A huge bronze shoe sculpture has been erected in the Iraqi town of Tikrit in tribute to the journalist who grabbed instant fame when threw his shoes at former U.S. president George W. Bush last year.
The shoe, in which a tree has been planted, stands three meters high (about 10 feet) and sits atop a white pedestal in the hometown of executed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.
A rose bush is growing next to the monument which was erected in the gardens of an Iraqi foundation that cares for children whose parents have died in the violence that has caused havoc in Iraq since the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
A poem praising Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi has also been written on a board and stands at the foot of the monument, the work of Iraqi artist Laith al-Ameri.
"This is a gift for the family of Muntazer al-Zaidi, a hero, whose act helped Iraqi people feel proud," a member of the children's foundation told a crowd of 400 people gathered for the unveiling of the work of art.
Zaidi was arrested after his act and charged with "aggression against a foreign head of state during an official visit." He faces up to 15 years in jail if convicted.
Gee I would to like to apologize as to one of our missiles must have strayed off course and blew up your new bronze shoe.
The guy apologized for doing it.
Will they take the statue back?
Amazing!!! Imagine how long the reporter would have lived had he thrown the shoe at Hassam!! Can u say paper shredder???
Man thats some nasty foot fungus coming out of that shoe.
Just shows the mentality of some
nations. Should have nuked them years ago.
Kinda makes you want to throw more money at them and protect them & make sure they are safe don't it...?
Tikrit is Saddam Hussein's home town and many of his family and cronies were from there as well.
This is a "special" shoe to be thrown at the "Big headed" obama !
I pee on the koran ! AGAIN !
hummm.... Is it Democracy they are enjoying over there? Bunch of ingrates!
Is this Iraqi for thank you? If it wasn't for President Bush and our soldiers , they wouldn't have the freedom they now express.
They have been watching the liberal media too.
This is typical of the trash we are getting from Obama supporters.
Get ready for more of this liberal enemy loving BS.
Rick@6:55. If it wasn't for President Buch there would be 4000 more soldiers protecting us where threats really do exist.
We sure could use that 850 billion Bush blew on the war right about now. Not to mention the death and destruction of our brave soldiers.
Anon 9:16, yea, bush may have blown Billions of dollars, but it was worth it. We had patriotism on 9/11 and asked to find who did it. But Iraq was funding alqueda and plus, gas would be 60 dollars a friggin gallon. Come On.
The United States paid for the shoe I'm sure.
Drop the big one on em and let God sort em all out. That would be some well spent money.
If the Iraqis act anything like Americans, then they'll utilize their democratic rights to re-create another shoe, twice the size, after U.S. forces vacate the country
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