Today marks a very proud day at the Albero Ranch. My Wife and I are proud to say that her Son, (my Step Son) will be on a bus this afternoon heading to Baltimore and ultimately on his way to Paris Island, SC. tomorrow morning with the Marine Corps. While we expected him to leave March 23rd, two Soldiers were injured in Boot Camp and they called Kyle in to serve his Country immediately. Lots to do in such a short period of time but we're so proud of this young man, as well as his Grandparents. Kyle's Grandfather, Art Goetz served in three Wars with the Marine Corps.
Best of luck to him and I thank him for his service!
Semper Fi!
congrats.. you guys must be very proud! and tell him thank you!!
Boy is his life ever gonna change now, for the better, still change. You send away your boy the Marines will return to you a man. Good luck, Kyle. Stay safe.
Thank you, for your service.
Maybe he'll turn out better than you jerks and not have any criminal charges in his life. Or maybe the best thing to happen to him is to be blown up by a suicide bomber. Anything that causes you sadness and pain is worth it.
Anonymous 10:06 is EXACTLY what we have to put up with and why we moderate comments on Salisbury News. Who in their right mind would ever say such a thing?
Joe, How sad! They are called DEVIL worshipers. I am sure the person who would make that kind of statement will set right next to the devil in hell.
10:06 You should be arrested for being flat out, plain stupid. To wish anything like this on anyone volunteering to keep your sorry butt safe and FREE to say what you will is beyond criminal.
Be careful what you wish for, these things have a way of finding their way back to you.
And to think my father, my son, and I defended this country for trash like 10:06.
My guess is 10:06 is Jonathan Taylor. He really has it out for you Joe and he's a real sick man.
anonymous 10:41,
Can't say as I would argue that point. However, anonymous is anonymous and I can't prove that. However, it would seem logical based on his actions lately.
No matter who 10:06 is he/she has made it quite obvious they are not someone to be trusted with anything. They wish something as vile as they have on another human being yet hide behind anonymous.
Anon 10:06 have you ever heard the saying NO GUTS, NO GLORY?
Joe, I made a comment in an earlier post and failed to mention my gratitude to your son. I was disturbed by 10:06. To your son, Good luck and God be with you.
To 10:06 It's no wonder why crime is so rampant in this community when you have lunatics living amonst us.
God bless your family, and I will pray for your step-son. Ignore the rantings of that 10:06, remember the words of Winston Churchill-
"You have enemies? Good! that means that you've stood up for something, sometime in your life"
Best of Luck to Kyle and THANK YOU for your service to this country.
Remember, because of people like Kyle that FM anon 10:06 can be an idiot..... wonder what a FM is... well the M stand for MORNON you figure out the rest
GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. God speed for a quick return! ANON 10:06 is an A$$ He should be thanking Kyle for fighting for his
(10:06) freedom to be that stupid and to be able to express it. Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. hooraaaaa
Rick P
God Bless you all. ANON 10:06 should be thanking Kyle for fighting for his freedom to be that stupid and being able to express it for everyone to see. Remember, its better to keep your mouth shut and have everyone think you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. May Kyle return home safe! Rick P.
Joe 10:06 is a coward. Anyone that post such hateful comments under an Anonymous name is a coward. Personally I think if you are man(or woman) enough to write it you should put your name on it. Stop being a bunch of cowards!
Coward at 10:06, if you have a problem with military people why don't you let me know and we can meet somewhere for a quick chat.
Best of luck to your son and your family.
As to the nitwit, he would be the first one up against the wall if it weren't for people like your son and me protecting his rights.
Don't expect him to see the irony in that.
Rick P. its ooohrah. But a better thing to say to a Marine is Semper Fi Marine! That's what we said in the "Old Corps". As for 10:06, I hope you burn in hell when your time comes. No one has a right to say such a thing to a young man going in harms way! I am extremely proud of my grandson and wish him the best in boot camp and beyond!
A. Goetz
CWO Goetz on deck
Joe , best of luck to the young man. Man , it's been 43 years
since I was in basic. Time flys
by when your having fun.
In the words of AC-DC,"we salute you" stay safe.
obviously 10:06 is allready in his own hell to think such thoughts!
Joe, even not knowing Kyle, I am very proud of him!
if we were selective as to who's freedom in this country we fight for and defend, guys like 10:06 wouldn't have much of a force defending them!
Glen in OC
Best wishes to you Kyle! May God bless you as you serve our country and fight to protect our freedom.
As the Daughter of a Very Proud Marine Veteran I say god Bless and be safe.
Kyle, Thank you and God bless you. Please stay safe. Anon. 10:06, you are pond scum and remember that Karma has a way of coming back around and biting you in the a$$. What a jerk!
Best of luck to him. Parris Island is abolutely no joke. But it will definately be an experience he will NEVER forget. Make sure you attend his graduation and take your camera. The island is full of tradition, and is truly a marvelous site to see. As a former Marine, he will forever be my brother when he returns. Best of luck to him.
The sad thing is that 10:06 has achieved his/her goal by receiving such attention! You cant be that cruel to mean what you said. If you do mean it, you need your a$$ whipped..........You are insane or disturbed, maybe your parents were/are brother and sister!
Joe & Jen,
Im sure he will make the both of you very proud! I wish your son the best of luck! I can't I would want to be in his shoes right now. I hope he returns safely.
I really don't think we will win the war over sea's and I feel that our guys are fighting someone eles war. They do not get enough thanks. Everytime I out somewhere and see one of our men dressed in his blues or camo I always tell them thank you for putting their life on the life for our's.
Like someone else said. When he gets done with basic at Paris Island make sure you take you camera. The Marines do it so much better than all the other branches. And thats coming from someone that was in the Army...lol..
Well please tell him Good Luck and please come home safely!
From my family to yours, Good luck, God Speed and God Bless
All the best to Kyle, and thanks for your service...
10:06 you are the lowest of all forms of life. no wonder you hide behind anonymous, because somebody, (many of us, I'm sure) would beat your yellow-belly ass!!!
to 10:06--please seek a complete pysch evaluation immediately. This is a demented comment and such verbalization is concerning-please seek help immediately
god bless you I have a son scheduled to depart in june to iraq prayers are with you all
dont comment on 10 06 this is about the young marine
The few,the proud!Thats great that he is following family history and serving with the Marines!Semper Fi!
Good Luck to you Kyle and thank you. Joe, this is going to change all of your lives, the pride you will feel for your son is like none you have probably felt thus far in life. My husband has done two tours in Iraq and I can't express in words how proud I am of him and how proud I am of all the men and women who are fighting for this country as well as the ones who have fought. These brave men and women risk so much for our country and for trash like 10:06 and when I hear people say such ignorant things as that it really ticks me off. 10:06, I hope you burn in hell. We will never be able to thank our military enough for what they give up and risk for our country. Kyle, I do not know you but thank you and be safe in your journey.
Wow! There are some real jerks out there. My brother is an infantry Marine over there fighting right now, and its no joke or laughing matter. Congrats to Kyle, and the boot camp graduation is the most amazing and emotional experience ever. I hope you have the great opportunity of witnessing this. He is about to change his life, I wish him the best of luck!
Anon 10:06, obviously you've never served 12 months away from your family, in a place where everyone's goal is to end your life, and everything it believes in. You've obviously never never been associated with a family who has witnessed a son or a daughter arriving back to america in a flag drapped casket. I honestly hope that your identity is never revealed. You have a sad view on life, and regardless of how you feel against a blogger and his opinion, never should you wish ill fate on a family member, or anyone who serves for that matter. There are alot of men and women who protect your freedom of speech, but there are also alot of people who will shut you up afterwords! I certainly hope your words rot you from the core, and that you suffer for the rest of your pathetic existance!!! Joe- best of luck to your son. I have spent 14 years in the military, and I am still serving. The support from the public is generaly good, but every so often you no run into a nutcase like this.
I'm willing to bet 10:06 is John Robinson. Sounds just like something that worthless,cowardly pervert would say!
May he stay safe and come home unharmed! God Bless ALL of our troops AND their families!
anonymous 6:01,
Funny you should mention that. Out of nowhere that piece of crap send me an e-mail yesterday. Very Interesting!
LOL Parris Island was not so great when I was there. LOL. But I must admit, he will be a different person and will undergo the best training in the world. And like someone else said, enjoy your time on the Island, it's beautiful when you re there and you can leave at your own free will. :) But I'm sure the recruits would disagree with it being beautiful.
I agree Joe, pretty coincidental. Isn't it strange though, he continues to bash you but he seems like he's your biggest fan. Why else would he spend so much time checking out your blog, sending you emails and talking about you? Are you in love Johnny?? Might as well come out of the closet cause from what I hear you're not getting it done at home.
Ignore the bum Joe and keep on doing what you're doing and as for your grandson, we all wish him the best of everything!!
Big Alberta would like to thank your son for his service to our great nation. And to think he is going to serve his country and uphol a constitution that permits useless leaches on the side of society like 10:06 can say that stuff. I think anon 10:06 is Gwinchy. Gwinchy you better hope God wasn't listenin' when you said that. That was ugly and God don't like ugly. You will pay when it's your time to answer to him.
Good luck! He'll be remembered proudly until he returns home.
HOOOOOHHHHH RAH!!!!! 13 weeks of hell but its worth it coming from a Marine's sister & brother in law REMEMBER STAY IN THE YELLOW good luck best wishes and god bless
watch out for the boot in the chest
Could 10:06 be that blogger with a baby fetish? I wouldn't trust him around my kids, he a tad perverted. His photo shop work looks like that of a 7 year old.
When the election is over, that will be one lonely person. His only friend even distances himself, that speaks volumes.
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