Citizens, elected officials can change society's tone
January 30, 2009
As we enter a season where Salisbury's voters will elect a mayor and two members of the council, there are a few things I would like voters, candidates and elected officials to consider.
There are standards of civil behavior we all recognize, but often fail to apply to ourselves. Recently, this community demonstrated that it can be caring and sympathetic by raising lots of money to aid a sick child.
This same community includes cowardly individuals who engage in gossip-mongering through anonymous postings on blogs and in print media.
When masked by anonymity, those individuals seem to feel they have a free pass to engage in distortion of the truth, rudeness and name-calling. Rather than seeking common ground, such dialogue gives way to shrill hyperbole which can polarize our community.
Citizens, elected representatives and those contending for public office can do much to change the political landscape by treating each other with respect in a civil fashion. Candidates for office should do what they can to see that their supporters behave in a civil manner as well.
I am often asked why anyone would want to run for public office and be trashed in anonymous postings on a blog site or in print. Gossip and anonymous rhetoric certainly does not promote good government, nor does it encourage people to step up and be willing to serve the public.
Citizens, candidates and supporters should consider carefully what they say or write and have the decency to associate their names with their remarks.
Lynn Cathcart
GO HERE to see the entire letter and comments below.
On the one hand, she is right--anonymity allows people to say what they probably would not have said publically. On the other hand, we have seen what happens if you speak out against the powers that be--you get a visit from some form of local gov't. When people like Tim Spies come forward and suggest a new way to look at gov't, he getts slimed by the Tilghman/Daily Times machine--which to this day has not apologized. You think Mike Dunn is not behind a TON of the nastiest anonymous comments out there? You think nobody on the Comegys team is out anonymously attacking people (hello green guy blogger). Here's my challenge to Cathcart/Dunn/Tighlman/Comegys, and the Daily Times: if you want to be serious about this, you apologize first. YOU admit that you have been very nasty to some very good citizens, and YOU admit that you have also made anonymous comments. Do that, and you will begin to have my respect. Until then, you are nothing but a giant pile of hypocrites.
Why have so many forgotten the most important one. SHE'LL SUE YOU!!!!!
Does this include the mayor? She with the aid of Greg Bassett ran the lies about Tim Spies in the last city council election. Does this include the writer of this diatribe, Lynn Cathcart? She stood up in council chambers and berated a tax paying citizen and what do you know, next thing that happend Tom Stevenson was at his doorstep with a list of violations. Lynn Cathcart and her husband Don are both hipocrits of the highest level. The negativity that comes from the citizens is the direct result of Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, Shanie Shields underhanded schemes that have been allowed to continue over the past 12 years. I say good riddance to all of them. Salisbury will be much better off without their dishonest politics.
Well Lynn thats so nice. With you being SO IMPORTANT, we should all listen to you and change our ways. WRONG ! The reason why there are such things as blogs and posting are the City's political machine. Constant three to two votes in one direction, SAPOA alliances and frivilous spending are just a few reasons. Since the public's opinion fall on deaf ears they want to be heard. They can come here and speak their mind without fear of retaliation. The public and City employees have had it with your style and your constituants. Its time for change and the blogs are here to stay.
Look Lynn Cathcart is just one Dream Team Member that the Blogs broke down and she ran with her tail between her legs.She should just visit the WTP take a deep breath and just pass out.She has to be just about the biggest old woman wannabe in Salisbury/Wicomico County.
Your a mean old ego-maniac spiteful little woman. You want to play by the rules only when it is you who benefits from it. Doing a little damage control here are we. You dont even have the guts to mention Joe or this msm news source when you talk. You lead by examole lady, so go sit down and be quiet.
In my opinion, term limits should start at the grass roots and continue to the President of the United States. Every incumbent should be voted out of office if
this country has any hope at all.
Yes once in a while a shining star,
a breath of fresh air comes along, i.e. Debbie Campbell but the crooked is the norm in politics.
Blagojevich stated everyone does it I did no wrong. He probably right in his accusations.
I had to laugh at that letter when I read it this morning. She rails against rudeness, but we can all remember when she yelled at a citizen attending a Council meeting, telling him or her to "Sit yourself down and shut up," or something very similar. With that affected syrupy "Southern Belle" voice, she had us fooled until she began to reveal her true self. Well, at least she started today giving us all a laugh. What a nightmare the "Dream Team" soon became!
I am guilty of some comments about this lady. Everything I have said is exactly what I see and feel .
I have never used profanity.
I have said she is an old lady(which she is)I have said she is ulgy(which she is)and I have said she blames her short-commings on everyone else.Sorry if the truth hurts , Lynn!
I also think Lynn would be better off working at Hooters(washing dishes)out of sight , out of mind.
Who cares what Lynn Cathcart has to say anyway?
Ask any of her neighbors in Spring Chase just how they feel about the Cathcarts....you're gonna get an earful.
If she wishes to speak, then speak to the Mayor or John Pick. Ask them to do something about the fire department and all thats happening there. It appears that thousands ,if not millions are being wasted on crazy and unnecessary items. People are telling us here about these irresponsible purchases and general practices. Do you need someone to hit you with a baseball bat to get your attention. Don't blame the firemen. Its the leadership that is worthy of a closer look here. I don't mean firefighter Bubba and his pals Shanie and Louise. Lets have an independent audit like Rick Pollitt just had. If theres any wrong doing they will give you an honest opinion.
Anon 11:17 that is a fantastic idea. Lets hire an outside auditor to come in and go through the last 10 years of the volunteers books. Chief See said all he has to do is send a letter and the vollies MUST cut a check, they have no choice. Lets also pay for this audit with what funds are left in the Vollies account. At least that would be a worthwhile expenditure. If they don't want to comply we can always do as Bill Gordy suggested. Don't fund their retirement.
Anonymous and pseudononymous comments and writings are a core part of American democracy.
I also forgot to say she is a very bitter woman. She will go to her grave very unhappy . My , My ,My!
I feel so sorry for people like that , they can't enjoy life ,
they are so negative .
The dishwasher job at Hooters is a
wonderful idea Lynn , of course they wouldn't hire you.(not qualified)
Lynn WHO???
Funny how Lynn Cathcart did NOTHING to fight for the 2nd year of raises for police officers after holding herself up as the Great Defender of the Thin Blue Line. Not a peep.
People are getting murdered in our town and Lynn Cathcart wants to talk about blogs.
Here's MY challenge to everyone here, me included. Contact one of the candidates specifically named and a) give them money, b) offer to knock on doors or deliver literature, c) get them sign locations, or d) any and all of the above or some other help of your choice.
I read this letter and that Grapevine today and just boiled.
Let's get into action, people! I want my town back!
I have another thing to say about Lynn . She is not by herself ,
the mayor is also ugly , Shanie
is ugly and Loweasel is is the pits.
So , don't feel bad there are several people you can relate to.
You would be a beautiful person
if you weren't so bitter.(maybe?)
From the DT, boy I miss old Mel Toadvine. He was the BEST!
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