Incident: High Speed Pursuit & large COCAINE Seizure
Date of Incident: 01-09-2009 @ 1405 hours
Location: Rt. 13 in Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, Accomack (VA) & Northampton (VA) Counties.
Narrative: On January 9, 2009 at approximately 2:05 p.m., a Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputy stopped a 2008 Ford Explorer for a traffic violation on the U.S. Rt. 13 bypass near St. Lukes Road in Fruitland, Wicomico County, MD. The driver and sole occupant was identified by a Virginia driver’s license as 32 year old Damiean La-Guan Knight of Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Based on a host of criminal indicators present during the traffic stop, to include a history of felony drug possession, distribution and firearms possession, a Sheriff’s Office Canine Unit was requested to respond to the scene. Shortly thereafter, the K-9 Unit arrived to conduct a canine scan of the vehicle. When a deputy re-approached the Ford Explorer to further question the driver, the driver rapidly accelerated the Ford Explorer and fled southbound on the bypass.
At speeds in excess of 120 MPH, the vehicle traveled into Somerset County as the driver discarded what appeared to be large amounts of cocaine from the driver’s side window. Deputies pursued the vehicle through Somerset County where Maryland State Troopers attempted to deploy Spike Strips across the roadway in an effort to slowly bring the fleeing vehicle to a stop. On two separate occasions, the vehicle deliberately and narrowly avoided the spike strips and continued into Worcester County where Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputies assisted in attempting to stop the vehicle. The vehicle continued driving recklessly S/B on Rt. 13 through Pocomoke, Maryland and into Accomack County, Virginia.
A short distance into Virginia, Virginia State Troopers joined the pursuit in yet another effort to stop this reckless vehicle. As Virginia State Troopers attempted to intercept the vehicle, a trooper was involved in a collision with another vehicle near an intersection in Nelsonia, Virginia. The chase continued through Onley, Melfa, and into Northampton County where the suspect traveled across the center median into the n/b lanes of Rt. 13. Virginia State Troopers carefully and strategically performed a controlled vehicle deceleration maneuver on the fleeing vehicle which brought this chase to a successful conclusion. The suspect was apprehended as he attempted to flee the vehicle.
The suspect’s vehicle was searched by Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies and Virginia State Troopers at which time $14,000.00 in suspected cocaine was found inside a bag on the floor. Additional amounts of cocaine were strewn throughout the vehicle where the suspect was attempting to discard it during the pursuit. A small baggie of marijuana was recovered from the suspect’s sock.
The chase lasted one hour and five minutes and traveled a distance of approximately ninety (90) miles. A total of four Virginia State Police cruisers were damaged during this pursuit as was the AVIS rental vehicle being driven by the suspect. The vehicle that collided with the trooper in Nelsonia, Virginia sustained minor damage. Although there were no apparent injuries, the driver of this vehicle was transported to a local hospital for observation.
The suspect has been charged with multiple criminal violations by the Virginia State Police to include; Trafficking Cocaine into the Commonwealth of Virginia, Possession with intent to distribute cocaine, Possession of cocaine, Possession of Marijuana. Damiean Knight is currently being held without bond in the Northampton County Jail…
YEAH! Get Em Boys!
Good Job guys, another example for the sheriff to take over the city.
Another Domestic terrorist off the streets. Glad all are safe.
Only 2 attempts at spike strips in 70 miles? WOW.
So they identified, meaning they knew who he was and instead of catching up with him later they chased him for 70 miles.
They know who he was. I could understand endangering lives trying to catch someone with no ID in a stolen car. But they knew who he was. Come on.
Why are they still doing car chases?They (SO)should have already had a chopper of their own up in the air considering all the vehicles they intercept on the bypass on a weekly.....they are taking alot of vermin off the street...just glad no one was hurt.
GO MIKE LEWIS AND THE REST OF THE WCSO! and to those who help assist our great deputies :)
glad to hear our taxes are doing something right!
Yea, we should just let them get away so there's no chance of anyone getting hurt. We don't have enough crime anyway.
If they leave the scene and destroy the evidence, they won't pay any price, and may harm more people, don't you people understand that?
Only 2 attempts at spike strips in 70 miles? WOW.
So they identified, meaning they knew who he was and instead of catching up with him later they chased him for 70 miles.
They know who he was. I could understand endangering lives trying to catch someone with no ID in a stolen car. But they knew who he was. Come on.
What are you a hand holding tree-hugger or just dumb. This suspect was a twice convicted FELON, who was trafficing in a large amount of COCAINE. He fled becuase he was trafficing COCAINE. Obviously you belieive in the legalazation of drugs otherwise you would realize that this guy is the worst type of criminal. He was holding this much cocaine becuase he was a poor drug addict with no one in society to help him. He was trafficing COCAINE, the drug that has caused the biggest scurge on our society. And you genius thought of only two attempts at spike strips in 70 miles. Here is a little inside information for you citizen. Not all police cars are equiped with spike strips ( budget cuts) and there is only two Troopers maximum in Somerset County and one in the souther end of Worcester County, and usually only one or two on the whole Eastern Shore of Virgina. So keep your dumb comments to yourself since you dont know the facts.
Great work WCSO. Great report, well written. Yes great assistance from all agencies involved. Support your police officers.
It is finally being reported in the daily rag.
"Tri-county chase ends in drug, traffic charges By Earl Holland • Staff Writer • January 10, 2009"
Tri-county?? Um, that would be 5 (FIVE) counties buttwipe! Are you related to bubba comagys?
"The chase initially began in Fruitland around 2 p.m. when a Wicomico County Sheriff's deputy stopped Knight,......-- allegedly sped off..."
Allegedly??? Uh.... how do you think the vehicle ended up 22 miles from the Bay Bridge Tunnel. As Mr. Albero would put it. DEE DEEE DEEE
"At 2:41 p.m., the Accomack County Sheriff's Office and Virginia State Police joined into the pursuit."
Oops... That would make a 4th County. Earl (LMAO) must be a product of the Wicomico County School System!
"eventually striking four VSP cruisers"
Hmmmm... Why wouldn't that be allegedly?
"in a school zone 22 miles from the Chesapeake Bay-Bridge Tunnel."
Yep, that would be North Hampton County making it 5 Counties. Where did u git ur edumacation from there sonny.
Great reporting there cousin of Bubba Comagys.... NOT! This is exactly why I quit buying the rag, biased reporting.
And people have the nerve to bust on the reporting by SBYNEWS.
blutojthetotmom said...
Why are they still doing car chases?
Would that have anything to do with trying to get criminals off the street????
Good job Wicomico deputies. We are so proud of the job you are doing to help get the trash off the streets. Just think if they didnt get him it could have been your child that was sold the drugs before they got him but I am sure you didn't think of that. Keep up the good work.
This is truely unbelievable. How did this guy go 90 miles on a wild goose chase "without shooting him"?
He sounds like one more thug off the street-temporarily!
Maybe now that Virginia has a hold of him, he wont get off so easy. Seems like Maryland lets them walk!
Good job though on the local Sheriff's office for stopping this worthless one!
Save the tax payers some money - equip the chopper with heat seeking missiles and shoot just one vehicle when they flee. Talk about the war on drugs, I believe you would only have to shoot one before these dirt bags would get the hint we are sick of you and you dope in our communities.
Anonymous said...
Only 2 attempts at spike strips in 70 miles? WOW.
So they identified, meaning they knew who he was and instead of catching up with him later they chased him for 70 miles.
They know who he was. I could understand endangering lives trying to catch someone with no ID in a stolen car. But they knew who he was. Come on.
10:57 PM
And how do you they made a positive ID on this stranger from Virginia Beach?
Since you are so concerned about the stop sticks I challenge you to secure funding to place them in every police cruiser from Wicomico to the Bay Bridge Tunnel.
If you tell us who you are with a positive ID I will personally buy the first set of stop sticks and put them in your name.
You have to report in words that does not already make the person guilty. Innocent until proven guilty.
Next if they had waited to get him later he would have already disbursed of the illegal drugs in his possesion. He would have won because he would have been able to sell all the drugs he had in the car. This scum didn't care how he ruins a life. By drugs or by car.
Way to go for all the officers in the chase. Keep up the outstanding job of getting this kind of crap off the streets.
Yeah baby, damn just 22 more miles and they could have forced him into the Chesapeake Bay and drowned him. Oh well, good job deputy dogs.
Well I will tell you the chase almost ended infront of Gibbons Auto repair when the perp nearly hit my co~worker at 100+ miles an hour while passing him on the shoulder. My boss told him he should have turned right and "pitted" the guy right there.
I LOVE my new boss and job.
Poor Jeff was pretty freaked out for a while that guy scared the crap outta him with that move.
Good job to all the police involved but I do think things could have been done different. Maybe blocked the roads at P~City bridge with log trucks or something. IDK. I'm sure the Police thought the guy would DT in no time driving like that.
Jason S.
Does anyone have any pictures or footage of this chase?
If that $14,000 is a wholesale price that's probably over 10 pounds or 5 kilos. That is a significant bust!
If anything, I just wonder why they didn't lay down tire slashing strips across the road to stop him before he got that far. If he wrecked and killed himself it would just save the taxpayers the cost of a trial. However I'm not going to play armchair quarterback, good job to all agencies involved.
Opps I will add maybe they did lay down the strips and that's when he crossed to the Northbound lane.
Just for the record I truly believe in getting criminals off the streets. If you dont do this job then give your opinion, but dont comment like you are one. It just makes all of us look stupid. First- Great Job locking up a guy who sells drugs. As for the comment he could of gotten away and sold to my kid. Well that just shows the trouble in America today. If my kid uses drugs he may as well move in with thug. I would hope I have been a good enough parent that would not happen. To use drugs is a choice. To sell drugs is a choice. To get murdered, raped, robbed, is not a choice, child abuse not a choice. The people using dope chose to do so. So F**k them. I dont feel bad for the drug addicted scum it is there choice. America has the strongest demand for illegal drugs anywwhere in the world. The commenter that stated "Two Prior Cnvictions" must not hear his own voice. You do the math on that one officer-deputy whatever. You risked my kids life to chase someone the court let go twice for the same shit. What to chase him again next year. I do commend you but there are sides to this story that one does have to question. Is one dope selling thug worth the risk to the innocent public that was at risk in this chase. I dont care if you run over 100 drug addicts. It is that mom with her kids coming home from the store that gets creamed. I also understand the down side if he runs we may never see him again. I agree that does suck. I just think that people selling dope to dope heads are a major source of crime but it is chosen. Save the crazy chases for the Murdering, Rapist, Child Molester, Armed Robbing type out there. They are the ones that flee and kill again. They need to be chased to hell and back. as for the drug smugglers they should have a shoot on contact law, but we dont. Great Job just keep in mind when that juice starts flowing and you are going 120+ it will take you approximately 45 yards to stop. That includes you and the 12 others in line chasing with you. I just cant stand the argument "He might sell to your kid" No he wont. The link to terrorism better selling point. The crimes committed by those addicted better selling point. He could have been a cop killer child molester, better selling point. The "Wellll He wasa speedin and thena took off in hury" bullcrap is just that if you chased because your were pissed and because I chase because I can type od cop wake the hell up. When you do kill that innocent person or persons you better be able to articulate something a little better then I am a badass therefore I chase. If you think for one moment anyone in or around the top will take that fall for you you are dead wrong. It can cost you your house and you freedom. They can preach it all day long if you are not in the click it is your butt on the line. Anyone that has been a cop for more than a year knows just what I am talking about. Charge Hard but be smart.
What I meant was,they should have an air unit considering all the crime they are intercepting on major interstate highways. Whatever happened to the idea of a shared heli between local agencies?
Anonymous said...
This is truely unbelievable. How did this guy go 90 miles on a wild goose chase "without shooting him"?
He sounds like one more thug off the street-temporarily!
Maybe now that Virginia has a hold of him, he wont get off so easy. Seems like Maryland lets them walk!
Good job though on the local Sheriff's office for stopping this worthless one!
8:23 AM
You are right. Check the Maryland Judiciary Case Search and put his name in. He was busted twice in Maryland and the liberal judges let him off. One of the cases was as recently as March of 2008.
So I pose this question to you you lazy liberal loser tree huggers. If he killed someone because he was running from the cops whose fault would it be? My guess is you would say it was the cops fault for chasing them and not the judges fault for keeping this scumbag in jail.
Whose fault would it be if the cops called off the chase and this scumbag got away with his cocaine and it got into the wrong hands killing an innocent child? My guess is you liberal buttwipes would say it is the cops fault again.
I wonder if they went back and picked up all the coke that the perps threw out; if it was still there! Any word on the final weigh- in?
I wonder how many drug attics are now jonesing for a hit and are contemplating robbing a home for any kind of drug to help them until the next runner gets through.
Oh , I never thunk about that !
Oh please not all tree huggers are close minded and want criminals running the neighborhood. I'm pro choice and very pro death penalty, in my opinion they don't use the death penalty enough.
Calling each other lazy liberal losers, neo-cons, kood aid drinkers, wine and gin drinkers will never help unite this country when it needs it the most.
I have given up on both parties, for both it's more about money than core issues. Then just blame the other party while the taxpayers suffer.
On another note, this Titan/Ravens game was a blast and I'm not a fan of either.
Anonymous said...
I wonder how many drug attics are now jonesing for a hit and are contemplating robbing a home for any kind of drug to help them until the next runner gets through.
Oh , I never thunk about that !
7:09 PM
Drug Attics?
WTF, are you a paid farmin? That is their kind of language.
police chases are double edged swords. I saw a special on Real tv about them one night and they had arguments for both sides. One was in San Diego chasing illegals and they creamed 2 kids in a school zone after wiping out. The other was a Illinois trooper chasing a stolen car he gave up because traffic became really heavy and the driving was getting dangerous. The next day the stolen car was used to kidnap a girl waiting for her bus, she was raped and killed and left in the trunk. Now that trooper is haunted for doing what he thought was right at the time and looking out for public safety. It can go both ways and there will always be people on both sides that agree or disagree.
Listen morons, $14,000 worth of cocaine IS NOT worth the risk of human life! Get real, if my family member was killed during that pursuit, I would be rich!
And a kilo runs about $19,000 on average. so....
anonymous 8:43,
I think part of what yopu're missing is the fact that the $14k worth of drugs are what they recovered. The driver had been throwing bags out the window from Wicomico County all the way to Virginia. There was far more drugs than what was announced the day of the capture.
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