Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., ordered today that two employees of the county’s Solid Waste Division be terminated effective immediately. Pollitt said that he based this decision on documentation of theft received from the Wicomico County State’s Attorney and on the recommendation of the Wicomico County Attorney.
The terminated employee’s activities came to light during a criminal and forensic audit investigation following the exposure of extensive thefts of fuel and supplies from the county landfill. The thefts were made public on February 23, 2008, following a series of arrests.
Mr. Pollitt commented, “Since the so-called ‘Landfill Scandal’ broke, I have promised the citizens of this county that I shall not tolerate the employment of thieves at the county landfill or at any other facility in Wicomico County. While legal evidence-gathering does not always move quickly, the facts are now in on the activities of these two individuals and they are no longer employed by Wicomico County. I have the names of other landfill employees who are suspected of stealing from the citizens of Wicomico County. As soon as I am satisfied that one or all of them are guilty of stealing from the landfill, I shall take the same action.”
The Public Information Act prohibits the county from revealing the names of or any personnel information on the terminated landfill workers
Is his next stop the Fire Dept? Salisbury is in the county.
i know who can replace these guys the out of work mexicans
8:44 They are cheaper, its time to make some cuts!!Might get 2 for 1
Is that what rai sharma is ?
8 59 sharma? out of work or a mexican whats the question
Please let the next stop be the Wicomico County Detention Center.
I am so impressed!
waited for tickets long as i could 2 hours on here is a long time
Hey Joe , is it soup yet ? When the ticks up for grabs ? Its almost your bed time boss.
Does this mean there are two positions open at the "No cash and carry" :)
if you REALLY think a name like RAI SHARMA is mexican you truly have problems.
The main problem here is that these thieves can still keep their county pension, even if convicted.
This is a real farce and should be changed. Anyone who has been stealing from the County should forfeit any pensions, vested or not.
Don't give me any bull about them paying into the program, etc. We taxpayers have been paying thru the nose and those thieves have been stealing from us all!!
They already have stolen their benefits, and in so doing, should not be given a penny more!
if Barrack Hussein Obama can be American any thing is posible!
Hear hear daddio , their money has already been withdrawn! :)
No names Joe? I feel like you are letting us down a little. These names should be easy to obtain with your connections.
Why hasn't Sharma been held accountable. He was the boss,he should have known what was going on, or at least should have noticed that huge amount of money being gone from his department.
So he resigned. Big deal. Go after him anyway. He should be charged, at least with gross stupidity.
If you want to charge people with stupidity, start with nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The theft at our landfill is small potatoes compared to the trillion dollar give away these two idiots are engineering with our new "bipartisan" President.
Mr. Rick Pollitt, Please, please look into the goings on at the Detention Center and the Fire Department. Alot of firings need to happen at the Detention Center and money needs to quit flowing to the Fire Department. You need to do your job and get the ball rolling here.
Corruption goes through out the county. Remember come election how the tax payers of this county got shafted and vote everyone of them out of office. They need to be held accountable. They need to know that we are tired of their bull. They work for us and need to start doing their jobs. There are no excuses for it. I know i'm sick of it. I could have used that money in my own pocket to take care of my family. It was a free for all and we the tax payers got shafted.
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