off to everyone else anyway. Besides, she's preparing for her case against me on the 21st and I'm sure that's taking up all her time anyway. Thanks for being there Barrie. I guess you get what you pay for, right? I have to wonder though, what if this was a Developer's Child? Hmmmmmmmm!
You've Been Blogged!
Barrie is an disgrace and huge embarassment as a mayor -- and as a person! Just like Bubba!
Maybe she is just too busy reading some fairy tales trying to find out how to get some of Jack's "magic beans" so she can grow a beanstalk high enough to satisfy her required burden of proof as a public official pursuing a defamation suit?
Also perhaps we could hear more about the specific name of the attorney representing her in such a dubious case, and who is paying their salary to waste the court's time with this nonsense?
Miles & Stockbridge is representing her, the same firm that represented Chief Webster. The same firm that she used in her suit against Coulbourne Dykes. Now all we need to do is keep a close eye on the city's books to find out if we the taxpayers are paying for her defamation suit.
2:58. Excellent.Exactly what I was getting at. And M & S; any chance any of you were awake during the second year of law school? Or during your ethics/professional responsibility classes? Based on your "winning" track record, you guys must also be Cubs fans. Really shameful!!
Thanks Joe.
Well, I keep getting sent to the BOE. Still hitting brick walls..
But I will keep fighting. Thanks so much for caring and helping. I look foward to sharing more of my story with you and the public.
It amazes me how people are voted into office and don't care about the people. Our children are our future. We have to help and guide them.
What happened to "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND"!!!???
What happened to the NEW bullying laws in the schools???
WOW!!! and People want to blame the parents for everything. hahahaha
Let me assure you concerned mom,
Barrie Tilghman couldn't care less about your child. Look how she raised her Daughter. As you know, the intent of sending you to her Office was to get access to someone's phone number on her Task Force. The fact that you thought you could plead your case with her, (I knew) was foolish, no disrespect. However, when you contacted me back and told me about being brushed off to a Council Person, I knew it well before you ever attempted it.
MANY people have gone to Barrie Tilghman pleading for justice within the City and ALL of them were eventually fired or bullied out of the City. She gets ALL of your information and then uses it against you.
I told all of you not long ago about my mentor and his open door policy. What may not seem important to you IS the most important thing in the world to the person sharing it with you. Barrie Tilghman is clueless when it comes to this. Instead, she uses your weaknesses against you and crushes you every chance she gets.
Look at it like this. I go to Court with this woman in two weeks. If I wasn't so confident that Barrie Tilghman SUCKS at what she does, do you think I'd risk saying it so close to our Court date? I am by no means afraid of this woman and for once someone is going to stand in her face in a court of law and tell her like it is. If the Judge doesn't like it, so be it. However, she's not going to EVER shut me up and tell me what I can or can't say.
M & S isn't stupid enough to let this travesty get officially on the record and under a judge's skin.This is all just being dragged out until the courthouse steps for dramatic and ego effect. And so M & S can hit the city taxpayer {easy to pay a retainer from such a large fund that really isn't your money, right?)for a few more unnecessary billable hours right up until the last minute. Aren't I right Mare?
Join the rest of us so Barrie can have a "baker's dirty dozen" to whine about on TV!
Man, you Anti Albero Bloggers need to give it a rest today! Go get your paychecks from the GOB and leave SBYnews alone.
Didn't Miles & Stockbridge also represent Natelson and Zalman, the owners or their rep, a few years ago in that Salisbury Mall suit that they lost to several local residents?
I'm going to bet that this womans child was attacked by one or more dirtbag thugs, and either nothing was done or the victim defended themself. After all, when it happens in school, sometimes it doesn't really happen.
anonymous 8:36,
OK Riddler, why don't you make yourself a little more clear about what you're trying to say.
"After all, when it happens in school, sometimes it doesn't really happen."
That's what I'm talking about. What exactly do you mean by this, I'm curious.
seems like they reprsent a lot of losers which really makes u wonder where there money trail comes frum because smart lawyers wont touch such a stinker like this on a kontingency bacis.
yea so am i...
this has happened and it kept going till he is out of school. yes my son did defend himself and he is the one who got into trouble.
schools always go on what they have seen or heard last. they never listen to the whole story.
so now they tell me to file a bullying form after months of this going on,after i have taken my son out of school. they are trying to make my son pay for something that they have blown off, so do u really think they are going to take that blame now??? The BOE has broken so many laws with the new bullying laws. They have failed to protect my son. look it up.
imagine going to work everyday and being bullied and pushed on and hit and teased and being threaten.. and now one helps you no one listens.. now imagine all this and only being 12 yrs old. and too young and to scared to do anything about it. no one listens and no one does anything to protect you. this is a child that has fallen in the cracks of our system and now no one wants to take blame. I will fight till my son is heard and the bullies are taken care of and the BOE and the school accepts their part. And my son heals.
Don't hire a local lawyer and don't let Tom Fields have his hands anywhere in it. Take my advise, I've been there and done that with Mr. Do Nothing Fields.
The mayor has no authority over the BOE. The county only has authority over the purse strings. The BOE has authority over the teachers. Make it public.
Appeal to the school board. I called Mrs. Holloway and she was very helpful about the steps.
"After all, when it happens in school, sometimes it doesn't really happen" more than likely means just what the crime stats in the dt mean.
Because you don't read it in the times, means it didn't happen.
We all know crime in NOT down in our city. In fact it just might be up.
so what do you think I should do??
i mean the people that i thought were going to help didnt. the BOE.all of them. The school... now the mayor??? what in the world has happened to our town???
but yet we as parents get looked down on..
Even though the schools are run by the county, a crime is a city crime if committed in this city limits. I can understand why she doesn't want to mess with Mike Lewis cluck cluck
I want a TIF. Who do I see??
bubba weassie and shanie
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