Mr. Wayne Barrall of Fire In The Hole Photography delivered these fantastic photos to Salisbury News taken earlier this morning on the scene where they captured two of the suspect from an alleged robbery on Connelly Mill Road. Wayne will have photos posted on his Site in just a few minutes as well and I have provided a link for you to go there and view them.
We are still awaiting a Press Release from the different Police Departments to get updated on where things stand at this point and time. I will also have an additional Post up shortly providing even more photos from another local Photographer. Enjoy.
thanks joe. nice job. again.
and tell me why these pics don't surprise me...little hoodlems
Read the new Post I just put up and then come back here and tell me you're not surprised any more?
Hoodlems doesn't mean "black" joe. That white lady is just as hoodlem as the other two.
Professional grade pictures.
Great photos - great reporting. What happened to the suspect in red?? Guess it was a gang of four!! Those photos are so sharp. Just great close ups. I know the Moms will be so proud and will no doubt copy and add a sepia touch to the photos. Framed nicely they will make great gifts for all extended family members next Christmas.
Joe and Wayne... sitting in a tree...
it is nice to see the different police departments finally working in harmony.
Yeah, Webster must have been out getting his head buffed!
webster cant be bothered with things like that, he is really busy working on that case against you joe.
out of city juridiction
Tons of photos doesn't make you a reporter. It just makes you a guy with a camera, and because the cops hate their boss, and you hate their boss, they'll work with you. The enemy of my enemy ...
anonymous 6:26,
I never once said I was a Reporter, you did. I am a Blogger, get it? While Salisbury News is recognized by everyone else as MSM, your boss refuses to accept that, even though a Judge told him I was. I'll repeat, I was not protected by the "Shield Law" because I never took a salary from Salisbury News. However, the Judge did in fact recognize us as Main Stream Media.
Hate is a very bad word. There's not many people out there that I can say I hate. I do not hate Chief Webster, if that's who you're implying here. I just think Chief Webster sucks at what he does, that's all. That doesn't mean I hate the man. He's never really given me any reason to hate him. Perhaps that will come in time.
Taking tons of photos doesn't make you a Reporter. However, let's look at reality here and I'm very cionfident you're not going to like this.
You see, whenever the people on the Eastern Shore want to know about a Breaking News Story, they come to Salisbury News first. Now let's even say for arguement sake they go to WBOC & or the Daily Times first instead. Guess what happens when they all go there? NO BREAKING NEWS! Then they come here, time and time again and they find exactly what they're looking for.
All that being said, are we Reporters? Maybe not. However, we deliver more breaking stories and photos for people to see than any other news source around. Do you have to be subjected to 12 minutes of news, (7 of which is weather) and the rest all commercials? NOPE! Do you have to fumble around our Site to find this or that because there's so much advertising everfywhere? NOPE! Do you have to register to make a comment? NOPE!
So if you want to call us Bloggers, we're cool with that. Reporters are obviously a thing of the past and Bloggers are taking over by the millions and people are coming to see what WE have to say. I'm glad you like our pictures though. Have a nice day.
I don't GAFF what you condemners out there call Joe or the people who submit photos to him.
This is great stuff!
Kudos to Albero, Barrall and Greer for capturing the event, the flavor of it. The expressions on the female perp just say it all.
Most of all, kudos to our law enforcement officers for cooperative effort and catching all 5 of the perps.
May the justice system be just toward the victimized this go round.
Wayne is a great photographer.
Of course they are not going to give you any breaking news on their webpage. They want you to tune into the 5 6 or 7pm news so can you watch all the car commericals lol GOOD JOB JOE keep up the good work!
anonymous 7:11, you don't get it though. THEY DON'T HAVE IT!
Look at two weeks ago when I broke the story about the armed robbery. We had it up 4 hours before anyone else and I heard it took till the next day to get on the Daily Times Website.
In the second pictures his shirt reads, Trooper gang enforcement unit. I thought we had no gangs around here?
Joe: Why don't you ever post any photos of white people in handcuffs?
Because your a racist -- that's why.
Joe is not a racist you turd. Go flush yourself. Most crimes around here are just what you see. Teach the thugs a real trade maybe they can follow thier new leaders steps. He is the highest ranking goverment official now. Nooooooooooo Mooooooore exscuses !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to worry, this is what the Anti Albero Bloggers do. It doesn't even phase me any more.
How quickly they forget the Post of the news anchor Heather Zara, or something like that from WBOC in handcuffs at a DUI Checkpoint. I'm sure I could come up with more but it's late and they don't deseve my time on this matter.
It just so happens 5 blacks were breaking the law and I suppose Joe is a racist for reporting that the area robberies at the banks in Salisbury were committed by blacks right? You are a MORON for your false accusations.Blacks have committed many robberies in our area in the last couple of weeks.It's a fact not a racist remark idiot.
Look at picture number 7...thats right after picture number 6 if you can count that high. She looks pretty darn white to me. Are you color blind?
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