Larry Barnes, (owner of Furnitureland) will join forces with Pohanka in shuttling people back and forth to Home Depot. In fact, I'm told that Mr. Barnes will actually be driving the Shuttle, (shown above).
GREAT NEWS! There are some people concerned about the temperatures being so low that it may be too cold to attend. NOT! Get this, Mr. David Allen is providing a HUGE enclosed HEATED Tent! He will also be bringing in tractor trailers, (3 of them) to create a buffer from the wind off the Lake for the Bonfire itself.
Mr. Bobby Robinson from TreeTech will be delivering around 5 cords of wood for the Bonfire itself. HOWEVER, Doug has asked me to ask ALL of YOU to please check with anyone you know if they have any pallets to donate and burn?
Mr. Mike Snyder, (sp?) of Pemberton Appliance is donating quite a few Radiant Heaters for outside and inside the tent. Thank you Mike.
Spicer Brothers is providing a Dumpster.
Ron & Gerald Lewis provided a Bobcat to grade the entire area. Thank You Gentlemen.
Gillis Gilkerson is providing finger food.
The Fountains will be proving food as well.
OUTBACK will be providing 80 BBQ Chicken Breast Dinners.
STARBUCKS will provide 180 cups of coffee.
PHAT BOYS will be bringing a Hot Dog Cart and giving out free Hot Dogs.
So many others to mention but I'm drained. Our friend FLEA from Chrisfield (Boat Docking Contest) has offered his Professional DJ Service for the event and I'm awaiting a response from Doug as there are others offering to play acoustic guitar there as well.
So look, don't worry about being cold. There's going to be so much heat there it isn't funny. Please help me out if I forgot anyone here. Doug & Chrystal Marshall, what can I say, they're just unbelievable people. Monty Sailor, (sp?) from Bank of America, thank you for your donation. Pete Richardson, Chris Lewis from Deli 111, the Pohanka Staff, Home Depot, Kevin Myers (CPA), help me out Folks. I'm going off of memory and I just know I'm forgetting people.
Nevertheless, THANK YOU! I look forward to seeing everyone there tomorrow evening. Brooke, you have brought this community together and you are in out thoughts all day long and we're all praying for your complete recovery. I just love when a plan comes together.
REMEMBER, if you haven't typed in YES that you will be attending, please type in YES in comments on this Post too. Don't double up.
This event will take place this Friday:
What: A Bonfire for Brooke
Where: 2825 N. Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury, MD 21801
When: Friday, Jan 16 4:30pm - until
I Brian Spicer, with Spicer Bros. Construction, Inc. have called our vendors, The Roof Center, Bradco Supply and will be bringing two dump trailer loads of pallets with the dump trailers. I will be there personally around noon with some of our staff to assist with manpower and hands to get this going.
What an amazing things a community can do!
Al Norman with "Got It Covered Painting" is helping Spicer Bros. with the pallets!
If any one does donate pallets please be sure they are made from untreated lumber. Chemicals used in treated lumber are tied to cancers when burned. Just an FYI for anyone considering donating.
Please repost the date, time and location so that we may attend
i dont know anyone who isnt going joe. and i know a lot of people.
Great job organizing this, Joe.
yes we will be there
Things like this really shows us how great a community we have. Teams of people gathering together for a cause and not asking the government for a thing.
That's the way it was in the old days, people took care of their own , they didn't throw people away. They came together and not only raised barns in a day, they also raised a community bonding. This is what we need more of to get out of the conditions we are living under.
As long as you try, it's always a success.
I will be there along with 3 others.
I hope no one takes this wrong but I thought this was a fundraiser to help with the parents expenses of staying in Philadelphia. This is turning out to be a huge event. Is this to assist with the parents travel expenses or the childs medical expenses? I'm sorry, I'm just a bit confused.
This event as well as others that will be coming up are to help Brooke Mulford and her family in any way we can - whether it is cash for travel expenses, or donations for medical expenses to the Brooke Mulford Foundation, or items donated to be auctioned off at a later date. This event is to support the family. The people organizing these events are doing it as "Team Brooke" - all money raised goes directly to the family for whatever they need to help that beautiful little girl get better!!!!
Whats the goal?
Is there a number you are trying to reach?
Ahh Duh, the bigger the better and the more donations to help the parents out! 8:13, what planet do you live on?
For Anonymous who is concerned about the money that will be raised tomorrow night, lets see...it could be weeks or months before this family gets to come home and just maybe there will be some money left to pay the thousands of dollars in medical bills. Lets be more concerned with what a precious 4 year old girl and her family will think when they see the community come together like they have this week.
Anon 8:31 Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to explain.
Anon 8:55 and Pam, why are you so touchy? All I asked was for some clarity. The other day I read it was for travel expenses. Today when I return it has turned into a full fledged fundraising event. The question was innocent, not meant to upset you or anyone else. I agree, the concern is for the child, as it should be.
Chill out, life is to short to live on the defensive.
Theres alot of good people and businesses out there helping out and it warms the heart.I hope Brooke has a swift recovery from treatments.
Ahh Duh, the bigger the better and the more donations to help the parents out! 8:13, what planet do you live on?
I just wanted to know how deep y'all expected us to dig to help out.
With the others asking questions I thought it was legit.
It looks to me like some are giving thousands, while others are giving hundreds, lots of people with $5's $10's and $20's...
With every penny being accepted with a smile and a thank you
David Allen is a good man. I'm not surprised that he's coming through for the cause. Kudos, David.
Boss Hogg,
As you know, when Contributors comment I don't see it. I just happened to look at the comments on this Post.
There's no set goal. I was speaking to Doug Marshall earlier today and he said he'd work just as hard for a $5.00 bill as he would for a $100.00 bill, it doesn't matter. I just want to meet and shake hands with all these wonderful people and thank them for all they have given.
Where exactly is this located? (what is the address close to).I would like to attend.
There's no set goal. I was speaking to Doug Marshall earlier today and he said he'd work just as hard for a $5.00 bill as he would for a $100.00 bill, it doesn't matter.
Doug is showing the true work ethic of a professional auctioneer!
This looks like its going to be a great event, I hope that Wymzie is up to attend and we will be there bringing a little something to say thans too.
Yes for 4.
Does anyone know if this an adult only event/fundraiser, or are children welcome too?
Either way- kuddos to all the contributors & supporters!
Haven't seen much mention here about the Sunday event at Market Street. There are flyers out - maybe you can get one and post it here. Also hear that there are going to be some former Oriole players and coaches there for autographs --- anybody know anything about this?????
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